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Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:11 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:You should show more respect to your Queen! :-"

Being VERY obvious in my response to you Jim because i know that's what you are after....She's an inbred piece of **Filtered** traitor vampire usurper to the British throne. in short...a murdering scum bag of the highest order!

Until last year, i was under the mistaken belief that the British Royals were purely of German/Jewish ancestry because i found nothing in all my research to suggest otherwise. until it came out in the British press late last year that the "Royals" were in fact descendants of that murdering butcher Vlad the Impaler (AKA, Dracul/Dragon?Dracula, as you know) of Transylvania.

Probably the most famous pic of Vlad. lets compare this to good ol prince Charley and see if there is a likeness...



Hmmm, can't really tell coz Vlad's got a moustache and his crown and long hair are hiding his ears. from what we can see though, there's defo a likeness there :D

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:13 am
by Juliette
:smt043 Reptilians are ludicrous, but vampires feed your imagination?
I plausibly deny their existence.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:16 am
by Legendary Apophis
Well, you should use another pic for the Prince Charles, because it's a fake picture with fake ears, I recognize the red banner on the bottom that is used by that site freakingnews that likes to post fake pics of celebs.
Also, it's hard to tell comparing a painting and a picture, considering the standards of painting were sometimes rather strange even back then (sure not as **Filtered** as nowadays, but you had some painters who had strange ways to paint).

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:22 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Not mine sweetheart, the media's and the royals. they were the ones who went public with the info the royals are of Transylvania descent, and that they hail from the bloodline of Vlad the Impaler. as i said above, this came out in the British press late last year and i thought of making a topic about it but couldn't be arsed. thinking back i should have because we would have had the links to the articles. Mezz, KF or maybe Mordack will remember??

As for me personally, i don't believe in must be nuts to believe in those's the Werewolves you have to be afraid of. NEVER go into the woods at night :shock: :smt087


@Jim, how dare you say Charley's ears are fake, i'll have you know that Charley, the whole royal family and the entire British Royal loving people on this whole planet are proud of those ears....i heard a rumour that Dumbo was jealous...BIG TIME!

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:28 am
by Juliette
Nope. They do not look alike. [spoiler]Image Image[/spoiler]

Now, Sean Connery and the Ayatollah.. they look alike. ;)

Line of "Vlad" -> "Prince Charles". Quite a few 'uncertains' in it. ;) It is like Julius Caesar claiming descent from Venus, Napoleon claiming descent from Caesar.. etcetera.
[spoiler]Vlad II Dracul,"Vlad the Dragon",Duke of Wallachia,ruled from 1430-1444
Vlad IV ''the Monk",Duke of Wallachia,lived from 1435-1495
Radu IV "the Great",Duke of Wallachia,lived from 1467-1508
Mircea III "the Shepherd",Duke of Wallachia,died in 1559
Princess Stanca Basarab of Wallachia
Semphira Logofat de Szaszebes,died in 1602
Adam Racz de Galgo
Peter Racz de Galgo
Christina Racz de Galgo
Katalin Kuun de Osdola
Agnes Kendeffy de Malomviz,born in 1727
Baron Gregor Inczédy de Nagy-Varad,died in 1816
Baroness Agnes Inczedy de Nagy Varad,lived from 1788-1856
Countess Claudine Rhedey de Kis-Rhede,lived from 1812-1841
Duke Franz von Teck,lived from 1837-1900
Princess Victoria Mary of Teck,lived from 1867-1953
King George VI of Great Britain,lived from 1895-1952
Elizabeth II,Queen of Great Britain,born in 1926
Charles,Prince of Wales,born in 1948[/spoiler]

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:28 am
by Legendary Apophis
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@Jim, how dare you say Charley's ears are fake, i'll have you know that Charley, the whole royal family and the entire British Royal loving people on this whole planet are proud of those ears....i heard a rumour that Dumbo was jealous...BIG TIME!

This picture you posted comes from Freakingnews therefore it's a fake, simple.


Here's a real one.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:37 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@Jim, how dare you say Charley's ears are fake, i'll have you know that Charley, the whole royal family and the entire British Royal loving people on this whole planet are proud of those ears....i heard a rumour that Dumbo was jealous...BIG TIME!

This picture comes from Freakingnews therefore it's a fake, simple.


Here's a real one.

