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Re: Marriage


Can't make it im afraid mate :smt089

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Re: Marriage

Dovahkiin wrote:Without state recognition, marriage is nothing more than a symbolic gesture written out on a piece of paper.

Failure to recognize one marriage, while recognizing another is discrimination, and discrimination based on sexuality is flatout wrong.

Furthermore, state recognition of marriage is not a right. The state either needs to recognize all marriage, or no marriage.

I for one, demand no more state discrimination based on sexuality. Bigotry has no place in the government.

I disagree, its not bigotry, its freedom of choice and knowing whats right and wrong...discirimating against someone for nationality, eye color, language or lack thereof, and things like this is wrong...choosing to NOT go along, agree with or speak out against something that is unnatural and destructive is every persons right, just as it is the same with those in question to speak for those things...and also it applies to those that ridicule those that are not for those things..being labeled bigots and homophobes and all sorts of other haneous names...whats wrong is wrong and whats right is right and opinions vary but can never change this fact...which btw truth happens to be absolute, not relative ;)



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Re: Marriage

[KMA]Avenger wrote:I have read more history (both conspiratorial and mainline recorded history about all kinds of subjects. ranging from ancient belief systems to construction and knowledge of the ancient peoples of the world) so i understand where the modern day thinking with regards to homosexuality comes from...the term "let bygones be bygones" is 1 such example. someone is a queer, "doesn't bother me what he/she is so long as they don't bother me" is a very poor opinion and stance to have. how does it affect society? because it undermines the family.
Why is family so important? when you undermine the family unit you risk a collapse in morality (anything goes) and societal responsibility and general respect within that not what we have in this "modern" and "enlightened" world today?

Might I suggest Robert Moore's Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 - he explores the link between clerical ideologies of power and the identification and persecution of various groups of "deviants": Jews, heretics, lepers and of course, homosexuals. You might find it interesting ;)
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Re: Marriage

Dovahkiin wrote:Further, common sense does not exist. That which is often heralded as common sense is simply knowledge generally believed to be known to all. But since knowledge must first be learned, even the must basic of tenants, and not all have the ability or opportunity to learn everything, there can exist no common sense as it generally understood.

You sound like a politician there, advocating your own truth
Common sense is pretty much black and white, shed the religeous aspects and taboos, and your left with simple truths and peoples perception of it
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Re: Marriage

Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
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Re: Marriage

Just don't kill my Johanna. She is important to me for happy hetero mating and recolonisation of a brave homosexual free new world. :)
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Re: Marriage

Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?



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Re: Marriage

Jedi~Tank wrote:
Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?

Not if your view stops homosexuals from having the same rights as heterosexuals. If you try to stop that they you're imposing your "personal choice" as you put it onto society.

A homosexual wanting same-sex marriage imposes nothing on you. You saying he/she cannot do that, is imposing your view on them. See the distinction? You have every right to not like it, but you cannot prohibit it...
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Re: Marriage

RepliMagni wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?

Not if your view stops homosexuals from having the same rights as heterosexuals. If you try to stop that they you're imposing your "personal choice" as you put it onto society.

A homosexual wanting same-sex marriage imposes nothing on you. You saying he/she cannot do that, is imposing your view on them. See the distinction? You have every right to not like it, but you cannot prohibit it...

No, I am not an activist to stop it, I merely shared my viewpoint. Expressing an opinion is my right as it is for label me a bigot for my opinion makes you (or whomever) the very thing you are accusing me of being. Right? And yes there is an imposing on the replies to my opinionated posts on this matter. ;)



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Re: Marriage

Jedi~Tank wrote:
Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?


other then you are powerless to there actions

get over yourself you think they kiss to offend you? to force you? LMAO are you a homo bro?

or KMA Seriously how does someones love offend you? (neither of you get offended was just a joke) :p

Talking about diseases and chemicals and all this **Filtered**, isn't love just a chemical, I could call it a disease a way to "force" humans to mate, to want to procreate, lets face it if it didn't make you feel so damn good you certianly woulnd't be doing it to tighten up your abs and ass muscle would you?

I guess my point is yeah maybe "gays have diff chemicals" blah blah blah but who the hell cares... all feelings we feel are chemical reactions in our brains programed after years and years of evolution to survive...

My personal belief is all humans evolved from animals and 99 percent of the animal population would **Filtered** anything that smelled good to them... what makes us so different? Religion? "Morals"?

Or since you believe your religion to the T I guess we all came from Adam and Eve and that dumb **Filtered** ate herself an apple and **Filtered** all of us!
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Re: Marriage

RoKeT wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?


other then you are powerless to there actions

get over yourself you think they kiss to offend you? to force you? LMAO are you a homo bro?

or KMA Seriously how does someones love offend you? (neither of you get offended was just a joke) :p

Talking about diseases and chemicals and all this **Filtered**, isn't love just a chemical, I could call it a disease a way to "force" humans to mate, to want to procreate, lets face it if it didn't make you feel so damn good you certianly woulnd't be doing it to tighten up your abs and ass muscle would you?

I guess my point is yeah maybe "gays have diff chemicals" blah blah blah but who the hell cares... all feelings we feel are chemical reactions in our brains programed after years and years of evolution to survive...

My personal belief is all humans evolved from animals and 99 percent of the animal population would **Filtered** anything that smelled good to them... what makes us so different? Religion? "Morals"?

Or since you believe your religion to the T I guess we all came from Adam and Eve and that dumb **Filtered** ate herself an apple and **Filtered** all of us!

we evolved from animals?

Billions of years ago the sun shined on a stagnant pool of water

Billions of years later some green goo appeared

Billions of years later that green goo started to wiggle

Billions of years later that wiggly green goo grew eyes, fins and gills and started to swim

Billions of years later that wiggly that decided to grow **Filtered** wiggled out on land

Billions of years later that wiggly green goo that grew **Filtered** and got out on dry land grew legs and a tail

Billions of years later that .......climbed a tree and hung from its tail

Billions of years later all of that eventually became your great great great great grandaddy :-k

That makes absolutely no sense to me at all



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Re: Marriage

Jedi~Tank wrote:
RoKeT wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Julietta Putina wrote:Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

That or people ought to behave themselves and not pass on thier personal choice to society and try to force people to accept have every right to **Filtered** whatever you wanna **Filtered**..I have every right to NOT be down with all of that..right?


other then you are powerless to there actions

get over yourself you think they kiss to offend you? to force you? LMAO are you a homo bro?

or KMA Seriously how does someones love offend you? (neither of you get offended was just a joke) :p

Talking about diseases and chemicals and all this **Filtered**, isn't love just a chemical, I could call it a disease a way to "force" humans to mate, to want to procreate, lets face it if it didn't make you feel so damn good you certianly woulnd't be doing it to tighten up your abs and ass muscle would you?

I guess my point is yeah maybe "gays have diff chemicals" blah blah blah but who the hell cares... all feelings we feel are chemical reactions in our brains programed after years and years of evolution to survive...

My personal belief is all humans evolved from animals and 99 percent of the animal population would **Filtered** anything that smelled good to them... what makes us so different? Religion? "Morals"?

Or since you believe your religion to the T I guess we all came from Adam and Eve and that dumb **Filtered** ate herself an apple and **Filtered** all of us!

we evolved from animals?

Billions of years ago the sun shined on a stagnant pool of water

Billions of years later some green goo appeared

Billions of years later that green goo started to wiggle

Billions of years later that wiggly green goo grew eyes, fins and gills and started to swim

Billions of years later that wiggly that decided to grow **Filtered** wiggled out on land

Billions of years later that wiggly green goo that grew **Filtered** and got out on dry land grew legs and a tail

Billions of years later that .......climbed a tree and hung from its tail

Billions of years later all of that eventually became your great great great great grandaddy :-k

That makes absolutely no sense to me at all

You do know they've found a link between us and even Kangaroo's now right :-k, Evolution is not really just a theory it's more of a fact, Monkey's was just step one now we're trying to link us with others... and either way... yes what you just said makes a hell of a lot more since then a **Filtered** eating an apple and now for eternity we all suffer, CHARLIE HOLY GOD YOUR BUSH IS ON FIRE GO TALK TO IT
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Re: Marriage

Natural selection is a proven fact of nature. The very fact you made a pretty list like that JT summarise just how blind you are to how biological organisms react/interact/change and yes evolve through time. The amount of billions of years in your list there too would also suggest that the earth and not to mention the human race is older than it is and generally suggests you have no idea what you're talking about.

Faith is one thing. Believing in stories that have the equivalent logical flow of Post Man Pat children's books is certainly another. In fact, credit to Post Man Pat - he makes more sense than most religious text.

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Re: Marriage

General Riviera wrote:Natural selection is a proven fact of nature. The very fact you made a pretty list like that JT summarise just how blind you are to how biological organisms react/interact/change and yes evolve through time. The amount of billions of years in your list there too would also suggest that the earth and not to mention the human race is older than it is.

Faith is one thing. Believing in stories that have the equivalent logical flow of Post Man Pat children's books is certainly another. In fact, credit to Post Man Pat - he makes more sense than most religious text.

Worms. Tin opener. Opened.

Im not blind to anything, POINT ON REPLI's POST

I have studied the evolution theories, and darwins garbage and everything else trying to link you with an ape..Quite frankly THERE IS NONE and NEVER WILL be any proof that supports the theories of your own stuff. I am sorry people, I just dont have the faith to believe that any of you started off as a glob of green goo in a stagnant pool of water that one day DECIDED to evolve.

Answer this question scientifically..How can anything begin from nothing? Let alone willing itself to do so?



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Re: Marriage

With the combination of certain gases you can create single celled organisms... We have... Then all you need is a few billion years and they do it themselves, I'm not trying to be mean but get with the times bro we've been able to "create" life for nearly 10 years now
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