Is Ascension Broken? Almost

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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Hensenshi wrote:Except the current cap completely destroys all the hard work that those of us at the top have put in. I'm all for giving everyone else a chance to try and catch up, but this is ridiculous. There is honestly no chance for those of us who cross the 700mill army size earlier.

Urogard, I've done the figures, made growth curves and calculated them. 1 year, and Mojo Rising falls off page 1. No matter what he does. No chance at all for him to keep rank 1. He put all of his effort into ascension. Why in god's holy name should he be punished for reaching 700mill first? The caps in main work excellently, they allow people to still grow, just require you to find a different way to grow. This 700mill cap in ascended on the other hand, completely cripples people.

You huys are acting like youve done loads of work ...... you guys took so much advantage of how Asc works thats what brought you to the top not skill or heavy ascensions......

That 700mill limit is easily passed just stay under 700mill and upgrade till your satisfied
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Raven wrote:You huys are acting like youve done loads of work ...... you guys took so much advantage of how Asc works thats what brought you to the top not skill or heavy ascensions......

Oh? And what advantage of ascension was that? I'm sorry, but I didn't raid my way to the top. Nor did Mojo, Sinister, EtL, Reborn, S T I, or Dead_Horse. Yes, raiding adds to army, but it does not supplement growth. No, we dominate the ascended server because YOU REFUSED TO PLAY IT!

Raven wrote:That 700mill limit is easily passed just stay under 700mill and upgrade till your satisfied

And how do you propose I stay under 700million planets? It's not like I can just send someone a few million planets.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Hensenshi wrote:
Raven wrote:You huys are acting like youve done loads of work ...... you guys took so much advantage of how Asc works thats what brought you to the top not skill or heavy ascensions......

Oh? And what advantage of ascension was that? I'm sorry, but I didn't raid my way to the top. Nor did Mojo, Sinister, EtL, Reborn, S T I, or Dead_Horse. Yes, raiding adds to army, but it does not supplement growth. No, we dominate the ascended server because YOU REFUSED TO PLAY IT!

Raven wrote:That 700mill limit is easily passed just stay under 700mill and upgrade till your satisfied

And how do you propose I stay under 700million planets? It's not like I can just send someone a few million planets.

Raiding helped at the start when ascensions mattered something and others who came later could easily go to the top without being disturbed much.......all your growth is 99% time nothing more

Just let someone raid you or waste them as supers that wasnt to hard to think off was it .....
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Raven wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:
Raven wrote:You huys are acting like youve done loads of work ...... you guys took so much advantage of how Asc works thats what brought you to the top not skill or heavy ascensions......

Oh? And what advantage of ascension was that? I'm sorry, but I didn't raid my way to the top. Nor did Mojo, Sinister, EtL, Reborn, S T I, or Dead_Horse. Yes, raiding adds to army, but it does not supplement growth. No, we dominate the ascended server because YOU REFUSED TO PLAY IT!

Raven wrote:That 700mill limit is easily passed just stay under 700mill and upgrade till your satisfied

And how do you propose I stay under 700million planets? It's not like I can just send someone a few million planets.

Raiding helped at the start when ascensions mattered something and others who came later could easily go to the top without being disturbed much.......all your growth is 99% time nothing more

Just let someone raid you or waste them as supers that wasnt to hard to think off was it .....

As far as raiding goes a very tiny portion of my army comes from raiding. Not even in prospect of the time that I did the raiding did I profit much off of it. I got to where I am by working. Most of my growth comes from farming and good ascensions. So tell me, exactly how did I just sit back and relax?

In 1 day I make more than what I have for total planets in strike. So unless you've got a really good way of waisting supers, that won't work, and the cost of selling my defense is a bit more than what it'd be worth. If I was to do it that way, I'd have to sell my defense like, once a week, once a day maybe? Sorry, but if that's what it costs to stay under 700mill, I might as well give up now as I won't do any proper growing either way.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Hensenshi wrote:
Raven wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:
Raven wrote:You huys are acting like youve done loads of work ...... you guys took so much advantage of how Asc works thats what brought you to the top not skill or heavy ascensions......

Oh? And what advantage of ascension was that? I'm sorry, but I didn't raid my way to the top. Nor did Mojo, Sinister, EtL, Reborn, S T I, or Dead_Horse. Yes, raiding adds to army, but it does not supplement growth. No, we dominate the ascended server because YOU REFUSED TO PLAY IT!

Raven wrote:That 700mill limit is easily passed just stay under 700mill and upgrade till your satisfied

And how do you propose I stay under 700million planets? It's not like I can just send someone a few million planets.

Raiding helped at the start when ascensions mattered something and others who came later could easily go to the top without being disturbed much.......all your growth is 99% time nothing more

Just let someone raid you or waste them as supers that wasnt to hard to think off was it .....

As far as raiding goes a very tiny portion of my army comes from raiding. Not even in prospect of the time that I did the raiding did I profit much off of it. I got to where I am by working. Most of my growth comes from farming and good ascensions. So tell me, exactly how did I just sit back and relax?

In 1 day I make more than what I have for total planets in strike. So unless you've got a really good way of waisting supers, that won't work, and the cost of selling my defense is a bit more than what it'd be worth. If I was to do it that way, I'd have to sell my defense like, once a week, once a day maybe? Sorry, but if that's what it costs to stay under 700mill, I might as well give up now as I won't do any proper growing either way.

