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Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:57 am
by Legendary Apophis
Kit-Fox wrote:Calm down Pops, KMA isnt having a go at you, hes just ensuring there isnt a translation issue. Lets not get all 'night of the long knives' eh? The both of you :P

And what was planned by the US Marshall Plan Pops is eaxclty what we have now, it was designed to create the EU as it exists at the moment in order to cripple European nations & prevent them from ever being able to act in a military or economic fashion against the US.

And no, having trade agreements with nations doesnt not require the same overhead that exists now in the EU, nor does it imply that one would be needed. You realise I hope that the commonwealth was & continues to be essentially a trade organisation, one that exists without the bureaucratic overheads we see evident in the EU. So you see it is possible to have *trade only* collaborations between nations without requireing political collaboration.

As for politicans come & go and ideas change, yes they do Pops & the current generation of each nations population that the EU is abusing will not forget Pops. So when these younger generations 'come around' in the fullness of time dont come crying to us when they arent quite as you expected, you could avoid the problem by letting those that are dissatisfied to go their own way ifthat is what the majority of a nations voting public wants. Rather than using threats & treaties to force nations to remain in something they dont want.

If I'm not mistaken some nations of the Commonwealth have a symbolic ruler in common (lol). Sure it's not the same, but it's also not the same as these nations happen to be former England colonies. While nations in Europe, well except Napoleon episode and Nazi episode, there wasn't really long range conquest from a nation to others. It's not really comparable. European Union was a good way to organize a group to be the opposite of the Eastern block. Now obviously bureaucracy is a problem, but I think we are getting a little of Greece's particular case, I almost forgot it was about Greece.

Politicians pro and anti EU exist since the creation of the EEC. Sure they also evolved and you don't find the same back in 1950s that now, but I don't think the majority is against EU. At least, not the ones who have a chance to become "someone" in politics.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:05 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Jim, 2 things...firstly, where did anyone mention NWO? you guys have made it clear that you don't want to discuss such issues (because you are to lazy to go look!), and in case you haven't noticed, i have not made an NWO related topic for a LOOOONG time!

2ndly, How about we look back at history and see what happened to people who thought they could force Euro nations together...

I'll pick just 3 of the more famous examples, Napoleon, destroyed twice! Germany, first under the Kaiser and then under Hitler...Germany destroyed twice. first their economy was destroyed because of the war debt they were forced to pay, and 2nd was total collapse of their nation and humbled before the world...

before you tell me "but those were military conquests and force of arms", what's the difference to the people who will suffer the most-if they are forced by a gun or forced by a piece of paper?

I dunno why i bother, you didn't understand before and you wont understand now ](*,)

Edit, and in case you have been sleeping this past year Jim, the people of Europe are sick of the EU. take a look around Europe and see what people think. by forcing people together in unholy and unnatural union, and then taking everything from these people you invite conflict. conflict between the people are their Govt, and conflict between Govts.

You say i can't see into the future, i beg to differ. go back and read my banking thread. gold was $850 an ounce i think it was, i told you to watch it because i saw what was coming 3 years ago. before the year is out it will hit $2000+ an ounce.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:10 am
by Legendary Apophis
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Jim, 2 things...firstly, where did anyone mention NWO? you guys have made it clear that you don't want to discuss such issues (because you are to lazy to go look!), and in case you haven't noticed, i have not made an NWO related topic for a LOOOONG time!

2ndly, How about we look back at history and see what happened to people who thought they could force Euro nations together...

I'll pick just 3 of the more famous examples, Napoleon, destroyed twice! Germany, first under the Kaiser and then under Hitler...Germany destroyed twice. first their economy was destroyed because of the war debt they were forced to pay, and 2nd was total collapse of their nation and humbled before the world...

before you tell me "but those were military conquests and force of arms", what's the difference to the people who will suffer the most-if they are forced by a gun or forced by a piece of paper?

