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Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:13 pm
by Clarkey
Lithium wrote:
Clarkey wrote:Lol at things like this. If we're gonna die we're gonna die, if we're gonna lose power we're gonna lose power. So what, just live you life normally and dont worry yourself stupid about this science smeg.

Anyway i'm off to bed, i hope i wake up in the morning..... Omg!

sheeps doesnt worry at all, our govs ar ebuilding underground cities wit black budgets

Lmao u need to get away from those conspiracy theories on your computer screen and go outside and actually enjoy the sun. LOL underground cities.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:32 am
by Lithium
boo perhaps ya need to en light yr self too man , it cost ya nothing knowing they exist

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:36 am
by Clarkey
Lithium wrote:boo perhaps ya need to en light yr self too man , it cost ya nothing knowing they exist

It cost me nothing knowing what exists?

Anyway to claim various gov's are building underground cities really needs some proof with it which you dont have, otherwise its only belief which is not substantial enough for such a claim.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:12 am
by Lithium
Clarkey wrote:
Lithium wrote:boo perhaps ya need to en light yr self too man , it cost ya nothing knowing they exist

It cost me nothing knowing what exists?

Anyway to claim various gov's are building underground cities really needs some proof with it which you dont have, otherwise its only belief which is not substantial enough for such a claim.

do some research b4 talking, none is taking yr ass there to see. but if u believed Iraq had mass destruction weapons from some reports then whats wrong believing free press discovering some truths.

anyway everyone is up to believe what he wants.

you are right regarding sun cycles they happen every 11 years and they aint very harmful. It always depend how strong they hit , some days ago 2 waves hit earth , radio waves lost in north US.
perhaps u remember the outage in north US and Canada for 12 hrs.
Old Satellites are in danger but what govs fear is a major loss of electricity in earth risking no production/delivery of goods and mass starvation. we completely relay in electronics.

what makes this cycle of sun that aggressive is the alignment of Sun with the black hole of our galaxy, setting it to an aggressive zone.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:28 am
by Clarkey
I never believed Iraq had WMD's, so point is mute.

But we had millennium bug scaremongerer's... Nothing happened.
We had some dude in 2011 scaremongering the end of the world... Nothing happened on either occasion.
We have people scaremongering the end of the world on 21st Dec 2012... Nothing will happen.

And as for the topic of this thread... Nothing will happen.

The things that do happen are generally those things that aren't predicted.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:42 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Clarkey wrote:
And as for the topic of this thread... Nothing will happen.

How can you say that in such an absolute statement without looking into what genuine researchers are talking about? it's not as if NOTHING has EVER happened in the history of this planet/sun/solar system/galaxy/universe/whatever.

What if an event the size of the 1859 Carrington event happened today, you seriously think the infrastructure of this planet that is susceptible to solar activity would survive?

I'm not a scaremonger or anything like that, BUT common sense dictates that you would air on the side of caution rather than take such chances. after all, we are not talking about some minor event nobody will even know about if Carrington 2.0 happened, you would be talking about the shut-down of the entire planet and mass devastation. that's not scaremongering, that's the reality of the situation if such a large event happened today. scientists are also starting to agree and put out papers and reports that such events are not as rare as we think they are, and in fact we maybe over due for such an event of the size of 1859's Carrington event.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:14 am
by deni
I find the decreasing magnet field intensity and the immanent (on a geological time scale) reversal of the poles combined with increasing sun activity more worrying. Kinda scary of thinking what would happen having intense corona flares happen and no magnet field to protect us from them.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Obviously, there are some cosmic and planetary events we can prepare defences for and take appropriate precautions against, and some we cannot.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:22 pm

Very real, usually for profit, sometimes for fame or to gain power over people through fear.

Anyone with even a small knowledge of computers knew the Millennium Bug was bogus yet it sold millions of new computers, billions spent on commercial upgrades and it was all done very fast to panic people even though all computer manufacturers and most users knew the problem was coming for decades.

The end of the world prophesies, year 2000 then 2011, now 2012, probably hundreds throughout history. The world will be hit by natural disasters, maybe even ones large enough to end life as we know it, but we dont know when and ancient calenders & religious nonsense wont help us predict how or when.

