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Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:31 pm
by Iƒrit
Maddog wrote:well i clicked that link and the message from solus mentions no names.

and I assume that its just the spam off an other thread that was/still in the GC.

but just to confirm, this thread is to have your warning revoked?

Iƒrit wrote:
bebita wrote:
Maddog wrote:because its in the dump.

and i read the thread, the quote in question does not mention anyone in particular, it is a general thing.

And i'm sure the ombs can confirm this. if this still is a case for the ombs or just another rant for no real reason.

please don't lie to me in front
i know to what i answered
srry if i don't have prints but i never think it was the case

the person who replied to it and the person reporting it saw it yet other mods are claiming it did not occur :-s

I'm sure the ombs can back me up on this. And i seen this thread 20 seconds ago, while everyone else seen it 7 days ago.
so i'll leave you the option to listen to who you want.

why was the mods warning moved?

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:42 pm
by Q Man
Don't ask me i'm just a lowly RP mod :(

you'd have to ask whoever moved the thread, which is another thing i do not know.

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:54 pm
by bebita
i did report that verbal warning i received because i consider it ... abusive ... idk
and yes this thread is to have my warn removed and with this ocasion the mods who abuse their power to be warned?

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:12 pm
by Empy
I as well just read the post you were warned for Bebita, and the post you replied to which was written by Solus and quoted does not mention your name. I can understand if you assumed it was directed at you, although that easily may not be the case.

You should not have continued the off topic discussion since the topic of the thread was A WAR and not your warning. That is the key point you have to understand. You should have PM'd Solus to talk about the verbal warning and if you were spamming or not, not simply continued to do it. This is the way it is and has been to my understanding, you don't ever quote what a Moderator says in a topic if they are talking as a Moderator. You PM them.

On a small tangent, the Ombudsman section is never the first stop for complaints or questions. I recall you yourself Bebita PM'ing me when I issued you a verbal or board warning as a first resort and it was worked out right then and there, I removed the warning. You talk to the Moderator, then their boss (GM or Admin depending) and then come to the Ombudsman section (don't quote me on that, check Earendil's post that I believed Zeratul quoted earlier).

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:50 pm
by Mordack
Whilst I do encourage the ombudsman office to be people's last port of call, it seems clear to me from the contents of this thread thus far that even if Bebita had done so then a resolution would have been unlikely. Therefore Jack and I will deal with this issue, although I strongly encourage anybody reading to bear this useful post by Bazsy in mind when contemplating how to air a grievance.

There's too much of this for me to go through now, unfortunately. I'm very tired and it's very late, so my brain is somewhat addled. This thread will be locked for the time being so as to (a) give those involved a chance to cool down and (b) give Jack and myself some time to sift through what has already been said. I will unlock it when I wake up, or Jack can if he arrives before me. Thank you for your patience.

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:11 pm
by Zeratul
appologies about barging through the lock mordack... but we're just going to supply people with a quote of the verbal warning that was in the thread, then leave... no comments now... you can, of course, verify the contents through this link (mods/ombudsmen, that is)

Solus wrote:stop sticking your nose in here where it doesnt belong. the spam is NOT appreciated.


Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:55 am
by Mordack
No problems, Z. Admin's prerogative.

Reopened for all now.

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:06 am
by Zeratul
it was clarified in PM, as bebita can verify...

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:09 am
by bebita
zeratul i have trust in u but ....
like solus history is showing
Solus wrote:RoKeT, dont spam this thread again. if you have nothing constructive to say, get out.


i bellieve solus quote
Solus wrote:stop sticking your nose in here where it doesnt belong. the spam is NOT appreciated.


was not like that and it was
Solus wrote:bebita stop sticking your nose in here where it doesnt belong. the spam is NOT appreciated.


with this case can be closed if i am wrong ok if not seems moderators can edit things on this forums without to be tracked

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:15 am
by Clarkey
Iƒrit wrote:
Juliette wrote:
Iƒrit wrote:
Juliette wrote:
Iƒrit wrote:how is it spam when someone directs you with a post, I have every right to post a reply if they are not PMing me, but posting in a thread towards me.
If they were addressed BY NAME, then you might have a point. But the warning Solus gave was generic, to ALL in the thread. Don't tell me you'd actually expect us to allow EVERYONE who posted in that thread to reply to that remark?! :shock:
im confused was he not directed by name??
That is exactly why we're having this whole thread. He was not.

Clarkey wrote:
Iƒrit wrote:
Zeratul wrote:that is one of the things the
PM system is for...

asking such questions...

so if the mod wanted to specificly reply to the user why no PM??

It was a "thread-wide" verbal warning, but also mentioned bebita for what ever reason.

If Solus had only PM'd bebita then there would not have been a verbal warning for anyone else.

this is why i had the presumption he was directed he was not?

The reason I said bebita's name was mentioned was not because of my recollection of the exact verbal warning.

I remember the verbal warning and I remember being the one reporting bebita's response.

I do not remember whether it included any names or not.

The reason I previously said it did was because I did not expect bebita to either lie about his name being in it, or convincing himself that his name was in it. Clearly I was wrong to believe that he was telling the truth and was not confused.

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:22 am
by Clarkey
bebita wrote:
Easy^ wrote:Bebs you still didn't "quit" ? Ah wait you tried to play hide and seek but failed.

Damn, must be hard, even 5 year olds can play hide and seek :O

dear moderator(solus)
like is clear this forum user used my name and any answer i am doing is not consider it a spam and just his post
i am pressing nice and easy report button and i expect like i was warned him to be also warned for spamming this topic
thinking to become a moderator :D

I just wanted to point this out, because clearly you are still not grasping this issue.

Ok is Easy's post spam? - Yes

Now, you reported it via the "report" button, congratulations, well done, score!

However, you didn't just stop there did you. You followed it up by replying to the post that was considered spam.
Therefore you have now gone and spammed again. ](*,)

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:25 am
by Zeratul
editing will show up in the logs... we've tested it, and it is impossible to erase all traces, no matter what is done...

Re: DEAR "moderator"

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:38 am
by Zeratul
Locked on request, as issue is no longer an issue...