I dunno why i bother, you didn't understand before and you wont understand now ](*,)

I mentioned NWO because it has the particularity of being a long lasting and planned in advance "master plan" theory. My point being, when politicians who signed back in 1957 did not knew exactly what would happen in the coming decades, not even talking about now and future. This I used because you said a trade agreement Europe like early days of EEC would be better. But, if such thing was to happen after deciding to stop EU and go back to that, what tells you this wouldn't happen few decades later after this new agreement?

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:22 am
by [KMA]Avenger
At this point i will just quote Santayana and Karl Marx. since you seem to like socialism so much, this will interest you:

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,"
-George Santayana

"Hegel remarks somewhere that history tends to repeat itself. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."
-Karl Marx

Ps, i edited my last post. and just for the record, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing...

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:37 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:45 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I think one thing we have overlooked is the gold problem. Hugo Chaves has requested Venezuela's gold be returned, which i think amounts to about 180 tonnes if not mistaken, which is on-route back to Venezuela. the EU will collapse, there is no way it will stand, the global economy is also more or less doomed with main line experts now saying we are actually in a triple dip recession, that's worse than the great depression....what's going to happen when America and Britain start refusing to return Gold that they are holding that belongs to nations like Germany and France???

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:56 am
Just heard on the news that the leaders of France & Germany have said they are 'Very Angry' with Greece's decision to have a referendum.

How dare Greek politicians try to represent their own people, how dare they let their people make the decisions like a TRUE DEMOCRACY, EU want the EU to decide things and tell us all how to live.

To quote my earlier post

MEZZANINE wrote:I see on the news today that Greece will have a referendum on if they should accept the latest EU bailout package, further austerity measures and the decades of debt repayment they face. First indications are that they will vote against it and what...........

Default ? Leave the EU ? Are they bluffing to get a better deal ? Are Greek politicians just covering they asses ? ( they cant be blamed if the people vote for/against )

Will the historical origin of modern democracy RETURN to democracy?

We can only hope Greece will stand their ground, who knows, maybe, just maybe Democracy will spread and one day we will all have it again :-D


@ KMA, Gold is irrelevant, it's been many years since any of the major economies actually had gold reserves large enough to cover the currency issued. It's all pretend money now and pretend money only works while everyone accepts it in trades and everyone who wants to export has to accept it.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:01 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:26 am
by deni
Of course Sarcozy and Merkel are upset. They bend over backwards to convince the creditors to agree to a 50% haircut regarding Greek debt. De facto the oh so evil banks agreed to make a gift to Greece worth billions of Euro. In return, all the Greek have to do is get their finances straight aka spend less than they earn - something that they will have to do anyways btw.

Now the Greek come with their idea of a referendum. Fine. It is democracy - let the people decide. But then, they cannot expect their creditors to give them any gifts.

I for sure would want my money back - and make no mistake, even with Greece leaving the European Monetary Union and going back to their Drachma, the debt is still issued in Euro, US Dollars or Japan Yen.

Now how will that serve the Greek people/state - they go back to the Drachma shaking the bonds of the evil Euro , devalue the Drachma as it is worth less than the original Euro to Drachma exchange rate , cause inflation. What are the consequences?

1. Greek debt is still in EUR, USD or JPY. Thus repaying their debt will get MORE expensive as the Drachma will be weak.

2. Exported goods will be cheap for the EUR- trade partner. There is an advantage there.

3. Imports are going to get expensive as they have to be paid in EUR /USD / ...

BUT Greece does not have a positive trade balance. It does IMPORT a lot more than it exports.

4. There will be pratically no one who will agree to finance the Greek state or government guaranteed infrasturcture projects. The overnight limits regarding new Greek bonds are basically zero for most banks.

Bottom line: Greece will be **Filtered**. Long live democracy.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:58 am
by [KMA]Avenger
@ KMA, Gold is irrelevant, it's been many years since any of the major economies actually had gold reserves large enough to cover the currency issued. It's all pretend money now and pretend money only works while everyone accepts it in trades and everyone who wants to export has to accept it.

