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Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:12 am
by Sabin le Rose
Oh, my Appologies.
I missed you saying that.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:03 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
no probs :-)

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:08 pm
by tackless shadow
if it happens it happens ya think if we say we dont want you to do that there gonna listen???? they just do it in secert and mark it TOP SECERT :) either way there gonna test it and just might use it as a weapons twe say to take out a cave or 2 that has "FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN IT" or a president russia is acting up aint it :)

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:18 pm
by ~Josh~
If it is sucessful, time travel is a BAD idea. Any small change can have a catastrophic outcome. Kill hitler, good idea. But then there would be no WW2, no baby boomers. Many people would be erased from history. Meet Jesus, God gets pissed. Watch the world form, possibly destroy the first human cell formation. BAD IDEA!

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:36 am
by Demeisen
true 4bil is a lot of money, but compared to whats needed its a relatively tiny amount.

i dont think the lhc can be used as a weapon, unless you have a dude who can hold a 30km gun :-D

and apparently time travel is only possible from the moment its 1st done. so you cant go back to hitler as time travel wasnt around then. its not really time travel in the traditional sense. the chance of time travel from the lhc comes from 'wormholes' (which should occur about as often as the black holes created) which allow access to closed time like curves. sort of like building a tunnel through a hill, except you can possibly leave the other end of the tunnel before you enter it on the start side. its all weird, complex and theoretical.

usually a massive amount of energy is needed for a particle to rip spacetime (15 TeV i believe) but apparently its possible at much lower energies. 1 TeV is about the kinetic energy of a mosquito. but concerntrated in a single particle trillions of times smaller than the mosquito can make strange things happen. i think its when these powerful particles just miss eachother that the wormholes can be created (something to do with wave fronts if i remember correctly). the lhc could have enough energy for wormholes.

and time travel in this way shouldnt have the catastrophic effects sometimes imagined. this is because the time travel is always meant to happen and is part of the history of events. its not changing things, its things playing out as they are intended to.

also, we wont be able to time travel. any initial time travel would depend on an advanced future civilisation coming back to us using their knowledge. thats assuming there is anyone left far enough in the future to be able to do this. if there is they would have as much time as they needed to make the arrangements. the date of lhcs activation will be well known in the history 'books' of the future. after initial contact it should work both ways. if time travel does occur think how much we will advance. we could achieve a thousand years worth of technological advancement in a year. epic potential.

lol although this is very unlikely to happen :lol: probably as unlikely as the world ending from the experiment.

btw if anything i wrote needs correcting pls post the right information. cheers

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:18 pm
by Dajjal
My thoughts...

1. No one should ever say the pursuit of knowledge is more important than 6 billion lives or even just one.
2. We don't even completely understand the Earth. Why are we moving to space?
3. How can they dismiss that even .000000000000000000001 is low enough to take a chance? I couldn't agree with them even if its supa low.

I'll think of more points later.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:48 am
by Demeisen
i have seen the more outlandish LHC theories being refered to as physics pornography. its cool to discuss but very unlikely to happen. if someone believes the LHC will end the world they must also consider the other theories of 'hollywood sicence' such as:
*through clever maths/science its proven that we are probably not real, and are in fact a simulation in a higher dimensional beings computer.
*our entire reality can be wiped out in an instant if theres a colission of 'branes.'
*the universe only exists if it is observed.
*somewhere, somewhen, a girl named lyra is with a talking bear as in his dark materials. the multiverse theory is concieveable, but not likely.

even the most unlikely theory can be proven, even if it can be proven false at the same time. this has made many-a-scientist go mad. its best just to believe whats certain over whats possible.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:23 am
by noone
I think its a great project, so manny things can be learned from it.
Would be kewl if they gained a few new elements from it.

I think its rather silly to try and dismiss the whole project under the terms "we shouldnt be playing god" .... he doesnt exist anywaysz ... and absolutely had nothing to do with the big bang ....

About the feeding the poor and clothing them ... well .. it could have been used for that .... and we couldn't do some new cutting edge technology tests.

This machine is a triomph of mankind.
Though there might be risks, a lot of the doom scenarios are fueled by people who don't understand the techniques involved.

Is it risky, most likely ....
Will we all die, most likely not ...

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:28 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Nostra wrote:
I think its rather silly to try and dismiss the whole project under the terms "we shouldnt be playing god" .... he doesnt exist anywaysz ... and absolutely had nothing to do with the big bang ....

whether god exists or not is besides the point and he doesn't have to exist in order for someone to be playing god or to try and be "godlike"

i also dont recall anyone saying god caused the big bang :? unless i missed that post?

just thought i would point those out :wink:

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:48 am
by noone
Hmmm I read somewhere back the big bang thing and playing god in the same paragraph ... could be wrong though .... the god thing was brought up quite a few times >.> and seeing as the most of the idea behind the collider is to mimic the effects of what happened after the big bang ... thus my point :)

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:21 am
by Kieltyka
Well it is a lot of money to be spending on a project that may not happen. :smt012
But anyways, if we was somehow to create a black hole, or just "simulate" one, I don't think it will be on a catastrophic scale. Probably more like a micro-scale, haha.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:41 pm
by S0lid Snake
LiQuiD wrote:They will travel so fast that they make 11,245 trips around the tunnel every SECOND'!!! thats epic speed

Epic indeed.

The machine is 26 miles in length and straddles 2 countries.

Lets do some math here.

26 miles * 11,245 = 292,370 m/s, 17,542,200 m/m, 1,052,532,000 m/h.

Still way shy of light speed = 1,079,252,848,800 m/h.

However the kinetic force of impact at those speeds is mind boggling. :shock:

Mad science at it's best or worst, not sure which.

Well not long now then.

I'm also wondering about the effects of a black hole on our lives, the time dilation effect and the fact that times relative and all would we even notice the difference?

Some have said that there are already mini black holes at the center of the Earth which drives the forces of magnetism and gravity.

Some very thought provoking questions are being raised over this experiment.

Personally I believe it will be a complete waste of time, energy & money.

Just think what Spaceship one by scaled composites ( could have achieved with the money poured into this experiment. We would all be taking holidays on the moon for that kind of cash.

Only time will tell.

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:14 am
by [KMA]Avenger
S0lid Snake wrote:Some have said that there are already mini black holes at the center of the Earth which drives the forces of magnetism and gravity.

question...i'm no physicist but, if there is a micro or mini blackhole in the center of the earths core being surrounded by matter, wouldn't it expand?

i mean, a gravitational force that strong in the center of the core would swallow the surrounding matter and slowly but surely would grow and when its of sufficient size that process would accelerate and suck in the planet very quickly...

yes, or am i way off here??

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:41 am
by ~Josh~
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Re: end of the world in 9 days time??????

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:48 am
by weilandsmith
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
S0lid Snake wrote:Some have said that there are already mini black holes at the center of the Earth which drives the forces of magnetism and gravity.

question...i'm no physicist but, if there is a micro or mini blackhole in the center of the earths core being surrounded by matter, wouldn't it expand?

i mean, a gravitational force that strong in the center of the core would swallow the surrounding matter and slowly but surely would grow and when its of sufficient size that process would accelerate and suck in the planet very quickly...

yes, or am i way off here??

a black hole also expels energy.