DMU from the Super Weapon auction

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Although true, and I agree with you in some regards - it does point out how utterly pointless it is doing large ascensions... 900 mil life force in 6 days, how many mil of uu is that?
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Shooting Star wrote: Hey! I've got an idea! Why don't we let the seller get ALL the money, like he or she is entitled to for being hit by the weapon? Then none of you will have to worry about getting farmed every four or five days. Either that or you can pay attention to when the auction is going to end and try to arrange to be on at that time and spend your DMU quickly. Or do like most of the CiA cowards do and go on permanent vacation. Then you won't have to worry about getting the DMU. Other than that, STOP YOUR WHINING! The DMU was never officially yours to begin with: it was MINE! I earned it; you didn't. If I had my druthers no one but the seller would get the DMU but I have to live with update after constant update designed to screw over my accounts in ascension and main with no relief in sight. So forgive me if I really can't feel your pain. I have experienced so much pain in the past six months from the damage caps, rank mods, vacation mode abusers, etc. that I really don't need your whining and <modded> about losing money that you really didn't deserve in the first place.

If you plan on telling my teachers at school that I need to go to the library so that I can play an online game...

Anyway, half of the problem that everyone has is that not only do they not gain anything, they lose the DMU they produced outside that AND then need to repair their weapons and train more troops and replace shields and black hole strings. It is the smaller players who are now suffering from this, because the total cost of the damage is harming their growth.
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this is not hurting smaller players, if you can't get online when it goes off, better luck next time. if you manage to come on time once, it will cover ur repair bill for a lot of the times u missed! my only question is, what exactly does the super weapon do? inflict infinate damage or something in 1 hit (just doing same damage as if ur def were broken normally)? how exactly does somebody sell the super weapon? is it up for sale as soon as it is used?

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chargin wrote:this is not hurting smaller players, if you can't get online when it goes off, better luck next time. if you manage to come on time once, it will cover ur repair bill for a lot of the times u missed! my only question is, what exactly does the super weapon do? inflict infinate damage or something in 1 hit (just doing same damage as if ur def were broken normally)? how exactly does somebody sell the super weapon? is it up for sale as soon as it is used?

The superweapon untrains all planets, destroys 5% of them, then trains 10% as miners. All weapons are destroyed. If you are hit by it, you can sell it. If you buy it, you must use it.
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chargin wrote:this is not hurting smaller players, if you can't get online when it goes off, better luck next time. if you manage to come on time once, it will cover ur repair bill for a lot of the times u missed! my only question is, what exactly does the super weapon do? inflict infinate damage or something in 1 hit (just doing same damage as if ur def were broken normally)? how exactly does somebody sell the super weapon? is it up for sale as soon as it is used?

Due to my time zone the only time I have ever gotten the naq was when it was small and when it was in the holidays.
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lol i wish somebody would hit me with it then. that really doesn't make sense, why do they get 1.5 trillion or what ever free dmu just because they were attacked by it? now that's a great way for people to redistribute resources! it's like a gift if u sell all your weapons first then get attacked by it. it should be so powerful it "knocks you out of the ascended planes". i assumed the person who used it gets to sell it so they get some money back lol... i think they should get also descended and because they are wiser and know the true power of the super weapon 5% of the sale price dmu will be waiting for them when they return. 50% of large sums of DMU for being attacked by something is just laughable. "its effects absolutely [wonderful] on your [friends]. This is the ultimate [gift], and maybe [the best way to help them grow]"

I say smart things so people don't realize how dumb i am.

The only thing that sucks it's the time that the auction ends. It's almost all the times during night on Europe, 2 or 3 AM GMT.
With that i'm always farmed, can't use that extra bonus and can't farm another guys.
Since i'm playing on the ascended server i only used one bonus, that ended during day. Lost 3 or 4 during night and one during day because i didn't know that was.
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Didn't want to bother reading the entire thread so I'll toss my quick 'suggestion' here.

Add an ascending bank. Now I know some of you are are to whine so here me out.

Since not all of us can log in at the time when the weapon goes and a crap load of money goes out (suppose to help other players).. add a 'one time' bank feature.

The DMU gets stashed like APP Points, and make it so we can CHOOSE to use it when we can log in next time. To make it more easier to the rest of us that ACTUALLY play and not login at some random time (usually in the freaking AM's for me too). Also make it so if it's not 'emptied' by the next time the weapon is sold, the account gets 'skipped' and no additional DMU gets 'banked' for him/her/it and gets distributed amongst the people that already made a 'withdraw' so in effect the active people get more DMU while the inactive people .. just stay inactive.
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    Or we could just let the seller get ALL of the DMU from the auction. After all, he did lose 5% of his planets, all of his weapons, and had 90% of his remaining planets untrained, the other 10% remain/got trained as resource planets.

