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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:18 am
by Daff
You could just change race back to Tollan, at no cost to your account.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:13 pm
by Vendetta
i could, but that would make my last posts completely pointless :)

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:24 am
by Cherry Blossom
(wasn't sure whether to post here or in the newbie forum, but I'm looking for specific help as an Asgard so I thought it would be better to post here! Please don't eat me for it if I'm wrong :P )

I've just started up a new account, and with 30 hrs of my PPT remaining I'm kinda shocked by how badly my planet looks. At the rate I'm building I'm gonna have nothing to defend myself with by the time I exit PPT, I'll have a huge target drawn on me :shock:

I've poured all my resources into U.P and Miners just now (reading the forums and FAQ's pointed out that this seems to be pretty important to do), so slowly my production capability is rising. I'm not going to have anything else though, I'm just not making enough resources.

According to the faqs, I should be attacking straight away, and taking naq off other players. But browsing the list of targets, they have a hell of a lot of troops in comparison to me, it would be suicide to attempt any attack.

My technology is zero right now, and playing a defensive game would take ages. Everyone else seems to be light years ahead, so attacking seems to be a risky strategy too!

Am I missing something obvious here? :oops:

p.s, I've been carefully searching the forums for answers, but nothing really explains what I need to do to go from what I have to something I can work with(apart from the obvious huge donation from another player, but I'm looking for a way to do it without donations).

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:59 pm
by Reeb
QuistixXx, no experienced players will attack you for at least a few weeks (unless you send them a rude message) because you simply won't have enough to make it worth their time. You just need enough defense and covert to get other new players to leave you alone, and you'll be fine.

Get 1 attack weapon and 1 attack unit, a few spies, and look around the 10k+ rankings for people you can see their army size and naq count. If you can see both, you should be able to spy on them. Look for 0 defence, and attack those players for naq.

Use that naq for your Unit Production until you get at least into the 1000+ a day range, then you can start building a decent defense and looking for a commander. I wouldn't worry about getting a commander until then, because you'd probably get too mucn of a naq bonus for your defense to handle.

99.9% of the players down in the 10k + range are inactive anyway unless they are new, so don't worry too much. If somebody sends you a message you can always say sorry and set them to neutral again. Best part about just starting out, you don't really have much to lose if you do make somebody mad, so no worries there.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:35 am
by {AE} Zhang Wei
I have lots of fleets and dont attempt to take planets its bad plus you need atleast 10bil to build a defence on it and then your still not garunteed to have it safe

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:50 pm
by storyman2k
Howdy all! I'm new to the Asgards (duh) and I'm enjoyin'. I'm workin' on gettin' my UP up to 1k. Otherwise I'm lookin' for an alliance and a commander to join up with, but I'll check the other boards for that.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:27 am
by dannama
get someone to buy you full ss and then sell them to stonger players for naq as then you can work on your unit production and they can work on their accounts

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:58 am
by Reeb
You mean selling market trades? Yeah that's a good way to make some extra naq until you get big enough to use the market to make profits for yourself.

If you meant selling UU: Lots of people have different opinions on the matter, but in my opinion selling UU is a bad idea unless you are a raider and can use the naq to raid a UU profit. UU is the backbone of your army, the more UU you have, the easier it is to build anything else. Selling UU might get you enough naq to build bigger stats right away, but it makes you more dependent on others for income. The more independent you are, the better.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:58 am
by 97chaz
i'm not so new to this but i'm stuck ehat are mercinaries and how do u use them :shock: i'm so confused please help :(

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:44 am
by BenjaminMS
Mercenaries... you can use them if you developed the enhancement techonologies on the research page (beware! it costs more if your UP is higher). They can be used to 'replace' normal defensive or offensive units.


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:11 am
by cnhooker
howdy evrybody... im new... how do i play this game? and is there anyone who would like me to be in their crew or whatever u call it??

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:15 pm
by chrnno
Hi everyone, im new to this game but this thread already helped me a lot.

Some questions.

The mothership worth its price by the first days?
Should i have mercenaries?
Should i mine or use all in attack clones and defense clone?
Should i get to an alliance fast?
And just wondering why im the commander of myself?

My username here is the same as the game.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:28 pm
by Reeb
chrnno wrote:Hi everyone, im new to this game but this thread already helped me a lot.

Some questions.

The mothership worth its price by the first days?
Should i have mercenaries?
Should i mine or use all in attack clones and defense clone?
Should i get to an alliance fast?
And just wondering why im the commander of myself?

My username here is the same as the game.

Mothership, not until you can easily afford it. Don't overextend yourself to get one, because after that you have to buy weapons and shields. Too expensive to be worth it in the beginning in my opinion. Mercs, up to you really. They are cheap but they die easier than super trained units do. I'd use one for attack at first when you are farming away.

Train mostly miners at first, maybe a few on defense and 1 on attack to get naq from the defenseless farms. A couple in spies too so you can see the farms, but yeah mostly miners. Sometimes alliances will just get you into more trouble than it's worth, just depends on the alliance. Do your research first to find the alliance that fits your style.

Self commander gets you 20% extra units from your unit production. No commander gets 10% extra naq and 10% extra units. Other as commander just gets you extra income based on your commander's income and what they have the officer % set to.

The newbie / FAQ section has a lot of good reads stickied. I know it takes a while to read them, but it's really worth it. Besides, you can't really do much when you first start so what else are you going to do? The help and rules link at the top left of the game window also has some good info.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:42 pm
by chrnno
I liked the game, its easy to understand. Im attacking a lot and already have a production of units more than 300 and all technlogies except mercenaries in the max. Is it good for a person that started yesterday?

Thanks for the help and the newbies FAQ have things that ive already discovered.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:37 pm
by Reeb
Not bad, not bad at all. Keep building, then once you get big enough to get market SS you can start thinking about buying turns. Once you can buy turns, you can either farm naq for a profit (aka use farmed naq to buy more turns to farm more naq) or you can start raiding. Raiding doesn't seem very profitable at first, but it will if you keep at it. Don't worry too much about rankings for a while, build your army size up and everything comes more naturally.