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Re: Rudy Pena Vs TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:05 pm
by Rudy Peña
Im not tying to make you play the game in a certain style, but to give repect to people and all that good stuff.

You seem do disrespect people for no reason at all, like when I made this thread. You restorted to calling me names and saying things about me in RL that may or may not be correct.

Re: Rudy Pena Vs TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:17 pm
by Rudy Peña
Tetrismonkey wrote:Are you sure I made such comments, or perhaps it was you?

I have respect for all people. However, those that treat me bad, lose that respect. WarHead lost my respect, thus, being treated how they were. So have you. For the comments you made about me, you do not deserve respect from me, and wont get it. You must earn it back now.

So I dont care about your excuses for a war, because they are weak, pitiful, and ignorant.

If only you knew things, or had the time to actually think because acting, it would help you. Getting involved into things that are of no concern to you, hum, seems like a common practice of FUALL. Guess thats the iniciation into one of the alliances? Get involved with wars that are of no concern to you, or a war you know nothing about?
Well I do seem to recall that you told me that I suck at life. So I replied in kind to that.

Most of your posts I see outside of the GC or this section, you like to whine alot and complain and somtimes disrespect people.

Re: Rudy Pena Vs TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:15 pm
by dastupy
Tetrismonkey wrote:Are you sure I made such comments, or perhaps it was you?

I have respect for all people. However, those that treat me bad, lose that respect. WarHead lost my respect, thus, being treated how they were. So have you. For the comments you made about me, you do not deserve respect from me, and wont get it. You must earn it back now.

So I dont care about your excuses for a war, because they are weak, pitiful, and ignorant.

If only you knew things, or had the time to actually think because acting, it would help you. Getting involved into things that are of no concern to you, hum, seems like a common practice of FUALL. Guess thats the iniciation into one of the alliances? Get involved with wars that are of no concern to you, or a war you know nothing about?

[-X you started...

And well , how can you learn a lesson if you never build something? :razz:

Re: Rudy Pena Vs TetrisMonkey

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:24 pm
by Rudy Peña
The war is over now. It would go on, but we had a random sandstorm 1 week ago today, and the internet has been messing up so bad that it take like 30 minutes to load my email page that if it works at all.

It was fun. I hope we can do this again sometime, but a little more civil on both sides. :) ;)