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Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:19 am
by repli**cator
i agree, starting stats should be better,

i remember when i started, i lost interest, stopped playing, rejoined five months later and from that moment i started to enjoy the game (since everything was stockpiled)

raising starting stats would get new players to keep playing.
we need to give newbies more hope to ever becoming something more.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:50 am
by Zeratul
bump, this could still be useful for newbies...

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:51 am
by hfown
Zeratul wrote:how about, to get more people to continue playing, the stats accounts start with are increased?

cant remember start stats, so can someone fill in that?

suggested new stats:

1000 attack supers
1000 defense supers
1000 miners
1000 UUs
1000 spies
500 raw UP
something like 1-2 bill naq in bank
1000 at's

what do people think about this?

might this help more people stay rather than quit after only a few days?
well i know that when i first started i didnt know a thing about sgw and had so little, i quit...
later came back and found out i had 4,000 turns and market worked :-D
needless to say all those turns exchanged for naq got me somewhat interested...

so i think new accounts need something more than 20,000 naq, 3 UU and 20 turns

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:10 am
by Zeratul
hfown wrote:well i know that when i first started i didnt know a thing about sgw and had so little, i quit...
later came back and found out i had 4,000 turns and market worked :-D
needless to say all those turns exchanged for naq got me somewhat interested...

so i think new accounts need something more than 20,000 naq, 3 UU and 20 turns

yes, new accounts need more... but it might also be good idea to give such goods to all accounts started within the last 3 weeks as well... simply because it would be really bad for a player to have started, and the next day, starting goods are increased...

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:26 pm
by Munchy
I am all for this idea.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:47 pm
by xbox
the thing that kept me going when I started the game was my CO :) ...
I sugest that new players are listed on some new page (like attack page) so people would see them and could like send them pm so they could join them as officers so they would stick on game...
Also admin should give everyone newcomer a letter where there is everything to know about SGW... how to get CO, why you need UP, where can you join alliance.... And than to visit a forum for more help...
I think that would be a massive improvment in the game 8)
Also there could be 2 days one way ppt... I get bored in many game that are SGW like couse I must wait 2 days... Yea I know I can attack some1 but when I do that I'm exposed instance... It would be better to just give ppt that could make you attack people yet other people couldn't attack you... that would only be for new comers :)

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:28 pm
by Informer
how about 3 free mt (MT cannot be traded for naq - or 3 free ones anyway)for new users say with an army size less than 200k

- as long as they do not have an ss

that way you eliminate the multi aspect.

so to explain - if you start fresh you get 3 free mt which you can use for lifers or AT - (cost you nothing to trade) and you get the 3 normal ones which you hae to pay for.

this will obviously be a short term thing, because if you do trade for lifers after about 4 free mt your armysize will exceed 200k.

since this only applies to those without ss - it rules out possibility of being abused by multies

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:45 pm
by dardar
ya this is a good idea. :D

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:46 am
by Informer
it is safe from abuse.

if MT used for AT then cannot be transferred (player has no SS)

since the free MT cannot be traded for naq (prevent multi's being created and naq being hit)

Or make it so they only get 2 - 3 bil max.

if MT used for lifers - then it equates to them getting more naq and a bigger army size for free.

though might want to change the 200k limit depending on what market rates are for lifers.

e.g if they continue to fall it is ok, but if they rise might want to raise limit a bit

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:04 am
by Cycladic
Having just started playing just under 2 weeks ago, I agree the starting stats do need to go up a little bit. But with that many 0 defense farms out there holding 1 billion+ naq out, it doesn't need to be that much. The main thing I wanted when I started out was more ATs.

So from 20000 naq, 1 UP, 4 UU, 20 (I think) AT and something tiny in naq/turn prodution. It should go up to something like:

10,000,000 naq
500 UP/day
1,000 UU
50,000 naq/turn (or enough miners/lifers for this)
and most importantly 150 ATs (or so, gives 10 full attacks)

There could of course be some trained units, but maybe an "initial uu allocating" guide would be better, something like:

5% attack
45% covert
50% miners (brings production to 94,000 naq/turn)

Which 10 million naq should be able to cover. The 45% covert, so they'll have more ability to find some nice naq piles. Also, no defense, as I don't think it's really needed in your first few turns, 10 million naq is hardly worth stealing anyway.

There should also be a link (or copy, or something) to vinny d's guide to starting out, which I found pretty invaluable on my first day.

Anyway, just my suggestions :)

edit: My numbers are almost the same as Dralan's :o oh well.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:49 pm
by _Rube_Dragon_
yep do it!!

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:56 am
by ~The Fallen~
good idea.. will certainly give the newer players an incentive to play.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:19 am
by dardar
bump any word about this possibly being added to the game?

Starting Stats upgraded(common topic dont believe so)

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:06 am
by Eternal Serenity
Not sure if this is a common topic I looked but could have missed it. But starting at the measly 3 army and low up is to small anymore. The game has grown vastly and I personally have talked to and think many players dont play because of the bad starting conditions. Yea turns raid a good profit but still with no SS and a tiny army what fun is there spending weeks just to try and use your MTs. Not saying what the new ones should be but I think its time to have an over haul and its not much work. Could be done easily.

Re: Starting Stats upgraded(common topic dont believe so)

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:31 am
by Wolf359
You're right - it could be done easily - but I don't think it is needed.

Having started afresh in September, it took me less than 2 months to get to within G&R range - and with all the offers of help I was given, I could've done it within 2 weeks! I haven't done that much raiding (mainly because it's boring and I can't be bothered), I've lost more naq than I've stolen, I've been away from the game for over 2 months since my restart, and I'm still within G&R range.

Bottom line, all the enhancements to the game mean it is easier to grow and achieve, and maintain, the required rank for G&R than it ever was - even back in the early days.