Changes to the power levels

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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:18 pm

Re: Changes to the power levels

Well, best to keep selling then. Personally I still dont understand those that buy resources with $$, to me it seems to take the challenge out of it.

I can understand those selling for $$ more easily.

Then there are those that buy an account to sell the resources, an investment.

I play just to play and have fun. I have spent $50 US on a USS so far in the last two years. Probably should contribute more to Jason, but he seems to do well off of those willing to spend more. It isnt that I can't spend more, just prefer not to buy an account.

But, my comment was more to HE who I belived to Trade Lots of DMU for NAQ. Which is cool also. Whichever way the DMU is not being used nor needed for you guys in Ascended. So I belive you expect others to catch up that do not trade away the DMU but buy upgrades etc.. with it.

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