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Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:32 pm
by bryan
because im a funny guy?


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:33 pm
by Maleki
[SGC_ReplicĂ…tors] wrote:ok explain to me why its laughable...cause how i see it is no matter who threatens u big or small, U will always see it as laughable

which i see is a trait obtain in that particular alliance

I'm done trying to explain it to you, at this point either you look for yourself and understand or don't. It's late (for me) and I'm going to bed.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:34 pm
by [SGC_ReplicĂ…tors]
good night

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:47 pm
by Afentius
and good riddiance. I disliked your insulting his not-advanced understanding of English; not for all of us is English our first language... that was rather rude.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:52 pm
by Come_Forth
Too bad he is in the CoP :?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:00 pm
by bryan
which one :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:02 pm
by Come_Forth

Re: Real Life takes precedent

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:19 pm
by Mattwell
iKon wrote:Recently I made the decision to join EPA. This is well documented, but what isn't known, is that I joined the EPA as a result of wanting to be loyal to my CoP (but more directly, DDE) allies and give them a little feedback of what EPAc was up to.

EPA knew when we let you in, why do you think we were making you go back to the EPAC Academy.

iKon wrote:was to find out that Rahl had been OKed to mass me by TAD.
Also not 100% true.

iKon wrote:In closing, I offer the advice to those who are considering the following: Don't trust Omega. Or Alpha, and especially not EPA. They're a bunch of vipers that'll betray you as soon as look at you.
Sorry that we knew you were a spy and couldn't be trusted and restricted your access. We were totally wrong to not give you every piece of alliance info. Our bad!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:57 pm
by J.S.
All I can say is that I am disappointed..

iKon I was told you were a spy for DDE by mates in both Omega and DDE people who I have known for well over a year.. Anyway thats not what annoys me

The fact that you think that we would betray you or anyone.. When you were massed by Omega the last time what happened? You had Brian (TAD) and myself on MSN.. Brian sent you 100K UU im sure can't remember exactly but it was definatly over 50K.. Also you became my officer for the few days and noone touched you.. In fact I made sure that one guy sent you back double what he farmed from you before you became my officer...

Also when you restarted your account who helped you? I'm pretty sure I sent you 30 billion (goes to check broker)

deleted or banned. Jamie Sheehan 1 Turns 30,000,000,000 Naquadah Oct 19, 2006 Completed.

Yep that looks about right....

Anyway 2 things

1. Brian is my best mate in this game in fact were such good mates that after christmas he is coming to cork to help me drink :-D I can safely say that he would NEVER allow anyone to mass any EPA member if he could prevent it.. Even if he couldn't he would never ok it..

2. Saying that we would betray you is utter BS.. I know you may be disappointed that things didn't work your way but still.. I feel really pissed that you would think that about us.. I really thought of you as a mate but who had a short fuse.. But now I just feel like I've been kicked in the balls by you.. Sorry man but you know that I would stand up for my friends before anything..

The reason you were kicked from EPA today is becuase of the way you started talking to Targa which every PM you sent him is posted in EPA command.. And I have to go with Targa on this one... targa is the ingame leader of the EPA and he deserves the same respect you would show any of the other EPA members you knew, Wolf, myself and TAD before you felt betrayed by him..

Finally if you were a spy all I want to know is why anyone would ask you to be a spy? If people want to know the "true" intentions of EPA just ask us... Its not like we have hidden agendas..

Anyway dude.. Best of luck in real life.. Maybe we will see you back soon..

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:57 pm
by Puck
Ohhhhhhh DON'T trust Omega! I knew I was doing something wrong all this time! :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:03 am
by RepliJake
Ok, a couple of things to clear up, I don't like people saying that Omega members wont have sympathy for people quitting, it's not true, some cases, maybe, like cheats that we chased away, but other people I war with, I don't intend for them to quit, it's a game, without other players, players like Ikon, there would be nobody to hit and then you, I and end everyone else would soon get completely bored, I hope I speak for thee majority of Omegans, or even the game when I say we don't want to force people to quit. Yes, Ikon made some posts on the forum that he regretted, he saw the error of his ways, then he saw them again, with some help, everyone make mistakes, of course some minor insults are forgiveable, they never have or will bother me personally, I just don't like people taking the Game so seriously.

Onto the second thing to clear up, TAD authorising the hit, for anyone who isn't sure, I'm assming that is Tauri Alliance Dundee of EPA, he NEVER authorized a hit on Ikon, I will repeat, NEVER. He was informed of the hit AFTER it was done, by myself, we spoke about it and that was all.

I'm sorry you felt the need to move on Ikon, I'm also sorry that I've see more personal insults from people in this thread also, oh well.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:26 am
by Sleipnir
Topic moved to the quitting section.

RepliJake wrote:but other people I war with, I don't intend for them to quit

Just clear one thing up for me then.

Bryan wrote:i seem to recall that they were very abusive to me. Jake stated in that thread that you were going to be continuously hit for that comment, so im wondering why you are surprised?

Is that true? Cause you can't seriously expect someone to play happily ever after while being continuously hit.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:34 am
by RepliJake
I massed him twice, and what I actually said was, I would be putting some effort into his account for a while, then after speaking to Ikon after the second massing, on msn, I agreed to that being the end of it.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:46 am
by Brdavs
Admitted spy accusing the alliance he joined to spy upon of being untrustworthy and betraying him? :?

Amazing what you find on this forum these days... :P If you ask me EPA should have massed your arse to the ground themselves.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:08 am
by Puck
Yes, he should be an icon of betrayal!


It's Friday night, and I'm lonely :cry: