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Re: In-game Notice of Admin/Player Meets

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:17 am
by Drought
EƤrendil wrote:
Duck Dodgers wrote:why not just show it when the meet is actually occurring ?

Because it'd almost never be there =/

but seriously, probably the better of the ideas, but I doubt it'll go far.

When its always there, it becomes furniture, like the link in the top itself.
People will go there when nothing is happening and not bother with it again.

When it its there when it wasn't, people go "HEY WHATS THAT ?" and click (hopefully) and end up in a session where they have the chance to meet the admin when he IS there.

Re: In-game Notice of Admin/Player Meets

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:36 am
by Juliette
It had no effect whatsoever for the two weeks (4 meets) it was on the base page.
Tested and failed, I suppose. :)

Re: In-game Notice of Admin/Player Meets

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:56 am
by Juliette
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Juliette wrote:It had no effect whatsoever for the two weeks (4 meets) it was on the base page.
Tested and failed, I suppose. :)
oh my mistake, that certainly is a fair window of time for something to have an effect on "new" players :roll:

It should just be set up to recur, continuously, forever.
There is no point to having the meets (evidence being the current state of them) if there is no exposure, this gave it proper exposure. I'm sure they would pick up as time goes on. But hey, just my opinion on it.
Fair enough. :) I agree, same happened with NewGrounds and people contacting me in game.

Re: In-game Notice of Admin/Player Meets

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:21 pm
by Juliette
Fixed, it will be back. :-D