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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:57 am
by RepliJake
my covert still goes down whe I get spies

Not broken

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:40 pm
by dredd
I don't think it is broken, just nerfed. My spy level is 6 now and I have 5 spies with a spy level of 8. My level was 0 with spy level of 3 and 2 spies though. I think the game just doesn't show fractions.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:48 pm
by Guest
We will just have to wait for it to get better with time. By tommorow, this will all be a distant, or not-so distant, memory

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:31 pm
by ™Fûr¥
i spy on people who has no spies or covert level and still get mostly questions marks lol okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:01 pm
by Forum
well - with no spies you are no threat :)
seriously - i added one final tweak, and it should be better now....
The reason for the change, is that if you look at commander or alliance rank, it used to be 95% determined by covert, and the other 5% by att/def. That was not intended, so the covert had to drop in power.
it is still relative though, since everyone is affected the same.

cann0t wrote:Without spies i have 16, with 1 spy i have 1, how is that fixed? It makes no sense lol with spies it should increase not decrease.......

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:16 pm
by daivahataka
Pretty sure that mine hasn't changed.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:40 pm
by cann0t
This makes no sense .............. so why training spies in lower levels? To loose covert action... this looks stupid damn, why these suden modifications, and BAD modifications, insted of applying new features you are changing things that were better before... this things will only make newbies to leave this game, if this was my first wave i would have left and im sure many that tryed this game and saw what was hapening lost all the interest. Its just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:28 pm
by Pyr0t3ch13
What Gives?!?!?!

Sabotage Mission Report
With extreme stealth and malice, your 11 Undercover Agents sneak into the realm of ****** .

Your Undercover Agents move stealthily through the lands of **** undetected, leaving a trail of destruction.

10 of your Undercover Agents returned to provide this report.

Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information on the mission results:

Weapons Destroyed
Name Type Quantity Strength

hmmm... not so much of a trail of disaster at all... your troops report the enemy had no weapons, hoping that either they tell the truth, or at least that nobody finds out otherwise...

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:49 pm
by Jean Gregoire Gabriel
Pyr0t3ch13 wrote:What Gives?!?!?!

Sabotage Mission Report
With extreme stealth and malice, your 11 Undercover Agents sneak into the realm of ****** .

Your Undercover Agents move stealthily through the lands of **** undetected, leaving a trail of destruction.

10 of your Undercover Agents returned to provide this report.

Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information on the mission results:

Weapons Destroyed
Name Type Quantity Strength

hmmm... not so much of a trail of disaster at all... your troops report the enemy had no weapons, hoping that either they tell the truth, or at least that nobody finds out otherwise...

Looks like either your target had no weapons, or your spies weren't powerful enough to destroy their weapons.

cann0t wrote:This makes no sense .............. so why training spies in lower levels? To loose covert action... this looks stupid damn, why these suden modifications, and BAD modifications, insted of applying new features you are changing things that were better before... this things will only make newbies to leave this game, if this was my first wave i would have left and im sure many that tryed this game and saw what was hapening lost all the interest. Its just my opinion.

Currently, the covert/attack/defence stats are massively unbalanced, with covert often being 1000s of times more powerful than the other two combined. I think readjusting how covert power is calculated is definitely a good idea, and hope that people have the patience to wait this out before decrying it.


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:33 pm
by cann0t
Thats ok, but it can be ajusted in a way that in lower levels it dont decrease by training spies, thats the problem, you have to train several spies to get the same covert action as with 0, and in the begining every single untrained unit is important.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:59 pm
by brillcream
its not like it wasnt high for everybody it does seem daft to spend naq on spys to be lower in covert then before you bought some

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:47 am
by Pyr0t3ch13
Heres how i think that spy powers should have been done...
LV....(Lvs bais power[i.e. no spys]).....power added per spy.
lv 0....(0)....1
lv 1....(1)....1
lv 2....(2)....2
lv 3....(4)....4
lv 4....(8 )....8
lv 5....(16)....16
lv 6....(32)....32
lv 7....(64)....64
lv 8....(128)....128
lv 9....(256)....256
lv 10....(512)....512
lv 11....(1024)....1024
lv 12....(2048)....2048
lv 13....(4096)....4096
lv 14....(8192)....8192
lv 15....(16384)....16384
lv 16....(32768)....32768
lv 17....(65536)....65536
lv 18....(131072)....131072
lv 19....(262144)....262144
lv 20....(524288)....524288
lv 21....(1048576)....1048576
lv 22....(2097152)....2097152
lv 23....(4194304)....4194304
lv 24....(8388608)....8388608

What do you guys think, this way its still worth it to buy spy lvs but they are no where near as powerfull as they were.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:21 am
by joshephe
that was what it was perivously.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:29 am
by Jean Gregoire Gabriel
I couldn't say what it is now, but I would think it's probably moving away from the 2^x formula, unless anyone knows any different...


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:26 am
by Sleipnir
Pyr0t3ch13 wrote:What Gives?!?!?!

Sabotage Mission Report
With extreme stealth and malice, your 11 Undercover Agents sneak into the realm of ****** .

Your Undercover Agents move stealthily through the lands of **** undetected, leaving a trail of destruction.

10 of your Undercover Agents returned to provide this report.

Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information on the mission results:

Weapons Destroyed
Name Type Quantity Strength

hmmm... not so much of a trail of disaster at all... your troops report the enemy had no weapons, hoping that either they tell the truth, or at least that nobody finds out otherwise...

Apparently, as the covert action score has decreased, so has the damage your spies do. So where normally, your spies would have been more than enough to destroy a weapon singlehandedly, now you need more. This might seem bad now, but remember, at the higher levels, the only thing that matters is the number of spies needed to beat your opponents covert. After you've beat that, most of the time, 1 spy extra is enough to destroy a whole ton of weapons. So it's just a little delayed.

An example:
Old situation. Opponent has level 10, 500 spies. You need 500 of your level 10 spies to beat that, plus an extra 10 to destroy 5 weapons (rough estimate).
Opponent has level 16, 500 spies. You need 500 of your level 16 spies to beat that, plus an extra 1 to destroy 30 weapons (rough estimate).

In the new situation, each spy is less powerful, but so are your opponents. So you need just as many to beat him as you did before. The only thing that changes is the surplus needed to actually destroy something. Seeing how that is in most cases only a small percentage of total spies needed, this change should not impact overall gameplay. It only changes the balance between attack, defense and covert scores for commander/alliance power purposes.