Major natural or man made disasters

They will happen, they do happen, just look at recent history, earthquakes, tsunami's, Volcano's, floods, landslides, nuclear reactors going critical, massive undersea oil releases........10s of Ks dead, 100s of Ks made homeless & starving needing outside help to survive, massive environmental damage thats all just in the last decade.... the further back you go the more your find, and they will continue to happen.

Science may help us spot them coming, globalisation might let it mitigate the damage but sooner or later, maybe this year, maybe 100 years from now, maybe a 1000 or million years from now a biggy will wipe the slate clean. Thats not scaremongering it's just a fact.

Solar and planetary changes

Very real, ice ages, warm temperate periods, massive changes in the makeup of the atmosphere, poles switching, growth and deterioration in the magnetic fields, shifting tectonic plates, all these things have happened in the past and will continue to happen as the planet and sun age, they dont happen overnight, they are the gradual aging and interaction process. In the past we have migrated across the planet as one part became uninhabitable and other parts became habitable, now there are simply to many of us to do that and must rely on our ability to adapt to environmental changes using technology, if the tech and willingness to adapt our lifestyles can keep up with the changes we will survive, if not we wont. Talking as a species over 100s or 1000s of years.

Underground Cities

Well it's as not sci fi as it sounds, cold war bunkers still exist all over the US and Europe, most lay empty and unused, but if a major disaster was seen coming, could not be prevented but could be survived by moving underground, it is not inconceivable that given enough time these bunkers would be recommissioned, refitted and stocked up to wait it out. And the majority of the population would never be told, we would work on in ignorance until the end. Possible but requiring a specific sequence of events which make it highly unlikely.

Conspiracy theories

Often born out of putting events together and making assumptions,

2012 prophesy of the world ending and 2008 onwards economic collapse. You could say that the recent economic collapse was faked to pay for underground cites to be built to protect the rich when the work ends lol NOT true IMO, but you can cherry pick any number of events and even some facts, then fit them into any theory you like.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:42 pm
by Lithium
Sun aligns with the center of Milkey Way galaxy while its at its peak activity , end 2012 - beginning 2013 . this cycle might be the worst

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:50 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:01 pm
Kit-Fox wrote:I hate to be the one to point this out but the 'millennium' bug wasnt bogus. There were lots of legacy systems around the world that were 'mission critical' systems that did need to be repalced/upgraded or otherwise fudged to make them work with the new dates.

However the problem wouldnt have occured at 00:00:01 on 01/01/00 as I recall, it was when the year clocked over to 01 that the problem would have happened on those systems.

You always here everyone say how it was one big scam, but dont fall for that. It was real and did affect older systems still in use back then & some are even still in use today.

What was bogus was the marketing to the 'public' ie retail consumers, as very few had systems that would be affected by the change over in the date. That was scaremongering & bogus, this however is just a very small part of the computing world and folks would do well to remember that.

System clocks were effected due to not having a full date, they all read 19**, they could not simply work as 1900 instead of 2000 because the year 2000 was a leap year and that through out the days/dates, and conflicts between system and software clocks not matching.

Software had a variety of problems, from reading system clocks which were wrong or using sequential numbering on digits of the date following the 19 presets on software clocks resulting in dates like year 19100.

Those making the computers knew this for decades and didnt change it until a mad selling frenzy and media panic a year or two before the end of the millennium.

Software clocks do NOT have to run from the system clock, they can easily run independently on key systems which are never switched off, and software on PCs with internet could easily have had software updates to confirm the date online or adjust from the wrong system clock reading.

In short, everyone who replaced hardware due to Y2K fear was ripped off. No computers sold before the late 90s were sold with warnings saying they would only last until 1999 so they were faulty by design and should have be upgraded/replaced at the manufacturers expense not the consumers.

Even then there was no need to replace hardware, only to update software, and since the software was faulty by design, that too should have been updated/replaced at the programmers expense not the consumers.

You buy a car or any other product which is later found to have a major design flaw the manufacturer has to do a recall and fix it, replace it or refund the purchase. This was worse, not only was the flaw there, but it was known at point of design and deliberately ignored, thats willful negligence.

Im surprised no lawyers took this on, could and should have been the biggest lawsuit in the world, but I guess they all feared the mighty, rich & powerful software and hardware producers. And bankrupting the tech companies would have set back tech advancement by decades and put vast numbers of people out of work.