Farming is much easier if you have others above you backing you up if needed the sitting part is where you are besides your ascension ...... 99% of your account isnt from asc/farming just time....thats why its broken and the fact that at some point your invulnerable isnt helping either......

Now once more about the part of the planet reducing are you just acting foolish because you can reduce planets very easily i know you make alot but you just have to make some 'effort' i guess to loose your UP point is you dont have to go over 700 if its not worth it ......and even then the time frames are so wide months arent really a factor ....
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Uhh Raven, I don't think anyone let alone Hensenshi want's to kill off 10's of millions of planets weekly. Thats really going to turn the game into who can best lose planets, not gain them.

Mojo will get screwed because at the time when he had a small account, charisma wasn't the be all and end all. Because we now are ranked solely on influence, we all know what we have to do and have the chance to get many more charisma levels before we (eventually) hit 700 mill. I think thats what Hensenshi is on about.

There was a comment earlier that 500 levels should be where the expense grows, not 700mill planets. I agree this would be fairer for all and should be explored further. Seems to make much more sense than an arbitrary number that results in a lot of bad feeling and animosity between everyone
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

From my point a view isn't not really a big deal.

See when i hit 700mil, i'm just going to spends a month income into fleet production at the moment 10k fleets means i get another 1.25 mil planets, true it's not as cheap as getting a charisma level and getting 50k per level but the true is that no one smaller then me is going to catch me. Cause by the time they are at 700M, i'll be at 1.5 Tril or more.

That means i'll have an income of 1 Tril+ a turn, so even if forum goes 100 to 1 that means i'll be able to get a 3-7 charisma levels a week instead of 3-7 charisma levels a day, like now... I hate to tell you all but, the average account doesn't get 3-7 a week! So i see this update as slowing down the gap, but not stopping it. As for everyone catching up to you mojo, well that was cause they were doing larger ascensions and that's how they got ahead, plus you have given out between 1.5-5 tril dmu each week for the past 5 months.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Raven wrote:Farming is much easier if you have others above you backing you up if needed the sitting part is where you are besides your ascension ...... 99% of your account isnt from asc/farming just time....thats why its broken and the fact that at some point your invulnerable isnt helping either......

I was farming and made my account before DD became the established ruler of ascension. In fact, I was farming long before Mojo and GenLucky jumped up to rank 1 and 2. I was farming, when GenLucky wasn't sure how to ascend. Explain to me how that's not from skill, and effort.

You chose not to play, you failed to look ahead and see the importance of ascension. Now, you're complaining that those who did play are far ahead of you.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Hensenshi wrote:
Raven wrote:Farming is much easier if you have others above you backing you up if needed the sitting part is where you are besides your ascension ...... 99% of your account isnt from asc/farming just time....thats why its broken and the fact that at some point your invulnerable isnt helping either......

I was farming and made my account before DD became the established ruler of ascension. In fact, I was farming long before Mojo and GenLucky jumped up to rank 1 and 2. I was farming, when GenLucky wasn't sure how to ascend. Explain to me how that's not from skill, and effort.

You chose not to play, you failed to look ahead and see the importance of ascension. Now, you're complaining that those who did play are far ahead of you.

Im not complaining really im not.....
But Asc is broken and you people dont wanna admit that cause that would mean maybe some challenge in sometime and ofcourse that isnt fair eh :-D
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

With guided planets unraidable, and multiple people selling DMU for naq, I don't think there's been a better time for the smaller accounts on ascension to grow and do a bit of catching up.

This is especially true of your alliance, Raven. You bemoan the "COP monopoly" of ascension, but right now your alliance is protected from all the big hitters. If not by established diplomatic relations, then by your arguable war prowess and formidability in main. I'd say now is the perfect time for the Romans to establish their own pantheon of the Gods.

But of course, I think we'll get a few more cynical posts about how ascension is a waste of code before we get some player initiative..
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Mordack wrote:With guided planets unraidable, and multiple people selling DMU for naq, I don't think there's been a better time for the smaller accounts on ascension to grow and do a bit of catching up.

This is especially true of your alliance, Raven. You bemoan the "COP monopoly" of ascension, but right now your alliance is protected from all the big hitters. If not by established diplomatic relations, then by your arguable war prowess and formidability in main. I'd say now is the perfect time for the Romans to establish their own pantheon of the Gods.

But of course, I think we'll get a few more cynical posts about how ascension is a waste of code before we get some player initiative..

I agree with you this is the time but not if it stays like this we need a couple updates to straighten out the chances.....
Btw we arent protected from them /you we are protected from eachother :-D
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Hensenshi wrote:Urogard, I've done the figures, made growth curves and calculated them. 1 year, and Mojo Rising falls off page 1.

And you'd be able to do a better estimate than me since you got more info on mojo's stats and stuff. So if you say it i have no reason not to believe it at the moment.

but still if it isn't a secret could I/we know precicely how much more expensive it gets to turn dmu into LF?
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

It is expensive enough to warrant concern from the top accounts. We can't compete anymore.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Mojo Rising wrote:It is expensive enough to warrant concern from the top accounts. We can't compete anymore.

hmm lets see game mechanics working against you? i say STI is ay more skillfull then you in Asc :-D
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

No S T I is not a more skillful player than I am in ascension. He just benefitted from a prejudiced update by Forum that allowed him to exceed the levels that Sinister and I were able to purchase. It has nothing to do with skill but more to dumb luck. Because he was LESS skillful, he got rewarded, which is what all of the updates in ascension have been about from the beginning.

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