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Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:04 am
by Solus
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:Be quiet about the problems here on the forums only help them to think they are doing a good job and the right job when they are not. Its up to the community to change things to how they want it. There needs to be a better system for the Users to interact with the Mods, such as if they want one removed and the Admin is being bias in the situation, there should be some kind of system to have them removed, expectially with overwelming evidance that the mod has done wrong, not once, but serveral times, and in no way is it just a fluke or occational thing, but an ongoing problem.

Admin Jason should take a deeper look into who he hires to to the Admin'ing and Modding jobs on these forums.

Things ain't like that in real life either.
When you elect a governor, a mayor or a president, I don't think that if a year or so after they got elected, because you don't like how they behave, you can fire them. :lol:
You can form a group of people protesting, try to influencate decisions of them by pressure(s), but NOT make them be fired!

and considering the position IS NOT up to public vote whether you like it or not, tetrismonkey is still chasing his tail metaphorically, regardless of 'quitting'. yet another peice of evidence of a personal vandetta.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:13 am
by Legendary Apophis
Tetrismonkey wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:Be quiet about the problems here on the forums only help them to think they are doing a good job and the right job when they are not. Its up to the community to change things to how they want it. There needs to be a better system for the Users to interact with the Mods, such as if they want one removed and the Admin is being bias in the situation, there should be some kind of system to have them removed, expectially with overwelming evidance that the mod has done wrong, not once, but serveral times, and in no way is it just a fluke or occational thing, but an ongoing problem.

Admin Jason should take a deeper look into who he hires to to the Admin'ing and Modding jobs on these forums.

Things ain't like that in real life either.
When you elect a governor, a mayor or a president, I don't think that if a year or so after they got elected, because you don't like how they behave, you can fire them. :lol:
You can form a group of people protesting, try to influencate decisions of them by pressure(s), but NOT make them be fired!

Seeing how you keep missing all my points, let me make it a little more obvious. Jack was pushed through the normal ways of becoming a super mod. Also, this topic isnt wether someone likes the way Jack does modding or not, its about Jack not doing his job, and when he does he is bias, and insulting and uses his position for personal use and cannot follow the rules.

I find it funny that ive been warned a few times now for spamming, when most of it isnt.... But when Jack or his several minions come and spam this thread, they are praised for doing so and not warned.

Double standards.

Once down that path, you keep going.

And how is it different from what I said eh?
He was elected normally, as a president or governor would. President or governor, according to some (we can wonder if there is more importance if the ones who formerly suported him/her would now change side or if the opposite party would keep protesting agaisnt the elected one), not following what he/she would do, or/and should do (or not). Perhaps acting "biased" as well. So not only about "I don`t like you" speech we are referring here. But also about competences, accurateness (regarding to actions done and/or not done) and validity of his/her position.
Despite all those facts, that STILL wouldn't make him/her be fired.
Point (re)made.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:23 pm
by Clarkey
Well, I can Mod this section now, and they'll be no more spamming in here.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:15 pm
by weilandsmith
To be a bit more constructive, i think there should be a forum dedicated to constructive criticisms of the forum admin and mods. TM has a point. If there is a channel where the community can voice out their observations of the forum mods and admin, the mods and admin can take these suggestions and study them to look for merit in the observation/complaint/suggestion. this forum should be totally separate from technical forum issues.

this single forum should be closely monitored though. personal attacks and spam shouldn't be allowed in it as it will easily degenerate into a mudslinging match like this one has.

although i think that the ombudsman's corner already serves this purpose...


Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:16 pm
by Zeratul
there is to our knowledge a large difference between repeated posting of the same stuff, and feedback...
have you taken that into account, tetrismonkey?

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:38 pm
by ramen07
Tetrismonkey wrote:Who authoried the Ultimatuim?

Why are you so resistant at giving me the name? Its not like it was you, so what do you have to hide?

mebbe the person that authorized it doesnt want everyone to know?? or some things are better left unsaid?

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:44 pm
by Phoenix of Terra
Last time I checked, he doesn't have to tell you a thing. So, why are you asking?

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:02 pm
by Phoenix of Terra
Congrats Tetris, your complete bull headed self-righteous insistence has actually ticked me off. Let me tell you, that's very hard to do, but you managed to overcome multiple obstacles placed around my cool reserve with your consistent ](*,) . So, I award you the following:

Tetrismonkey is here by awarded the Phoenix Award for Perseverence, for pursuing ideas that most sane forum users would have abandoned long ago

Presentation over. Now, on to the matters at hand.

First to address the ultimatum. If you read it, and have read any of Jack's clarifications, it's really a simple concept. The following diagram should explain its existence:

1) You insulted other users who had different ideas, probably using the line "it's not an insult because it's true" as well, one of the lamest attempts to make up for an insult in the history of conversation, right after "I was hypnotized" and right before "I didn't say that (though I did and I don't have the balls to admit it)

2) You then proceed to throw a temper tantrum about how another user has insulted you, adding in things such as Jack's revenge, mod bias, and how your mother doesn't love (which isn't true yet, but that's only because she hasn't read your posts on this forum).