MEZZ, you misunderstood, i wasn't referring to precious metals backing the currency. what i am saying is this, paper is dead, but precious metals are recognised as a universal currency or means of exchange. when paper eventually does go the way of the dinosaur people will scramble for precious metals. so to will Govts as paper becomes ever more worthless nations will demand their gold and other precious metals be returned. this will most likely lead to war.

If memory serves, the last time France demanded the US return French gold, France made sure they got their gold by sending Warships to New York...sorry i cant remember the date.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:30 pm
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
@ KMA, Gold is irrelevant, it's been many years since any of the major economies actually had gold reserves large enough to cover the currency issued. It's all pretend money now and pretend money only works while everyone accepts it in trades and everyone who wants to export has to accept it.

MEZZ, you misunderstood, i wasn't referring to precious metals backing the currency. what i am saying is this, paper is dead, but precious metals are recognised as a universal currency or means of exchange. when paper eventually does go the way of the dinosaur people will scramble for precious metals. so to will Govts as paper becomes ever more worthless nations will demand their gold and other precious metals be returned. this will most likely lead to war.

If memory serves, the last time France demanded the US return French gold, France made sure they got their gold by sending Warships to New York...sorry i cant remember the date.

Thats pretty post-apocalyptic................ when the end came, it did come with a bang or a whimper, it was to the sound of the close of trading buzzer at the stock-exchange :smt043

Oh and did you say 'French Warships' WOW I bet the US were terrified :smt043

deni wrote:Of course Sarcozy and Merkel are upset. They bend over backwards to convince the creditors to agree to a 50% haircut regarding Greek debt. De facto the oh so evil banks agreed to make a gift to Greece worth billions of Euro. In return, all the Greek have to do is get their finances straight aka spend less than they earn - something that they will have to do anyways btw.

Now the Greek come with their idea of a referendum. Fine. It is democracy - let the people decide. But then, they cannot expect their creditors to give them any gifts.

I for sure would want my money back - and make no mistake, even with Greece leaving the European Monetary Union and going back to their Drachma, the debt is still issued in Euro, US Dollars or Japan Yen.

Now how will that serve the Greek people/state - they go back to the Drachma shaking the bonds of the evil Euro , devalue the Drachma as it is worth less than the original Euro to Drachma exchange rate , cause inflation. What are the consequences?

1. Greek debt is still in EUR, USD or JPY. Thus repaying their debt will get MORE expensive as the Drachma will be weak.

2. Exported goods will be cheap for the EUR- trade partner. There is an advantage there.

3. Imports are going to get expensive as they have to be paid in EUR /USD / ...

BUT Greece does not have a positive trade balance. It does IMPORT a lot more than it exports.

4. There will be pratically no one who will agree to finance the Greek state or government guaranteed infrasturcture projects. The overnight limits regarding new Greek bonds are basically zero for most banks.

Bottom line: Greece will be **Filtered**. Long live democracy.

The EU leaders are saying if Greece has a referendum it should be to accept the deal or leave the EU. From what I've heard that is not the referendum Greece are planning, the Greek government want the question to be Accept the cuts & taxes to repay debts, or default on debts to maintain standards of living, not leaving the EU. Basically a veiled threat or bluff by the EU saying if you dont accept EU control of your economy overruling your own government and people then we will boot you out in the cold.

Assuming that Greece does leave ( or get booted ) from the EU ( and common currency ) for defaulting on debts you would be right, they will have immediate costs of reinstating a national currency ( though I suspect the Euro will still be used as unofficial currency regardless of what the EU say or do for a long time ), they will suffer from high interest rates & massive compulsory debt insurance on trade deficits, they will still need cuts & taxes to as their standards of living do currently exceed their incomes ( though the cuts & taxes will be significantly less than needed to repay debts ), they would have a huge dip in every way BUT people would still trade with them and in maybe 10 years they could recover to their pre-EU state, be free from this disastrous EU experiment, and be safe from the temptations of borrowing themselves into a hole like this again as no one would give them the unsecured credit to do so.