    Again, I will reiterate that the Super Weapon is BROKEN and is designed to be an F U to those of us who actually play ascension. I want it out of the game. I have told Forum this on a number of occasions. I don't want to get hit by it. If I do, I will lose in excess of 10 million planets (that's double the size of most of the accounts in ascension). If he made it do damage based on your attack stats, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But it does straight percentages, which is absolute bullcrap. If it can destroy 10 million of my planets, why can't it destroy 10 million of anyone else's planets, effectively wiping them from the game? I wouldn't even mind if it were based on the attacker's army size, ie. whoever attacks with the super weapon can destroy a maximum of 5% of THEIR size in enemy planets. So say some n00b with 2 million planets manages to get his hands on the weapon and hits me with it, the most I would lose would be 100K planets. Yes the untraining would be a **Filtered** and so would the loss of weapons, but hell I could probably make it back in a few turns.
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    could not agree more. one person is hit why should the whole damn server be rewarded for one poor bastard being hit with a weapon that essential wipes out all they have. and then some of you have the balls to say it sucks because other people attack you. well tell admin to give all DMU to seller! then the problem is solved and everybody wins. did admin say why seller does not get all the DMU?
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    well personally i make sure to be awake so i can farm everyone that i can (which isn't much since i am one time ascended with not much atk strength) i live in Europe and it's tough that i have to stay up till 3o'clock in the morning but i live with it since i can use the DMU very much.

    it's a bit dual, i like the fact i can grow faster by farming during the release, but i also feel it's kinda sorry for those that can use it and aren't able to be online.

    considering that i think SG's proposal, three posts down, was very good.
    changing the DMU into APP would make sure that everyone benefits.
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    Shooting Star wrote:Or we could just let the seller get ALL of the DMU from the auction. After all, he did lose 5% of his planets, all of his weapons, and had 90% of his remaining planets untrained, the other 10% remain/got trained as resource planets.

    Thus far, has anyone actually lost any weapons? Since all the attacks have been pre-setup, I was under the idea that they 'victim' simply sold their weapons and put the dmu into adding more fleet(or whatever need be), and then simply bought new ones with the auction money, so the only real loss being 5% of their planets, something that is completely outweighed by the dmu gained from the weapon.

    I personally love the weapon. Although many of the times the weapon has been sold in times that are bad for me(can't log on), the few that I have been able to catch have helped me immensely. Any small or medium player could do the same.

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    the idea is to hurt the big guys a little or at least help give the smaller players a boost. so far only the top players have been able to bid on the weapon, the rest of us then fight for naq which is insignificant to the top players. :roll:

    Shooting Star if somebody hits you with the weapon (if u got so drunk u couldn't get on the computer for several days to bid lol), im sure u'd have no problem masssing/descending them within a few days, so i cant see anybody brave enough to make it happen really. u must admit, it does make it more interesting now that somebody can actaully damage you doesn't it? for now just keep having fun giving DMU to ur allies, u know it isn't meant to be used for that, u know it helps them, u know even at its current rate it's wrong, but really asking to be able to give more at time is being a bit greedy...

    I say smart things so people don't realize how dumb i am.
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    wmd9999 wrote:could not agree more. one person is hit why should the whole damn server be rewarded for one poor jerk being hit with a weapon that essential wipes out all they have. and then some of you have the balls to say it sucks because other people attack you. well tell admin to give all DMU to seller! then the problem is solved and everybody wins. did admin say why seller does not get all the DMU?

    Well admin said that the seller doesn't get all the DMU because a lot of these same people who are **Filtered** now, were **Filtered** about not getting any of the pie when it came to the sale of the Superweapon. Go figure!
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    chargin wrote:the idea is to hurt the big guys a little or at least help give the smaller players a boost. so far only the top players have been able to bid on the weapon, the rest of us then fight for naq which is insignificant to the top players. :roll:

    Shooting Star if somebody hits you with the weapon (if u got so drunk u couldn't get on the computer for several days to bid lol), im sure u'd have no problem masssing/descending them within a few days, so i cant see anybody brave enough to make it happen really. u must admit, it does make it more interesting now that somebody can actaully damage you doesn't it? for now just keep having fun giving DMU to ur allies, u know it isn't meant to be used for that, u know it helps them, u know even at its current rate it's wrong, but really asking to be able to give more at time is being a bit greedy...

    Are you people dense? I want the damn weapon OUT OF THE GAME! I don't want to have to bid 3 trillion DMU every eight or nine days to keep the weapon in my control. I resent the fact that Forum put a weapon in the game that was designed to destroy accounts. And, thus far, I have insured that no accounts have been destroyed by the weapon (along with my good friend Sinister). Together, we have contributed trillions and trillions of DMU to insure that this weapon never sees the light of day. And we will continue to do it until Forum realizes his egregious error and removes the weapon from the game, once and for all.

    Did I find a way to help my friends in ascension using the Super Weapon? Yes I did. Did I tell Forum my evil heinous plan during the Development Server stages of its implementation? Yes I did. Did he say, "Good! Go for it!"? Yes he did. Did he have the gall to act shocked and surprised when we did what we said we were going to do with the Super Weapon if he introduced it into the game? Yes he did.

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