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Re: getting things done

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:33 pm
by GhostyGoo
I take it back, you are quite right - as i understand it Kikaz did do something else this round so where do we draw the line? I like Akhal, he/she is always polite when we speak. I have nothing against either Akhal or Kikaz but this really does go to support the need for what Teyla is doing - so we can have closure, move forwards and begin punishing those who do not respect the rules instead of worrying about punishing people for simply not understanding the rules or punishing them for rules that do not even properly exist!

(and yes, even rules which are hiding in the updates section - dastardly old rules, grrr)

I don't like anyone being accused of something they don't deserve to be accused of.

I could create an account, change the name of the account, claim that was the main reason (to show how easy it is to change the name on an account) and then spend the rest of the game feeding. Preposterous, you'd shout but nay - no more or less preposterous than Akhal and Kikaz.

(p.s. i am really sorry Kikaz and Akhal keep getting mentioned but it is the only activity i have seen with my own eyes and not some 'proof' passed to me second/third hand).

Re: getting things done

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:15 pm
by sarparto
GhostyGoo wrote:(p.s. i am really sorry Kikaz and Akhal keep getting mentioned but it is the only activity i have seen with my own eyes and not some 'proof' passed to me second/third hand).

Don't worry they have thick skins...and deep wallets! HA! :-D

Re: getting things done

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:33 pm
by Neimenljivi
Ghosty - sure you can call me Jack (heck a lot of the people believe it's even my real name haha).
I do sell on main server as well. I've been called a drug addict by certain someone who supports Teyla, and the guy has tried to make fun of my family and so on, because I sell resources on an online game lol.
About the influence it has on the game - short term - yes, it is bad influence. Long term - people buying from me, because it's cheaper, don't buy USSs and the money doesn't flow in admin's pockets like it does when the era is good and I don't sell for $, for instance. That is a psychological way of training someone (it's the same as training dog - if the dog is quiet and doesn't bite you - you give it a cookie, if it barks at you or tries to bite you - you pin it down). Admin will see that better coded eras create more profit, ergo he will try more to code things properly to get more money. That will, in long term, mean a much better game for all of us.

I also didn't mean get rid of options to support the admin completely - I meant lose the amount of resources they give. One could still pay 50$ to support him, the only difference is that they'd get like a symbolic resources like 1 UU and 1 AT and 1 naq. People would then pay to actually support the game for good coding, not to gain an advantage. If that is not changed then those that can afford it will always have an advantage, like they always had, no matter if I stop selling or not. So to level the playing those of you that are going to talk with admin have to either ask to level it completely (with USSs and FSSs giving only a symbolic amount of resources) or you shouldn't ask for it at all.

Furthermore I was also selling previous era and ended up 2nd - I believe this only says I sell excess resources, right? I also believe I've got a decent army size which means I did build my account up and did not solely play to sell naq for $ (if I was they wouldn't really be able to steal that much to make it worthwhile each time, would they?


Re: getting things done

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:37 pm
by Abhi
HippyFool wrote:Unfair that some people are better at farming than you? Unfair that you are at work when farms are good?

1) learn how to farm

2) farms change and go up and down randomly every day at random times every day. People sleep, people live in different time zones.

Seriously... ](*,)

I believe Sarparto was joking again

Re: getting things done

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by Teyla
Forum wrote:New rule: feeding will be deemed illegal. Being a short era (ie 3 months..not that era 31 is shorter htan others...), we will try the 'everyone out for themselves' -- as far as personal goods and such goes. Game mechanics will move to reflect this as well. Coordinated attacks, etc -all fine. Its just the 'sacrifice my account to better yours' that will not be must TAKE not be GIVEN....
This INCLUDES selling resources to other accounts (since it is sacrificing your account for theirs).

job done
this can b locked now

Re: getting things done

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:38 am
by Lokiā„¢