re: turns/turn ; superweapon bidding ; ascended attacks

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Taxonomist3 wrote:
AEgidius wrote:I think the update is worth trying and check if this help to balance the game a little. Don't the ppl up there want to make the game more competitive? Maybe this could bring more ppl to play this server and give a bigger chalenge to the players in the first page. I don't get it guys; do u want the game to be more interesting for other ppl or are u happy knowing that your only chalenge is breaking the fields size?

Give a chance to the updates.

cry me a river... just because you didn't put the work into your account in the first place doesn't mean I should have to suffer for it... this is BS!

U are just proving my point. I work my account, do my farming, upgrade starts, etc. I'm in top 100 and u call me lazy? so what do u want? a server for your own? U don't need in internet connection for it. Just set a server at home and invite CoP to play it with u.

btw: try not to offend me I have oppinions like everyone here. ppl can think diferent, u know? Respect me as I respect u.
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Munchy wrote:As it has been said a few times, complete turn stopping is merely a bug. How about we give the update at least a shot when it is functioning correctly before completely condemning it? :?

I misread about the turn changing being limited to ats not everything. but regardless, have you never seen something and know inherently it's not going to be a good thing? i mean you don't go and drink gasoline or purposefully step on a rattlesnake do you?

even, though this update would supposedly help someone out like myself, one time ascended and ranked in the middle of the pack, it basically makes any effort to ascend again seemingly pointless or negatively impacting my account. Ascending was part of the reason I was still even playing, and if it is pointless, then why keep playing?

Beyond just the turn update, the ascended weapon was bad from the get go. This is only hearsay, but credible to me, that the way the weapon has been used was told to those in charge and told that it was fine/whatever to be used that way. Now, that is a complete flip on the position, especially when it was already known to happen before it did actually happen. But back to randomness of it, if i want to play with randomness of getting wiped out I'll take my time, effort, and everything else and go play poker or other games of chance.
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Nice update forum :-), having said that, I think there should be some benefit to being up in the ranks a little bit... mabye top player gets a 50% bonus in main (make it competitive), 2nd 25%, 3rd 15%, 4-25 10% 25-100 5%. It would make it competitive and worth staying up there :), also like the added turns for lower players... guys seriously its impossible to even get close to the top from what I've heard. The difference from 1 to 100 and then 100 to 1000 even, what are the top army sizes?... mines around 100k (been rather lazy), I'm not going to even come close to threatening you guys... :P

---- on the superweapon, good work! it means ppl can lose everything, and have to start again, I'm not sure entirely how it works... or how often it comes around mind you... :)

-- another random opinion :-D, i reckon getting descended by attack should be a month descension... two weeks just isnt enough :)
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Lord_Zeus wrote:
-- another random opinion :-D, i reckon getting descended by attack should be a month descension... two weeks just isnt enough :)

this is the only thing i agree with you on. the amount of work it takes, and now the amount of turns/rate of turns makes it all that much harder and should be rewarded more.

turns were already a premium, so making them even harder to get is ridiculous.

it may be now too late to catch up to a few people, but if you work it right, you can still catch most of the top people. and why punish the people that have been playing since the beginning, while others haven't been playing and just reaping the benefits and further reap them?
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SSG EnterTheLion wrote:The CoP leaders have discussed this..and come to an agreement.

As the only group who have actually tried to make the ascended server succeed instead of turning it into a glorified 'bonus giver' for main accounts, I'm afraid we will make our response known soon."

I hope u will get your "agreement" in defense of all the ascended server (as u did with the implementation of descension -I agree with that update also-) and not only to defend the status quo. As admin said:

Things change. That is true in this realm, as it is in any other. Expect change. Embrace change. Adopt to change.
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I am sorry that I have only ascended twice, while trying to make each better than the last. Now that seems to be a waste and of no help in ascention, while it could have helped me in main with the bonuses to ascend to a living god.
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monti wrote:I am sorry that I have only ascended twice, while trying to make each better than the last. Now that seems to be a waste and of no help in ascention, while it could have helped me in main with the bonuses to ascend to a living god.

say u and me are in the same ranking and because of this updated we both have a small amount of turns and are growing slow. So, u make your big ascension full or points and I stay here fighting the slow turns. U will boost your account (sacrifing resorces in the main account of course) while I stay here. Isn't that a good motivation to make big ascensions? boosting your account in the middle of the black hole as admin called it?
Don't the big guys find bigger chalengs more exiting, fun?
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AEgidius wrote:
monti wrote:I am sorry that I have only ascended twice, while trying to make each better than the last. Now that seems to be a waste and of no help in ascention, while it could have helped me in main with the bonuses to ascend to a living god.

say u and me are in the same ranking and because of this updated we both have a small amount of turns and are growing slow. So, u make your big ascension full or points and I stay here fighting the slow turns. U will boost your account (sacrifing resorces in the main account of course) while I stay here. Isn't that a good motivation to make big ascensions? boosting your account in the middle of the black hole as admin called it?
Don't the big guys find bigger chalengs more exiting, fun?

