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Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:22 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:So you believe Lady Diana was murdered by her family?
It's indeed a rather mysterious affair if I may say so.

It';s not a matter of belief Jim, what i believe is neither here nor there. it's a matter of fact.

Jim, if you walked into a room with your mum lying dead on the floor with a knife in her back and your dad is just standing there (no blood on his hands or cloths, and nothing about him makes you assume he did it just by looking at him), looking all sorry for himself and then you see a note on the table and you open it up and it says "my husband is planning on killing me with a knife in my back.", "would you just say "but my dad is a prince, he would never do that"? or do you think (at the time, bit late now) a full and VERY public investigation is warranted? ... -full.html

You tell me Jim.

As for me, all i can tell you is that i have researched this scum family enough to know they are all murdering, drug running, racist cut-throats.

Diana was trying to raise her sons to have compassion and to learn to respect the people and not take their positions for granted and be spoilt brats...that was reason enough for this scum family to have her killed.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:29 am
by Juliette
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Diana was trying to raise her sons to have compassion and to learn to respect the people and not take their positions for granted and be spoilt brats...that was reason enough for this scum family to have her killed.
Don't be ridiculous. The cheating chicka was far from the saint you make her out to be, dearie. ;)

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:27 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I don't recall ever making her out to be a saint "dearie". and for the record, Charley boy was being unfaithful to Diana from the start ;)

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:26 am
@ KMA, Im shocked to see you post such nonsense, your posts are usually factual, my respect for you just dropped lower than the Greek economy.

Charles and Diane was the last attempt at making 'a suitable match' as it was known, an out dated concept which has now been dropped as have many other things over the years in and out of the royalty. Times move on and things that were acceptable years ago no longer are, divorce rate is through the roof because women no longer have to stay in unhappy homes just to be supported financially, people no longer get 'matched' with partners in their own class or of same financial status they are free to choose for themselves, and women no longer have to marry to have children for social acceptability, try to keep up with modern life. You cant blame individuals for the way the whole of society was, nor can you blame them for changing as society changes around them. Also you cant blame people for the actions of their ancestors.

If Diana had a child by Dodi Fayed that child would NOT have been an heir to the throne anyway, she was not born to royalty so only her children by royalty could inherit or be heirs. The 'Princess' title is bogus and made up my the media calling her the 'peoples princess'. Her correct Title was Lady Diana after the divorce because outside of marriage to the Prince she was NOT royalty.

People who believe that the Queen had Diana killed also believe Elvis is alive and aliens landed at Roswell, get a grip on reality. Even if Diana was killed ( highly unlikely since the French would have loved nothing more than to expose such a killing, certainly not help cover it up ), to think the Queen would even be told about it is insane.

You call the Queen a traitor for not pulling the UK out of Europe, she isnt allowed to. She is head of state, not a member of government and she cannot even publicly express opinions about policy. Sadly policy is the domain of politicians and frankly I think the UK would be better off if she was able to over rule those idiots since they are so short sighted only having short terms in power.

Did you really just quote the 'Daily Mail' as a source ??? Thats a gutter rag, you may as well be quoting the Viz Comic. Try looking for real sources before making yourself look so silly.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:31 am
by Legendary Apophis
Hey be easy with Daily Mail :shock: , that's my main UK source of non politically correct UK infos usually not displayed elsewhere because they go against political correctness. :twisted: (for info, not looking for the background stories of the Royal Family, more looking about the ones regarding the communitarianism, liberal stories nonsense etc...) :-D

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:40 am
by Juliette
*cough* Regarding the powers of the Monarch of Great Britain, I will paraphrase and summarise my great friend and mentor, Sir Hayden Phillips.

The Queen could, if she so desired;
    dismiss and appoint a Prime Minister,
    dismiss and appoint other ministers,
    summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament,
    grant or refuse Royal Assent to bills (making them valid and law),
    commission officers in the Armed Forces,
    command the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom,
    appoint members to the Queen's Council,
    issue and withdraw passports,
    grant Prerogative of mercy,
    grant honours,
    create corporations via Royal Charter,

    ratify and make treaties,
    declare War and Peace,
    deploy the Armed Forces overseas,
    recognize states,
    credit and receive diplomats

Essentially, she is supreme. It really is a rather extensive set of powers.
[spoiler]Okay, so it is paraphrasing Wikipedia. They quote the Guardian, who paraphrased a report by Sir Hayden Phillips. What are you looking at me like that for?[/spoiler]

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:49 am
ربهالنوع wrote:*cough* Regarding the powers of the Monarch of Great Britain, I will paraphrase and summarise my great friend and mentor, Sir Hayden Phillips.

The Queen could, if she so desired;
    dismiss and appoint a Prime Minister,
    dismiss and appoint other ministers,
    summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament,
    grant or refuse Royal Assent to bills (making them valid and law),
    commission officers in the Armed Forces,
    command the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom,
    appoint members to the Queen's Council,
    issue and withdraw passports,
    grant Prerogative of mercy,
    grant honours,
    create corporations via Royal Charter,

    ratify and make treaties,
    declare War and Peace,
    deploy the Armed Forces overseas,
    recognize states,
    credit and receive diplomats

Essentially, she is supreme. It really is a rather extensive set of powers.
[spoiler]Okay, so it is paraphrasing Wikipedia. They quote the Guardian, who paraphrased a report by Sir Hayden Phillips. What are you looking at me like that for?[/spoiler]

Technically yes, but in practice no, the illusion of democracy has taken hold, and people would actually fight to protect the freedom they falsely believe they have.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:53 am
by Juliette
MEZZANINE wrote:Technically yes, but in practice no, the illusion of democracy has taken hold, and people would actually fight to protect the freedom they falsely believe they have.
I love it. ;)

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:48 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
MEZZANINE wrote:@ KMA, Im shocked to see you post such nonsense, your posts are usually factual, my respect for you just dropped lower than the Greek economy.

Charles and Diane was the last attempt at making 'a suitable match' as it was known, an out dated concept which has now been dropped as have many other things over the years in and out of the royalty. Times move on and things that were acceptable years ago no longer are, divorce rate is through the roof because women no longer have to stay in unhappy homes just to be supported financially, people no longer get 'matched' with partners in their own class or of same financial status they are free to choose for themselves, and women no longer have to marry to have children for social acceptability, try to keep up with modern life. You cant blame individuals for the way the whole of society was, nor can you blame them for changing as society changes around them. Also you cant blame people for the actions of their ancestors.

If Diana had a child by Dodi Fayed that child would NOT have been an heir to the throne anyway, she was not born to royalty so only her children by royalty could inherit or be heirs. The 'Princess' title is bogus and made up my the media calling her the 'peoples princess'. Her correct Title was Lady Diana after the divorce because outside of marriage to the Prince she was NOT royalty.

People who believe that the Queen had Diana killed also believe Elvis is alive and aliens landed at Roswell, get a grip on reality. Even if Diana was killed ( highly unlikely since the French would have loved nothing more than to expose such a killing, certainly not help cover it up ), to think the Queen would even be told about it is insane.

You call the Queen a traitor for not pulling the UK out of Europe, she isnt allowed to. She is head of state, not a member of government and she cannot even publicly express opinions about policy. Sadly policy is the domain of politicians and frankly I think the UK would be better off if she was able to over rule those idiots since they are so short sighted only having short terms in power.

Did you really just quote the 'Daily Mail' as a source ??? Thats a gutter rag, you may as well be quoting the Viz Comic. Try looking for real sources before making yourself look so silly.

Just a quick acknowledgement of my mistake and to agree with are 100% correct and i should have spotted that when i reread my post once i had posted it. IF Di was pregnant with Dodi's kid, they would NOT have been an heir, only a half sibling to the future king of England.

I'll comment on the rest tomorrow.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:59 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:20 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Charles and Diane was the last attempt at making 'a suitable match' as it was known, an out dated concept which has now been dropped as have many other things over the years in and out of the royalty. Times move on and things that were acceptable years ago no longer are, divorce rate is through the roof because women no longer have to stay in unhappy homes just to be supported financially, people no longer get 'matched' with partners in their own class or of same financial status they are free to choose for themselves, and women no longer have to marry to have children for social acceptability, try to keep up with modern life. You cant blame individuals for the way the whole of society was, nor can you blame them for changing as society changes around them. Also you cant blame people for the actions of their ancestors.

Wrong, Di was Groomed from birth to be wife to a prince and heir and to produce an "heir and a spare", which obviously Di managed to do. if not she would have been ostracised from the family much sooner than she was...which was almost immediately since she had served her purpose. The Spenser family serve the "royal family in all ways....just remembered something...Charleybigears also had an affair with both of Di's sisters before he married Di.

MEZZANINE wrote:If Diana had a child by Dodi Fayed that child would NOT have been an heir to the throne anyway, she was not born to royalty so only her children by royalty could inherit or be heirs. The 'Princess' title is bogus and made up my the media calling her the 'peoples princess'. Her correct Title was Lady Diana after the divorce because outside of marriage to the Prince she was NOT royalty.