A more likely outcome of defaulting will be remaining in the EU and having debts frozen indefinitely, reason being the EU dream/ideology is to unite the countries of Europe into a single entity, to the true believers at the top this means all debts will eventually be federal EU debts anyway and not single nation/state debts.

Oh and I cant let this go lol

Do you really want to defend the 'Oh so evil banks' lol These banks loaned Greece far more money than they could repay, then kept lending them more just so they could make repayments. These banks were making loans for short term healthy balance sheets with lots of projected profit, they knew Greece could never repay but like a loan shark they dont want to be repaid, they wanted the debt to be so big that all Greece could do was work its guts out to make interest only payments. And you know what they deemed to be security on these loans, the fact that Greece was in the EU and the EU would bail them out.

Usually I would say people should repay their debts but in some cases like loan sharks I consider the lenders behavior to be criminal. The heads of these banks should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for the damage they're greed has done around the world.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:20 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Oh and did you say 'French Warships' WOW I bet the US were terrified :smt043

I dunno if they were terrified or not, but they did hand over the gold :-D

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:01 am
by deni
The EU leaders are saying if Greece has a referendum it should be to accept the deal or leave the EU. From what I've heard that is not the referendum Greece are planning, the Greek government want the question to be Accept the cuts & taxes to repay debts, or default on debts to maintain standards of living, not leaving the EU. Basically a veiled threat or bluff by the EU saying if you dont accept EU control of your economy overruling your own government and people then we will boot you out in the cold.

There is nothing veiled about the threat. If Greece is not willing to bring their finances in order, then they cannot expect the rest of us to pay for their bad state finances management. The banks and the governements in the Euro zone were/are willing to make a lot of sacrifices (and yes, that is my money they are giving away - mine as a tax payer paying the maximum income tax rate and mine as a share holder of different publically traded banks). The only thing that we demand in return for our commitment to support them with hundreds of billions, is that Greece should world towards a balanced budged.

If the Greek are not willing to do them, then the outcome is clear - after all, we are not dumb enough to let our money sink into a bottomless well.

If the Greek see their benefactors asking for a balanced budget as a loss of sovereinity, then I fear, there is no option left, but let them being sovereign in their monetary policy as well. Sucks for them, that their debt is issued in EURO/USD/JPY/.. though.

Assuming that Greece does leave ( or get booted ) from the EU ( and common currency ) for defaulting on debts you would be right, they will have immediate costs of reinstating a national currency ( though I suspect the Euro will still be used as unofficial currency regardless of what the EU say or do for a long time ), they will suffer from high interest rates & massive compulsory debt insurance on trade deficits, they will still need cuts & taxes to as their standards of living do currently exceed their incomes ( though the cuts & taxes will be significantly less than needed to repay debts ), they would have a huge dip in every way BUT people would still trade with them and in maybe 10 years they could recover to their pre-EU state, be free from this disastrous EU experiment, and be safe from the temptations of borrowing themselves into a hole like this again as no one would give them the unsecured credit to do so.

A more likely outcome of defaulting will be remaining in the EU and having debts frozen indefinitely, reason being the EU dream/ideology is to unite the countries of Europe into a single entity, to the true believers at the top this means all debts will eventually be federal EU debts anyway and not single nation/state debts.

Oh and I cant let this go lol

Do you really want to defend the 'Oh so evil banks' lol These banks loaned Greece far more money than they could repay, then kept lending them more just so they could make repayments. These banks were making loans for short term healthy balance sheets with lots of projected profit, they knew Greece could never repay but like a loan shark they dont want to be repaid, they wanted the debt to be so big that all Greece could do was work its guts out to make interest only payments. And you know what they deemed to be security on these loans, the fact that Greece was in the EU and the EU would bail them out.