Now, as you can see, there is a distortion in logic here. You insult people, but then you can't take insults? If you haven't heard the phrase "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen", perhaps now would be a good time to be introduced. In case that analogy happens to go over your head, I'll translate it for you: "If you can't take something from others, don't do it to them". However, this thought obviously has not crossed your mind, along with others jewels of logic I'm sure.

However, this hypocrasy stood out to our brash Texan, who created the ultimatum. If you bothered to read past the name of the poster, you might have noticed that the only thing the ultimatum really said was "Stop insulting, or stop complaining about being insulted". Basically, stop it or shut up. It's a really simple concept, but perhaps that's why you missed it. And if you look back at the cause section of this post (see the "diagram", and I use the term loosely), you can see that your behavior actually caused this ultimatum. So, no matter who authorized this, you caused your own embarrassment with the need of an ultimatum. I now present to you the Phoenix Award of Exceptional Planning.


Now, on to your claims that Jack is not a good mod because he abuses his mod power, a topic that has been beaten so badly that if it was a person, all of it's bodily liquids would be gone as well as its skeletal structure and organs, as those would have been pulverized to liquid by this point. So far, there has been one instance when Jack was abusive as a mod. Was Jack's choice to edit the said post wrong? No, far from it. Did Jack do so in a way that was unprofessional? Yes, an easy admission. Was this matter handled by Forum? (notice the captial "F" in Forum. That means, as far as this site is concerned, God. See if you can remember that for the next sentence. In case you forgot already, Forum=God) Yes, the matter was considered settled. Has Jack acted unprofessionally as a mod? That answer would be a resounding no, unless you happen to be the guy who flagged his post banning AGA because of the pic, in which case I roll my eyes in your general direction.

So, we have a situation which has been dealt with by "God", and a mod who, on the job, has not broken the rules. While this hasn't stopped you from your continued crusade of nonsense, it has forced you to get new material. So you go to Jack's behavior while not a mod and claim it is unbecoming of a mod and he should be removed for it. Want to hear the best part? There's another person in this argument who acts just as aggressive, insulting, and bull headed as Jack. This person then tries to pretend he isn't (something Jack is not so dishonest to do) and then (here's the "best" best part) this person thinks they are good mod material. Hilarious, right? Who could be that delusional. Oh wait... it's you. So, for a hattrick of awards, I present the Phoenix Award of Character.


Finally, to end this circus of ridiculousity (yes, I did make that word up if it doesn't exist) which you have brought upon yourself, I'll address the forum bias. You recieved two warnings, right? And both were spam, yes? And very few others have has the same thing happen, also correct? Do you remember, by chance, what those warnings were for? Didn't they deal with... reviving a topic that was dealt with (by "God")? So... you would be necromancing. Not only are you necromancing, but necromancing demonic ideas, as "God" had laid them to rest. Now, the following logic is pretty simple. Demonic=Bad=Not to be disturbed. But, as any other twisted and power hungry dark sorcerer might do, you ignored that logic and continued to raise a topic which should be resting in its grave. This gets you a record setting four awards (mainly because you are the first to get them) with the Phoenix Award of Brilliance. Basically, you deserved every warning you got, and if you were really to be warned for all your spamming, you would have been permabanned last month and we wouldn't still be wasting our time **Filtered** about this stupid topic!

Edited for coherence. Rants typically tend to waver grammatically at some points.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:12 pm
by thaltek
:shock: i didn't know PoT could get angry......

as for tetrismonkey...

tetrismonkey--> ](*,) :smt072 <---thaltek

tetrismonkey---> :smt064 <---forums

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:08 pm
by ramen07
applause for that striking speech, PoT =D>

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:25 pm
by ramen07
Tetrismonkey wrote:So who authorized the ultimatuim Jack?

give it a rest. 1. he's not gonna tell you and 2. he doesnt have to.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:30 pm
by Clarkey
Isn't it my understanding that the purpose of a petition is for others to sign the petition in order for the action to be taken?

I don't see anyone else signing the petition.
So technically the petition can't survive on one signature.............

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:35 pm
by ramen07
clarkey wrote:Isn't it my understanding that the purpose of a petition is for others to sign the petition in order for the action to be taken?

I don't see anyone else signing the petition.
So technically the petition can't survive on one signature.............

very true. am i allowed to sign against the petition? pretty pleez?

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:30 pm
by Zeratul
tetrismonkey, anyone can see that Jack is NOT going to answer you... there is also no rule that says he has to.
could you please stop repeating that question? (you're only making a fool of yourself, and we know that you really dont want to do that)

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:32 pm
by thaltek
Tetrismonkey wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:So who authorized the ultimatuim Jack?

i belive it was this man......

tetris let it go.

i am starting to wonder if tetrismonkey forgot to put on his blue helmet today......