Corrected above. i'm still baffled how i failed to notice such a GLARING mistake :?

MEZZANINE wrote:People who believe that the Queen had Diana killed also believe Elvis is alive and aliens landed at Roswell, get a grip on reality. Even if Diana was killed ( highly unlikely since the French would have loved nothing more than to expose such a killing, certainly not help cover it up ), to think the Queen would even be told about it is insane.

In all my discussions over 4+ years in this section of the forum i have NEVER discussed such things as if they were fact, like i do with NWO, Illuminati, Diana, economic, banking and political issues. i have been happy to theorise and discuss on a philosophical level such things but since i have yet to see a single shred of evidence...i leave such things at the door...i will however call the Queen and her family treasonous, murderous, drug running warmongering **Filtered** whose blood is piss because it's true....all you have to do is look for yourself. when you discover the truth it will take you less time than me to figure out just who killed her and why....

Since i won't hold my breath i will tell you this and you can think i have lost the plot all you like, but what i will say now is the truth based on what i know of the so called "royals" what they believe in (certainly not my belief but there's. whether you, me and everybody else believes it is neither here nor there to them since it is what "THEY" believe in) and practice secretly...Diana was sacrificed. there is not 1 reason for her death but several. firstly she was to public, way to public for there liking, she wouldn't slip into the background as she was supposed to have done. 2ndly, she was bring allot of attention to the atrocities caused by land mines, land mine producers were not impressed with her global efforts. 3rd, she was making the monarchy EXTREMELY unpopular because of her rising popularity and outward goodwill, something the monarchy are not known for, nor do they practice. 4th, she was to close with an Arab family who are enemy's of the Royals. whether Di really was pregnant or not is irrelevant. 5th and she defo sealed her fate with this just 1 incident...she publicly criticised the royal family...that's a SERIOUS nono right there.

Now the above shouldn't shock you at all, what should shock you enough to look for yourself is as i said above, Di was sacrificed. but look where she was sacrificed, in a tunnel called Pont d'Alma tunnel as you know, but do you know that the name of the tunnel translates to "bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess". to truly understand the significance would require you to research the entire history of the Francs going all the way to to the Merovingians and even further all the way back to Philip of Macedon and their religious beliefs. you would also need to research the entire Royal bloodline all the way back to it's roots.

MEZZANINE wrote:You call the Queen a traitor for not pulling the UK out of Europe, she isnt allowed to. She is head of state, not a member of government and she cannot even publicly express opinions about policy. Sadly policy is the domain of politicians and frankly I think the UK would be better off if she was able to over rule those idiots since they are so short sighted only having short terms in power.

I said no such thing mate, what i said was "she is traitor for failing to rally public opinion against all these EU treaties". i know she doesn't have the power to do that (i know better but we wont go there). she is nonetheless, a traitor for not upholding her coronation oath.

MEZZANINE wrote:Did you really just quote the 'Daily Mail' as a source ??? Thats a gutter rag, you may as well be quoting the Viz Comic. Try looking for real sources before making yourself look so silly.

I only used it because it had a copy of Di's letter stating that Charley intended to kill her via an accident in her car....funny how her seatbelt was not working. also funny is the fact that that car was a stolen recovery. when found the cars brain was the only thing missing :-k

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:48 am
Dont even know where to start with those comments, and only have a short time on lunch so will just say.......

Lady Diana was a media hog just like so many famous people, she complained about the media intruding her privacy and whining about her eating disorders etc while using them for when it suited her. The media ( mostly the gutter press ) lapped it up, as with most famous people they hyped her up as a hero, then tried to tear her down with scandle, build em up and knock em down like all gutter rags do.

She was NO hero, most her early years she just pranced about in posh clothes, she did good deeds in the later years for a public media fight with Prince Charles, to try and win her kids back and make herself look good.

On the affairs yes Prince Charles did have an affair because it was an unhappy arranged marriage practically forced on them both, a secret affair that Diana outed. Her affairs on the other hand were deliberately public with high profile people like Rugby players and Arabs she knew were enemies of the Royals & in constant dispute with the UK government over citizenship, she sought out and slept with men she knew would do the most harm out of a desire for revenge.

Frankly Lady Diana's behaviour was sickening............ to be continued

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:35 am
by [KMA]Avenger
LOL :smt042

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:32 am
by Mordack
One of my favourite and most telling/poignant quotes comes from Charles and Diana before their wedding:

Reporter: And, I suppose, in love?
Diana: Of course.
Charles: Whatever 'in love' means.

Re: How do you become a member of...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:59 am
by Juliette
Who is the better liar to you, Greg?