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Re: True Blood

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:35 pm
by Psyko
MEZZANINE wrote:Just finished season 3, some great stuff in it, loved the twist with Bill having been sent by the queen, and fact he set Sooki up for a beating so he could save her the first night they met, kinda spins the whole thing round again. But overall Bill is still a dull character, also if really wanted to kill Eric why didnt he finish him off when he had the chance, and why send a 2nd rate assassin to kill Pam, and why challenge to queen when a surprise attack obviously makes more sense against an older stronger vamp.

Eric is clearly the star vamp, and the more interesting character with a better history, but again why didnt he kill Bill, and encasing the King in concrete seems very short term.

I would like to have seen more of Jessica learning how to be a vamp, she has great potential if they would just cut out the lovey dovey crap with Hoyte. If we're lucky Hoyes mum will shoot him by mistake when she tries to kill Jessica, then Jessica will go on a mad killing spree :lol:

Not sure about the fairy stuff, great that Sooki gets new powers but the whole garden/pond stuff was boring

Guessing the witch theme is up for series 4 now with Lafayette and his boytoy now they've done vamps, warewovles, shapeshifters etc, still havent seen Sam turn into anything interesting, Im mean really if you were a shapeshifter why a lame little dog, I would like to have seen him be a bear or lion taking on the wolves.

Still think its a shame they killed off Godrick so early, I see they regretted this and tried to bring him back in Eriks visions, wonder if they will try to bring him back a bit more.

Overall still a great show and loved the series, cant wait for more evem though the ending was bit lame. Lets all hope HBO dont do their usually trick of canceling it like they did with Deadwood & Rome.

I sing it everytime the episodes starts, so sing it with me :lol:

When you came in the air went out.
And every shadow filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.

I'm the kind to sit up in his room.
Heart sick an' eyes filled up with blue.
I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.

When you came in the air went out.
And all those shadows there filled up with doubt.
I don't know who you think you are,
But before the night is through,
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.
Ow, ooh.

I don't know what you've done to me,
But I know this much is true:
I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you.

I still hate Bill. Nothing about TV Bill is any more appealing than Book Bill.

Erik is my favorite vamp with Pam as an easy second. I wish they would have staked Russell or had him burned alive publicly to show humans that the vamps can and do police their own.

I agree with you about Jessica. Less love, more action.

Oh and I have to say it...Thank GOD Tara has gotten the **Filtered** out! I was getting fed up with her.

I'm also happy to see that they are bringing Jason up to be more responsible. He is portrayed to be a lot dumber in the show than the books.

Witches will be pretty central in the next series (since they are going roughly based off the plots of each of the books).

Also, in the book series, Sam does change into a lion. Once. But it's really awesome!

I do miss Godric. Erik's maker in the books is an ancient Greek guy who doesn't come up until book 9 or something... Godric was an awesome character.

Lame ending, but the good news is that True Blood has been signed up for 2 more seasons.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:13 pm
by Zeratul
we rather liked the ending... even if it did not say too much about the theme of the next season...
We do wonder a bit where sam shot tommy... was it in the leg, or some fatal area? (dont reveal from the books, though... we dont mind wondering 'bout it...)

we knew of a fourth season, we did not know about a fifth...

one thing we think would've been interesting, is an established human character turning vampire... That sort of character would have interesting development... How would the personality change? How would others react to it?

Re: True Blood

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:39 pm
Zeratul wrote:we rather liked the ending... even if it did not say too much about the theme of the next season...
We do wonder a bit where sam shot tommy... was it in the leg, or some fatal area? (dont reveal from the books, though... we dont mind wondering 'bout it...)

we knew of a fourth season, we did not know about a fifth...

one thing we think would've been interesting, is an established human character turning vampire... That sort of character would have interesting development... How would the personality change? How would others react to it?

I agree, maybe Tara would have been a better character if that had turned her, I want to see more of Jessica being trained, that gal can bite me any day :lol:

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:20 am
by Zeratul
Perhaps, but she still is a bit "unfinished"... She's still in a transition from the hopeless creature she was before till the functional human she is becoming... It is obvious she has a hard time handling all the supernatural beings that have come into her life...
Also, half the characters dislike her, while the rest like her no matter what she does... It would be interesting to see how a character that is generally well-liked by all (all being the majority of the regular citizens), and how those views change should he/she/it be turned...
Perhaps Hoyt would be such a character? that would be a humorous change... (especially if Jessica should be his "maker"...)

Many parts of the "training" that Jessica needs are rather unimportant to see... kinda like the training bill gave her in one episode... we only saw a couple of minutes of it, but it was obviously done over many hours... Long-term training works much better in books than in movies/series...

The most annoying thing at the moment is that we've got to wait considerably more than half a year till it starts up again... (we think)

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:56 am
Zeratul wrote:Perhaps, but she still is a bit "unfinished"... She's still in a transition from the hopeless creature she was before till the functional human she is becoming... It is obvious she has a hard time handling all the supernatural beings that have come into her life...
Also, half the characters dislike her, while the rest like her no matter what she does... It would be interesting to see how a character that is generally well-liked by all (all being the majority of the regular citizens), and how those views change should he/she/it be turned...
Perhaps Hoyt would be such a character? that would be a humorous change... (especially if Jessica should be his "maker"...)

