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Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:16 am
by WhiteyDude
HellFire wrote:Oh, yes, yes I am, Very happy indeed that, that quote won't be popping up and about anymore, Just God forbid, if Foo is repaired . . . . And Lips! they don't need no reminding! although, she is right, it was supposed to be Screams. . . . damn, you guys are all just sick in the head :P

:twisted: HellFire :twisted:

Why does everyone think that foo is broken?....

littlelips wrote:and Nuto...I think he has a few of those stashed away that mention you and something about a duck...

Hehehe... I have enough material here to blackmail every female (and most of the males) in the room ^_^.


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:00 am
by Ishmayeck
My name must form a solid column on the right of the screen!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:34 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
WhiteyDude wrote:Hehehe... I have enough material here to blackmail every female (and most of the males) in the room ^_^.


what about little kimmy and myself???

we visit occationally, i just haven't gotten around to it. and she's been fairly busy these last few days.

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:37 am
by Jora Sjacka
Quite interesting... :shock:

-Jora, As Showed: Shocked-

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:58 am
by buck
more of thew quotes xav/whitey. im sure ive said more stuff than you give me credit lol

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:11 pm
by Xavier
Due to popular demand!

<Kasket> I got farmed like a piece of green grass in the middle of ethipoia

* Whitey gets into littlelips's bed
<fuzzyhonky> out of that bed!!!!!
<littlelips> well its fuzzy's bed have to share it with him ;)
<fuzzyhonky> are you crazy woman!!!!

<Revan> since i'm a sadist and a eugenist I could never do that job methos
<RepliJake> REvan is a sadist??? I thought Revan was a Sith...

<Kasket> i'm as strong as 150 officers combined.

<prod> kasket im kinda xaviers **Filtered**
* Xavier pets his **Filtered**
<Kasket> I really, really should quote that...

<Xavier> who is fo
<Kasket> foo's cousin
<Kasket> i like his dad better
<Kasket> fu

<Dee> hey EtL, wanna be my officer?
<Xavier> rofl!
<Dee> rotflmao
<Lord_Zeus> lmao
<EtL> what's the rewards?
<Dee> sorry i couldn't resist... now you can't feel left out

<RepliJake> I just got lvl 34 in quantum

<EtL> isn't it fun being able to take on alliances alone?

* Satan is now known as Remco
<Whitey-[scriptin_f-off]> i always knew...

<littlelips> i have to run and take a shower....fuzzy fun in about a half hour woo hoo!!

* ~Whitey prods owen9292, sends him over to ThePolice, makes him a LadiesMan1803, bucks him off a few CATS, grabs him by the littlelips, hits him with a deadhedgehog into a Kasket, and laughs

<Whitey-> type in
<Whitey-> /nick YourNickName
* StarGate777 is now known as YourNickName

* Lord_Zeus is now known as Jake_is_not_a_Twat
<Lindstorm> you're wrong zeus

<RepliJake> I'm recruiting, for details make me your commander

<Whitey> i just thought
<Xavier> first time?

<littlelips> throat is killing me
<littlelips> i have to leave for a min. i am getting horse from this
<Whitey-> i dont want to know

<Krahe> damn etl do u need the viagra just to keep ur heart beating or something?
<EtL> I take my viagra every 12 hours
<EtL> u could say I'm a HARD man!!

* Cheshire leaves Whitey in a huble of ranging hormonic lesbians

<Rolz14> Winter in aussie
<Beelzebub> do hamburgers really eat people there?

* IGW wants his personal bot :P
<Whitey> go script one
<Phant0m> bots are evil anyway
<Phant0m> ^ and so is he

* Krahe watches the whitey porn and goes blind
* Whitey watches the Krahe porn and rips out his eyeballs

<Whitey>: can you decipher what Bahamut said please?
<RepliJake>: he said....
<RepliJake>: "blah blah blah I'm a retard"

<fireball37> I still don't know what half of these things do
<fireball37> So if that does that than this must..
* Parts: fireball37
* fireball37 joined the channel
<fireball37> Ah, maybe not

<Mayborune_NID> I need 5000 turns before i make my come back
<Xavier> now get off the porn channel!!
<Mayborune_NID> Yeah i intend to come back with a bang

<Whitey> i shot off
<Whitey> to early
<Whitey> i do that

<RepliJake> !sex Xavier while people are watching
* Whitey Sex0rs Xavier while people are watching
* celticsoldier Sex0rs Xavier while people are watching
<Xavier> ..........
<Xavier> !kick RepliJake while people are watching
* RepliJake was kicked by foo (while people are watching - kick by Xavier - This is your first kick.)

<Xavier> apophis - who is your commander?
<apophis> someone whos name starts with either an a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y or z
<RepliJake> well that narrows out the numbered commanders
<Tak`ra> indeed
<Tak`ra> good thinking jake!
* Tak`ra hands jake a Gold Star!

