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Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:41 pm
by Ronin
There are still plenty of Goa'uld left, Bahl is still there with Anubis using him, thats if Anubis can deter himself from the battle he is fighting in his ascended form........

Bring on Season 9 of SG-1 and Season 2 of Atlantis!

Anyway i am glad for all of the support i am getting for my idea, i just hope that Forum will use it.


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:11 pm
by myFriend
Tauri - Ancient outpost (extra defence)

Goa'uld - Super Soldiers (extra attack)

Replicators - Hotwiring (extra naquadah per attack)

Asguard - Devine Intervention (extra spy bonus)

I do not think that u guys are looking at the ramification of this.
The replicators have goa'uld technology,
tauri have the out post yes but they do not have a infant amount of power for it. Witch is shown in the first episode of Atlantis, so if they use it its only going to work a few more times(hints it WILL die off)
The Goa'uld are losing the war with the replicators, the super soldiers do not do much any more.
The asguard rally have not done any thing to change their stats

So for those of want to stay with the story then use my suggested stats. But for the peps that want to keep the game fair then don't do any thing to the game till there is a big change

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:25 pm
by Ronin
Dude do you not watch SG-1? They found another ZPM, which means powering the Outpost, The replicators are gone, so the Goa'uld are now only at war with the Tau'ri, and yet super soldiers are still a pain in the arse, just watch the episode prometheus unbound, a woman in a super soldier suit beats the whole of the crew of the prometheus!

So i think i have pretty much covered all the angles, but obviously we have to keep the replicators in, so i thought of Hotwiring, due to them stealing an immense amount of Goa'uld Attack Ships, and if you think of the Asguard, they are always watching, rarely intervening, but when they do, it is an act of Divine Intervention, for refernce see the episode Thor's Hammer in Season 1, so i think i have stayed true to the program!


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:41 pm
by Jack Oneill
Ronin wrote:Dude do you not watch SG-1? They found another ZPM, which means powering the Outpost, The replicators are gone, so the Goa'uld are now only at war with the Tau'ri, and yet super soldiers are still a pain in the arse, just watch the episode prometheus unbound, a woman in a super soldier suit beats the whole of the crew of the prometheus!

So i think i have pretty much covered all the angles, but obviously we have to keep the replicators in, so i thought of Hotwiring, due to them stealing an immense amount of Goa'uld Attack Ships, and if you think of the Asguard, they are always watching, rarely intervening, but when they do, it is an act of Divine Intervention, for refernce see the episode Thor's Hammer in Season 1, so i think i have stayed true to the program!


actuially he may have not seen that episode yet. It is afterall the season 8 fanially of Stargate SG1 and not all of us are luckey enough to be able to d-load the episode or have the TV channel that it is on.

Personially I am waiting for the Seige Part 3. (episode one of season 2, I am assuming it will be called the seige part 3. But not sure since Atlantis was left in one heck of a clifhainger)

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:58 pm
by Ronin
Yeah i know what you mean, but i expect you see my point though.

*SPOLIERS* Highlight to read....

As for Atlantis, i know for one that Sheppard will survive, and the doctor will be in the main credits, and as for Lt. Ford, he becomes A.W.O.L. due to some experiment making him a super soldier, plus there will be a new Colonel who will be constantly butting heads with Sheppard (Who has been promoted to Lt. Colonel) and Dr. Weir, but we will have to wait until the summer to watch the new episodes!

So back on subject, opinions on my proposal?


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:10 pm
by rdb
Sure every race will get a bonus but if the Tauri gets both attack and defense upgrades wont' they be to powerful.

But it would be good to see as well as long as it is balanced properly to stop a unfair advantage to any race

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:59 am
by Ronin
Not really because their defence upgrade won't be as huge as their main upgrade, only 10% extra to what they will have and this is the same for each race, their extra benefits would only be a 10% increase, so i worked out different combinations as i showed in a previous post, so they all get good benefits:

Tauri - Attack and Defence
Goa'uld -Resources and Attack
Replicators - Spying and Resources
Asguard - Defence and Spying

As you see it goes in a cycle, if you can spot it, so in my opinion, i think so far this is being supported (Second improvement is only a 10% increase)


Goa'ulds die

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:38 am
by Wolf359
The Goa'ulds aren't all defeated at the end of Season 8!!

Who said they were??

The Replicators are defeated just before the end, but the Goa'uld aren't!!

I'm not going to post what happens because I don't want to spoil it for the UK guys that don't have Sky!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:07 am
by Lord Dougy
like me :D i'm only up to the end of season 7

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:31 am
by Ronin
Well thanx to the joys of the internet i am completely up to the end of season 8, God Bless The Interent, but guys we are getting completely off topic here, can we just agree about these upgrades?


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:42 am
by Guest
I like it. If you want to have it inplemeted, vote in the poll I will put up i a min