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:33 pm
by ramen07
MEZZANINE wrote:Software clocks do NOT have to run from the system clock, they can easily run independently on key systems which are never switched off, and software on PCs with internet could easily have had software updates to confirm the date online or adjust from the wrong system clock reading.

The time "clock" is just the amount of seconds from the "epoch", which is January 1, 1970 for Unix systems and programming languages. Look into the year 2038.

MEZZANINE wrote:In short, everyone who replaced hardware due to Y2K fear was ripped off. No computers sold before the late 90s were sold with warnings saying they would only last until 1999 so they were faulty by design and should have be upgraded/replaced at the manufacturers expense not the consumers.

Even then there was no need to replace hardware, only to update software, and since the software was faulty by design, that too should have been updated/replaced at the programmers expense not the consumers.

Programmers have nothing to do with ignoring bugs for corporate gain. Blame management and PR for that one.

What isn't faulty by design anymore?

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:44 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: 2013 Entering a solar maximum. lights out!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:29 pm
Kit-Fox wrote:
Kit-Fox wrote:I hate to be the one to point this out but the 'millennium' bug wasnt bogus. There were lots of legacy systems around the world that were 'mission critical' systems that did need to be repalced/upgraded or otherwise fudged to make them work with the new dates.

However the problem wouldnt have occured at 00:00:01 on 01/01/00 as I recall, it was when the year clocked over to 01 that the problem would have happened on those systems.

You always here everyone say how it was one big scam, but dont fall for that. It was real and did affect older systems still in use back then & some are even still in use today.

What was bogus was the marketing to the 'public' ie retail consumers, as very few had systems that would be affected by the change over in the date. That was scaremongering & bogus, this however is just a very small part of the computing world and folks would do well to remember that.

System clocks were effected due to not having a full date, they all read 19**, they could not simply work as 1900 instead of 2000 because the year 2000 was a leap year and that through out the days/dates, and conflicts between system and software clocks not matching.

Software had a variety of problems, from reading system clocks which were wrong or using sequential numbering on digits of the date following the 19 presets on software clocks resulting in dates like year 19100.

Those making the computers knew this for decades and didnt change it until a mad selling frenzy and media panic a year or two before the end of the millennium.

Software clocks do NOT have to run from the system clock, they can easily run independently on key systems which are never switched off, and software on PCs with internet could easily have had software updates to confirm the date online or adjust from the wrong system clock reading.

In short, everyone who replaced hardware due to Y2K fear was ripped off. No computers sold before the late 90s were sold with warnings saying they would only last until 1999 so they were faulty by design and should have be upgraded/replaced at the manufacturers expense not the consumers.

Even then there was no need to replace hardware, only to update software, and since the software was faulty by design, that too should have been updated/replaced at the programmers expense not the consumers.

You buy a car or any other product which is later found to have a major design flaw the manufacturer has to do a recall and fix it, replace it or refund the purchase. This was worse, not only was the flaw there, but it was known at point of design and deliberately ignored, thats willful negligence.

Im surprised no lawyers took this on, could and should have been the biggest lawsuit in the world, but I guess they all feared the mighty, rich & powerful software and hardware producers. And bankrupting the tech companies would have set back tech advancement by decades and put vast numbers of people out of work.

How is that not what I said albeit with some extra info tacked on???

And as said there are still systems today that would not work were it not for some of the work done becuase of the discovery of the problem.

You are aware arent you I asusme of embedded systems and machine control systems as well as satellite systems and older radar dish systems that are designed to use their hardware clocks??? And the hardware clock handling isnt the only problem, as various amount of software needed fudging too as you mentioned but again how is that any different to what I said? There was work that needed to be done to make legacy systems both hardware & software work correctly

I mean come on Mezz ffs, pay attention

EDIT: You'll notice I said systems to & last time I checked the term sytem can mean either hardware or software or it can mean both together, again pay attention eh Mezz? Its not like you to be a damned fool

lol take a chill pill and dont call me Albert ( sorry could resist, Im an Airplane fan lol )

Excuse my rant, the 'Millennium Bug' is one of my pet hates, along with rebranding, political correctness and management speak...... these things make me see RED and reply in rants before reading properly.

YES the Bug was real, but it was known for decades and the panic the media whipped up and way it was used to sell stuff that wasnt needed ripping people off, and failure of the manufacturers to take responsibility for it infuriates me