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Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:40 pm
by Spacey
Tok`ra wrote:Fire all but a few of the mods, replace.

Problem solved.

Teal`auc, Rienna, and the misc mods are about the only complaint free ones Ive seen.

Tok'ra, I have said (at one point) that you can be reasonable (remember way back when when I tried talking to you to stop/calm down...can't remember exactly for what though). Please reason with me now.

(1) Misc mods are complaint free? :shock: That had to have been before my time... (before 05 Oct 2005 22:00 I mean)

In fact mics mods get a lot of grief...

^--- Tru Storie!

(2) If the current mods are being rotated in/out, etc. how do you know the old ones are still in place? For example, a mod can say they are me and also Mod 12345, but how do you know it's me and not them?

To rephrase: You can say that you are posting for tok'ra, and you're not him, but there isn't really anyway to know is there?

Going back to first example: someone can say it me, but it doesn't mean that it is. Someone can say that you (tok'ra account) are (or are not) you, but there isn't really any way of knowing, right?

I make no statement that you are or are not someone, but argue the idea:

If you can't tell when someone comes or goes from that account, how do you know when it changes hands? Will there still be claims of people being x mod when they're no longer in the position and will people still be saying 'x mod needs to step down!', or 'fire all the mods', etc. when they have been changed?

This will probably get people to want to post: 'all old mods come here to tell if you still mod!' or something like that, but what you're saying doesn't make sense to me... I probably don't know all of the tricks or whatever but if you could answer what I'm asking that would be great.

(3) it seems like most of the posts you're making deal with some part of unbanning tok'ra account (his/yours/whatever)...

The reasons for the account banning are here:

I will speak to a few points listed there.
6/7.) These are enough to permban (specifically 6). If I remember correctly: Admin tried very hard with you to work with you to correct some bad behaviour.

5.) The jokes you make about sexual activity/content about a former underage female poster was enough to ban and burn you as well (you must admit that was totally out of line/order)... instead of outright banning you then admin tried to work with you to help you change... like the justice dept. woks with some to change their ways before throwing them in jail again

You are banned due to your own actions... no one else. Don't spin it to make yourself out to be a victim.

My point with listing the above two is that you speak from a position of significant bias. All of this 'unban tok'ra account', 'admin are terrible', etc. that come from you doesn't amount to much. If former admin/mods are guilty of anything with you it's form trying to work with you to change, and not banning on a whim... as it seems everyone is saying...

but meh... don't listen to me or look at what tok'ra did when he was here... I'm getting ready to enjoy my modding retirement... ciao

edit: my comments on the above rules were public knowledge (ie. about posts seen in public) and not past mod only info.

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:59 pm
by Brdavs
Nuking the forum would do you absolutly no good.

The forum is just a reflection of the game... And the problem with the game is there is no real roleplaying left in it. (For Christ`s sake, one of the only 2 roleplaying attempts I can think of is about a Roman empire... in SGW themed online browser based roleplaying game? I mean WTH lol?)
With no roleplaying whatsoever things got 98% personal. Alliances are friends of RL... enemies are guys that shafted us and we dont speak to RL or those we just dont like, period. How is it then surprising that 90% of the war threads turn into personal slagmatches etc. etc. Old guns stick around because of their investment (of time/money)... (If I had 5 mil UU for every time I`ve seen a guy selling for cash cos he had no interest anymore but was "holding out for that 2k USD" I`d be close to catching STI...) And they stick around with other ppl. And together we watch our armies grow cos wars got so personal we`d rather duke it out for 4 months spewing all sorts of poison around than to give "the other" side the satisfaction of even appearing to back down... bicker about what constitutes "alliance farming", about single naq hits, about "war vultures", about silly stuff, stuff in general you prolly wouldn`t even think about normally.... and grumble about the updates lobbying for the ones we will best gain/keep power with... and, ofcourse, we cannot but grumble about the mods... about admins... about the state of the forum/game (guilty as charged lol)...