Usually I would say people should repay their debts but in some cases like loan sharks I consider the lenders behavior to be criminal. The heads of these banks should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for the damage they're greed has done around the world.

A country cannot "default". When talking about a "default", all a country can do is stop interests and principal payments. This does not mean though, that their debt is gone. It is still there, the debitor is just not holding up to the agreements they made. What is commonly referred to as a default, is a restructuring of one's debts. Meaning, that the Greek have to get their creditors at the table and reach an agreement how they are supposed to pay off their debts. There might be a period with no interest rates being paid, or the maturity being prolonged etc. But point is, the debt is still there.

And trust me, without the pressure from the goverments, neither the German nor the French banks will agree to a haicut as high as 50%.

It is interesting, that you talk about "huge profits" from holding Greek bonds. Looking at Greek bonds issued in Euro, you see annual coupons ranging from 2 to 4.5%, and about 3 - 6% for private bonds guaranteed by the Greek government. Surely, that is not the huge profit a loan shark is after. Hell, a bank makes more profit when giving you a mortage and you know what, they even get your house if you cannot pay them back.

Banks do not make "huge" profits from government bonds. They usually buy them so they can use them as colleterals for their other trading activities or for covering their own debt obligations. Insureres actually HAVE to buy government bonds as they are not allowed to have portfolios made only of stocks as guess what, stocks are to risky and government bonds are safe lol.

Point is, in this case, the banks were not the bad guys lurking after some high profit high risk products and endangering the whole financial system with their trading activities. Governemnt bonds were deemed to be secure, and banks were given incentives by the regulators to invest in government and goverment guaranteed bonds.

Well, one debitor - Greece - cannot pay. **Filtered** happens. It is nothing that could kill they system. European banks will survive, just as will the the Euro as a currency. Maybe even stronger than now. The only ones who will be **Filtered** are the Greek - as you know what they say - about being fooled once ... or twice.

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:16 am
by [KMA]Avenger
deni, you seem to think that the debt is owed by the Greek Govt and by extension the Greek people. therefore, they have to stick to the austerity plan to get things under control...the problem is, the Greek people and it's Govt don't owe this money, the Greek banks and speculators owe this money.

The people are being forced to repay the debts of the banks. this is true in every nation which has gone down the road of bailing out their financial institutions and tobigtofail businesses.

So instead of heaping the blame on the Greek People and their Govt and letting foreign banks and entities into their country dictating to them they have to suffer and pay back debt they don't owe-why don't we arrest these bankers and speculators and let their banks and businesses suffer for their greed by letting them go bust?

Does that not sound better instead of pointing fingers and laying blame on the people who are suffering the most?

Re: What should Greece do?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:13 am
by deni
[KMA]Avenger wrote:deni, you seem to think that the debt is owed by the Greek Govt and by extension the Greek people. therefore, they have to stick to the austerity plan to get things under control...the problem is, the Greek people and it's Govt don't owe this money, the Greek banks and speculators owe this money.

The people are being forced to repay the debts of the banks. this is true in every nation which has gone down the road of bailing out their financial institutions and tobigtofail businesses.

So instead of heaping the blame on the Greek People and their Govt and letting foreign banks and entities into their country dictating to them they have to suffer and pay back debt they don't owe-why don't we arrest these bankers and speculators and let their banks and businesses suffer for their greed by letting them go bust?

Does that not sound better instead of pointing fingers and laying blame on the people who are suffering the most?

That is not the case. The bonds are issued by the Greek state via its Public Debt Management Agency. It is government issued fixed income bonds - debt that was used to finance Greek budget expenses like wages in the public sector, governement expenses and so on. Thus it is money owed by the Greek state and the Greek people.

Those are the debts that Greece is not being able to repay, not some bank issued bonds you are talking about ;)

Btw, that was debt that was included in the Greek budget and VOTED for by the Greek parliament as representatives of the Greek people.