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Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:07 pm
by semper
Sammael wrote:He thought to him self that this was a lot of money to kill this guy, but money is money.

A lander slowly descends outside the temple, a few droids move out of the way as it lowers itself and the door hisses open. The Jedi Master steps out from the ship and her long yellow cloak follows.

He watches the Jedi master go in to the temple through his scope of his 50 cal sniper.

he see the jedi master enter some room which must be very important since there where a few in there. He could feel the mood in that room i was tense it was upsetting something grieve was going to be revealed he feel like he should wait until later bu the payer had said here or no pay.

He prepares he self for the kill, watching down the scope slowing his heart his breathing under cover waiting for the right moment.

*Borglack the Hutt watches the sniper from the window of his luxury barge, his large toad eyes piercing through the air as he studies the man prone on the building top.*

"Benda ralse vrom nor!"

*A large wookie stumbles out of the shadows at the back of the room, copied by a silver hunched protocol droid*

"The Great Borglack wishes you to approach the window immediately"

*The wookie growls but is shocked by a nearby hooded figure who shoulders the massive beast towards the window where the heavy breathing Hutt lurched, watching*

"Grorn stess frogo brek benda bounty harras benda. Foor bren hast zur ctust republic, wookie"

"The Grand Lord of times Borglack the Hutt wishes you to go and bring the bounty hunter below to him. Otherwise he will have his men turn you over to the Republic"

Rawwwrrr arrr raaaarrrr rrrrrrrr!!!


*Borglack points to the man below and then reaches over ripping the chain from the braces on the Wookies wrist's*

"Yurret Wookie! Zew kok Kuat"

"Quickly Wookie! Rendezvous at Kuat."

*The Wookie walks away from the Hutt back into the Shadows followed closely by the shadowed figure. Borglack slithers away from the window towards his sleeping quarters as the luxury barge begins it's ascent off Courscant*

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:38 pm
by Zeratul
Captain Dorrik, member of the Coruscant investigative service, sped out to the scene of the murders the instant he heard about them...

With great care, he scanned the surface of the landing platform for booby-traps and other harmful devices, knowing murderers loved leaving such behind to foil investigations...

Finding no such hints, he stepped down from his speeder bike, and looked at the evidence...
hmm... None of the usual signs... so most likely no hutt involvement...
These two soldiers... the way they fell, indicate they were shot from over there...

Grabbing his scanners from the speeder, Captain Dorrik strode over to the place he had indicated earlier and activated his scanners...

Hmm... Odd... Very odd... There's not the faintest trace of blaster fire here... All blasters leave an obvious trace in the air...

Seeing some strange groove in the ground, the captain crouched...
What have we here?
Looks almost like a blaster shot, but its curved... Hmm...

Blasted Jedi! This is caused by one of them lightsabers!
Now I'll have to summon one of them... I hate working with them! Just being around them give me headaches!

After reluctantly putting in the comm call for a Jedi investigator, the captain checked the various corpses...

Hmm... Service numbers all match port security unit TR-3141, yet there's only four corpses here... Hmm...

All of a sudden, the Captain noticed some ashy metal slag spread out on the landing pad...
Whats this? Looks almost like something blew up, but its not spread out enough to be some bomb...
Activating his scanner again, the captain checked the energy residues...
Scans indicate a Type 2E sublight drive... and a Mark III republic power cell??
Thats odd... Those power cells are only used in Republic blaster rifles, and they are permanently attached to the soldiers... Its almost as if some soldier stood right behind the engines when they fired... That makes no sense!

Now... Lets see... that gives five troopers... where are the last three?

Protocols for ship restraining indicate that they should have been there, but there's nobody there... If only the squad commander had been here... Then I would know whether they followed protocol and attached a tracking device to the ship... I might've even been able to patch into it... Bah! I'll leave this to the Jedi, no matter how annoying it can be to give in to their hokey powers...

Just as he said that, a jedi investigator squad arrived on the scene...

[Anyone can pick up from this point, we have no current plans for it, aside from the details given above, and that yes, a tracker beacon was attached to the ship... In order to get the frequency, the corpses that fell down have to be located...]

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:20 pm
by Egeria
Bowing before the Jedi council, The Jedi Librarian started speaking

Masters, I sense that my padawan has already woken up. Shall I have her come up before you now? Or shall I wait until later?

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:37 pm
by Egeria
There is no doubt about her being strong enough! The strength of those visions, it is immense!
The master spoke into her comlink.
Lut'ien... Come to the council chambers. The Council wishes to speak with you.
I am on my way, Master.

The padawan walks out of the medical chambers, and enters one of the turbolifts up to the council spire, whereupon she walks into the now open council chambers and bows before the council.

You called for me, great masters?

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:56 pm
by Ra
"My thanks to the the Jedi, I will take my leave."

As Marcus exited the council chambers he noticed a youngling pass him. Curious, how they allow someone of such youth before them..

Arriving in his guest chambers Marcus removed both blasters and portions of his body armor. Finally he sat down and rested his eyes..

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:47 am
by JediMasterX
Triko bowed to the Council and motioned for Akadalyte to follow him. He followed the Bounty Hunter named Marcus out of the chambers. THe clank of his thick armor along with the footsteps of Triko and his padawan echoed in the well lit hallways. The Bounty Hunter slipped into his sleeping quarters and the door hissed closed behind him. Triko rapped on the door with his knuckles and said:

"Bounty hunter! You wouldn't happen to have a copy of those symbols would you? I would like to have them to investigate their meaning further."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:10 am
by Egeria
The jedi Librarian and the padawan left the council chambers, walking towards the archives.

Master, is there something in the archives that can help me with the visions?
There might just be, Lut'ien.
You will have to consult one of the holocrons. Only within them might the knowledge sought be available in time. Going through the regular data storage devices would take too much time. Your next Visions could come before then, and I am uncertain your body would be able to handle the strain of uncontrolled visions too many times.

Then I will seek out the holocrons, Master. Will you aid me in this?
No, my young padawan. You must do this yourself. The holocrons will only grant access to knowledge you are ready for. If I do it for you, knowledge you are not ready to handle might be revealed.

I will however meditate on your issues.

The two Jedi then parted paths, one heading for the archives, and the other for one of the many meditation chambers.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:30 am
by Ra
Marcus heard the hiss of the doors as they opened. Looking up he saw one of the Jedi that had been present in the council meeting.

"Bounty hunter! You wouldn't happen to have a copy of those symbols would you? I would like to have them to investigate their meaning further."

To which Marcus replied, "That I do Jedi, but this one isn't for free. 4000 credits and you can investigate them all you want."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:42 pm
by JediMasterX
4000 credits?!

"I'm afraid I do not have the credits. Nor will I ask the council for the funds. I feel there is a lot of importance behind these symbols you have found and I wish to investigate it. I believe it will give more insight to why there were Sith on Tatooinee and here on Coruscant and will show the bigger picture."

Triko thought for a moment. He knew this Bounty Hunter, like all, were addicted to greed and fame.

"Any information I uncover you will recieve all of the credit."

The Jedi Master stuck his hand out for a shake on the deal.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:43 am
by Zeratul
Meanwhile, on Korriban...

The sith lords gathered within the dark halls of the academy...

In the background, one could hear the dark, almost shadowy voices of the Sith apprentices voicing the sith code over and over...

Peace is a lie; there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

You said the Jedi would be here, ready to fall into the trap!

Have patience, old one... The Jedi will come soon enough... They are not like you or me... They have a foolish need to get evidence thrust straight into their faces before they react, let alone follow it...

I have seeded enough planets with hints that they will get the message soon enough...

I grow weary of waiting! That Foul Jedi master MUST die! I SHALL kill him!

Yes, if they can hurry up a bit, then you will get your chance...

Perhaps you wish to send one of your weakling apprentices to prod them a little, dark one? or are their lives too precious to you?
Have you grown soft in your old age?


[spoiler]the reddish color is that sith master JMX put up earlier...[/spoiler]

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:51 am
by Ra
JediMasterX wrote:4000 credits?!

"I'm afraid I do not have the credits. Nor will I ask the council for the funds. I feel there is a lot of importance behind these symbols you have found and I wish to investigate it. I believe it will give more insight to why there were Sith on Tatooinee and here on Coruscant and will show the bigger picture."

Triko thought for a moment. He knew this Bounty Hunter, like all, were addicted to greed and fame.

"Any information I uncover you will recieve all of the credit."

The Jedi Master stuck his hand out for a shake on the deal.

