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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:24 am
by Sleipnir
melchet the great [FAHQ] wrote:A single massive ascension is done by your enemy.

I've never done a massive ascension. But I think what you're saying is nearly impossible. Say they ascended with 10M AP. That converts to 330M life. That would convert to 330B DMU. Currently the weapon is being sold for 500B. So it would take a pretty massive ascension for even one shot with the weapon.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:23 am
by ~Phoenix~
Sleipnir wrote:
melchet the great [FAHQ] wrote:A single massive ascension is done by your enemy.

I've never done a massive ascension. But I think what you're saying is nearly impossible. Say they ascended with 10M AP. That converts to 330M life. That would convert to 330B DMU. Currently the weapon is being sold for 500B. So it would take a pretty massive ascension for even one shot with the weapon.

On that case tho 500bil dmu would only be able to be converted into 50m LF.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:58 am
by Funky White Boy
Sleipnir wrote:
melchet the great [FAHQ] wrote:A single massive ascension is done by your enemy.

I've never done a massive ascension. But I think what you're saying is nearly impossible. Say they ascended with 10M AP. That converts to 330M life. That would convert to 330B DMU. Currently the weapon is being sold for 500B. So it would take a pretty massive ascension for even one shot with the weapon.

It is not beyound the realms of possiblity though, Say 50 Million UUs and a 100k Raw UP. This account could be relatively easily created with the necessary skills

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:48 pm
by Hensenshi
So you're suggesting a 50m APP ascension right? Do you understand how large that is? S T I put every penny he could into ascending and he took 16m APP up. Plus, should someone actually begin to grow that much and they're not CoP, you can be very sure that they will be raided sooner or later.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:08 pm
by Munchy
melchet the great [FAHQ] wrote:
Sleipnir wrote:
melchet the great [FAHQ] wrote:A single massive ascension is done by your enemy.

I've never done a massive ascension. But I think what you're saying is nearly impossible. Say they ascended with 10M AP. That converts to 330M life. That would convert to 330B DMU. Currently the weapon is being sold for 500B. So it would take a pretty massive ascension for even one shot with the weapon.

It is not beyound the realms of possiblity though, Say 50 Million UUs and a 100k Raw UP. This account could be relatively easily created with the necessary skills

The thing is, is that even if you did a mega ascension..and even if you put it all into DMU to make a bid on the would be by far the most stupid move you could ever make. Yes, the bid lately has been at 500 bil(atleast, it was before I jumped to vacation mode), and yes, that is alot of dmu, but it is still a small fraction of what the top accounts make or atleast are capable of attaining for a bid on the weapon. Now why I said the earlier idea would be a stupid thing to do...Well, you would be outbidded easily, have your dmu bid farmed from you(as it would now be in the open if I recall correctly), and you would have just wasted a mega ascention. :P

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
by Funky White Boy
O.K. I see the points you make entirely, it was just a thought, the reason I brought it up was because the possibility does exist. I do plan to make a massive ascension but not use the Points in that way! :lol:
As an alliance one of our plans is to have an account with a massive ascension which is relatively inactive mainly for the purposes of having a descension capability up there( in hindsight after the descension of tweety). This other thought popped into my head. I see the error of them :-D

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 11:08 am
by Lore
Funky White Boy [FAHQ] wrote:O.K. I see the points you make entirely, it was just a thought, the reason I brought it up was because the possibility does exist. I do plan to make a massive ascension but not use the Points in that way! :lol:
As an alliance one of our plans is to have an account with a massive ascension which is relatively inactive mainly for the purposes of having a descension capability up there( in hindsight after the descension of tweety). This other thought popped into my head. I see the error of them :-D

A single account for deascention is a bad idea. You will only use it once and it will be deascended then. To be effective you need multiple accounts with the strength to deascend.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:31 pm
by ~Phoenix~
Youre all just missing the point converting DMU - LF and vice versa is extremly bad rates for both.

Sleipnir you are wrong a 330mil LF ascension would only go to 330bil and the SW is being sold for 500 odd, yes, however it would take 3.3tril to go to a 330mil LF ascension.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:52 pm
by *~Starry~*
But... if a person is willing to go to that length, practically sacrificing his account just to strike at a certain person, isn't it okay to do so?

Isn't that what the superweapon is for? To give the desperate a way to hit those that might have been untouchable before?

And... seriously... why would anyone sacrifice a hit at an enemy or free DMU just to make random attacks, unless they were decidedly weirod or something...

{Personally, getting hit by the weapon, isn't that bad for me. I'd lose nearly nothing. The only people who would lose are the higher ups. And the weapon was created to target the higher ups who have conducted themselves in an unseemly manner (since people would only bother to attack that kind of person... in my opinion)}

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:02 am
by Sinister
Everyone that has been ranked 1 or 2 in main knows there is always some noob that attacks you just to do it. Now, im rank 2 on ascended. What happens when someone that is a prior, and doesnt play ascended gets the weapon, and decides just to hit the #1 or 2 person just to do it?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:26 am
by Pollux
well, speaking from the prior noob standpoint, i would imagine that i would aim for those that have farmed me more than 2 times.

I would hit the biggest guy who has declared war on me. But that is me. :-D


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:40 am
by Virisken Soshir
Sinath wrote:MEaning that even the very best and strongest player in ascention there is no way they would have a hope in hell of rebuilding before that ppt is over. The entire purpose of the auction was to give the seller the DMU from it to help with the rebuild process.

why is there the entitlement to rebuild? thats what i dont understand, this is a weapon not a carebear festival goody bag ... i always thought they shouldnt get anything from the asw sale, as its just a way to buff up weaker accounts with dmu transferring ....

then it would be a lot more interesting, if DD had to actually take losses to keep the weapon inside their alliance, rather than having everyone profit form it ....

especially considering the weapon sells for 3-9 TRILLION dmu now ... they should get at most 1%, if not just 0, there should not be an entitlement type feeling that they deserve to rebuild, thats like saying oh geez i got massed! good thing the game is going to give me all the naq i need + 10,000% more to buy more fleets on top of it! phew!

Re: Jason this is just silly!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:35 am
by Gandalf the White
The weapon should go. DD have been doing everyone a favour by keeping it locked up. Imagine the chaos if it were released into the 'general population'. The SW has not worked and will never work as it is intended despite every update to it. I can't for the life of me work out why it is still here. Sure everyone (including me) is glad to take the dmu, but truth be told nobody should be entitled to it. Its a free kick to everyone that doesn't deserve it. There is now so much DMU floating around at the sale that many smaller people base their accounts solely on getting as much SW DMU as they can.

I liken it to dole bludging and I think it stinks. I vote for it to go.