What happened to this statement, from game updates?

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Yes for fun, lol!

Admin goals:
Stop the mass selling of ingame resources

My Suggestions(it's bad brace yourself):
Well maybe people can only do several cash transactions player to player per month.
Big Flaw: How can you tell if it's a cash transaction, maybe it's a gift?, maybe the person must send something back, but creates another flaw.
One BIG FLAW: They might send 1 AT for 100k UU.
Or a gift transaction let's you distribute to ALL officers and takes up only 1 cash transaction.
Flaw: Multiple ppl may become your officer to get the resources.

MOST BIGGEST FLAW: You can selling maybe about 1 mil $$$ worth in one cash transaction, being hypothetical.
That's my feedback thread, I'm just too lazy to fix the link.

My Trade Feedback Thread

Tradeback finally fixed thanks to wolf loves lots'n lots.
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lawrencekill wrote:Yes for fun, lol!

Admin goals:
Stop the mass selling of ingame resources

My Suggestions(it's bad brace yourself):
Well maybe people can only do several cash transactions player to player per month.
Big Flaw: How can you tell if it's a cash transaction, maybe it's a gift?, maybe the person must send something back, but creates another flaw.
One BIG FLAW: They might send 1 AT for 100k UU.
Or a gift transaction let's you distribute to ALL officers and takes up only 1 cash transaction.
Flaw: Multiple ppl may become your officer to get the resources.

MOST BIGGEST FLAW: You can selling maybe about 1 mil $$$ worth in one cash transaction, being hypothetical.

huh????? :shock: :? :!:
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The main point here for me is this:
This disrupts the balance of the game, goes against the principles of the point of the game, and is no longer going to be allowed.

Which you guys selling mass resources does do. I'm not saying your cheating, and to tell you the truth I don't really care, but Forum has expressed a desire for this to end.....I think that should be respected and enforced. :wink:
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funy topic. Completly true though.

Most PPl are only where they are because of involving real $$$ into the loop.

Since $$$ never goes up or down. They sell some units for $$$, after a month or so of waiting, that $$$ is worth much more UU than they sold for it.

Almost every top player uses $$$, be it their own or someone else's, if you think it's a stratagy, it's not. Just means you cant play properly and need a back-up.

I think it should stop though, it's putting all the people that play the game how it's ment to be played, out of the loop. It's gaining an un-fair advantage, and that is cheating defined.
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JUAN wrote:i seem to think there was a word called excess in there somewhere

well im rank 1 now, where else can i go
the market is now gone so i cant exactly spend it all on uu like i was before. if i spend it on stats i cant get a better rank.

so by definition of excess i think that if falls under that. unless you have make up your own book of word meanings :lol:

I seem to read that I didnt name any names about the $1,000 offer for 1tril in naq. But you just gave yourself up. Thanks Juan for proving my point.

The fact that someone said they wanted 1,000 US Dollars for thier Naq isnt going a little over board?

exactly what I wrote.
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I like swapping resources! Ive gotten stats ALOT higher fast than Id otherwise could. so waht if Lord of Night or whoever makes ten times asm uch as us? feeling jealous abit arent we? :p I dont frankly care! just bring back old market and give us all a chance! I had the plan to gather up enough uu for bank space so I could trade for mroe uu, right now, my plan is screwed thatkns to Forums "genious" idea! :@

My plans for power have been put forward for MONTHS!! I had hoped to have 10bil atk/def by the beginning of summer, atm, Im not so sure of it!
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Lord Jared wrote:
Those that are taking advantage of this, of course see nothing wrong with it. Those that are not and are being honorable see a whole lot of BS with the new market updates.

This is my last post on the subject untill Forum responds.

How old are u? Seriously? U obviously have no ability to reason, think logically or see the entire breadth of the situation.

that would be the part about selling in excess that im against, remeber i belive that honestly there should be few times outside of buying yourself an SS (or PPT i guess) that requires you to sell stuff.

1000$$ is clearly in excess

who said anything about $1000?

I don't think anyone did - but it is known that there have been trades involving in excess of this amount - I know of one that was for $1800!!
Last edited by Wolf359 on Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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November 16, 2005

'Resource Farms' Limits

It has been noticed that some accounts exist solely to gain resources, in order to sell to other players via paypal or ebay or whatever. This disrupts the balance of the game, goes against the principles of the point of the game, and is no longer going to be allowed.
While the occiasional sale of 'excess' goods is not going to be chased after, any account that is clearly abusing this will be in violation and subject to penalty, suspension or deletion.

Have any of u people actually read this carefully? "Excess goods" is different to each player, some have more and others have less.....most of u people obviously have less. Next, my account doesnt sit around to "solely gain resources".....so according to this rule and forums own words, I am not breaking any rules. I know alot of you are gonna disagree with what I just said, but you are entitled to your opinions but I am entitled to my own as well.

And as for calling me a cheat, i take that very personally......so as far as im concerned u can go to hell (the people who called me a cheat).

Lord Jared
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Thewisesirivanthes wrote:There will always be cheaters and they will always find loopholes like the one you pointed out. I am disgusted that people are turning a free game into a major source of income. This latested update has simply made it harder on those of us who DON'T cheat. To the cheaters this changes absolutely nothing. I know many people who could if they chose to make several HUNDRED dollars a day off of this game. However they have a sense of honor and don't. I am personally hoping that the market will be changed back soon because while this update does make it harder on cheaters it does it in the way that adding a grain of sand into someone's boot makes it harder for them to walk. In other words it only makes it harder in a technical sense and it is not noticeably harder in any form or fashion.

