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~Les Erebus~
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Method Man wrote:
Les Ennemis wrote:then how about owning up to what you were doing and not end the rest of the game sniping. dude own the **Filtered** up man and you will never hear a peep from me again. I'll leave ya be or simply apologize for the two things you did that were wrong..

1. you told KzD we were merging into WuTC to be a independent alliance. That was a lie, we were a training alliance for mH. i only found this out after billz told me..

2. you know you been caught out and hopefully you wont be stupid enough to do it again (scripting kills the game) you dont even have to apologize to us in public nothing like that, just a Pm saying you know what sorry Les, and went about your way and you wouldn't hear crap from myself or the alliance.

Sniping us proves nothing for you, it does nothing for you, it is POINTLESS.

omg the ego

appologise to you ? who the **Filtered** are you?

keep on lying to yourself that you even care if i was scripting or not.. this is about you and your dramatic ways

you should find the off switch for yourself.......

I feel like your just stuck on stupid. Apologize to the dude you lied to. Apologize to people who looked up to you and called you their leader when you was a fraud dude. I know you got friends in this game as we all do, you found that out the hard way, thinking a member I brought into the alliance would choose to talk smack on me only for you to get called out. Seriously? you talk and preach about how smart you are but your reasons for some of the stuff you justify are just whack bro.. You say your upset with Flint and I.

So, what do you do? you descend the ascending people in my alliance and managed to get warsmith when he has been busy. Big Deal they are still ascending and it is very simple to stay in GnR range.. go script some naq and build up and tear us apart dude.

Your all talk with sniper actions
you can own up or SHUT UP put out or get out :smt050 :smt050
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that
Method Man
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not even sure why your still talking to be honest, everything i read from you is pure nonesense and dramatic crap just for you to have something to say.

you turned on me within 1 hour of having a normal conversation with me on skype where you asked me to take leadership off flint and put you in charge because you didnt trust him and he was up odins ass and scared of TC.. i trusted you and did exactly as you asked.. or am i lying?

then within 1 hour you had blocked me on skype and managed to get as many people as you could from wutc to join you both. What does this tell you?

Cheating was just an accusation, not even been answered my jo by then or anything of the sort, yet you turned on me soo **Filtered** fast....

regardless of the way you are trying to make me look i am a genuine guy and if i did something wrong to you i would be fast to appologise, and i know you know this as many others do but for whatever reason you have felt the need to persue me and disrespect me and drag my name through the mud for no **Filtered** reason.. i never did a thing to you or anyone in wutc other than try to help .. yet i cant get the benefit of the doubt while an investigation was done by admin before you turn your back on me and act like i did something to you just so you can justify your **Filtered** up actions.

I have no appologies for any of you.. you did what you did and now i will do as i feel.

I cant be assed to post here anymore, my communications with be in whatever actions i take.
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Method Man wrote:
Maybe i am odin.. or odin is me.. and i am j3.. or j4 cant remeber how many J's there/i have been, and maybe i am the leader of all the main alliances and i am the one who sells the most naq and accounts in the game under a million proxies and i spend all day having conversations with myself. maybe there is only realy 2 people playing the whole game ... All the multiple me's and the one person who knows he isnt me.. would that be you? lol
NanoDrop wrote::smt105
:O that is some deep stuff lol
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~Les Erebus~
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cool story bro
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that
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CC90 wrote:Lol better watch out lads the scripter is going to mass yall lol

You know meth in the past i bet you were a generally nice guy i mean you did have alot of respect as far as i can gather...

---But now your just ascting like a total doosh a zayle if you would even during our war you where both disrespectful and belligerent to others when it was meant to be fun...---

But dont worry flint and les he will startbit and then hit vac as we all know thats a meth special...

Need any turns or that hit me up lads

I might be an arrogant prick. But you should tread carefully. I wouldnt want my feelings to get hurt :)

Turns: 31,664

Attack Turns 18,367 :smt025

To Meth, long time no speak brothah. Sorry I been awol on skype, not much time for comps these days and if im on its cuz i fell asleep watching some tv series. hmu later when you get a chance.

And my boys in sturm! its been a while, ill look for you in the chats as well and catch up, miss talkin to you **Filtered** hahah, i blame being over worked and underf***ed on my absence.

As i said before, I still got mad love for you all, and im not willing to fight or supply either side in this battle. I hope things can at least be worked out in some way. Whether it be by the pen or the sword.
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Why is it that I go away and chill in RL for a bit that I come back to find my name bring brought up again some how linked to a situation involving all of you? >< lol

[06/09/2015 23:16:47 | Edited 23:16:56] Ritalin: was odins idea for flint to steal wutc from me

Dude come on now. That's just silly if you have some proof of this I would love to see it. I would not talk someone into stealing someones alliance because I know I would be pissed if it happened to me. The only time I can remember mentioning something even remotely close to this was when you went inactive during our war and you had not signed in for ages. You weren't even sure if you were able to continue to play the game due to losing your busy and RL issues and flint I believe was worried about what would happen. I then said worse comes to worse you have the 2IC update that came along a while ago where a 2IC can become 1IC if the 1IC has not logged in for a while. Then he could do 1IC for WuTang till you returned. This was all said while WuTang was still WuTang. So it was not me going "psst flintlock, steal and take over his alliance".