"We'll discover it, lead on master Jedi. "

Marcus stepped outside of his chambers, gesturing for the Jedi to move towards the lift.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:18 am
by Egeria
Twitching her lekku, Lut'ien spoke harshly, I am no youngling! I am Lut'ien, Padawan learner to the temple librarian, and apprentice librarian!
The force is of no aid right now! All the force does for me now, is grant me strange visions that I cannot understand!

Using the force, she levitated several holocrons up from the ground, weaving them in strange patterns through the air
These holocrons have no response for me... They will not explain how to gain control over these visions... It is so frustrating
Using the force for levitation is calming, but not calming enough!
If only I could understand what the visions are trying to tell me!

Noticing the the padawan braid on the strange, blue-skinned humanoid that looked older than many jedi knights, she twitched her tchin [right Lekku] and asked, Have you any suggestions for what I can do, padawan?
Do you have any wisdom to share with me?

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:36 am
by Egeria
SuperSaiyan wrote:His eyes were a defensive red, and he quickly calmed himself. He could see she was in a great deal of mental agony.

"Try to relax your mind, focus on some good thoughts. I know not much of premonitions, however that always works for me when my mind becomes clouded with emotion"

He turned his head to the side and smirked, to try and get the small padawan to lighten up.[/b][/color]

apology accepted. I should not have reacted the way I did, she said as her lekku twitched wildly, then relaxed...

With another twist of her tchin, she asked, could you perhaps help me interpret my vision?
None of the masters could, nor the holocrons... But they are all so old! Maybe you, with your young mind can help me. I would be very grateful if you could?

All the while during the conversation, the holocrons wove mysterious patterns around the two padawans, moving quicker when her frustration mounted, and slower when she was calm.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:04 am
by Egeria
Lut'ien sighed a bit, then concentrated for a bit, her lekku twitching around.
The vision, was of a strange, dark world... It both sandy brown and dark, emanating a cold, cruel sense of pure evil, she said with a shudder. I. I could feel pain, agony and great suffering all over the planet.
The vision took me down into a sandy region, where I saw a dessicated corpse of a female Jedi lashed to a framework... her skin was a pale, pink color, and I could see a foul reptilian scavenger tear a chunk out of her leg... only then did I realize she was not dead, but suffering greatly, her dark yellow eyes reflecting her pain... After this, the vision blurred, and all of a sudden, the woman was even more dessicated, her leg blackened by the poison from the scavenger, her eyes pleading for death... The evil in that place was overwhelming! I could not control it, it was almost as if the force controlled me! As the vision faded, all i could see was her cobalt black hair flowing around her, moved by the cruel winds of that place,
she shuddered, sinking down again, pained by the recounting of such a bad memory. There was nothing to the vision after that. All I remember from then, is waking up in the care of a medical droid.
I wish so I could understand it!

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:12 am
by JediMasterX
Triko entered the Jedi Archives along with the Bounty Hunter and his Padawan. The shelves were like sky scrapers in the vast archive. Every bit of history involving the Jedi, the force, even the Sith, and more was located here. Whether it was in old books or in holograms or stone or whatever form of recording history was around. He saw the the apprentice to the librarian and felt she was deeply troubled and watched Akadalyte calm her down.

He's learning well.

"The vision, was of a strange, dark world... It both sandy brown and dark, emanating a cold, cruel sense of pure evil. I. I could feel pain, agony and great suffering all over the planet.
The vision took me down into a sandy region, where I saw a dessicated corpse of a female Jedi lashed to a framework... her skin was a pale, pink color, and I could see a foul reptilian scavenger tear a chunk out of her leg... only then did I realize she was not dead, but suffering greatly, her dark yellow eyes reflecting her pain... After this, the vision blurred, and all of a sudden, the woman was even more dessicated, her leg blackened by the poison from the scavenger, her eyes pleading for death... The evil in that place was overwhelming! I could not control it, it was almost as if the force controlled me! As the vision faded, all i could see was her cobalt black hair flowing around her, moved by the cruel winds of that place"

Triko thought about this for the moment. It could be the Jedi Master who has been missing. But this was an apprentice. He sensed she was very strong in the force. He'd have to report this matter later.

He knelt beside the small librarian and held out the paper with the ancient Sith writing on it. "Lut'ien, I need information that you can give to me regarding this."