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Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:22 pm
by The Doctor
xDaku wrote:New guys don't respecttheir

More blanket statements please. There's absolutely nothing in this thread that supports that statement.

Not in this thread no. But perhaps have a look in the Galactic Colosseum or Vendetta Corner? :P

xDaku wrote:On the other hand, Mr. 6 years, you've shown lack of respect for our members too. Pot, kettle, black.

He didn't say that he was innocent of that...

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:43 pm
by Empy
xDaku wrote:More blanket statements please. There's absolutely nothing in this thread that supports that statement.

xDaku wrote:the new FP guys did more in their war against mh than all of hve except for loki have done in most of their wars.

xDaku wrote:Pot, kettle, black.

Beating yourself there fool...

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:13 pm
by xDaku
Still haven't learned context, "fool"? :-"

And haz, you're welcome to show me where our new guys show any undeserved disrespect to an opponent, and for every one you manage to show, I'll take out a post of the "old fs" saying worse.

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:18 pm
by ~Les Erebus~
I have been around for 6 years too, done allot more the mop around.. You can refer to all the money spenders you want.. They gave us the room to grow, and by watching their awesomeness and hilarious massing s throughout the server.. NONE of you would be saying a damn thing if Mezz, Brothers, Coyle, and for short while FM were still in FS.. That"s what makes this funny.. Plus, Daku is right anyone of them would of flattened all your accounts for the defended farming that I TRIED to be nice about.. I got a **Filtered** response, so the next 5 attacks he did, I told him to make a Vendy.. Stayed logged in for hours and got nothing..

I then come online to see if you responded, and bam you did and with the honor of a Vendetta as well, it made me happy.. Then our vendetta gets ruined and **Filtered** was talked and for what? A bunch of hasbeens who retired? No dis-respect but their wallets are no longer with us anymore.. Go on about crappy leadership all you want NOONE in FSF would continue to hit someone and repeatedly FAIL, unless they were prepared to be massed (or didn"t know any better).. I find it funny even MODS are spamming this up.. I know for a fact if I were one of the ones spamming my thread I would get a warning.. LOL, I have got warnings for a lot less..

Anyway for all those thirsty and want some HATERAID take your **Filtered** back to the Jersey Shore where you whobeens belong..

Masshappymasser awesome job so far lets have some fun!! So far your the only one who has showed some respect.. it will still last 2 weeks as I said though, unless you sir can get your alliance to rise up and go beyound childish banter and let us have our fun, then only then will I play by your rules ;) FSF is my family man, and you can talk **Filtered** about me HVE, but when you talk it about my family old or new NONE of you even have a clue ;)

Les Out :smt025

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:51 pm
by xDaku
SS, I respect HVE for what it provides to your members, but when your members are on here talking down on our newer members, trash talking about respect towards opponents and the current members' warring abilities without any knowledge of their abilities, well they'll get the same back.

You start crying over dra's mass and then claim the old fs was "better"? Brothers would have flattened your accounts, from biggest to smallest, without giving a damn about any time limited vendetta. He has in the past, and I've heard complains from the same guys that are now sucking up to the "old fs".

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:51 pm
by ~Les Erebus~
The forces of masshappymasser fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 6 damage on Les Ennemis's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Les Ennemis's troops.

Your turn :sge

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:14 pm
by Empy
xDaku wrote:Still haven't learned context, "fool"? :-"
I see your grasp of the English language is as non-existent as ever.

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:14 pm
by Z E R O
I'm not sure which FS was better.. old or new.. I've always kinda liked em.. SO I have no real input on that matter...

but *glare* at daku for saying nobody else in HVE can fight.. I may not have done much under HVE's banner, but i'm always up for a good rumble :D Anyways continue having fun u 2, looks like its shaping up to be a nice little shin-dig so far.

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:43 am
by Belsamber
FS and HVE getting all fluffy with one another

*grabs popcorn*

Hi xDaku :smt060

AND go Les and Masshappymasser have fun you two

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:54 am
by WoofyBear
Wow. All this over someone trying to farm Les and Failing? hahaha. So Les is saying fail and I vendy you but succeed and you walk.. Some logic you have there Les :-( Love ya Les but you dont get me raising my pom poms for you in this one... GO Masshappymasser!

Les, you could have just enjoyed the free ME and ignored it. Instead you waste resources calling a vendy that is utterly pointless. :-( BAD LES! :smt021

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:23 am
by Drahazar
so hows this going guys?

any ME to post yet?

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:39 am
by Gohan
HVE does actually have some fighters. You'd be surprised. Obviously that weirdo Loki is their top dog, but then again, a fighter as good as Loki, no matter what alliance he went to ingame, he'd either be one of your top dogs, or the top. That being said, he wants to crusade my pagan ass so... FU Loki! :P after Loki, isn't Mike still in HVE? Some one go hit him and see how well that ends for you, haha. Asc wise, they have some nice acc's, most notably Wolfstein, maybe Lord Master if he is still kicking around in there. Basically, HVE ain't the push overs you think they are. Sure they ain't a warring alliance, but if you hit then, they can muster a nice strike back. That being said, this entire thread has made me lol countless times. New FS Vs old FS? Nah, just a sign of the times is all, they lost the bulk of their heavy hitters and they didn't get replaced, their Asc is pretty low also, but it happens, unfortunate but in time maybe some others will join and they'll become 'old FS' again, until then, I'm sure they can managed a nice lil fight here and there. Although that being said, seeing FS with so many diplo agreements still freaks me out hehe Happy fighting, who ever is actually doing the fighting.

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:35 am
by xDaku
Zero I know you can fight :P

I meant under the HVE banner as it is atm. You guys have fighters, but most of them have grown fat with all those mcdonalds SS is feeding you :(

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:23 am
by Tek
xDaku wrote:You earn respect, and being around for long doesn't get you that, it's what you do in that time that does. Point and proof - the new FP guys did more in their war against mh than all of hve except for loki have done in most of their wars.

You sir, can go poke yourself in the eye :-D

Good Luck ladies.

Re: Masshappymasser vs. Les Enemies

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:48 am
by xDaku
Tek, agnoch and andy have done their bit but consistency is a different story. :razz: