A really wild and crazy idea

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Sleipnir wrote:
Upgrade to: Cost:
250 - 100k
500 - 200k
1000 - 400k
2000 - 800k
4000 - 1.6M
8000 - 3.2M
and so on...


I think this is an excellent idea, however the population caps sleipnir suggested here ^ I think is probably not that good an idea, I think they should work somewhere in between how the current unit production works and this idea here, for example

100- free!
150 - 10k
250 - 25k
350 - 50k
500- 80k

they arent exact figures I am just trying to get across what sort of slope you want on your upgrades.

Also you could have a feature "how many planets do you want to capture" and this could decide what sort of attack you have on the individual planets, elect too little and it isnt worth anything, too many and you wont capture any or many. The defence would have to be multiplied up somewhat but that's no biggie. possibly upgrades for this? dependign on how many planets you have what level you can reach.
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for one it would be like an intire conversion of SGW which would take months of redesigning etc....and hwo would they replace what we have? i do agree we should integrate planets etc but thye shouldnt be the main anything. sure they would help with money and posibly increase unit production al ittle per planet but it would simply probably be to hard for them to redesign all of SGW to that system. you can stil lhave it jsut not as like the main invcome etc....
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why not?, it is up to the game programmers to decide.
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they should make it so that like once a month xx amount of planets is added to the game.
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Or have it that there is a Set amont of planets let say 1 million planets and it shrinks until everybody uses takeover everyplanet and the next thing to do is attack others for there planets
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Another idea for these planets would be to make it so everyone starts with one planet and it is there main ream that they have now. Then when it comes time that they want another planet they send out a assult to claim a world that is not claimed that makes up the intential garrison for that new world. You would have to send wepons spys attck and defense units and Naq to start the new world and then you would basicaly get a whole new relm with sever limits.

1. You can only transfer so much from a secondadry world to your main world or other world. You do not need to sponsor to do this. It will be caped at a total amount that can be sent probaly based on a percentage. All you will be able to send back is wepons and trained unitsunits. No naq and no untrained units attack turns will also not be allowed.

2. You off world sites can be destroyed more eaisly. Maybe the home world gets an extra defense bonus. Also you can lose the entire relm if there are no trained units there.( maybe make this no trained defense units.so it would be possible to make players lose ther outpost.)

3. no bank on any off world site all money will be kept in the open

4. For some one to find one of you outpost they would need to be able to send in a reacisoin mission. You would have to be able to get past the combined covert of the two site to be able to find the planet. ( with that in mind i don't think that ther should be spy levels for the outpost or they should be caped at a lowere level)

5. you can attack seperat from your offworld site but the person you attack will be able to see where it came from thus attacking your outpost without finding it. However they could only see it for as long as it stayed in there logs.

well thats it i know that they are pretty silly but meh
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Add this too add a Planet Assimlation Meter the planet doesnt go under ur control until it hits 100% or something and u can only assimalte 10-100 Planets at a time. More planets u assimlate a a time the longer it well take to complete the entire assimlation and vise versa.

Maybe Each planet can produce XX aamount of naqada and Troops
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you could have the ability to purchase planets mining, military, homeworld, ect and conquers others so instead of having one world you can build you own empire. which would also allow others to target and attack certain planets and steal them or destroy them.
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Good idea but I think you should only be able to get like one planet at a time or else a mass attack could completely destroy someone and it would make the little guys extremely easy targets with no way to defend themselves and I think that a player should only be able to own say if there was 100 people and 100,000 planets then he should only be able to get up to 100,000 planets and the only way for people to get some is to take them they can get no more than what he has ya get what im sayin its a little confusing and I think there should ba a inplimented idea specifically for this kind of thing like rebelions if you get so man planets and you have to have a planetary force to keep rebelions down or else you planets become easier to steal if you have to man.Tell me what you think of this.
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