More then happy to discuss this further on skype if needed to avoid spamming this thread however if not at least try to keep my name outa this or if you do mention me make sure its all with the correct background and info etc.

Good day :)
The forces of harchester fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 145,573,411,725,000 damage
The forces of harchester fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 3 damage
TGW Annual Community Awards 2014/2015
Method Man
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Alternate name(s): ~odin~, KJ, Mathlord, Enter The Lion, Pheonix, Rek, Pisoi, ~Da Vinci~, Jaden, Crankshaft, Jason, Kikaz, Flintlock, Les Enemis, Disturbed, Priller, Lord Katsumoto


~Odin~ wrote:Why is it that I go away and chill in RL for a bit that I come back to find my name bring brought up again some how linked to a situation involving all of you? >< lol

[06/09/2015 23:16:47 | Edited 23:16:56] Ritalin: was odins idea for flint to steal wutc from me

Dude come on now. That's just silly if you have some proof of this I would love to see it. I would not talk someone into stealing someones alliance because I know I would be pissed if it happened to me. The only time I can remember mentioning something even remotely close to this was when you went inactive during our war and you had not signed in for ages. You weren't even sure if you were able to continue to play the game due to losing your busy and RL issues and flint I believe was worried about what would happen. I then said worse comes to worse you have the 2IC update that came along a while ago where a 2IC can become 1IC if the 1IC has not logged in for a while. Then he could do 1IC for WuTang till you returned. This was all said while WuTang was still WuTang. So it was not me going "psst flintlock, steal and take over his alliance".

More then happy to discuss this further on skype if needed to avoid spamming this thread however if not at least try to keep my name outa this or if you do mention me make sure its all with the correct background and info etc.

Good day :)
Not looking to get into some big discussion about this on here but a good friend of yours told me you was behind it!! also whether this goes to skype or not.. i dont give names so you will just have to take my word for it, but trust me i wouldnt have said it unless i was told!

im back on skype quite frequenly again so hit me up if you want to discuss it
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Method Man wrote:
Maybe i am odin.. or odin is me.. and i am j3.. or j4 cant remeber how many J's there/i have been, and maybe i am the leader of all the main alliances and i am the one who sells the most naq and accounts in the game under a million proxies and i spend all day having conversations with myself. maybe there is only realy 2 people playing the whole game ... All the multiple me's and the one person who knows he isnt me.. would that be you? lol
NanoDrop wrote::smt105
:O that is some deep stuff lol
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Method Man wrote:
~Odin~ wrote:Why is it that I go away and chill in RL for a bit that I come back to find my name bring brought up again some how linked to a situation involving all of you? >< lol

[06/09/2015 23:16:47 | Edited 23:16:56] Ritalin: was odins idea for flint to steal wutc from me

Dude come on now. That's just silly if you have some proof of this I would love to see it. I would not talk someone into stealing someones alliance because I know I would be pissed if it happened to me. The only time I can remember mentioning something even remotely close to this was when you went inactive during our war and you had not signed in for ages. You weren't even sure if you were able to continue to play the game due to losing your busy and RL issues and flint I believe was worried about what would happen. I then said worse comes to worse you have the 2IC update that came along a while ago where a 2IC can become 1IC if the 1IC has not logged in for a while. Then he could do 1IC for WuTang till you returned. This was all said while WuTang was still WuTang. So it was not me going "psst flintlock, steal and take over his alliance".

More then happy to discuss this further on skype if needed to avoid spamming this thread however if not at least try to keep my name outa this or if you do mention me make sure its all with the correct background and info etc.

Good day :)
Not looking to get into some big discussion about this on here but a good friend of yours told me you was behind it!! also whether this goes to skype or not.. i dont give names so you will just have to take my word for it, but trust me i wouldnt have said it unless i was told!

im back on skype quite frequenly again so hit me up if you want to discuss it
I look forward to hearing who this "good friend" is lol, messaged on skype.
The forces of harchester fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 145,573,411,725,000 damage
The forces of harchester fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 3 damage
TGW Annual Community Awards 2014/2015
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Wow handbags at dawn ladies lol
22:00:43 Colonel Jack Oneill -Rob Merkley: ok, Well there you have it I suck and am a noob, ill leave the fighting to you mightly mutha **Filtered**Image
harchester wrote: Harch - no more massing from me ;)
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CC90 wrote:handbags at dawn then gentlemen :)
CC90 wrote:Wow handbags at dawn ladies lol
So at what point did we make the transition from gentlemen to ladies?