Couldn't you just laugh and go along? why did you have to pop my balloon and spoil my party :smt089

@Juliet, i was going to lift that genealogy list from YahooAnswers and post it myself, but since i haven't researched ANY part of this Transylvanian/British Royal bloodlines for myself i would not be able to post with any kind of accuracy. i thought it best to just make light of it and have a good laugh instead :-)

Having said that, if i was to post on something i do know about the British Royals....they are a major bloodline in the Illuminati (for those who don't know, there are only 13 bloodlines which make up the Illuminati) along with the likes of the Rothschild's, Collins, Du Ponts etcetera,

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:45 am
by Legendary Apophis
I can be a spoiling brat **Filtered** **Filtered** sometimes I admit. :smt100
But well I would say in my defense the image faked didn't really help to find out the look alike. Makes me curious to know they would descend from such a controversial historical figure.

[spoiler]yes that was two filtered in a row![/spoiler]

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:55 am
by Juliette
Legendary Apophis wrote:[spoiler]yes that was two filtered in a row![/spoiler]
And they were really bad swearwords, at that. :shock: Naughty, naughty. Vlad will get you.

@G, *grin*

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:12 am
by Legendary Apophis
ربهالنوع wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:[spoiler]yes that was two filtered in a row![/spoiler]
And they were really bad swearwords, at that. :shock: Naughty, naughty. Vlad will get you.

Yes, I know. Actually I am no mod and cannot check what's behind the filtered's in different threads, don't know if these happen to be such words like these two I used.
Don't really know why I said these two swear words, to be honest, maybe a short self-hate moment or something. I seem to swear not so frequently on these boards, probably surprising when I do.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:47 am
The whole Vlad bloodline thing trying to link the British Monarchs and link the Vampire myth to their historical hemophilia is totally BOGUS. Only truth in it is that if you go back far enough in history and pick any historical figure you will find a huge number of the current population that share a common lineage, go back far enough and we are all distantly related.

As for the Queen, she is the greatest Head of State in the world, a model example of what a Head of State should be, some of the other royals have misbehaved at times but I think Charles and William given the chance would also make great Kings.

Personally I trust what the Queen says without question, I dont trust a word that spills from the mouths of politicians.

As a Welshman it makes me laugh when other Welsh people look at England as a conqueror or want independence from the UK & Commonwealth, they forget that a Welshman once became King of England, 1/2 of the USA founding fathers were Welsh, Wales once even invaded England lol They also conveniently forget that as a nation of less than 3 million as a truly independent nation we would be a 3rd world country with a GDP unable to support our own services and infrastructure, Wales is stronger and better off as part of the UK, and the only other option is to be a small state in the United States of Europe and get dumped on like Greece......

All hail the Queen, Rule Britannia :-D


Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:55 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Hey Mezz, i have 2 words for ya...**Filtered** HER!

I hope she trips on her robes falls on Philip and they both break their **Filtered** necks! :mad:

Model head of state?! are you serious? :shock: putting all the murder, warmongering and drug running her family have been involved in throughout the years...the **Filtered** is a **Filtered** traitor for not rallying more public opinion and unity against the EU.

Look at their history, the British Royals (as well as all the other European so called "royals") are psychopathic inbred murderers who have even engaged in murdering each other to keep the throne of England for themselves and their progeny. their progeny have even turned on each other for the throne. brother/sister against brother/sister. uncles and aunts turning on each other and so on, all down the line. and now we are to believe all that ended some time ago? when exactly coz the last time i looked a royal husband killed his ex-wife and mother of their kids so their would be no Arab heir to the British throne-only a few years ago.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:13 am
by Juliette
MEZZANINE wrote:Only truth in it is that if you go back far enough in history and pick any historical figure you will find a huge number of the current population that share a common lineage, go back far enough and we are all distantly related.
;) Exactly. I claim descent from the T-Rex.
MEZZANINE wrote:As for the Queen, she is the greatest Head of State in the world, a model example of what a Head of State should be, some of the other royals have misbehaved at times but I think Charles and William given the chance would also make great Kings.

Personally I trust what the Queen says without question, I dont trust a word that spills from the mouths of politicians.
2nded. Well spoken, Mezz.
[KMA]Avenger wrote:no Arab heir to the British throne
Valid reason for murder, right there. Besides, that cheating commoner was not worthy of the term 'royal'.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:19 am
by Legendary Apophis
So you believe Lady Diana was murdered by her family?
It's indeed a rather mysterious affair if I may say so.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:36 am
by Juliette
Far be it from me to accuse the royal family of such a thing. No, I do believe certain people tasked with keeping the public image 'safe and sound' might have gone overboard, but not that the executive order came from prominent members of the family itself. Enter the nominal G-man.

You can't get your life back, when right follows left Jack,
The more you see, the less you know.
When others would leak it, his service is secret.
Plays God when its your time to go.