Many parts of the "training" that Jessica needs are rather unimportant to see... kinda like the training bill gave her in one episode... we only saw a couple of minutes of it, but it was obviously done over many hours... Long-term training works much better in books than in movies/series...

The most annoying thing at the moment is that we've got to wait considerably more than half a year till it starts up again... (we think)

I wouldnt surprise me if Hoyt does get turned, we saw his mother buying a gun ( I assume to try and kill Jessica ), but she could easily miss and kill Hoyt by accident, then Jess could bring him back... maybe.

Have to agree the wait is killing me already, when I start an addictive series I like to watch them back to back and Im always gutted and wish Id made them last longer when I run out of episodes :lol:

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:13 pm
by Zeratul
MEZZANINE wrote:I wouldnt surprise me if Hoyt does get turned, we saw his mother buying a gun ( I assume to try and kill Jessica ), but she could easily miss and kill Hoyt by accident, then Jess could bring him back... maybe.

Have to agree the wait is killing me already, when I start an addictive series I like to watch them back to back and Im always gutted and wish Id made them last longer when I run out of episodes :lol:

She'll probably make some mistake or other... she generally does...

It would also be typical of Jessica to turn him... she tries lots of stuff long before she's ready... so why not try turning someone?

Re: True Blood

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:53 pm
by Psyko
Don't worry, Z, I can't tell you anything about Tommy because he doesn't exist in the books; Sam's family history is quite different in the books.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:25 am
by Zeratul
Psyko wrote:Don't worry, Z, I can't tell you anything about Tommy because he doesn't exist in the books; Sam's family history is quite different in the books.

ahh... good...

Re: True Blood

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:03 am
by Psyko
Zeratul wrote:
Psyko wrote:Don't worry, Z, I can't tell you anything about Tommy because he doesn't exist in the books; Sam's family history is quite different in the books.

ahh... good...

Actually, funny story... No spoilers...

The author, Charlaine Harris, changed Sam's age in the third (if I remember right) book. Originally, Sam wasn't much older than Sookie (26-28 or something), maybe a couple of years. In the third book Harris stated he was early-to-mid 30s (32-35). Personally, I hate when authors do that, but some of my friends like having Sam be older and simply ignore his age in the first 2 books.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:24 am
by Zeratul
yes, it can be a bit silly to have such changes happen... inconsistent...

But we'd say its worse to have books wherein distances between places change... Which quite often happens if the author does not make a map of the world...

Re: True Blood

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:07 pm
by Psyko
Yep, I hate inconsistencies in stories. :evil: They bug me.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:11 am
by Zeratul
Since season 4 has now started, it is 'bout time to reactivate this topic...

We watched first episode this morning, and we were rather surprised at it in a positive way...

[spoiler=detailed stuff those that have yet to see episode should not read]We liked how they had made a year pass in the real world, since that allowed for the world to get back to "normal"... Too many supernatural events in too short a time would break a series town. Giving it a whole year to get back to its normal state was good...

The numerous changes in state for the place were also rather good... kept one wondering what else had changed...

The fact that bill was now king wasn't too surprising, fits well to make Eric have to live in the subordinate role for a while...
We did not expect andy to have flipped completely, though we should have... Jason having grown up a bit was positive...[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:35 am
Series 4 arrives :D

Just set off download of episode 1, hopefully it will finish before I get home from work

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:29 am
by Psyko
The saddest part of my weekend was having HBO get cut off less than 24 hours before the premiere of True Blood. I had to resort to piracy.

I thought it was a great opening to the season. It wasn't the one I expected/hoped for, but it did a great job getting me hooked.

About the episode.[spoiler]Eric will forever be my favorite. I could tell from the end of the episode that he will play a prominent role in this season (as he should). :-D I can't wait for episode 2 for that reason alone.

Tara going lesbian and joining a fight club was actually a logical change for her character. I find her less annoying now. I had no idea that was possible.

Adding King and Politician to his character should spell out that he's a cruel, manipulative bastard, but everyone seems to be under his charming thumb. I've always preferred Eric's up-front way of saying he'll screw you over than the snake that is Bill Compton. :smt091

I agree with Z about having the time lapse adding to the story. The books already had that time lapse in between, and it's nice to see they incorporated it somehow into the tv series. The only thing I dislike about how they did it is they had Sookie disappear for over a year and now, from what happened to Jason in Hotshot, it looks like Jason's gonna go missing. Too many disappearances too close together.

Andy getting hooked on V? Oh great. Give the drunk **Filtered** who likes to give anyone different a hard time a V withdrawal/addiction to deal with. :roll: Now he can be more angry and belligerent than he already was. ](*,)[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:08 pm
by Zeratul
[spoiler]Andy getting hooked on V is only logical. He is most weak-minded. The fact that Jason, who obviously is not Andy's superior (quite the opposite, actually), keeps reining him in is chuckleworthy. Andy himself is a rather sad creature.

We do not fully agree with you on the bill part, but we do agree that Eric is gaining more and more potential...[/spoiler]