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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:10 am
by Juliette
Zeratul wrote:teal'auc likes massing... thats why she rarely has large defense...

All hail your powers of observation, Zera! *bows down and worships*

Auriel wrote:Rules are not Guidelines, even if [it is] said they are. Semantic impossibility.

Don't blame me... blame language.
Besides, you know as well as I do that "upholding the spirit of the rules" would've meant an equal ban. Not that the crimes committed were foul, just that there were a few too many.
It's something else entirely to disagree with ONE person's temporary ban, than disagreeing with the rules in themselves. You're escalating the problem to a level it needn't be at. :)


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:55 am
by Zeratul
most of the rules are guidelines, but the one for # of warnings that = suspension, is set in stone...


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:59 am
by Severian
Just like to ask:

If A mod-talk Warning was given in regards for the violation?
If A Forum Warning was Given/Issued?

Also just a general question about why previous warnings (under the old rules) for things no longer considered violations i.e compltely acceptable are retained. The rules wouldn't need changing if they weren't flawed and got a fresh start so wondering if the same curiosy applied to posters.

Finally the duration. If say Two and a half months ago i recieve 2 warnings for say rule x (which no longer applies) - then Fast forward all that time (2.5 months) and I decide to got posting spree in some free time and get banned for spamming (without being told to cut it out or knowing I was). I wake up unaware that what I did was warn worthy and had been a proper poster with the exception of questionable rule violations in the past. Although this is not exactly REK's case, i'm sure it affects users in general.

As such I was wondering if someone on 2 warnings, could if seen to be doing soemthing questionable by the mods - be reminded of those past violations and what they are doing trends on warn worthy; Just so they know if/when they are doing wrong and ensure that they improve their game.

Apologies for the questions, they are honest and I'm not too experience on these forums, spending most of my time on others where a similiar system is in place.


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:10 am
by WeaponX
if rules are guidelines then enforcement of rules is done by arbitrary means. thats means a mod can be in a bad mood and decide to warn you or be friends with you and let your behavior slide...

yeah smacks of inconsistency for sure. and really what has REK done to warrant this? i can think of worse things being done but we know such things fall on deaf ears...


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:18 am
by Zeratul
Balor wrote:Just like to ask:

If A mod-talk Warning was given in regards for the violation?
If A Forum Warning was Given/Issued?

Also just a general question about why previous warnings (under the old rules) for things no longer considered violations i.e compltely acceptable are retained. The rules wouldn't need changing if they weren't flawed and got a fresh start so wondering if the same curiosy applied to posters.

Finally the duration. If say Two and a half months ago i recieve 2
Balor wrote:warnings for say rule x (which no longer applies) - then Fast forward all that time (2.5 months) and I decide to got posting spree in some free time and get banned for spamming (without being told to cut it out or knowing I was). I wake up unaware that what I did was warn worthy and had been a proper poster with the exception of questionable rule violations in the past. Although this is not exactly REK's case, i'm sure it affects users in general.

that usually depends on how large the spamming spree was...

spamming sprees that are very sudden, (for example caused by drinking), might instead be a few hours long suspension... to stop posting for then, but not to make person lack access when no longer drunk... not sure 100% on it...

Balor wrote:As such I was wondering if someone on 2 warnings, could if seen to be doing soemthing questionable by the mods - be reminded of those past violations and what they are doing trends on warn worthy; Just so they know if/when they are doing wrong and ensure that they improve their game.

not sure here, but usually, if someone for said section is online at same time as linetreading is occuring, that might happen, not sure though...

Balor wrote:Apologies for the questions, they are honest and I'm not too experience on these forums, spending most of my time on others where a similiar system is in place.

no problem... many of these questions need answering...


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:21 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
IMAO... The mod who banned REK is a noob. :P

Everyone knows that REKs posts, even the 1 smilie posts have deep meanings and are on topic. Those not initiated in the REKism will never understand him. REK is the only true god. He preaches without using words... REK is almighty, REK should not be banned.

Everything else written in this thread, about rules, guidelines, etc... is crap. REK is holy... rules should me made after REK. :D


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:36 am
by FreeSpirit
Rek was suspended for 7 days after he recieved 3 warnings. It always was that way and it isnt changing. Calling someone an idiot isnt the best way to show you disagree. We are all human and all deserve to be respected as one. Therfor i simply request to stop the name calling else i will be forced to help people remind the rules


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:31 pm
by Rienna
tralalalalala... oh, oh yea.

So I brought this up at the mod meeting today. Forum was unaware of the 3 warn = 7 days rule.

He suggested some changes for the way we do warnings/bans, and I assure you I'll make sure it gets discussed in the supermod section (as they're the only ones who can ban other than admins).

But I wouldn't go so far as to say 3 warns = 7 is set in stone ;)


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:21 pm
by Zeratul
was discussed at meeting, so now it is carved into something soft...


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:41 am
by Zeratul
dont blame us for that... we werent at the meeting...


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:13 am
by REK
GOD is back for now these non belivers will try to dismiss my existance ;)