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Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:05 am
by Atari
Mercury Rising wrote:I find this subject very amusing :)

From what I gather, this was jacks campaign and he succeeded on his own and he would have, petition or no petition. So basically some no-name looking for a reason got involved to release her aggression...Why not get therapy in RL? It can't be healthy to get so mad in a game ;) I've been there, doesnt work out. Anyways Teyla was it? not even ranked in legends, don't see how any of this was her business in the first place ;)

Sorry but that's total rubbish. Teyla sorted a lot out/put no end of work in/stood up to alot of cheaters and never asked for even a thank you.
You just added the stupidest comment ever, did you even play the last few waves? If she had not of done everything she did, jack would still be selling naq now and people would still be getting fed. That's a fact.
It would be the same as it was for years. Yes she was over the top but I'm glad she made it her business because in 2-3 waves quantum got cleaned up in a major way. Bravo.
She might not be in quantum legend, but in my book, she is, and many other players will agree.
Guess the ones that are real legends are those who cheated era after era. Jeez my bad.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:59 am
by Leader Isaac
lost password wrote:
Mercury Rising wrote:I find this subject very amusing :)

From what I gather, this was jacks campaign and he succeeded on his own and he would have, petition or no petition. So basically some no-name looking for a reason got involved to release her aggression...Why not get therapy in RL? It can't be healthy to get so mad in a game ;) I've been there, doesnt work out. Anyways Teyla was it? not even ranked in legends, don't see how any of this was her business in the first place ;)

Sorry but that's total rubbish. Teyla sorted a lot out/put no end of work in/stood up to alot of cheaters and never asked for even a thank you.
You just added the stupidest comment ever, did you even play the last few waves? If she had not of done everything she did, jack would still be selling naq now and people would still be getting fed. That's a fact.
It would be the same as it was for years. Yes she was over the top but I'm glad she made it her business because in 2-3 waves quantum got cleaned up in a major way. Bravo.
She might not be in quantum legend, but in my book, she is, and many other players will agree.
Guess the ones that are real legends are those who cheated era after era. Jeez my bad.

No actually, it's not rubbish at all. At the time it wasn't even purposely cheating, it was a loophole/advantage that wasn't fully discovered. Jack wasn't even doing it in spite of anyone. The mods should have handled it, Teyla had no need to get involved in the matter. Yes yes she saved the day oh mighty Teyla. It's like giving Superman immunity to the rules and laws and letting him kill people. Still, Teyla did a "good deed" to many of the competitors that oh so want to be dominant and kill others.

As stated before, Jack has an actual life. He wanted a guitar, which may or may not have been for a musical class, band, or some other form of action regarding a guitar. Personally, buying a new guitar for class is better than playing a game.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:19 pm
by Neimenljivi
@lost password: Erm first of all, I've probably done a lot more to catch cheaters than the majority of "justice-seekers" out there. Most of it has been done privately with admin directly because there was really no need to alert everyone in the community to the bugs they've been abusing, was there? If I had been a cheater, I doubt admin would have chosen me as one of the Quantum Game Cops, a position for which I personally didn't even apply, but other people nominated me and I accepted after being chosen, and a position that gives you the power to stop cheaters. Looking at where Quantum is now, there has been no cheating and no feeding this era, I think we, Game Cops, have done a pretty fine job with stopping the cheaters, don't you think?

Would I still have been selling naq? That depends on what admin would have done. Due to my actions he noticed a sudden drop in money-flow that was coming to his pocket due to Quantum. Seeing how messed up the era was, no one was able to compete without using $. The game was a mess, why would anyone want to support it? I know if I were admin, I'd definitely prefer making eras like that one, without using the time to find all the bugs and actually get people to pay for bugged game, because they couldn't compete without using money, and using less time on working on the game itself. This means I'd get more money for far less work. And as long as the money was coming, I doubt I would have stopped. Now if suddenly I noticed, the worse job I do, the less money I get, I'd start thinking about the ways to make the game better because ultimately my goal would have been to earn as much money as possible, as this is a business after all.
Me selling huge amounts of naq very cheaply caused this sudden drop in USS/FSS buying. Admin, more-so after Teyla's petition, saw what caused this and he knew he had to ban it, but banning PvP $ trades with reasoning that it creates imbalance in playing field and people can't compete with the same chances, while allowing a huge advantage given by USSs which are bought directly from him wouldn't have made him look good to anyone with half a brain. I pointed out this publicly so even those with only half a brain would have known he was only after their money if he left USS bonuses the way they are, and didn't care about really leveling the playing-field. He did the right thing to do, the thing we've wanted since as long as I can remember, and I am one of the oldest Quantum players around here, and gave us the power to enforce the rules which have diminished the influence of money so greatly in Quantum, he would have enforced them himself of course if he had the time.
Thanks to all of this we now have clean Quantum.

If admin had banned naq selling for $ and left USSs the way they are, showing he only cared about the money, I would have continued imbalancing the server one way or another (while doing it within the rules of course), until he did what he actually did.

If he hadn't done anything about making sure the game is as balanced as it could be, yes I would still be doing what I was doing in hopes that he sees it is wrong and needs to be changed. Sure, you might say - "oh but you're the one doing the wrong thing, you shouldn't be the one doing it" - ok. What then? I stop, and someone else comes along and starts doing exactly the same thing, and you can't do a thing about it. The only way to get rid of it all-together is to actually push it as far as it has to be pushed to be made against the rules and monitored.

The only thing that Teyla did to help admin see he has to ban $ trading was starting a petition. Her threats and massings only resulted in me lowering my price even further, which only made some more people interested in my services, admin didn't care about the massings and you'd be a fool to think otherwise. Even so, the petition was there to ban PvP $ trades only, not to diminish money influence even further by reducing USS bonuses. I doubt these would have been diminished if it hadn't been for my posts.
Don't get fooled, it was one of the few eras where anyone could, after first mid-era update, you couldn't do it before the update, offer more naq than USS offered, so USSs were giving HUGE bonuses in most of the eras, they weren't even nearly as low as they are now. That is one of the reasons why this whole campaign was successful and why we succeeded in our quest.
Sometimes you have to do short-term bad things for greater good and for huge long-term benefits. You have to have your eyes on the goal though. It's like in most of the business as well - you have to spend money to make money, I'm sure you'll see a connection with these two things.

@Leader Isaac: Yeah I'm in a rock band and wanted to buy another guitar with different tone properties (sparkling clean sounds) as the guitar I've already had has (muddy, dark, dirty sounds), so we can create and play more tonally diverse things :) If there's any guitar player that's reading this, the newer guitar was a Fender Stratocaster, and the older being Gibson Les Paul.
As for the last sentence, I completely agree, buying any real life object beats a few numbers on a screen any time, at least in my book and I'm glad to see another one who feels alike :)


Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:28 pm
by Atari
Actually I didn't call you a cheater so there's no need for an essay to justify your actions, I simply said you would still be selling naq, thus the game would still be in the same sorry state of affairs.
Now unless I been playing a complete different game for god knows how many years, the problem was feeding, which we saw every wave, the server tried to fight it continuously and we got nowhere, call Teyla a justice seeker as much as you want, Q got cleaned up and she was a big part of it so don't delude yourself, if I was her I'd be in game now massing everybody for being so ungrateful.
I signed the petition, I signed it for the same reason 95% of the server did and it wasn't to do with fss bonuses I can assure you that, I guess everybody who fought against feeding such as neu should be ridiculed too as if somebody feeds its none of anybody else's business.
Before game cops it was up to us players to stand against feeding as nothing ever got done, that's why Teyla made it her business like many others did
Jack, perhaps you should of made a petition as you were doing so well and everything would of been sorted years ago,
and please stop being contradictory, I can quote you dozens of times saying saying you do things for the good of the game and in the next breath you'd rather real life objects.
You've pointed out selling naq was a short term "bad things", Teyla fought against that, bad Teyla for taking a stand!
I know for a fact the trouble she gave people for abusing these little loopholes put people off. I've heard it from many horses mouth's

@leader Isaac I think you'll find the feeding rule was in place 2-3 resets before that as was pointed out to me, just because rules haven't been updated doesn't mean they don't exist, I don't know why everybody needs everything spelt out word for word, your not children, the dominant ones were those that were feeding, walking all over people and not being able to be touched. Good riddance to them.
To be honest I don't even know the point in all this, the thread just seems a can of spam and is full of resent for Teyla.
Reminds me why I find forums so tiresome :smt015

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:45 pm
by Neimenljivi
I do notice Teyla's contribution to this, but it weren't the massings that contributed to rules that followed, it was the petition.
Yes the petition Teyla started had nothing to do with FSS and USS bonuses, but it was there to ban selling naq for $ am I right? Seeing how feeding has already been made against the rules more than a year ago, this is the only new rule that was set. So why did you want to have selling naq for $ banned? Because the people with money to spend on the game have been in a great advantage and thus you couldn't compete with them. So it makes me wonder what about the people who spend 400$ per era buying USSs to gain bonuses USSs give, and those bonuses weren't as small back then. Are they entitled to such a huge bonus only because their money goes to the admin? What difference does it make where the money goes? Sure, it is there to keep the servers going and for a new car and whatnot, but they are supporter statuses, they are there for people to donate their money if they think the game deserves the money. In my book the word "donate" doesn't mean "an excuse to buy yourself an easy win", as that is why people with too much money have been buying so many USSs. So really, what difference does it make, especially if they "support" a few poorly coded eras full of bugs where they spend their money for the same thing? The only difference between buying USSs and from a player directly in those eras is that less (quality) work is still payed as well or that the better and the more work put in, the better the payment.

80% of people who signed that petition didn't realize the potential it had, the potential to get rid of money influence for good, or at least greatly diminish it. If you've read some of my posts you've noticed I was for USSs and FSSs giving a symbolic bonus of very little naq, ATs and units, really a symbolic, which would force admin even more to make a very good, interesting era, in which people with some extra money would donate to the game because they liked the era, not because it'd give them a significant advantage over others. If you thought the petition was against feeding, well you've been a few eras too late since feeding was already banned back then.

Well tell me how did me selling the naq not do long term good to the game? If it weren't for my actions, none of this would have happened, there would be no game cops, it'd still be status quo. People would still be fed and there would still be no one around to enforce the rule which states that feeding is forbidden. Every now and then someone other would come by to sell some naq for $.
I think you can't rationally say that my actions didn't do good to the game in long term. While doing so I managed to almost entirely fund my new electric guitar with money earned on Quantum. So these things can go hand in hand. Same with main server, I haven't been playing seriously for years, been selling naq for $ all the time there, yet I've always tested updates out and gave some suggestions or feedback to admin, regarding the updates. This is good for the game, to give feedback, right? And yet I still manage to get a noticeable amount of money from the game.

As for Teyla's actions - the massings with which she tried to stop me from selling the naq, if she had succeeded in her attempt to stop me before signing the petition and giving the list to admin, selling naq for $ would have still been allowed and there would be no Game Cops, which, I'm sue you'll agree, due to admin's lack of time are the only way to enforce some of the rules.
So as I said, the massings had no effect on the important things to come, the only effect they had was in me lowering the prices. Whether this is good or bad it depends on everyone's personal point of view.
Her petition, however, did have effect on all of this and we have, luckily, been able to use it's full potential after all.


Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:06 pm
by Mercury Rising
@ Lost Password:

Feeding is one thing, USS (money spending directly to admin) is another. If either give the advantage, the game is imbalanced. Therefore Teyla was one part of the half of the whole...a quarter...If that.

If 'Teyla' fixed the feeding problem on her own, there would still be those few people willing to spend 50$ per week (and believe me, there are people who are willing) that would be winning each wave regardless.

That's where jack came in, He was thinking of the bigger picture, remaining calm to as always unlike someone's posts i've read [-X

And really? a petition? such a female thing to do :smt110 no offense to you other ladies playing :smt081

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:32 pm
by Leader Isaac
lost password wrote:Actually I didn't call you a cheater so there's no need for an essay to justify your actions, I simply said you would still be selling naq, thus the game would still be in the same sorry state of affairs.
Now unless I been playing a complete different game for god knows how many years, the problem was feeding, which we saw every wave, the server tried to fight it continuously and we got nowhere, call Teyla a justice seeker as much as you want, Q got cleaned up and she was a big part of it so don't delude yourself, if I was her I'd be in game now massing everybody for being so ungrateful.
I signed the petition, I signed it for the same reason 95% of the server did and it wasn't to do with fss bonuses I can assure you that, I guess everybody who fought against feeding such as neu should be ridiculed too as if somebody feeds its none of anybody else's business.
Before game cops it was up to us players to stand against feeding as nothing ever got done, that's why Teyla made it her business like many others did
Jack, perhaps you should of made a petition as you were doing so well and everything would of been sorted years ago,
and please stop being contradictory, I can quote you dozens of times saying saying you do things for the good of the game and in the next breath you'd rather real life objects.
You've pointed out selling naq was a short term "bad things", Teyla fought against that, bad Teyla for taking a stand!
I know for a fact the trouble she gave people for abusing these little loopholes put people off. I've heard it from many horses mouth's

@leader Isaac I think you'll find the feeding rule was in place 2-3 resets before that as was pointed out to me, just because rules haven't been updated doesn't mean they don't exist, I don't know why everybody needs everything spelt out word for word, your not children, the dominant ones were those that were feeding, walking all over people and not being able to be touched. Good riddance to them.
To be honest I don't even know the point in all this, the thread just seems a can of spam and is full of resent for Teyla.
Reminds me why I find forums so tiresome :smt015

Your kind of personality irritates me. Your "essay to justify" saying it's boring, as if nothing affects you. If you write an essay, we will, and you better well read it if you have a serious discussion, if not, leave. Just the other day in college I was put into a 3-person group, the other 2 were serious religious people (which I have no issue with). What happened was I was blocked out the entire conversation, finally, because they had to, they asked about my speech. I said two words, and they go oooh ff.... and totally ignore me like I didn't exist. Nothing said 'affects you,' you just blow it off.

I am willing to bet a number of people were massed in the confusion for no reason, especially innocent ones having nothing to do with the feeding. Why? Because it's competitive, and they saw the cloud cover and decided to do it. Every action has a consequence, and more or less likely Teyla also hit others for no reason. Aside from an unrelated note; The key reason to any of the aggression in here, towards Jack, or from Teyla, is over competitiveness. (For this, top dog refers to players that play "legitimately" and get to their ranks) Everyone who grinds for the top dog, is most-likely because killing and pillaging is fun -- I am not fighting it, unfortunately it is probably the point of the game, though I got to 900's in regular server, and ascended, without fighting or massing, or killing anyone -- And a majority of players will probably say, and I can see Teyla saying this; 'Being an **Filtered** is fun.' Yeah, I bet it is, when that's your mind set and it is the only thing to rule you.

[spoiler2=Unrelated]Not sure if it makes any correlation from the main server to do with Ascension, I received 228,046 without ever being a butthole to anyone.[/spoiler2]

What Teyla and the others did were almost pointless. 1) The server would have reset soon enough, whether the rules were in set or not, it appeared that it would have stopped at that point and 2) No one did this to be AGAINST ANYONE. a hundred thousand Naq can't possibly put someone in the bottom ranks in the top 10. It really gets old how the top dog players stay in the top every turn when not(?) being fed and have so many friends to back them up. Maybe it was time for a change anyway.

BUT IN ANY CASE -- the point still stands. Any mod, (ANY!) could have EASILY went to the forum and REQUESTED or TOLD Jack to stop (And if the rules were in place at the time, they could have told him he was breaking the rules) but I saw no one saying "it's against the game rules, it's illegal" or any mod even being mister you-know-lol and be like "*thwaps Jack* y u do dis." Instead, Jack was either met with great encouragement, or assy comments.

Just as rules are input, no one should act like they are above others unless they are in a position to do so and someone is acting unjusticely, or it leads to chaos. Any admin, any mod, any dev, any person apart of the game positions could have told him to stop but they treated it as a normal trade, if they had an issue they would have made it obvious (If they did, I apologize, they were no discussions stopping the thread, nor are they closed).

Teyla was acting, as I said, as superman without being bound to any rules. And when someone with that kind of power does something like that WITH that kind of support/backup/reinforcements, a lot of issues can really arise. There area REASON Admins/mods are put in place. It's not like they are put there to just create the forums, no member should rule anything but what they own.

@Mercury Actually a Petition/Statement/the issue brought up with mroe than one person would have been the better route than to just mass everyone who you THINK was involved in feeding, or as it would mean now, "paying a player in Naq to benefit the other in some way"

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:48 pm
by Mercury Rising
@Leader Isaac

I was not discussing the massings as I was not there for those. Jack's way of handling things IMO was better than a petition.

Edit: And if Teyla had half a brain, wouldn't more people have signed up if you didn't mass them? And yes, even the ones responsible would have signed up I believe, as the reason they were feeding in the first place was to keep up with those who buy the USS's.

The petition was useless, the route of the problem was as jack tried to explain but none of you seem to understand....'The benefit of the USS bonus in terms of how much if gave'

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:18 am
by Atari
Mercury Rising wrote:1 wouldn't more people have signed up if you didn't mass them?
2 The petition was useless

1. I saw the petition, my alliance leader compiled it for Teyla, there was nobody else left to sign it, those who were even in conflict with Teyla signed it, and there was only about 5-6 players who didn't, because they were not asked or were the ones getting fed

2. LOL. Even Jack won't agree with that, the petition was the voice of everybody, it had power and it counted. Seems there's a lot of things you don't understand either.

Seen enough essay's about the same thing thanks, its like groundhog day around here.
Yes server resets soon enough but then what, same thing for another 3 months, no thanks.
A lot of people did get massed, even me at one point but Teyla's an aggressive player and I had somebody who fed as an officer, that's fine, she was there to make feeder's lives hell and isolate them as much as possible, that was known from the start and everybody was glad to see it, you say the massing's did nothing but I enjoyed watching the fed players get their asses handed to them more than once, and they did cry a lot, that was well worth seeing even if I was hit a few times in the process.
Discussions with admin were taking place behind the scenes and in game fed players lives were being made generally unpleasant, the thing is about quantum everybody knows who the feeders are so there were not many mistakes. we don't have to speculate who they are it's been going on for ages within the same group.
I don't know why your all witch hunting Teyla, mostly her attitude was directed at those who abused rules and supported the abuse of rules, great! 20-30 waves of being nice and **Filtered** around got nowhere, to a run of the mill honest player, she's good fun to talk to and doesn't give you any grief, if anything she'll help you, ask her to stop farming, she stops, more than what I can say for some, from what I'm told Jack and teyla are even friends now and have been a while?
I've only seen one post from her on here but I'm sure if you hadn't of got her back up she would of been much nicer to you, had you ever even spoken to her before putting her down in your thread?
You say it was none of her business and you didn't even know what quantum was so it's even less of yours.

@Jack, I do have a screenie of the original message somewhere, when I get access to my data again I'll post it, but the petition from what I remember was basically a few things rolled in to one and it was very clear what it was about, for example, making the feeding rule clear that had been there lost in the updates - which you know people were ignoring, bestowing powers to players to ban feeders (game cops - I believe hippy fool and teyla were also pressuring admin for that change) and the outlawing of pvp trades, which in all fairness was excessive - sometimes a pvp trade would supply more naq than you could buy from a eras worth of 50$ bonuses.
You were not the only one feeding people Jack (/selling naq), so I do disagree that if it wasn't for you there wouldn't of been game cops, the petition was actually talked about an era before, during the feeding that was going on with Icebolt and Akhal, so it was imminent to happen, you all played your part in different ways which is why we got the game we can actually all play today, can't you all just get along now the job's done? You all had different means to an end, but you all got there in the end, that's what matters.
Also Fender Stratocaster's are good guitar's.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:38 am
by Mercury Rising
Meh, Jacks still the one that solved the problem by reducing the benefit of the USS's :) Petition or no petition, you would still have a hand full of players spending 400$ per week and being uncatchable to those who don't spend :)

Edit: And as to you saying a pvp trade could give you more, well, that depends on how and when you buy the USS.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:31 am
by Leader Isaac
lost password wrote:
Mercury Rising wrote:1 wouldn't more people have signed up if you didn't mass them?
2 The petition was useless

1. I saw the petition, my alliance leader compiled it for Teyla, there was nobody else left to sign it, those who were even in conflict with Teyla signed it, and there was only about 5-6 players who didn't, because they were not asked or were the ones getting fed

2. LOL. Even Jack won't agree with that, the petition was the voice of everybody, it had power and it counted. Seems there's a lot of things you don't understand either.

Seen enough essay's about the same thing thanks, its like groundhog day around here.
Yes server resets soon enough but then what, same thing for another 3 months, no thanks.
A lot of people did get massed, even me at one point but Teyla's an aggressive player and I had somebody who fed as an officer, that's fine, she was there to make feeder's lives hell and isolate them as much as possible, that was known from the start and everybody was glad to see it, you say the massing's did nothing but I enjoyed watching the fed players get their asses handed to them more than once, and they did cry a lot, that was well worth seeing even if I was hit a few times in the process.
Discussions with admin were taking place behind the scenes and in game fed players lives were being made generally unpleasant, the thing is about quantum everybody knows who the feeders are so there were not many mistakes. we don't have to speculate who they are it's been going on for ages within the same group.
I don't know why your all witch hunting Teyla, mostly her attitude was directed at those who abused rules and supported the abuse of rules, great! 20-30 waves of being nice and **Filtered** around got nowhere, to a run of the mill honest player, she's good fun to talk to and doesn't give you any grief, if anything she'll help you, ask her to stop farming, she stops, more than what I can say for some, from what I'm told Jack and teyla are even friends now and have been a while?
I've only seen one post from her on here but I'm sure if you hadn't of got her back up she would of been much nicer to you, had you ever even spoken to her before putting her down in your thread?
You say it was none of her business and you didn't even know what quantum was so it's even less of yours.

Leader Isaac wrote:...getting pissed about Jack selling Naq for cash, so she storms in and spouts disrespectful names and diminishing pride. <-- that is childish. She came in randomly that wasn't her business. As am I, but I am welcome to the fact of this topic be closed and my mouth permanently shut on the topic. I am requesting a go over of the situation (which entitles business, but as said, I welcome the fact for the business to be taken away at a Mod/Admin's leisure)

I have already made it obvious twice that I requested permission to be in the business. Any admin or mod could have easily told me to shut my face as MANY have been posting here.

Why would they be behind the scenes? There's no reason for it, Admins don't do things in secret when there is a law change. If there's a law change they would make it apparent and obvious, attacking anyone who had broken the rules. Also, as Jack said, not until era 26, so...

1) He was not going against the rules.

2) He never wanted to make an enemy of ANYONE

3) He was only "Feeding" people until he had his GUITAR

4) He was giving back to the players in a kind gesture of more bang for their buck! IT IS NOT EASY IN THE REAL WORLD TO GET MONEY, since you did not know

So all in all, if you would have waited just 1 month, the feeding would have been over. But if you were so persistent and aggressive players are right way to go, let Jack get his guitar, then be an **Filtered** to the people that were nice to him. This entire time, Admins/Mods and others have been generally nice. I can sit here and quote Teyla and Teyla supporters, who are just much too aggressive for general conversation. You all know what I'm turning this into.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:15 pm
by Neimenljivi
Ok I just want to clear two things up:
- Feeding was not against the rules until era 26, even though we have fought for it to be made against the rules for a long, long time. Feeding was considered by the book and yes, a lot of us thought it was a really, really low way to win the era and that it only shows lack of skill, but it was considered legal, even by admin. Yes the rule was posted in the updates, but the rule was official and when someone stepped a mile over it, admin would, although often not in time, take away ill-gotten gains.
- Selling naq has always been considered different as feeding and a lot of different players have been selling naq throughout the eras, although I don't think any of them did it with such frequency as I did in that particular era. Basically many people have been selling naq throughout the span of ~7 years since Q started, but they've been selling small bulks and the sales were usually more than 2 weeks apart. The only thing that admin ever said about the trades is that cross-server trades are forbidden, every other kind of trade is allowed. He never said anything about selling naq for $ being illegal. It was at the start of era 31 when he did finally ban the selling naq for $ thing and he did also ensure that: a) the rules are being enforced; b) money has lesser influence via USS buying as well. Notice, that's 5 eras later as the rule that feeding is forbidden, that means 15 months later. During this period of 15 months feeding was illegal and selling naq for $ was legal. Before that, both of the things were legal, although feeding had been frowned upon, no one ever seemed to have a problem with people selling naq for $.

So don't equate selling naq for $ with feeding and don't say it was against the rules when I did it because it was well within the rules and feeding wasn't.
If anyone thinks I've fed anyone, well my sunburst Strat gently weeps differently, so do the people I've traded with and so does anyone who actually knows me.

Even IF I were to sell the naq next era as well, if it hadn't been banned, do you think it would have made an impact on the game? Yeah possibly I could muster enough naq every 3 weeks and sell it at a rate that rivals that of one USS, possibly, this would mean I'd be able to sell 4 times in the whole era. Meanwhile anyone could buy USS 8 times an era and no one seemed to have a problem with that. Now the way things are, after USSs have been nerfed (which I don't recall anyone having a problem with after they were nerfed, nor anyone actually thinking it could/should be done before it was done, yet the same thing but money going to a different person was oh so bad, btw {rare few exceptions in both cases, of course}), working your behind off the whole era gets you more naq than 4 USSs could equal or actually, as it's been the case in most of the eras, improve. So skill is required, rather than $ to win the game.
I was only able to sell such huge quantities of money because the game was broken, the first time in the favor of USS buyers and after the mid-era update, in favor of farmers. I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise. To give you the idea of exactly how broken it was - I could get the naq to offer much better prices than USSs each 3 days. Compared to 3 weeks, that's a huge difference, don't you think? And having in mind that it'd take 3 weeks of smart farming to rival the purchase of one USS, it's easy to see just how big of an advantage were USSs giving, pretty much every era.
So I think nerfing USS bonuses was far more important than banning $ trades as USSs had a much, much bigger influence on the final rankings as $ trades looking at the majority of eras. Still, I do support $ trades being banned, while I still believe they've had much smaller impact on the game as a whole throughout all of the eras, compared to USSs, and were far, far rarer than USS purchases. Yet I was the only one actually doing something to get USSs nerfed as well, to really ensure a level playing field.
If in that particular era, the game had been broken in favor of farmers first, and then in favor of USS buyers with mid-era update (so exactly the opposite of what happened), no one could rival anyone who bought even 1 USS. The final rankings of the era would be determined by amount of USS purchases, #1 being the one who bought the most USSs.


Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:39 pm
by Atari
I don't quite understand what you mean by requesting to be in the business, that makes no sense at all.
You said Teyla had no business to get involved with the feeding problem, I said yes she did as she actually played, as does any body who plays q and was effected by feeding, it was up to them as admin wasn't around and game cops didn't exist, I remember her from early waves of q when she had a different username, and more recent ones where fed players massed her for no reason at all, she hasn't just come out of nowhere you know. Just because somebody is not on the forum doesn't mean they are not in game.
Also why are you talking about admins? I wasn't, your talking nonsense on the basis Teyla and co. were only massing people, I said they did a lot more behind the scenes such as contact and discuss things with admin, gather evidence against cheaters to report them and much more.

You created a thread with the subject of a server you had no idea existed, you have no grasp of how quantum works and you have no idea of anything that actually happens in game, this is garbage.

In regards to your wise observations
1) He was not going against the rules.
[spoiler2=]Great, so he uses a loophole, that's okay then, doesn't matter it has the same effect as feeding, which as jack just said is frowned on by pretty much everybody. Paid feedings just peachy - sorry jack but at the end of the day if it was a cash transaction or old fashioned feed, it does amount to the same thing and it ran entirely out of control pre era 31[/spoiler2]

2) He never wanted to make an enemy of ANYONE
[spoiler2=]Was it just him being targeted? Somehow I don't think so, the fight was against ANYBODY who initiated such actions, a lot of players were adopting the 0 tolerance attitude after recent events, not just those in Teyla's alliance.[/spoiler2]

3) He was only "Feeding" people until he had his GUITAR
[spoiler2=]Oh well that makes it okay then, I missed the rule where it says as long as you want a guitar you can use a loophole to feed everybody willy nilly, that one must be in the updates too, doh, doesn't matter about the detrimental effect it had on a large percent of users - no offense to jack[/spoiler2]

4) He was giving back to the players in a kind gesture of more bang for their buck! IT IS NOT EASY IN THE REAL WORLD TO GET MONEY, since you did not know
[spoiler2=]Like I said you don't know how quantum works. Its a lot different to main.
The amount he was giving out was weeks and weeks worth. Who do you think bought that naq? That's right, the players that were feeding and cheating and bending every rule they could, those that have been known to do so notoriously in the past. He could of refused to sell to them, but instead empowered them to run a mock, he wasn't blind, and he knew what they were doing, so if anyone's to blame for bumping into trouble I'm sorry to say there's only one person.[/spoiler2]

