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Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:18 am
by ~Phoenix~
Ahh :-D

But seriously on ascended.. past a certain point its pretty impossible to overtake anyone without striking them.


Back on topic... main and ascended use 2 completely different game plays and you cannot simply put them together into trades it just doesn't work like that and this is really ruining the game.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:49 am
by High Empty
Raven wrote:
~Phoenix~ wrote:1 or 2 ranks? You must be joking.

more like 1 or 2 days of income.

well because ascension is a total joke itself obviously i was just laughing around alittle :-D

I did give up a rank or 2. 1 to STI and another to reborn.

Could be that they did super ascensions a few times to help.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:10 am
by ~Phoenix~
Well you didnt give it up then did you they outgrew you.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:20 am
by reborn
infact he gave one up to me because i was still a long bit behind him, but that pasted after a while when he choose to get some of his main naq he put into his ascension account, and for the record anyone can b passed without hitting them if u put in the time and know what u r doing

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:48 am
by BL1P
reborn wrote:infact he gave one up to me because i was still a long bit behind him, but that pasted after a while when he choose to get some of his main naq he put into his ascension account, and for the record anyone can b passed without hitting them if u put in the time and know what u r doing

but does help if you know the only people who could possibly attack you are in your alliance wouldn't you agree.

then all the above posible problems only exist for none top rank.
100x the slow down cap in main aliances.

but i do agree that the cap in main should be 100x the cap in ascention

shame some players are already 1,000,000x the new players who ascend
no matter how big they ascend they will never cach up as it stands now

but hey :P

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:59 am
by reborn
what u trying to say though because if u start on main there 1,000,000 times smaller than the big players there aswell, u saying they cant chach them there aswell?

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:40 am
by ~Phoenix~
reborn wrote:infact he gave one up to me because i was still a long bit behind him, but that pasted after a while when he choose to get some of his main naq he put into his ascension account, and for the record anyone can b passed without hitting them if u put in the time and know what u r doing

Generally everyone on the first page knows what they are doing. So yes itis pretty much impossible to pass anyone without some random event happening like a war or an ascension.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:23 am
by reborn
your page one so u know what your doing right?

well my missus is page 3 by the end of this year i bet u she passes u

y because just because your on page one doesnt mean u know what your doing, u can b on page one and the person right above u knows what to do just like u, but if your logging on more than him/she its only a matter of time before u move above him/she

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:17 am
by Hells__Angel
I understand what your saying there Josh but I find that no matter how much time I spend on ascention it doesn't speed up my growth because its so hard to farm ect :(

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:27 pm
by reborn
its not all down to farming, even though when the SW is sold the small accounts that r on can make a very large improvement to what the larger accounts can, thats y i havent attacked anyone in over a month, let someone else take the dmu

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:53 pm
by Hensenshi
Raven wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:Ascension is unbalanced because people chose to quick ascend and then forget about their ascension accounts. Those of you who did forsaken your ascended account, caused the few who played it to suffer. Now quick ascending as a whole isn't too bad. Let me tell you all a secret, Mojo Rising did prophet though living god in a month. You know why he's the best account in ascension right now? Because he played his ascension account, and because he ascended after he reached LG+1.

Now the rates that you complain about. When you ascend your rates on UP cost to APP return is about 1:18. That doesn't count the naq you have to send up, the UU you lose, or the trained units, the mothership, or the spy levels. So 1:7 sounds a lot better than ascending doesn't it? That's where the rates came from.

And yes, if you raid DD, DD is going to slaughter you. So let's put that in the context of main. SVARUN, if I was to mass you today, would The Legion be massing me back? I'm pretty sure they would. It works the same way.

Orpheus wrote:the easiest way to grow fast for us should be start raiding those accounts that have over 3/4 of their army size in resource planets with low defenses, oh wait, that is suicide, they have DD tags....

Ok, so 4/5ths of my army size is in resource planets. You can feel free to try and raid me. But I think you'll find you come up short for strike. ;)

Im not sure what to think of your posts about this issue ...... on one hand im thinking your just playing dumb to make it look like your doing others a favour......

This is so wrong what you guys are doing your giving people a very tiny bit of your income and making trills in main for it very sure most of you have already covered all your ascension losses by now and with the thought you guys are not ever gonna get catched up its most likely a very satifying feeling right?

congratz on all you DMU sellers for *modded* up main too and still denying the fact that Asc is so totally unbalanced its just crazy ....... I can write alot more here but im just pretty disgusted with all you people ......

Right, so it's my fault that I'm profiting from cross server trade. Wouldn't this be much the same as cross server trade like say you know, psicolix trading chaos naq for main naq?

I played ascension, I worked my way up in ascension, meanwhile, while I was putting EFFORT, TIME, and RESOURCES into ascension, you were profiting from your quick ascensions in main. "Oh look at me, I've got a 4bill income now because I quick ascended." Meanwhile, I strived hard to get the best out of my ascensions, AND STILL AM. Yup, that's right, I'm top 10 in ascension and I'm not done ascending yet. Maybe if you'd played ascension right from the get go, we wouldn't be in the situation, but since you didn't, and I thrived in ascension while you thrived in main. So after I spent all those resources ascending, I should get at least SOMETHING back, since descension isn't worth anything, I found other means. And yes, if you look at it directly, I've made back what I lost in ascensions, but let's look at it proportionally. My second ascension cost me 2mill UU of a 3mill total army size. I lost 2/3rds of my army so I could get better in ascension. Now that I'm a big fish in ascension, I should find a way to use those resources in ascension that I spent so much effort to gain. Now before you pull the CoP card; the CoP wouldn't have been so strong in ascension if you hadn't ignored ascension. "What you don't like is what you allowed because you refused to stand against it" (If someone can tell who said that I'll be thankful).

I'm not saying quick ascending was a really bad move. Infact, it's possible it could have been a really good move. Mojo Rising did a few of his ascensions much quicker than he would have desired but he's still #1 in ascension. What you failed to do was to play ascension. If everyone had played ascension then the prices would be rock bottom because everyone would be selling. Now, everyone that buys lowers their main resources and raises their ascended resources. This lowers my ascended resources and raises my main resources. For my small main account, I think it's fair that I gain something for my losses. You say I'm unbalancing the server, I say I'm bringing balance to it since it's been unbalanced since everyone quick ascended and didn't play ascension.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:23 pm
by ~Phoenix~
Hen this has absolutely nothing to do with people half assing ascensions so please stop using that lame excuse. You're ruining main.

Ascended has big gaps between ranks thats the way it works well main does not. Its as simple as that there is no good reason why you can make so much from ascended for main because its completely stupid.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:18 pm
by Hensenshi
This has everything to do with people quick ascending. Everyone quick ascended then didn't play. They didn't care about ascension and now a balance is coming back. It's a rubber band that's normally straight but people keep putting pressure on it, eventually it will either break or it will slip off your finger and snap back in the opposite direction. It just slipped off the finger, and this is the snap back.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:31 pm
This is all a pathetic argument
Your angry at the guys who are bigger than you because they are big.

They sacrificed many trillions of naq, and millions of men in main for the ascended account, they are now getting that back + some

Those who did speed ascensions didn't loose much in comparison.

While we are on this topic of unbalancing main what about selling chaos naq for main or buying naq with $ or spending naq to help smaller guys in the alliance, making the alliance better and unbalancing it.

With decention brought into the game it shows main and ascension are linked together more than ever, so selling or buying shouldn't be a big deal, sacrifice resources in one for the other

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:07 am
by ~Phoenix~
I understood absolutely none of that hen.

It has nothing to do with people not playing because even the ones that are playing cant do this. It only the top ten or so actually can. Funnily enough you are in the top10.

Stop using people not playing as an excuse it makes no difference. You're getting stuff for main by getting rid of a tiny bit of your ascended recources which is NOT how this was meant to be nor is it fair.

And dudey grow up. Pathetic argument? Its got plenty of points behind it. Nobodys jealous. 2 different types of game plays cant co-exist on trading it just doesn't work like that. Chaos and main can because of how growth in chaos works. It cant in ascended because there are such huge gaps between people and that IS how ascended works.