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Re: Boston

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:15 pm
by Noobert
Anyone who votes for any life is more important than any other is utterly stupid.

Re: Boston

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:41 pm
by Sol
Slightly on topic...I heard a (few) conspiracies in regards to the Boston bombings.
One of the more recent ones; CISPA managed to get through the house (with a 'substantial majority' backing it).

Re: Boston

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:46 pm
by Juliette
It got through the House because of the bombing.

Like most politics and lawmaking these days, it is based on hypes and incidents.

Re: Boston

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:23 pm
by Slim87R
Well, that means look forward to more stupid **Filtered** happening. Congress wants to push something that meets heavy resistance? Hell just make some bad thing happen and it will sail through!

Re: Boston

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:34 pm
by Dexter Morgan™
George Hazard wrote:3 times in the last five minutes.I have read you saying you are.done talking to me.

Here is a thought. Stop replying to me if you you

I am hereby deemed a troll? Lol. Have you never met me before?
Yet I thought you had superior intellect than I? Meh, you have been called out, and done with lost causes, as you are an American, if facts don't sway your fun on forums, then so be it. ](*,)

Seriously, I have only addressed you these times to let others know, even though you pretend to be smart and have points, you are a sheep, and you should do well at it. Have done so far, need I mention Jason's sheep for years, until stabbed in the back, as you put it so many times yet are still here....... Note to everyone, I don't give two craps about what he has done on this forum in the past, but do not let this cancer dissuade your open minds when so much is unfolding that is IMPORTANT.

Re: Boston

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 pm
by Dexter Morgan™
Juliette wrote:It got through the House because of the bombing.

Like most politics and lawmaking these days, it is based on hypes and incidents.
Thank you for being actually honest and having integrity. I know you agree with certain tactics for agendas, but most of what has happened in the last 50 years just makes me wanna vomit. So when I see idiots that are supposedly so advanced in their lives, as to call ME stupid, and only troll a forum they were kicked from for exposing a "conspiricy", just makes it even more idiotic.

That is all. We are awake. Look at the poll. You lose. Free minds win. Troll or no, this is serious, as it is supposedly only a couple hours from you GH.

Re: Boston

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:29 am
by Londo Mollari
Right guys, enough of this. Keep it civil or I'll start issuing warnings

Also, triple posting and double posting? Use the edit post function next time

in my opinion, although the loss of life is tragic, it was by all accounts a relatively tame attack, 2 dead is nothing (that said, the death count in 9/11 was also rather small, but it was more a symbolic thing)

yes, home news is usually given more focus. No, it's not home news to Europe, but then, European culture is so similar to American culture that it is worth paying attention to (not worth endless repeating news headlines which regurgitate the same information over and over though)

The majority of people in the world read about this, thought to themselves "what a shame, but it could have been worse" and carried on with their lives.

Re: Boston

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:35 am
by Juliette
Slim87R wrote:Well, that means look forward to more stupid **Filtered** happening. Congress wants to push something that meets heavy resistance? Hell just make some bad thing happen and it will sail through!
Patriot Act required 9/11 to get enough support. There are quite a few more examples (going back all the way to Ancient Rome and way beyond), but that is not really the point of the thread, I suppose. :)

Re: Boston

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:22 pm
by GrizzZzzly
We can all be idealists and say everyone is equally important but thats just not how it is. Of course american citizen's lives are more important than middle eastern lives. Where have you guys been. importance hinges on relevance to oneself. To the american media/people, american lives being lost is a far greater deal. How much do we do to protect people in our country compared to how much we protect people from other countries.

Re: Boston

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:59 pm
by JasonJay
"Is some life more important than others?"

On a humane "let me not look like Hitler" point of view you would have to say no.

On a real view, obviously it is. Or at-least is perceived as such, and our perception defines us

Re: Boston

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:45 am
by Juliette
Ah, the argument that the people closer to you matter more. :)
Makes some sense.

Re: Boston

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:34 am
by JasonJay
Not even closer to you. There are many ways to value lives and therefore appreciate more than others. Humans were not made to see all life as equal

Re: Boston

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:24 pm
by Dexter Morgan™
Juliette wrote:
Slim87R wrote:Well, that means look forward to more stupid **Filtered** happening. Congress wants to push something that meets heavy resistance? Hell just make some bad thing happen and it will sail through!
Patriot Act required 9/11 to get enough support. There are quite a few more examples (going back all the way to Ancient Rome and way beyond), but that is not really the point of the thread, I suppose. :)
Now I get support. Where ya been Jules??? Little late to the party but welcome! If you would like a one on one tutorial on what is really going on I'd be happy to fill you in. Took long enough, but finally its so obvious people have to see it. I am loving the fact that TRUTH prevails!! :smt025

EDIT: Seriously, hit me up on the skypes, my ID is my emails.

Re: Boston

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:33 pm
by Dexter Morgan™
Londo Mollari wrote:Right guys, enough of this. Keep it civil or I'll start issuing warnings

Also, triple posting and double posting? Use the edit post function next time

in my opinion, although the loss of life is tragic, it was by all accounts a relatively tame attack, 2 dead is nothing (that said, the death count in 9/11 was also rather small, but it was more a symbolic thing)

yes, home news is usually given more focus. No, it's not home news to Europe, but then, European culture is so similar to American culture that it is worth paying attention to (not worth endless repeating news headlines which regurgitate the same information over and over though)

The majority of people in the world read about this, thought to themselves "what a shame, but it could have been worse" and carried on with their lives.
We are in debate central and no one is un-cival. Are you kidding me? If you can not refute the point in the debate then do not post, its pretty simple. And judging from the overwhelming response to one of three options, I don't see how you at ALL could see this as a mere arguement that got "out of hand". What is your basis on this? REDICULOUS. Seems like you are a facebook insider mod that turns in people with tags of #anonymous or #GMO or even #Medi4Truth......
:---) Warn away, when I protested with Anonymous on July 4th I got shot at with fingers, flipped off, so ya go right ahead and follow the herd if you must....