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Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:58 am
by Vixion
I miss a few players but God Of Darkness is #1. Man that guy was great, best Co i have ever had and got me into UnnaturalSelection back in the day. Always be thankful for that. Guess he may not count though considering the name of this thread. But any way, he is the one i miss more than the others...

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:30 am
by Fire_of_Venus
Clarkey wrote:
Fire_of_Venus wrote:Why do people -always- so wistfully look back upon the past? We have this prevailing notion that the past and the past players were some how better than the current ones. Now there are some problems with coding ingame, yes but hasn't there always been some problems?

Hmm you go from talking about why people look back upon the past and go on to talking about problems with coding ingame... did I miss a conversation???

Now who in this thread said that the people from the past were better than the current ones? No-one said that. There may be a few that are considered better than current, however that relates to their uniqueness.

Take myself for example, as I am a player of the "past" some may consider me better than those of the current, but PURELY in regards to catching cheats and multis. And that's because I may be considered rather unique in that area. It doesn't mean I'm better than people in everything.

Also looking upon the past is called Reminiscing. What is the problem with people on this forum reminiscing about players over the past 4 years? There is no problem.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:
If you don't look towards the future or at least the present then no wonder people are as depressed ingame as they are.

You honestly think people are depressed with the game because they are looking back at the past? get a grip mate. People are most likely depressed with the game for reasons such as, personal life, the current status of the game, and the lack of inspiration for the future of the game.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:Look forward people. Honour the past but don't glorify it as being unbeatable and perfect, because it wasn't. Honour the past players but don't yearn after them forever, without acknowledging the current greats.

Again nobody is saying the past players were unbeatable and perfect, it is only YOU saying these things. YOU are putting these words in to everyone's mouths.

Might wnat to take a look at this post then.
buck wrote:Haveing thought Long and Hard...


I think between the three of them, if they where active, the game would get a WHOLE lot funner a whole lot quicker.

I will admit Buck doesn't say they were better, though he certainly implies everything but. They were 'funner' and therefore their mere presence would improve the game. To me that certainly implies that he thinks those previous players were better than the current ones. At the very least it is a slight on the current players in that they don't live up to his expectations.

Certainly Clarkey you weren't saying that anyone of the past was better than the current players, however, you aren't the only one in this thread and many of those reminiscing are doing so with a manor that very strongly indicates they feel the game and the current players are lacking.

In many ways the very fact that people want someone back indicates that they feel that there is a void left by that player that the current players are not filling. In some cases this will be because they don't know who's stepped up, in others, it will be because they think that the previous guy/gal was simply better at it. For some it's personal - they want their original CO back and that's always going to be personal opinion on what is a good CO but others are definitely indicating that there is personality in the past players that isn't being displayed by the current players.

It's okay to reminisce but reminiscing seems to be all some people ever do.

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:13 am
by Juliette
Fire_of_Venus wrote:I will admit Buck doesn't say they were better, though he certainly implies everything but. They were 'funner' and therefore their mere presence would improve the game. To me that certainly implies that he thinks those previous players were better than the current ones. At the very least it is a slight on the current players in that they don't live up to his expectations.

That's reverse logic.. it's not Buck's fault that there's a new breed of idiots inhabiting the game and forums. His expectations may be high, but he has experience with friends, players who have quit by now, people with great personalities. If Buck doesn't find people of the same level in the current pool of players, who the hell are you to tell him he can't feel that way, or post about that in a thread specifically designed for such posts?!

Fire_of_Venus wrote:Certainly Clarkey you weren't saying that anyone of the past was better than the current players, however, you aren't the only one in this thread and many of those reminiscing are doing so with a manor that very strongly indicates they feel the game and the current players are lacking.
And so what if they feel that way? People will feel whatever they want, and they will post whatever they want in regards to that. You cannot seriously ask of people to consider everyone objectively?! :lol:
Sure, you may be right, but you cannot force people to see things your way.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:In many ways the very fact that people want someone back indicates that they feel that there is a void left by that player that the current players are not filling. In some cases this will be because they don't know who's stepped up, in others, it will be because they think that the previous guy/gal was simply better at it. For some it's personal - they want their original CO back and that's always going to be personal opinion on what is a good CO but others are definitely indicating that there is personality in the past players that isn't being displayed by the current players.

It's okay to reminisce but reminiscing seems to be all some people ever do.

:lol: It's a reminiscing thread. What do you expect?!
Besides, there used to be roleplay on these forums. It's all got to do with younger people (13 etc) coming to the game, and a few guys with big credit cards. But that's not what this thread is about. The thread is not about current players being awesome, sure, there are quite a few awesome people who registered in the past 2 years, but this thread is about old players and who we would want to see again. Don't spam and derail it by writing exposes on how evil the posts some people make are.

Not to mention no one can deny His Awesome Roleplayness, the High System Lord Esker, was one cool character who has no current peer. :P

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:16 am
by Am Heh
Tetrismonkey wrote:
buldog wrote:
LegendaryApophis wrote:GuardianX, purga & AGA (and all their forum multies) are normally permabanned on forums.. :?

actually aga is a diferent person

Who is to say AGA isn't playing?

AGA is playing, dont ask me the id because do not know and probably would not say anyways 8)

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:54 am
by Clarkey
Fire_of_Venus wrote:Might wnat to take a look at this post then.
buck wrote:Haveing thought Long and Hard...


I think between the three of them, if they where active, the game would get a WHOLE lot funner a whole lot quicker.

That is still not someone saying that the past players are better than anyone currently in the game. Buck just liked them a lot and how they played the game. Everyone one has their own opinions and everyone has a right to them.

I once had many officers, some that had been with me for a long time, and i'm talking for more than a year here. Those officers were sad to see me leave the game and they've told me that it would be much more fun if I came back. But that is only because they liked having me as a CO, they enjoyed chatting to me on MSN and doing things ingame. That doesn't mean they think I am better than current players.

Personally you are complaining where complaints aren't necessary.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:I will admit Buck doesn't say they were better, though he certainly implies everything but. They were 'funner' and therefore their mere presence would improve the game. To me that certainly implies that he thinks those previous players were better than the current ones. At the very least it is a slight on the current players in that they don't live up to his expectations.

Yes at the very least.... the EXTREME least. Do you really think anyone else reading this thread thought that Buck was saying that current players are crap compared to previous players such as those he listed? No, what people are thinking when reading this thread is about what people are saying and who they have mentioned. In fact reading this thread has raised a few names that I had completely forgotten about and it's nice to be reminded of them from the times I used to play.

It seems to me that it is only you here that is creating a mountain out of a molehill.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:Certainly Clarkey you weren't saying that anyone of the past was better than the current players, however, you aren't the only one in this thread and many of those reminiscing are doing so with a manor that very strongly indicates they feel the game and the current players are lacking.

It's called life. You aren't always going to like people you meet in the future. And as for the game lacking, well when did Admin introduce the last really big update??? When is the next really big update scheduled for???? <<<<< That's a serious question because I don't know as I don't play anymore, but I can happily say with 99.9% confidence that there has been no beneficial update since I left in March, and I am confident in saying that because I know what state the game was in when I left.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:In many ways the very fact that people want someone back indicates that they feel that there is a void left by that player that the current players are not filling.

You'll probably find in most cases it's because people had become friends in the online community with players of the past, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to play with old friends again. It doesn't mean people want to play with old friends and not their current friends. It's not a case of one or the other. People do miss the old players not necessarily because of the way they played the game but because they enjoyed chatting.

Fire_of_Venus wrote:It's okay to reminisce but reminiscing seems to be all some people ever do.

And that is their complete right.

So either join in with the direction of the thread or stay out. Don't come in here and moan just because you think people may think that the past players are better than you. Everything you have said in here is you putting words in to other people's mouths. So rather than doing that why don't you stick your foot in your mouth and move along.

You may think i'm being harsh, but in fact i'm just being me. This is what I was like when I played the game, and it is what I continue to be like. Does that make me any better than the current players?????

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:18 pm
by buck
Although it excites me to see the use of psycho analysis on these forums , re: what i posted, I feel the need to explain my own words, something which doesnt need to happen often. Yes, I suppose i am saying that those players, back then, where funner, and better than the current crop we have now, in a majority sense, Back then, Almost every player was connected, if you needed to speak to someone, you knew someone who knew someone. People where Gentlemanly in there actions, in there conduct, and in there wars. People where not perpechtually rude, Yes, there was the odd horrible person, but half of the time they did it in a way that made it funny at least. Nowadays you dont see people bother with a whole lot of Amuseing posts or nice things, its all me me me horrible horrible swear swear.

Those are my real feelings on the matter. Yes, That being said, there are many people who are new and still here who are quality players and people, Sometimes the 2 dont go hand in hand, but they do exist, back then, you found that around every corner, Nowadays, you struggle to find it around every tenth block, metophroically speaking.

Im not saying they where right, and the current players are wrong, and im not saying i dont like people now, I just liked more people then and think those 3 players where three of the greatest people who ever graced this game, Bar very few, And i mean VERY few. Whats the problem with me enjoying the old days? If i cant enjoy them, What can i enjoy?!

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:55 pm
by S T I
buck wrote:Although it excites me to see the use of psycho analysis on these forums , re: what i posted, I feel the need to explain my own words, something which doesnt need to happen often. Yes, I suppose i am saying that those players, back then, where funner, and better than the current crop we have now, in a majority sense, Back then, Almost every player was connected, if you needed to speak to someone, you knew someone who knew someone. People where Gentlemanly in there actions, in there conduct, and in there wars. People where not perpechtually rude, Yes, there was the odd horrible person, but half of the time they did it in a way that made it funny at least. Nowadays you dont see people bother with a whole lot of Amuseing posts or nice things, its all me me me horrible horrible swear swear.

Those are my real feelings on the matter. Yes, That being said, there are many people who are new and still here who are quality players and people, Sometimes the 2 dont go hand in hand, but they do exist, back then, you found that around every corner, Nowadays, you struggle to find it around every tenth block, metophroically speaking.

Im not saying they where right, and the current players are wrong, and im not saying i dont like people now, I just liked more people then and think those 3 players where three of the greatest people who ever graced this game, Bar very few, And i mean VERY few. Whats the problem with me enjoying the old days? If i cant enjoy them, What can i enjoy?!

Great post,

like others have said, it isn't about better, its what went on, the fun, even when you were being massed or doing the massing, so many people were enjoying it on both sides ( in most cases :D )

lots of people tried to curb the bad behavior in many ways,the forums are the heart of the game, but as all can see, it never worked, in most of the threads i have read, it all goes the same way :(

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:45 am
by schuesseled
Dont forget GenLucky, Haven't heard much from Mojo Rising either.

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:13 pm
by BenjaminMS
Gen is busy with his own game, which became shortly after going live licensed with Jason. Guys, please lend me a hand... forgot the name... Anyway, Virgil (GenLucky) and... someone else who plays/played this game are running that show now...

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:38 pm
by dazman
S T I wrote:
buck wrote:Although it excites me to see the use of psycho analysis on these forums , re: what i posted, I feel the need to explain my own words, something which doesnt need to happen often. Yes, I suppose i am saying that those players, back then, where funner, and better than the current crop we have now, in a majority sense, Back then, Almost every player was connected, if you needed to speak to someone, you knew someone who knew someone. People where Gentlemanly in there actions, in there conduct, and in there wars. People where not perpechtually rude, Yes, there was the odd horrible person, but half of the time they did it in a way that made it funny at least. Nowadays you dont see people bother with a whole lot of Amuseing posts or nice things, its all me me me horrible horrible swear swear.

Those are my real feelings on the matter. Yes, That being said, there are many people who are new and still here who are quality players and people, Sometimes the 2 dont go hand in hand, but they do exist, back then, you found that around every corner, Nowadays, you struggle to find it around every tenth block, metophroically speaking.

Im not saying they where right, and the current players are wrong, and im not saying i dont like people now, I just liked more people then and think those 3 players where three of the greatest people who ever graced this game, Bar very few, And i mean VERY few. Whats the problem with me enjoying the old days? If i cant enjoy them, What can i enjoy?!

Great post,

like others have said, it isn't about better, its what went on, the fun, even when you were being massed or doing the massing, so many people were enjoying it on both sides ( in most cases :D )

lots of people tried to curb the bad behavior in many ways,the forums are the heart of the game, but as all can see, it never worked, in most of the threads i have read, it all goes the same way :(

nice to see you are still around. :-)

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:49 am
by Tekki
schuesseled wrote:Dont forget GenLucky, Haven't heard much from Mojo Rising either.

I doubt Mojo will come back ever given how... well screwed he got by game updates.

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:29 am
by The Great Dogg
I would like to see these players come back:

Corkscrew, Lord Mango, Sovetski, Mojo, STI, Huxley, Wolf359, Dougy, Hammond.

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:37 am
by Rn5ho
BenjaminMS wrote:Gen is busy with his own game, which became shortly after going live licensed with Jason. Guys, please lend me a hand... forgot the name... Anyway, Virgil (GenLucky) and... someone else who plays/played this game are running that show now...

StarGate: Ancient Wars
StarGate: Chaos Wars

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:59 am
by Kikaz
mastertkd - RIP - Great friend - bought me my first SS in every server
S T I - no need to explain..
JediMasterX - Was fun warring - always kept me amused
Hensenshi - RIP - Good friend/fighter
Neimenljivi - Great friend - still plays Quantum with me
Diamond Dust - Good friend former alliance mate
Clarkey - I mizz youz!!
KGC - Great fighter, enjoyed warring before I quit the first time
Corkscrew - Great fighter, enjoyed warring before I quit the first time

Re: Who would you want back?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:22 pm
by Empy
buldog wrote:aga - again most of you know him. he was extorter and so was i, but that guy was also a great player and he wasnt afraid to go against anyone
@ this and the other AGA referrences... who says he aint still here and playing? Like Tetris and others said :lol:

Well, I would like Cobolt back like Duderanch and Dmonix said.. great person, exceedingly intelligent and an amazing leader, who somehow seemed to know everything and could solve anything. He would always help out a friend in trouble, be that an alliance mate or a friend in another alliance.

To throw out names of people I didn't know because have only been playing SGW for one year (this week)... Wolf359, Esker, EtL, and others of the sort, names you know from reading, but are gone and never met.