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Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:15 pm
by Rienna
buck wrote:(espescially as i get the feeling said moddess goddess is not infact female...although i may be wrong)

:( oh yar, you're wrong... I really am a girl....

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:39 am
by Suggestive Disorder
jack... this one has decided to stop using thorn for now, simply to not cause forum to deteriorate again...

Re: Forum administration, its all or nothing...

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:50 am
by Wolf359
Jack wrote:
Wolf359 wrote:
Jack wrote:Srory, but I don’t dman if smooene gtes teihr fleeers hrut cusae I pestod lkie tihs rehtar tehn how tehy tnihk I suolhd psot, and no one esle solhud ehtier…

Aslo, fsirt you say “It mhgit not be hrad – but taht isn’t the pinot” tehn you go on to say “the wohle piont of bnieg a furom mod/amidn is to mkae the frmuos an esay/sfae/betetr evneirnmont” but if it’s not hrad, tehn it msut be esay no? So, if it’s not hrad tehn how is it piolanltety cfsuionng?

“Wrhee deos it sotp, you cloud ctaree wolhe new ‘leettrs’ for gopurs of lertets or eevn rplcaee wohle wodrs – so ltes hvae smoe cmomon sesne eh?”

And yet no one is alucatly donig taht, if we wree gonig to bsae all our rlues off of waht ppolee mhgit do tehn we mihgt as wlel prvenet poplee form pitsong, or at the vrey lseat mkae psntoig bmeoce mod arevoppd berfoe the psot is alcutaly aplepid to the trhead baescue soeomne culod psot sietnmhog taht mihgt hurt senmooe’s fengiles or barek the ruels

Aslo, if we are gonig to tlel ploepe tehy can’t psot lkie tihs, or use a sglnie spimle carachter, tehn wrehe wlil it sotp? Are we tehn gniog to csitshae polepe mdos and admnis for not usnig perecft gammrar? If one deos not use pcefret gmraamr tehn the raeedr can beomce cnfeousd….

Oh…. wiat…. we’re hnaums not curmeopts, we can A-D-A-P-T

If you coduln’t aapdt tehn you wduoln’t be albe to sepak two legaaungs, mcuh lses the ttrhiy smoe ploepe can saepk, we wuoldn’t be albe to leran cruvise hdnrwianitg etc etc

That's just a poor argument.

Some people are naturally not good with English, whether it is their first language or not and whether they have a specific learning difficulty or not - therefore introducing these stupid characters in a pitiful attempt to look clever (I can't think of any other reason - other than, possibly, sheer laziness), not only fails (on the looking clever part) but also potentially confuses those people who may have reading difficulties, or do not have English as their first language.

Therefore, I would put it to you, and everyone else, that a Mod or Admin using them is very poor practice (especially when they have to subsequently explain themselves and tell people to go elsewhere for guidance).

I kept forgetting to reply to this post, well, I'm in the fighting mood, so let's go once again

You say some people are just not good with english, I still say that that letter does NOT make a big enough impact to cause people to mis understand what was written, there's also the fact that some people are retarded, should we start handing out blue helmets to everyone?

You said that there are only two reasons to use the letter, 1 to look clever and 2 out of sheer laziness, well considering that you would have to go more out of your way to use said character over "TH" automatically rules out the laziness, that leaves looking clever, well if that's the only other reason you can think of then you are quite narrow minded, as some people might just like the way the character looks or maybe they wanted to adopt the character as a part of their role playing, which is the intent of the mod in question I do believe, there are other reasons but there's no need to list every single one

Now, you said my argument was poor, what part? Cause the part about forcing everyone to use perfect english/grammar was spot on, if something as simple as replacing the letters "TH" with "Þ" is going to cause people to trip up and not fully understand what is being said then surely this horrible grammar of mine will do the same

Once again you COMPLETELY miss the point!

The point being that a Mod has a responsibility to post as clearly and concisely as he or she can in and by so doing making it as easy as possible for others to understand what they are saying - and not to potentially confuse people further - especially those who are not very good with English or who have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia). Some forum users have a hard enough time understanding English or overcoming their SLD without a Mod making it worse.

My argument is expanded in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=128&t=93882