If you read my post you will see that I was talking about the people who sell for profit... and keep said profit. Selling for cash and then buying with same cash is not something I like nor will I ever support it but it is not flat out cheating. It is however abusing the rules both literally and spiritually and finding loopholes to give one an unfair advantage. What I was going for was that this update did nothing to stop cheaters who undoubtably exist and while I hope that none of you are cheaters and I never said you were it would not surprise me if a few or even all of you were indeed cheaters, but once again I am not accusing you of cheating. The whole point of my post was to support a friend and to show my dislike for the new market. I know my mind works in weird ways (talk to ANYONE who has seen me get bored) but I thought it obvious what the meaing and spirit behind my post was. Oh and while I don't like to flaunt it odds are I am smarter than you. I don't know my IQ but I do know that it is over 150. Just so that you can understand what that means average IQ is 70-120 with 120 being smart, 121-134 is intelligent, 135-200 is "Gifted" you know the people who the government believe are our future leaders, and then there is the above 200 range where the geniuses reside. I know
and hang-out with many of these people and I would not be surprised if I am among them. When I was 11 I could get in half the colleges in the country with the only thing stopping me being a poor background in Algebra and Trig and the lack of a high school diploma not too mention only being 4 feet tall. I rock in English, Science, and History. The only advantage that you have over me is sheer experience. I mean I am only 16.

'Idiot' signing off.

p.s. I really need to check the forums more often.
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I have read this thread several times now trying to figure out why it has been allowed to remain in the cheaters forum. To this point Forum has not said this is cheating. In addition to that this all has been done very much out in the open on a forum supplied by TGW. So calling these people cheats because of it is wrong, and it is wrong that the mods have allowed these people to be flamed like this.

Discussing whether selling for cash is right or wrong is a totally seperate issue, and if that discussion needs to take place it should be done without the personal attacks.
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Wow Thewisesirivanthes......u felt it necessary to post all that? Was there a point to any of that, other then to make yourself look all smart and knowledgeable, in an attempt to try and make people beleive your opinion is correct? Sad.

But none the less, this topic is BS and just so u know, im not gonna take being slandered by any of you. I dont care if u make a discussion thread on this issue and debate it....thats fine, but posting here in the cheater section and calling me a cheater......thats completely uncalled for and extremely rude.

Lord Jared

P.S. Thewisesirivanthes, I have my engineering degree ;) So im not as completely clueless as u seem to think.
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Lord Jared wrote:
November 16, 2005

'Resource Farms' Limits

It has been noticed that some accounts exist solely to gain resources, in order to sell to other players via paypal or ebay or whatever. This disrupts the balance of the game, goes against the principles of the point of the game, and is no longer going to be allowed.
While the occiasional sale of 'excess' goods is not going to be chased after, any account that is clearly abusing this will be in violation and subject to penalty, suspension or deletion.

Have any of u people actually read this carefully? "Excess goods" is different to each player, some have more and others have less.....most of u people obviously have less. Next, my account doesnt sit around to "solely gain resources".....so according to this rule and forums own words, I am not breaking any rules. I know alot of you are gonna disagree with what I just said, but you are entitled to your opinions but I am entitled to my own as well.

And as for calling me a cheat, i take that very personally......so as far as im concerned u can go to hell (the people who called me a cheat).

Lord Jared

Did you read it carefully " the occiasional sale of 'excess' goods is not going to be chased after"

not constant sale of excess goods, which is what is being done.
WeaponX wrote:i quit the game, good luck trying to extort resources out of me you jackasses
REK wrote:
GunZ wrote:Eat me
I hate **Filtered**
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I don't care if people think my opinion is correct. I just don't like being called an idiot. I don't care if you think I am an idiot just don't call me one. Though I AM dense so fell free to use that.

Is it true that most engineering degree holders wind up in sucky jobs like inspecting rust in pipes? (No this not an insult this is a genuine question. I have heard horror stories about the engineering field and I wan to know how many of them are true)
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Thewisesirivanthes wrote:I don't care if people think my opinion is correct. I just don't like being called an idiot. I don't care if you think I am an idiot just don't call me one. Though I AM dense so fell free to use that.

Is it true that most engineering degree holders wind up in sucky jobs like inspecting rust in pipes? (No this not an insult this is a genuine question. I have heard horror stories about the engineering field and I wan to know how many of them are true)

There is no call for calling ANYONE in these forums an 'idiot'.

However, I also have to say that - people can claim what they want on these forums - it doesn't necessarily mean it is true - therefore it is irrelevant when trying to justify your comments. Anyone can post anything about their IQ (mine's nearer 200 than 100 by the way - but you only have my word on that :wink: ).

As for your question ref Engineer's ending up in crappy jobs - I think on the whole that is incorrect - I'm an Engineering Officer in the Royal Navy, leading an interesting and varied career - All of my university engineering colleagues also have high profile engineering jobs, and I don't believe any of them have been near a rusty pipe! :-D

One thing that can be said about Engineers is that they think practically and within the realms of what is possible, given the tools at hand.
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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Well... most of this has already been discussed in a previous thread... http://www.stargatewars.com/phpBB2/view ... hp?t=21377

take a look...

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