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Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:27 am
by Arty Bang
It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:41 am
by kynell
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
u just don't get it like I said I dont care im reffering to other new players who dont like it if u read up there is 1 guy who has quit because of it im simply saying this server has hardly any people playing and because of this another person has quit and possibly more will but hey its not my game so I couldn't care if new players are put of by it or not screw them if that's what you guys want.

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:50 am
by Arty Bang
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
u just don't get it like I said I dont care im reffering to other new players who dont like it if u read up there is 1 guy who has quit because of it im simply saying this server has hardly any people playing and because of this another person has quit and possibly more will but hey its not my game so I couldn't care if new players are put of by it or not screw them if that's what you guys want.

Thats why there is a beginners guide in the forums, that way new people can learn all the stuff experienced players know. If this is something that puts people off and makes them stop playing, then good...they are not the type of people we want in quantum because they are probably not going to be committed to future eras.

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:48 am
by kynell
arty bang wrote:
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
u just don't get it like I said I dont care im reffering to other new players who dont like it if u read up there is 1 guy who has quit because of it im simply saying this server has hardly any people playing and because of this another person has quit and possibly more will but hey its not my game so I couldn't care if new players are put of by it or not screw them if that's what you guys want.

Thats why there is a beginners guide in the forums, that way new people can learn all the stuff experienced players know. If this is something that puts people off and makes them stop playing, then good...they are not the type of people we want in quantum because they are probably not going to be committed to future eras.
this is not just a game for experienced players its for everyone if people quit because of the bank problem and experienced players getting a advantage then that is a problem and shouldn't have people like you saying good if they dont like it they can quit that's not how you attract and keep new players [-X

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:22 am
by Arty Bang
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
u just don't get it like I said I dont care im reffering to other new players who dont like it if u read up there is 1 guy who has quit because of it im simply saying this server has hardly any people playing and because of this another person has quit and possibly more will but hey its not my game so I couldn't care if new players are put of by it or not screw them if that's what you guys want.

Thats why there is a beginners guide in the forums, that way new people can learn all the stuff experienced players know. If this is something that puts people off and makes them stop playing, then good...they are not the type of people we want in quantum because they are probably not going to be committed to future eras.
this is not just a game for experienced players its for everyone if people quit because of the bank problem and experienced players getting a advantage then that is a problem and shouldn't have people like you saying good if they dont like it they can quit that's not how you attract and keep new players [-X
Im not saying its just for experienced players, read every word i type, not just bits and pieces.
Im saying that if new players (like you) are just going to come play an era and lose because they dont know how to play, then complain about how the experienced players, who know how to play win.
We dont want people who are just going to cry :smt088 and say everythings unfair.
If we are going by your logic we should then erase everyones memories (neuralizer) :smt021 so that everyone is a new player.
Its just like a job, you need experience to make it to the top.

And Everything i say is, my personal opinion...i am not speaking for everyone, just myself.

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:28 am
by kynell
arty bang wrote:
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:
kynell wrote:
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
u just don't get it like I said I dont care im reffering to other new players who dont like it if u read up there is 1 guy who has quit because of it im simply saying this server has hardly any people playing and because of this another person has quit and possibly more will but hey its not my game so I couldn't care if new players are put of by it or not screw them if that's what you guys want.

Thats why there is a beginners guide in the forums, that way new people can learn all the stuff experienced players know. If this is something that puts people off and makes them stop playing, then good...they are not the type of people we want in quantum because they are probably not going to be committed to future eras.
this is not just a game for experienced players its for everyone if people quit because of the bank problem and experienced players getting a advantage then that is a problem and shouldn't have people like you saying good if they dont like it they can quit that's not how you attract and keep new players [-X
Im not saying its just for experienced players, read every word i type, not just bits and pieces.
Im saying that if new players (like you) are just going to come play an era and lose because they dont know how to play, then complain about how the experienced players, who know how to play win.
We dont want people who are just going to cry :smt088 and say everythings unfair.
If we are going by your logic we should then erase everyones memories (neuralizer) :smt021 so that everyone is a new player.
Its just like a job, you need experience to make it to the top.
experience and a whole lot of big bank this argeument is pointless anyway I cba with it anymore players are quiting over it you guys don't care I don't care let them quit end of convo less players we have les of a competition it is making it easier for the rest of us.

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:30 am
by Drought
arty bang wrote:It's all fair play kynell, it's a strategy that works fine. When i found out about the how banks dont reset, do you think i was upset and tried to have it reset, no i was like oh looks like i got some catching up to do. So stop complaining and worrying about everyone elses bank size, worry about your own.
I did worry about the bank size, and with the naq spent on it this era it was obvious it would be a large bucket of naq drainage before it has any decent seize/meaning.
And honestly, I worry now so much, it would prevent me from putting in any serious effort.... perhaps even preventing participation,

But no biggy, I have seen it now and seen its not my type of game.

and concerning reading up before hand, hardly any one does that, people tend to read up stuff afterwards when they run into something they dont understand. Seeing as I play main too, I figured the basic knowledge of the game would have been enough to keep me going, I was wrong haha oh well.

anyone been playing since the early eras ? whats your bank size by now ?

Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:36 pm
by Neimenljivi
First off - reset the banks and you won't lose an occasional newcomer who isn't drawn to Q enough to stay anyway (otherwise he would have, the bank's just an excuse), you'll lose 1/2 of the active players. Why? Because a lot of us spent years building banks. We sacrificed eras for bigger banks. Not because they are necessary to win, because it's something we chose to do. If someone doesn't want to go down that road, there are alternatives that work and people with smaller banks have proven that.
Heck the previous era, era 34, I won and had a very, very tiny bank throughout the whole era. Could have a big one, but I wasn't training miners. 80% of active players had a bigger bank, despite me having upgraded it further than the majority of these players.

If Aisar had the best account and best stats he would have won. What's the only difference between him and those that came before him? They spent their naq later than he did. That's the only difference. If they'd spend it half an hour sooner they'd have bigger stats then already. So I fail to see how Aisar would have won if it weren't for the banks.

Quantum is very different from main. The best player from main couldn't win Q in his first era without researching how to play Quantum.

I have had this account from era 8 (although I played before with a different account, then deleted and came back with a new one). I spent quite a few eras using market bonus for bank size increase. I have had a few USSs bought. Anyone can have a bigger bank than me if they are willing to train more miners. If they aren't, then they shouldn't complain about a small bank.

Also there have been eras with no banks at all or eras where the bank size was almost completely defined by special features. Guess what, the experienced players prevailed, not the newcomers. It's experience that counts, not bank space.


Re: Congradz

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:50 pm
by Affirmation
Ahhhhh, the ole "Quantum Bank" debate... It does Old Man Affy's sense of nostalgia such a big boost tonight to see it resurrected yet again!!

Don't get me wrong, I can completely sympathize with the newcomers but it is just one of the most appealing reasons that the core 30-40 longtime players in Quantum come back again and again to our beloved server. Why do I call it "our" server?? Well, the answer is the 750-1250 dollars that I have spent over the last 7-8 years donating to Quantum, and I am hoping in some small part, helping to keep the ever-changing and ever-interesting Quantum server alive lo these many years.

While some of us have massive banks from all this money spent, and 4/5 years of weekly bonuses spent on Bank upgrades, it is both a banner of pride and a source of discontent that the small advantage this provides me (as a lazy old man) to play and compete in Quantum with a larger than average bank, it also has been proven Era in and Era out every 90 days that any average newcomer to Quantum can overcome anyone's large bank with good aggressive and consistent play.

The ONLY thing a newcomer can't outmatch is being lured into a sense of the doldrums and lackadaisical play at the end of the Era thinking that they can coast the last few weeks when their stats nearly or closely match that of the player with the huge bank. Cause while you slowed your play, I was storing NAQ away to slam into the game at the last few hours!!

Yes, it seems unfair, but I would also contend that I am sorely peeved that my large bank advantage hardly ever seems to help me overcome my lazy play, and lack of steady aggressiveness for great players who bang away at Quantum. It really seems to piss Old Man Affy off that I have played Quantum since the beginning, and CAN'T beat players with smaller banks than mine who haven't donated a cent and beat my old pants off with great steady aggressive play in one single 90 day Era!!! Where is my pain felt?? Who bleeds for Old Man Affy????

Anyways, sorry to the newer players who feel the bank advantage is too great to overcome, yes - it is hard to get 'slapped' in the face that final day when you thought you were right up there. Keep playing, keep upgrading your bank when able, and keep giving just a little, tiny amount of respect to those who have kept the server alive on such a small, teenie pool of donators for so many years. It is a GREAT server, that resets with wonderful Bugs, and craziness, and sillyness, and all sorts of fun stupidity every 90 days!! The ONLY advantage you can gain is new friends, allies, and a sense of pride from sticking to it and donating every now and then to get those larger banks.

And then you can be like Old Man Affy, SUPER HUGE bank, super huge stupid player who wastes that advantage every Era!!!! HAHAHA

Cheers to the newcomers of Quantum!!

Re: Congradz

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:31 pm
by Kilimanjaro
hehehe...... what's got Bad Affy to say about this matter? Was reeeealy expecting a overly/utterly/absolutely "Bad Affy" follow up there Affy :smt050 :smt050 :smt050 :smt050

Re: Congradz

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:33 pm
by Juliette
Kilimanjaro wrote:hehehe...... what's got Bad Affy to say about this matter? Was reeeealy expecting a overly/utterly/absolutely "Bad Affy" follow up there Affy :smt050 :smt050 :smt050 :smt050
I read it as Bad Affy telling them to **Filtered** off, Affy seems to agree in a slightly more eloquent fashion. ;)