If you really want a change of "climate" around here nuke the game lol... Out with the old grouches and back to the roots. Or atleast take drastic steps to bring roleplaying back to SGW... like different ascended races bonuses and considerable bonuses for race pure alliances etc. etc.

My 2 cents (€ naturally)

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:10 am
by Amon
Brdavs wrote:Nuking the forum would do you absolutly no good.

The forum is just a reflection of the game... And the problem with the game is there is no real roleplaying left in it. (For Christ`s sake, one of the only 2 roleplaying attempts I can think of is about a Roman empire... in SGW themed online browser based roleplaying game? I mean WTH lol?)
With no roleplaying whatsoever things got 98% personal. Alliances are friends of RL... enemies are guys that shafted us and we dont speak to RL or those we just dont like, period. How is it then surprising that 90% of the war threads turn into personal slagmatches etc. etc. Old guns stick around because of their investment (of time/money)... (If I had 5 mil UU for every time I`ve seen a guy selling for cash cos he had no interest anymore but was "holding out for that 2k USD" I`d be close to catching STI...) And they stick around with other ppl. And together we watch our armies grow cos wars got so personal we`d rather duke it out for 4 months spewing all sorts of poison around than to give "the other" side the satisfaction of even appearing to back down... bicker about what constitutes "alliance farming", about single naq hits, about "war vultures", about silly stuff, stuff in general you prolly wouldn`t even think about normally.... and grumble about the updates lobbying for the ones we will best gain/keep power with... and, ofcourse, we cannot but grumble about the mods... about admins... about the state of the forum/game (guilty as charged lol)...

If you really want a change of "climate" around here nuke the game lol... Out with the old grouches and back to the roots. Or atleast take drastic steps to bring roleplaying back to SGW... like different ascended races bonuses and considerable bonuses for race pure alliances etc. etc.

My 2 cents (€ naturally)

Couldn't agree more, too many powerfull people are bored, nuke the game start over and put the excitement back into their lives

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:09 am
by RepliJake
Teal'auc is not complaint free, the complaints were simply removed to cover her rule violations and the condoning of those rule violations by fellow mods.

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:10 pm
by Trife
Spacey wrote:My point with listing the above two is that you speak from a position of significant bias. All of this 'unban tok'ra account', 'admin are terrible', etc. that come from you doesn't amount to much. If former admin/mods are guilty of anything with you it's form trying to work with you to change, and not banning on a whim... as it seems everyone is saying..


Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:15 pm
by Spacey
Trife wrote:QFT.

I don't know what that means.

Tok`ra wrote:
Trife wrote:
Spacey wrote:My point with listing the above two is that you speak from a position of significant bias. All of this 'unban tok'ra account', 'admin are terrible', etc. that come from you doesn't amount to much. If former admin/mods are guilty of anything with you it's form trying to work with you to change, and not banning on a whim... as it seems everyone is saying..


Until very recently were have they tried to work with anyone ?

In fact, until recently, disagreing with a mod was a banable offense.

Not true... users were supposed to take it up in pm, not in public, if they had a problem.

That rules was around since before I registered.

When I say work with you, I mean you literally tok'ra. You got a lot of chances to improve. I think you were just focused on having fun, and brushed it off, but an attempt was still made.

That isn't the only example.

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:22 am
by Spacey
Tok`ra wrote:But from what I remember him saying, he prefers to (when fixing things at least) deal with an issue in public.

That way theres no hint of scandal, no attempt to leak private convos in a 'gotcha' moment (which always seems to happen to the mods) just a convo in public, in which an issue can be resolved.

As far as 'guilty of working with him' ......... I remember when Tok`ra got banned.....

I remember he mentioned hed been talking to pookie on MSN, pookie appeared to offer an olive branch.

I remember Tok`ra told me hed volunterd to take up a 'public relations' position for the mod staff, as long as issues were dealt with in public, which apparently pookie couldnt handle.