Tap for sigs
Method Man
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Alternate name(s): ~odin~, KJ, Mathlord, Enter The Lion, Pheonix, Rek, Pisoi, ~Da Vinci~, Jaden, Crankshaft, Jason, Kikaz, Flintlock, Les Enemis, Disturbed, Priller, Lord Katsumoto


My_Crows wrote:
CC90 wrote:handbags at dawn then gentlemen :)
CC90 wrote:Wow handbags at dawn ladies lol
So at what point did we make the transition from gentlemen to ladies?


#CC90SpecialWeekends :smt047
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Method Man wrote:
Maybe i am odin.. or odin is me.. and i am j3.. or j4 cant remeber how many J's there/i have been, and maybe i am the leader of all the main alliances and i am the one who sells the most naq and accounts in the game under a million proxies and i spend all day having conversations with myself. maybe there is only realy 2 people playing the whole game ... All the multiple me's and the one person who knows he isnt me.. would that be you? lol
NanoDrop wrote::smt105
:O that is some deep stuff lol
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Method Man wrote:
~Odin~ wrote:Why is it that I go away and chill in RL for a bit that I come back to find my name bring brought up again some how linked to a situation involving all of you? >< lol

[06/09/2015 23:16:47 | Edited 23:16:56] Ritalin: was odins idea for flint to steal wutc from me

Dude come on now. That's just silly if you have some proof of this I would love to see it. I would not talk someone into stealing someones alliance because I know I would be pissed if it happened to me. The only time I can remember mentioning something even remotely close to this was when you went inactive during our war and you had not signed in for ages. You weren't even sure if you were able to continue to play the game due to losing your busy and RL issues and flint I believe was worried about what would happen. I then said worse comes to worse you have the 2IC update that came along a while ago where a 2IC can become 1IC if the 1IC has not logged in for a while. Then he could do 1IC for WuTang till you returned. This was all said while WuTang was still WuTang. So it was not me going "psst flintlock, steal and take over his alliance".

More then happy to discuss this further on skype if needed to avoid spamming this thread however if not at least try to keep my name outa this or if you do mention me make sure its all with the correct background and info etc.

Good day :)
Not looking to get into some big discussion about this on here but a good friend of yours told me you was behind it!! also whether this goes to skype or not.. i dont give names so you will just have to take my word for it, but trust me i wouldnt have said it unless i was told!

im back on skype quite frequenly again so hit me up if you want to discuss it

It was redstorm smart guy.
And i said i wouldnt do that. I had 1ic and gave it back.
Didnt steal nothing.
And took the players that wanted me in charge.
Thats called starting your own. [-X
Tap for explosive fun!
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you people talk alot lol
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~Les Erebus~
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GUYS he actually built me a 8 tril def. he dropped my NG account (applauds) and left me some spies i'm kind of impressed :smt060 come at my 91 tril def bro im online and i Know you are.. come at me man you know you want to, come get that revenge you talking about...
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that
Method Man
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Alternate name(s): ~odin~, KJ, Mathlord, Enter The Lion, Pheonix, Rek, Pisoi, ~Da Vinci~, Jaden, Crankshaft, Jason, Kikaz, Flintlock, Les Enemis, Disturbed, Priller, Lord Katsumoto


Les Ennemis wrote:GUYS he actually built me a 8 tril def. he dropped my NG account (applauds) and left me some spies i'm kind of impressed :smt060 come at my 91 tril def bro im online and i Know you are.. come at me man you know you want to, come get that revenge you talking about...

dont worry, it will come, when i feel like it .. this is my pace not yours.. hence the reason your soooo frustrated!!! i love it :smt047
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Method Man wrote:
Maybe i am odin.. or odin is me.. and i am j3.. or j4 cant remeber how many J's there/i have been, and maybe i am the leader of all the main alliances and i am the one who sells the most naq and accounts in the game under a million proxies and i spend all day having conversations with myself. maybe there is only realy 2 people playing the whole game ... All the multiple me's and the one person who knows he isnt me.. would that be you? lol
NanoDrop wrote::smt105
:O that is some deep stuff lol
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~Les Erebus~
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Method Man wrote:
Les Ennemis wrote:GUYS he actually built me a 8 tril def. he dropped my NG account (applauds) and left me some spies i'm kind of impressed :smt060 come at my 91 tril def bro im online and i Know you are.. come at me man you know you want to, come get that revenge you talking about...

dont worry, it will come, when i feel like it .. this is my pace not yours.. hence the reason your soooo frustrated!!! i love it :smt047

Well since your going after my alliance mates im going to go after Army x.. guerilla warfare at it's best
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that

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