<Dee> when, how much and for how long?
<Kasket> you/me/now couple hours

* The_Soccer_Ball was kicked by Xavier (Goal!)

* homer pulls the trigger on his 10 gauge shotgun and shoots RepliJake right between the eyes, Splattering RepliJake's brains everywhere.....[3 kills]
* RepliJake is still here, homer missed, silly silly boy

<rahvin> i just found out yesterday that ginger is a guy..

<Kasket> ~ raises hand ~
<rahvin> u gotta pee Kasket?

<Kasket> Darth Doom
<Darth_Doom> yes
<Kasket> I am your father
<Xavier> :o
* Darth_Doom dun dun dun!
<Kasket> JOIN ME OR DIE!

OMEGA - Only Members can Ejaculate in Guys A**holes
(...the person who said this shall remain nameless in order to avoid mass attacks...)

<Nuto_vixen> who I am
<Nuto_vixen> I am who I am
<Nuto_vixen> and thats all I will ever be
<Nuto_vixen> unless I am somoene else
<Nuto_vixen> and I never noticed

<Bastet> Brigon you are a guy right
<Brigon> lol
<Brigon> last i checked
<Bastet> HEY!

<apophis> give me an w give me an h give me an i give me an t give me an n give me an e give me an y what doe sit spell
* apophis was kicked by Whitey (spells DIE [kicks:1703] [1200 second ban])

<Dee> make him say something bad so Xavier can quote it

* buck kisses xavier* "oh your my hero"

<buck> lol im on FBIs most wanted

<Xavier> o hi kasket
<Xavier> just talking about u
<Lew> Xavier was saying you sucked p*n*s for SS

<sirus> wat do u think the explosive part of the ancient drone weapon was made of
<foreigner> gloom and doom, gloom and doom

That'll do for now, takes ages to get them in here in a readable quality...

You guys can continue spamming this thread in the mean time...

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:07 pm
by Owen
wow, so much time spent in chat and none with me.... i tihnk i've been in two..... one when i told someone that to do the /notice command they had to type /quit and they disconnected themselves about 5 times trying to figure it out and another time when i thought rolz was forum...... hehe.... :oops: ....... anyway..... why don't we get some quotes in here about from when whitey impersonated forum in the chat room and only me and replijake knew it..... replijake just because he's smart or sumthin i guess and me because it was my idea in the first place ;) i still remember some peoples response when they thought i was forum..... and how then all of them were treating whitey like a god and thanking him and everything for the game..... you would've been flattered Forum... really :P

-edit...... and i thought rolz was forum because i asked whitey who he was and whitey said he was the God of cyber space or sumthin and i said "you mean forum?" or sumthin like that :oops:

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:36 am
by buck
oh dear..i kissed xavier...oh dear...

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:38 am
by Nuto vixen
There are so many.

It would take forever to go through them all though.

Well done... we are all definatly geeks :)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:01 pm
by WhiteyDude
owen9292 wrote:wow, so much time spent in chat and none with me.... i tihnk i've been in two..... one when i told someone that to do the /notice command they had to type /quit and they disconnected themselves about 5 times trying to figure it out and another time when i thought rolz was forum...... hehe.... :oops: ....... anyway..... why don't we get some quotes in here about from when whitey impersonated forum in the chat room and only me and replijake knew it..... replijake just because he's smart or sumthin i guess and me because it was my idea in the first place ;) i still remember some peoples response when they thought i was forum..... and how then all of them were treating whitey like a god and thanking him and everything for the game..... you would've been flattered Forum... really :P

-edit...... and i thought rolz was forum because i asked whitey who he was and whitey said he was the God of cyber space or sumthin and i said "you mean forum?" or sumthin like that :oops:

Pfft, I told Jake it was me ^_^....
Erm..I mean... LIAR!!!!!

Psi, get your but in there asap Madam! ;)

Your wanted :P.


Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:36 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
WhiteyDude wrote:Psi, get your but in there asap Madam! ;)

ok, i'm there... now what?

:-?Psi Kiya Trist:-?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:48 pm
by WhiteyDude
How would I know... I'm not there!

Lol, everyone needs you though :P.

Cause your so cool ^_^.

maybe I'll get on - I'm working though....


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:32 am
by Jora Sjacka
Hey WHITNEY! :lol:

How's it going? :wink:

-Jora, In the Mood of Torturing Someone-

Oh, well *off to sab opticallove*

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:55 pm
by WhiteyDude
*blocks Jora's IP from the chat...*


*cough* *choke* *splutteR*



Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:27 am
by buck
tsk tsk....if he comes back il hump him! hit the road you big drifter you...