Not so much if I understand it right (I might not) but if I were to quick ascend to living god then I get all the main bonuses with not much loss. Then I would be smaller in ascention and if I did not use my app from each ascention I would stay lower ranked while being able to save them up. Which would give me more turns and such each turn, just my thoughts I would guess they are wrong but had to put them out there.
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This update is ment for one reason, because all the effort that someone has up into thier account and they turn to sell it, because they issues in real life. Now that Jason isnt getting a piece of that pie of cash, he is making it so that account is worthless.

Why is it that I have been punished for figuring out the secret to ascension? The secret wasnt Max Life Froce I learned that after the 2nd ascension after most quick ascended. Thats when I went to the slow and steady ascensions trying to draw as much power into each as I possable could. In figuring this out I learned that DMU per turn was the best way to go. Which ment more planets and production.

In the early stage 10mil DMU per turn was the target number because that was 1,000 life force or 48k life force per day. Which is where you could massively build up your stats to make you stronger than anyone else. 1bil DMU a turn was 480,000 life force a day to spend towards upgrading and so on.

You have proved one thing to me, 3 months ago I thought about getting out I desided to stick around a little longer because of my friends and in the process in playing Q I used some of my own money to once again donate to your game and putting money into your pocket. I guess that wasnt enough.

Thanks Bud
Main SirDusk
Q Lord_Core
Asension Dead_Horse

PS It dont matter Forum wont respond I have been waiting for 1 week on issues I been having about the fleets update. That update alone has made it so the top players couldnt be reached. Because of the grosslly cheap rate of each click for a fleet to get more planets. If you want to make it even take the server back to the place it once was befor any of the updates added.

PSS But alas we are beating the 'Dead_Horse'
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well this has screwed me up, i got a few ascensions left b4 im lg and i was going to go for good ones, but i dont know if i should now as i would get penelized in both ascended and main, this sucks

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Sounds like a great update. Finally something that will make the gap smaller between new and old players.
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This update should have been thought through and talked through before being released. As it stands at the moment it means that a higher rank has a negative impact on your ascended account, and that is clearly an error in logic.
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Misz wrote:Sounds like a great update. Finally something that will make the gap smaller between new and old players.

Think again, it'll make it impossible for you to get and keep the top rank, the closer that you get the more difficult it gets to do anything while the enemies you made while trying to get there find it easier and easier to kill off your army.
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smooshable wrote:We've had dedicated ascension programs where large numbers of us have pumped trillions of main naq into our friends accounts to achieve big ascensions. We've worked long and hard so that if descension ever was brought into the game then we'd have an advantage over those who quick ascended 5 times and have logged in 3 times since.

Perhaps that's part of the problem? How many people do you think can muster the resources to pump in trillions of main naq? The reason you're the top ascended accounts is not because you put so much work into playing ascension. It's because you were already the biggest in main. Now I'll admit, working on good ascensions should give you a bonus. However, what you want is basically the same as you've got in main. To be untouchable. No offense, but if that's allowed, that would be a real reason for the rest of ascension to say "We quit".

Has anyone even got the turn ratios? Do you even know how this update will turn out? Have you given it a chance? Have you even considered the fact that by the time one of those lower accounts has spent all those extra turns to catch up to you, they will gain no more turns than yourself? Why do people always think that updates like these are targeted specifically at themselves and will not affect anyone else in the game?

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Yeah that’s the way to do it punish the people that work hard and help the ppl that was lazy and didn’t think it through, its cost me over 60 million uu and 9 ascensions to get to where I am and now your going to put a handicap on me because I worked hard and give a helping hand to those that only ascended for the main bonus,

Hell this is such a good idea maybe the should introduce it in to other things like F1 racing hmmmm michael schumacher has been doing a little to good lately lets give him a fiat panda engine in his car and give the other drivers an extra 200 BHP or Chelsea football club how about we only let them play with 7 men and let everyone else play with 15.

The people that are at the top are there for a reason they didn’t get there by accident, chance or fluke they got there by hard work and sacrifice so why punish us?

There should be one way to get to the top and thats hard work and time spent not shortcuts and admin updates.

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