This won't mean a thing to you Isaac, but just to remind everybody else what we had to put up.
[spoiler2=]10:40 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,229 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 8,269,797
10:34 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,229 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 8,525,564
10:03 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 20,988 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 7,586,060
10:01 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,217 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,023,862
09:57 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,302,950
09:55 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,590,670
09:53 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,887,289
09:50 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,193,081
09:38 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,508,331
09:36 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,833,331
09:29 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 22,597 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,402,376
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 40,091 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 541,988
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 558,750
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 576,029
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 593,844
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 612,209
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 631,142
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 650,661
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 670,784
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 691,528
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 712,914
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 734,962
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 757,691
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 781,123
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 38,721 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 340,469
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 376,064
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 387,694
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 399,683
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 412,044
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 424,787
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 437,924
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 451,466
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 465,429
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 479,822
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 494,661
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 509,959
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 525,730
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 9,266 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 51
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 64
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 66
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 67
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 69
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 72
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 9,449 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 61
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 78
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 80
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 82
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 84
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 86
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 89
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 91
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 93
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 8,441 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 99
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 128
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 131
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 135
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 138
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 142
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 146
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 149
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 153
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 157
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 162
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,807 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 167
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 163
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 167
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 172
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 10,489 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 144
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 15,822 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 155
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 15,822 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 159
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 196
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 201
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 14,384 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 161
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 14,384 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 164
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 216
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 221[/spoiler2]

Lastly : "So all in all, if you would have waited just 1 month, the feeding would have been over."
Are you for real? That just goes to show how much you know about quantum.
Yes, I do see what you've turned this in to. An utter joke.
To answer your original topic question "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue? - Yes, in Q it is. Thats why it's banned. If cash sales being banned means no more feeding, then good, I'm glad they're gone, that was letting fed players slip through the net.
You go read further in to the quantum archives and you'll find out exactly how much of an issue it was to everybody for so long.
I'm taking my leave of this thread now, it's an absolute waste of time, too many incorrect assumptions, and if I get arthritis in my fingers from doing so much typing I at least want it to be worthwhile.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:42 pm
by King Todd
lost password wrote:Isaac
I don't quite understand what you mean by requesting to be in the business, that makes no sense at all.
You said Teyla had no business to get involved with the feeding problem, I said yes she did as she actually played, as does any body who plays q and was effected by feeding, it was up to them as admin wasn't around and game cops didn't exist, I remember her from early waves of q when she had a different username, and more recent ones where fed players massed her for no reason at all, she hasn't just come out of nowhere you know. Just because somebody is not on the forum doesn't mean they are not in game.
Also why are you talking about admins? I wasn't, your talking nonsense on the basis Teyla and co. were only massing people, I said they did a lot more behind the scenes such as contact and discuss things with admin, gather evidence against cheaters to report them and much more.

You created a thread with the subject of a server you had no idea existed, you have no grasp of how quantum works and you have no idea of anything that actually happens in game, this is garbage.

In regards to your wise observations
1) He was not going against the rules.
[spoiler2=]Great, so he uses a loophole, that's okay then, doesn't matter it has the same effect as feeding, which as jack just said is frowned on by pretty much everybody. Paid feedings just peachy - sorry jack but at the end of the day if it was a cash transaction or old fashioned feed, it does amount to the same thing and it ran entirely out of control pre era 31[/spoiler2]

2) He never wanted to make an enemy of ANYONE
[spoiler2=]Was it just him being targeted? Somehow I don't think so, the fight was against ANYBODY who initiated such actions, a lot of players were adopting the 0 tolerance attitude after recent events, not just those in Teyla's alliance.[/spoiler2]

3) He was only "Feeding" people until he had his GUITAR
[spoiler2=]Oh well that makes it okay then, I missed the rule where it says as long as you want a guitar you can use a loophole to feed everybody willy nilly, that one must be in the updates too, doh, doesn't matter about the detrimental effect it had on a large percent of users - no offense to jack[/spoiler2]

4) He was giving back to the players in a kind gesture of more bang for their buck! IT IS NOT EASY IN THE REAL WORLD TO GET MONEY, since you did not know
[spoiler2=]Like I said you don't know how quantum works. Its a lot different to main.
The amount he was giving out was weeks and weeks worth. Who do you think bought that naq? That's right, the players that were feeding and cheating and bending every rule they could, those that have been known to do so notoriously in the past. He could of refused to sell to them, but instead empowered them to run a mock, he wasn't blind, and he knew what they were doing, so if anyone's to blame for bumping into trouble I'm sorry to say there's only one person.[/spoiler2]

This won't mean a thing to you Isaac, but just to remind everybody else what we had to put up.
[spoiler2=]10:40 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,229 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 8,269,797
10:34 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,229 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 8,525,564
10:03 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 20,988 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 7,586,060
10:01 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,217 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,023,862
09:57 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,302,950
09:55 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,590,670
09:53 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 9,887,289
09:50 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,193,081
09:38 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,508,331
09:36 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 24,226 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,833,331
09:29 Akhal 456451906108 4SkinTheif 492112985968 22,597 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 10,402,376
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 40,091 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 541,988
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 558,750
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 576,029
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 593,844
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 612,209
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 631,142
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 650,661
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 670,784
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 691,528
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 712,914
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 734,962
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 757,691
06:08 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,294 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 781,123
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 38,721 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 340,469
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 376,064
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 387,694
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 399,683
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 412,044
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 424,787
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 437,924
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 451,466
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 465,429
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 479,822
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 494,661
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 509,959
08:18 Akhal 456451906108 Jack Oneil 448429107430 47,413 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 525,730
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 9,266 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 51
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 64
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 66
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 67
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 69
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 22,478 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 72
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 9,449 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 61
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 0 78
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 80
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 82
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 84
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 86
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 89
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 91
May 09, 2012 Akhal 456452225555 Kikaz 942492013390 24,195 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 93
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 8,441 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 99
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 128
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 131
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 135
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 138
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,757 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 142
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 146
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 149
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 153
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 157
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,731 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 162
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,807 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 167
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 163
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 167
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 20,161 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 172
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 10,489 quadrillion Naquadah lost 1 144
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 15,822 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 155
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 15,822 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 159
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 196
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 3 201
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 14,384 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 161
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 14,384 quadrillion Naquadah lost 2 164
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 4 216
May 07, 2012 Akhal 456451584400 Kikaz 942492013390 21,576 quadrillion Naquadah lost 5 221[/spoiler2]

Lastly : "So all in all, if you would have waited just 1 month, the feeding would have been over."
Are you for real? That just goes to show how much you know about quantum.
Yes, I do see what you've turned this in to. An utter joke.
To answer your original topic question "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue? - Yes, in Q it is. Thats why it's banned. If cash sales being banned means no more feeding, then good, I'm glad they're gone, that was letting fed players slip through the net.
You go read further in to the quantum archives and you'll find out exactly how much of an issue it was to everybody for so long.
I'm taking my leave of this thread now, it's an absolute waste of time, too many incorrect assumptions, and if I get arthritis in my fingers from doing so much typing I at least want it to be worthwhile.

Saying she plays the game so it is her business is saying 3 people are in a club. Person A knows Person B and pays Person B to fix his car, but Person C wants to say that Person A paid too little and should give Person B a hundred dollars more. It's still not Person C's business.

You have to make everything stupidly hard? let's make it stupidly hard.

1. I don't know anyone who do not use loopholes. For one, it's not a loophole if there is no rule in relation.
2. 0 Tolerance is when people do the same thing over and over and no one can stop them. Jack was not told to stop. He was not encouraged to stop. Jack wanted to better himself in real life, sue him if it's so bad.
3. The users that were so greatly affected didn't have this to go on for years. Neither was the whole situation in for spite
spite   [spahyt] Show IPA noun, verb, spit·ed, spit·ing.
a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.
4. Like I said, it's a game.
5. Don't understand it, but it is probably the game logs of Naq transfers. Cool.

Jack was going to be done in a month or so at the least. As I said, there were perfectly other BETTER examples of feeders to go and kill, they do it FOR the stupid competition. Jack had NOTHING TO DO with the competition, he wanted money, it seemed the easiest. Jeezes you all pride yourselves in this like it's a religion.

Also, sorry, was talking to Zeratul on this account, so I'm signed in on it. I am Isaac

P.S. - to the utterly blind, I was turning it into good versus evil. Right versus wrong. (Maybe even the way to ascension, I don't know, but people can see many similarities)

To turn it into a joke, it would have me as trolling. If I was trolling, the admins would not let this discussion venture from the first post. In fact, SS, a very respected man encouraged it more or less in the second post of the entire discussion. If he had said stop trolling. I would have closed the thread.

For everyone, the translation of lost password's last statement: I'm to good for all of you, none of you are worth my time. I'm right, you're wrong. Bye.

Re: "Feeding"/Selling Naq, Serious Issue?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:47 pm
by Atari
My God, How am I making things stupidly hard? It's not my fault you don't bother reading anything properly and if you actually played the game I'm sure it would be a lot clear to you, but there you go. ](*,)

It is a joke when you don't make any sense and talk about things you are completely unfamiliar with, at least take the time to read through other quantum posts going back a while before making such comments as you did previously, if it wasn't a problem it would not be banned, and fyi yes we put up with the same thing for years. Good riddance to it.

There was a rule in relation. As of era 26. The loophole to that rule was getting money for feeding as it didn't mention cash sales, which some people exploited. It was still feeding and that rule should of been more clear at the time.

I seen Jack being told to stop by Teyla & etc due to what they were doing, I seen warnings that were out there before Jack even put his sales thread up. Its not like nobody knew.

If you really want me to be honest I'm leaving because your speaking absolute rubbish about a now stagnant subject you ironically have no knowledge of. It's pointless.
You only brought this topic up in the first place because you wanted to sell something, well sorry, you can't do that on Q and that's that.