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Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:49 pm
by fremen
If descension attacks are modified I would like to offer a suggestion. I would like the attacks to be 1 vs 1 and have it possible for big players to descend other big players. I also like the idea of having a prep time after the ascended battle is initiated.

The current problems with the system are 3 stats contribute to offensive power and they all have a linear positive effect and exponential cost increases. The defense has 5 stats that contribute with similar situation of linear effectiveness increase, but exponential cost increase. There needs to be some balance put into the equations such as a low level exponential increase of effectiveness for attack or lessening the cost increase on the two exclusive attack stats. Also LF reserves are too large in the current system. The time lag between attacks also prolongs the conflict to the point of making it useless for large LF reserve players.

Also, the current system requires you to be tied to your computer for many hours and a coordinated attack can be frustrated by a simple recharge of LF. I would like all the attack turns to be spent upfront, but the actual battle results would happen 12 or 24 hours later. The defender would then have the opportunity to login and recognize the attack and take some action to engage the enemy.

My proposal is for player A to initiate the ascended battle. For going through the turns and effort of breaking the opponents defense the first strike gets double strength (a kind of surprise attack for the aggressor) and costs the current 99 turns. All additional attacks will also cost 99 turns, but happen similar to current battles.
The defender (player B) will then have an option to counterstrike. To add some tactics to the exchange and reward players for having a defense I think it should cost the defender 150 turns for each counterstrike unless their strike meets the requirements of beating the defense at the time turns are designated for defense at which point player B can choose to counterattack instead. And to make things interesting remove defensive abilities (except energy repulsion for player B) for both players for each counterstrike exchange. Counterattacks would work the same as current attacks, but would be added to the end of the battle with player B as the attacker role and player A in a pure defender role.

This way player A gets some benefit for starting the battle, and player B can choose to rely on their personal defenses and hope the attacker is broken before they are descended or help to push them over the edge with a counterstrike.

All battle reports would happen sequentially 12 hours after battle was engaged. So If player A attacks with 397 turns and believes this to be sufficient to descend the opponent then he may be right, but the defender may counterstrike and do enough damage to the opponent to descend them in 2 hits (no defenses and no limitations on damage).

The ideal system would allow players to both be descended if they chose poor turn allocations, it could lure the defender into wasting turns for a followup assault, it could add a lot of tactical elements to personal battles. It removes the strategy of refilling reserves mid attack since all the attacks will happen almost instantaneously.

Refinements and clarification questions are welcome.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:53 pm
by Lithium
well u made the POINT dude, while 2 acc are engaged in an auto ascended battle one of them can come online and train up def ;) so the other will hit the wall.
and since an ascended battle can last at least 24 hrs u can do it when the other is sleeping.

the point of the auto battle is that while u are engaged the accounts should be limited to the modifications other wise it never ends.

and since this its very hard to implement due to many calc/factors etc I bet my ass it ll never start.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:51 pm
by Lore
Thank you Freman. I'm going to re read that a few times to try to get my head around it, but glad to see someone else get my line of thinking.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:58 am
by Tacet
This sounds very interesting, though I'm not going to claim to understand the whole idea yet.

What I like most is that it is going to bring a measure of skill into the battle. The defender has a chance of defending himself, while the attacker has more of an advantage than he currently has.

To counter Lithium's scenario where one trains def to stop the attacks, I think that the attacker should be able to start the attack only once the defender's def is down (as is currently the case). Once that is done the physical attack and def is taken out of the equation for this specific battle. The defender can still build a def to safeguard his DMU or to keep out other attackers, but that def is not going to future in the current ascended battle.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:00 am
by Lithium
Taces, as far as i see we are going through colorful scenarios, basically this is imagination.

as for the def problem, the game cant deny to the defender to built a def while hes engaged, otherwise the outo ascended battle should deny all hits on u from others and both parties involved should just sit and watch till one drops

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:13 am
by Tacet
What I meant was that you can still build def, but it is not taken into account for that specific ascended battle.

Look at it this way: attacker A breaks through the physical def, gets into the throne room and assaults you. Even if you build physical def, he's still in there, busy assaulting you with the follow up hits. But if you do build up physical def, you can keep attacker B away, though attacker A is still in your throne room busy assaulting you.

I hope this is put a bit more clearly. As to the our colourful scenarios, I just hope that somewhere/sometime we meet the rainbow and find a solution that works. :mrgreen:

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:14 am
by Lithium
o boy i got yr point ;)
but programing isnt fantasy, the game is based on codes, mor eu put heavy it is.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:20 am
by Tacet
Yep, which ultimately makes it so much more difficult to get good, valid, feasible, fair, etc... ideas.

But let's fantasy away, and let admin decide if there's merit in these ideas. Though I agree that where we can we should take server time into account.