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Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:20 am
by R'zul
[FRA] Elladan wrote:
WhiteyDude wrote:Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Althought I wish it was, I doubt it'll be the last these forums see of you...

Stupidity never hides itself... very well done, Whitey. Fighting with an open visor. Very well done. And might I add, I disagree. But that is just my opinion...

But let's have a little etymology class here, since I feel we need one. Or at least, the general audience needs one. Whitey and I, we both know the following to be VERY true. Don't we, white guy?

Who of you know what the link is between "WhiteyDude" and "Sphincter"? To me, the link is obvious... here goes.

WhiteyDude. The 'dude' suggests a male, in his teens since other people are hardly using such outdated terminology in addressing themselves. It also suggests a highly disindividualised person, since one does not normally speak of themselves as a 'dude'. Most of the time, one talks about another person, usually male, when talking about a 'dude'. ' dude' however does NOT account for the apparent dysfunctionality of the person, presently subject to 'evaluation'.
The 'whitey'-bit is somewhat different. One needs not talk about their colour of skin if one is not racist. Apparently this 'person' (we'll just use the person's own words, be they paraphrased) attaches a value to his 'whiteness', whatever he may mean by that. White stuff, also known as 'sperm' commonly attaches itself to the underside of the person, presently subject to 'evaluation', so this synonymity may be actually a truer version of the meaning of the word than the meaning I am about to divulge. 'white' has a specific racial notion. Ku Klux Klanmembers are usually white, although some are not, but pretend to be anyways. The fact that the 'dude' refers to himself as 'whitey' suggests there also is a 'blackey', which is a clearly offensive and racist utterance, used by persons unable to adapt to the many varieties of the degenerate Homo Sapiens Sapiens to suggest the subject to be 'black'. To summarise the 'whitey', we're either talking 'sperm' or 'Klan'. Both can be negative, however matching with the known profile of said WhiteyDude.

This analysis shows some things. We are dealing with a disindividualised person. Probably a schizophrenic, but more detailed studying is required to make certain of such diagnosis. The person is either heavily sexist, or a damn racist. Seeing how the person is possibly schizophrenic, we can safely assume he is both, since it is not without reason to suggest a sane person can be both. Let alone a person so clearly suffering from advanced insanity.

I would assess said person; an angry, perverted sexist and racist schizophrenic; as a considerable danger to society. It would be best to place 'it' under strict supervision and the severest of isolations.

i dont agree with what whitey said either. but that was possible some of the most nonsensical analysing that ive ever heard.

not to mention offensive.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:27 pm
by Spacey
I'm not going to say it again. Either pay respects to Apollo leaving of don't post. If you have something that isn't the nicest thing to say, be as respectful as possible. When I get back from the lab tonight, I'll be asking other mods as to their opinion for what to do with some of these posts.

Excerise restraint, even if you don't feel like it.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:56 pm
by WhiteyDude
Just setting the record straight about my name here, not continuing any arguements...

My nickname (IRL) is Whitey. That is because my surname is White. A very common name. It's not brain surgery working out where my nickname comes from. It's very easy to make assumptions about people you know nothing about though, like a guy online who you assume is crude because of his name (an honest mistake), or a women who you think has a soul because she acts nicely to you (another honest mistake).

The "Dude" part came because when I signed up, the name Whitey was already taken, and I wasn't feeling über-creative that day...

For the record though, I am a white male. Relevance is zero, but the irony factor is just crazy isn't it! [/sarcasm]

I'm sure I could come up with some obscure reference to psycological conditions to any number of screen names that are far worse (and deliberatly so) than mine. However I really do have more important things to do than flaming people I don't even know online. Apollo's different, I know her quite well ;).

Anyway, there's my little defense on my name (which, if you had bothered to search the forums for, you'd see I've written 2-3 times before).

Ignorance breeds stupidity.


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:25 pm
by Eternal Usul
Farewell Apollo...I hope RL treats you better than this game did... :cry:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:43 am
by Juliette
Andrew, my friend... you've known me, and I've known you... the fact that recognition is not mutual doesn't mean I don't know you... :| Who can deny the innate friendship of our family?

I know you're not all of those things I've pathetically diagnosed you to have, come on. That is, most things. :) One needs apply a certain level of caution, like you said.

We could debate the seven souls of man, but I am hardly interested in more debate about that... I've been told to calm down... told not to reply here... but I will anyway. I guess that's another sign of my significant ignorance.

You can probably be a nice guy. The thing I don't like, and I hate it with myself, is your apparent blind hatred for a good friend of mine. No soul? Heh... what the hell? Are you God? :) I don't see souls in any one person. I don't care anyway. If a person has a soul and is annoying, beh, he/she is annoying. If a person has a soul and is nice, good. I like nice. If a person has no soul and is annoying, who gives a [heck]? He is as annoying as the other one, who is annoying wíth a soul. And then there is the possibility of a person without a soul who is nice... ooh. They exist... hehe. Well... so much for my words...

What can I say? I'm honestly mistaken? Well... it isn't like that matters anyway. ;) Family sticks together. Bye cousin.
pm'ed you about this-Spacey

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:31 am
by Adnihilo
Usul wrote:Farewell Apollo...I hope RL treats you better than this game did... :cry:

she only left the forum not the game... i think :?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:37 am
by The Hamburglar
whitey... leave this thread alone.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:07 pm
by WhiteyDude
[FRA] Elladan wrote:Andrew, my friend... you've known me, and I've known you... the fact that recognition is not mutual doesn't mean I don't know you... :| Who can deny the innate friendship of our family?

I know you're not all of those things I've pathetically diagnosed you to have, come on. That is, most things. :) One needs apply a certain level of caution, like you said.

We could debate the seven souls of man, but I am hardly interested in more debate about that... I've been told to calm down... told not to reply here... but I will anyway. I guess that's another sign of my significant ignorance.


Family sticks together. Bye cousin.

o_O. Get off the pills buddy... I know all of my cousins, and last I checked none of them are raving lunatics. You've also said in another thread before you're one of Apollos children (not that I believe that either)...

[FRA] Elladan wrote:You can probably be a nice guy. The thing I don't like, and I hate it with myself, is your apparent blind hatred for a good friend of mine. No soul? Heh... what the hell? Are you God?...etc etc more ranting

If everyone decided they don't have the right to express their opinion, the world would be a rather boring place. I could tell you lots of things about Apollo, and why I believe she's not really your friend or anyone elses. However that (I agree) DOES need to go in a more private place. Hatred is rarely blind, it usually a rather inspired feeling.

I've been PMed by another mod with a request not to continue this arguement anymore, however I felt that your claim to being my blood relation needed my reply.


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:31 pm
by FreeSpirit
Topic closed: This is turning into a personal insult area. If you have any problems with me locking this topic fell free to PM me