So despite Tok`ras willingness to WORK WITH the mods, he was banned because he belived that things should not be kept secret. Cause secrets can come back and bite ya.

4th MT leak, need I say more ?

He tends to be quite bullheaded when it comes to his principles.

I think there is a misunderstanding. When I am talking about taking something up with a moderator I am refering to situation where someone have a problem. Rather than make a thread, send a pm. That has been around since before I registered. I'm not specifically talking about scandal.

You misquoted me. I said "If former admin/mods are guilty of anything with you it's form trying to work with you to change, and not banning on a whim... as it seems everyone is saying..". What I said and 'guilty of working with him' have two different meanings.

Tok'ra wasn't banned for a disagreement of a public relations position (as you said), but for this:

There are infractions that aren't listed on there even, and a very serious one come to my mind first.

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:47 am
by Trife
QFT = quoted for truth

or as I prefer to say

quoted for truthiness

Clean up the forums?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 4:43 am
by Tauriman77
I dont know whats been happening to the forums lately, every1s been at each other and everything, so i think the forum should be erased, every single topic (except maybe market topics) then close down the forums for a few days. reopen them and start new, it prolly wont do anything, but its worth a shot, something needs to be done with the forums, I dont even like to go on here much anymore, and its kinda sad, i used to love the forums, but now every1 seems to be either fighting with mods, fighting with forum, or just fighting with each other, theres only a few threads where ppl arent fighting, and sometimes those threads end up making a fight. anyway these are just my opinions and suggestions. if you wanna put up a post thats gonna say something negitive about forum or mods than dont post, this thread is not here to start a fight, and if it starts going south ill ask a mod to lock/delete it.

Re: Clean up the forums?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:38 am
by Mukasa
i would rather see that ALL USEFULL threads are moved to the great library...then forums are reset....that would prolly help a bit.

Re: Clean up the forums?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:55 am
by Global Mod I
Above two posts merged with:


Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:52 am
by Wolf359
How exactly would resetting the forum change anything? Okay - it lets everyone start afresh - but the same people, with the same personalities will use the new forum - therefore the same degenerate rubbish and unwarranted hostility will be spewed forth by the ignorant minority, ruining it for the majority.

So, again, how would it change anything?

The forums are fine as they are - it's some of the people that post in it that send it downhill - and (I'm saying it again) it is directly related to how the game has changed. There never used to be any of the crap that goes on in here - it started to occur when in-game changes created more powerful/untouchable accounts in-game, therefore raising the petulant arrogance in the forum.

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:14 pm
by Zeratul
Wolf359 wrote:The forums are fine as they are - it's some of the people that post in it that send it downhill - and (I'm saying it again) it is directly related to how the game has changed. There never used to be any of the crap that goes on in here - it started to occur when in-game changes created more powerful/untouchable accounts in-game, therefore raising the petulant arrogance in the forum.

thanks for posting your view wolf359... (when we think a little, we would agree that it seems a logical reason for the problems...)

now the big question is... what is the solution?

(NOTE: neither banning dozens of people, nor replacing all the staff would work... so dont suggest those...)

do you have any solutions laying around, wolf359?

Re: Nuke the forums it need a clean start

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:39 am
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
Wolf359 wrote:How exactly would resetting the forum change anything? Okay - it lets everyone start afresh - but the same people, with the same personalities will use the new forum - therefore the same degenerate rubbish and unwarranted hostility will be spewed forth by the ignorant minority, ruining it for the majority.

So, again, how would it change anything?

The forums are fine as they are - it's some of the people that post in it that send it downhill - and (I'm saying it again) it is directly related to how the game has changed. There never used to be any of the crap that goes on in here - it started to occur when in-game changes created more powerful/untouchable accounts in-game, therefore raising the petulant arrogance in the forum.

The environment also has a positive/negative effect on ppls peronsailities trust me, if its clean and empty im pretty sure they will change without them knowing