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Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:14 am
by deni
Dovahkiin wrote:Your stance is that life begins when a child takes it's first breath? Really? That is just plain retarded.

Calling someone's argument retarded is ... well, retarded.

The definition that life starts at birth is not to be easily shrugged off, no matter how retarded YOU think it is. After all, if you expect that a non-parasitic life form should be sustainable by their own, then life begins at birth as birth is the moment when a human should be able to perform all life necessary bodily functions on their own. It is a legit definition in my opinion (although I do not agree with it personally).

I do not know when life begins nor do I think there can be conclusive 'proof' - it is a definition and as every definition it just needs to be stated and not proven.

Considering that over a third of the zygotes do not manage to nidate and over 25% of the remaining zygotes who managed to nidate are flushed away in the first days/weeks after nidation, I would consider the definition that life starts at fertilizations a non viable one. If we consider that life starts in the moment of fertilization, then it would mean that statistically every fertile woman who had unprotected sex is a murderer - even if she never knew about the pregnancy - as many unnnoticed abortions in the first weeks of gestation occur due to women doing physical exercise, lack of progesterone (easily treatable), increase caffeine comsumption etc. With the exception of chromosomic factors that might trigger an abortion in the first weeks of gestation, almost all other factors are behaviour-based making - if the definition that life starts at the moment of fertilization is accepted - almost every fertile woman a murderer.

The high risk of abortion ends after the first trimester - about this time a pregnancy becomes more stable, the hormone storm in the woman's body calms down and the brain and neural pathways of the fetus begin to develop. I prefer the definition that life starts at this point - I could try to justify my positition with the fact that the neural cortex is built in the second trimester and the existence of it makes us the sentient beings we are, but as I said before, every definition is arbitrary and cannot be proven but just stated :)

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:47 am
by Psyko
deni wrote:I do not know when life begins nor do I think there can be conclusive 'proof' - it is a definition and as every definition it just needs to be stated and not proven.
Exactly what I was getting at, but much more succinct. :-)

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:44 am
deni wrote:The definition that life starts at birth is not to be easily shrugged off, no matter how retarded YOU think it is. After all, if you expect that a non-parasitic life form should be sustainable by their own, then life begins at birth as birth is the moment when a human should be able to perform all life necessary bodily functions on their own. It is a legit definition in my opinion (although I do not agree with it personally).

I agree the use of the word 'retarded' is inappropriate, inaccurate and insulting BUT.......

Sorry Deni, thats the first post you made that is nonsense, we may not know exactly when life becomes sentient, self aware, intelligent etc, but we can tell when it reacts to outside stimulus, and we can judge with some accuracy when it can be removed from the womb and survive......... it's varies on growth but is a long time before birth in most cases.

Birth is simply the natural point when independent body functions usually kick in ( not always ), babies can and do survive when removed artificially before birth.

Adults after injury or illness sometimes end up on 'life support machines' and recover, 'life support machines' are also used during some operations, we still consider these people to be alive, and the the life support coming from a biological instead of technological machine does alter that definition of life, life is still life even when not independent of support.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:14 am
by deni
I was pointing out, why the definition of life is not easily to be shrugged off as retarded. You might agree with it or not. I personally do not, as I think life begins earlier (yet not as early as conception or nidation) as stated in my post above.

You point out, that babies can be sustainable before birth, if being taken artificially out of the womb. No matter how a baby comes into this world - artifically or naturally - the moment that it is taken out of the womb IS called birth. Until it is born it depends on the mother in every way. Until the 23rd gestation week is completed, no machine can substitute the womb. :)

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:08 am
by Ashu
deni wrote:The definition that life starts at birth is not to be easily shrugged off, no matter how retarded YOU think it is. After all, if you expect that a non-parasitic life form should be sustainable by their own, then life begins at birth as birth is the moment when a human should be able to perform all life necessary bodily functions on their own. It is a legit definition in my opinion (although I do not agree with it personally).

It saddens me to tears that one might have such a conception on human life.
I believe that birth or conception happens before giving birth, once physically the child has been conceived.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:29 am
by Jack
deni wrote:The definition that life starts at birth is not to be easily shrugged off, no matter how retarded YOU think it is. After all, if you expect that a non-parasitic life form should be sustainable by their own, then life begins at birth as birth is the moment when a human should be able to perform all life necessary bodily functions on their own. It is a legit definition in my opinion (although I do not agree with it personally).

It is philosophical argument, one not based on medical science for the reasons Mezz has stated.

deni wrote:I do not know when life begins nor do I think there can be conclusive 'proof' - it is a definition and as every definition it just needs to be stated and not proven.

I agree that defining the moment life begins during a pregnancy is going to be a bit arbitrary, however, it clearly starts prior to birth.

I personally find the argument that life doesn't begin until breath, when the infant takes it's first breath outside the womb to be retard because it ignores the fact that the unborn child is breathing inside the womb, just not with it's own lungs. If you are going to claim that, while in the womb, the child can not be considered alive because it relies on the mother for oxygen, then anyone that has a cardiopulmonary bypass can not be considered alive while they are connected to the heart and lung machine. Not only do they rely on the heart and lung machine for oxygenated blood, they also rely on it for pumping the blood through out the body in place of the heart. This logic can be extended to anyone that has to rely on any machine to survive, such as an artificial lung, or pacemaker. It can even be applied to those using an oxygen tank while scuba diving and astronauts in space.

deni wrote:Considering that over a third of the zygotes do not manage to nidate and over 25% of the remaining zygotes who managed to nidate are flushed away in the first days/weeks after nidation, I would consider the definition that life starts at fertilizations a non viable one. If we consider that life starts in the moment of fertilization, then it would mean that statistically every fertile woman who had unprotected sex is a murderer - even if she never knew about the pregnancy - as many unnnoticed abortions in the first weeks of gestation occur due to women doing physical exercise, lack of progesterone (easily treatable), increase caffeine comsumption etc. With the exception of chromosomic factors that might trigger an abortion in the first weeks of gestation, almost all other factors are behaviour-based making - if the definition that life starts at the moment of fertilization is accepted - almost every fertile woman a murderer.

Your reasoning for why life doesn't begin at conception is based on practicality, but ignores basic tenants of law. Specifically mens rea. The circumstances which you list can not be murder. At the very most, they could be defined as involuntary manslaughter. It is true that if law defined life as starting at conception, it would be a hotly debated topic as to whether or not those acts constitute a high degree of negligence(the requirement for involuntary manslaughter). Some people would take the absolute route and argue that anytime a woman has unprotected sex, she should consider herself pregnant until such a time as it can be proven that she is not and therefore should take appropriate precautions. Others would argue that would be utterly ridiculous and completely impractical. This actually intrigues me. :-k

deni wrote:The high risk of abortion ends after the first trimester - about this time a pregnancy becomes more stable, the hormone storm in the woman's body calms down and the brain and neural pathways of the fetus begin to develop. I prefer the definition that life starts at this point - I could try to justify my positition with the fact that the neural cortex is built in the second trimester and the existence of it makes us the sentient beings we are, but as I said before, every definition is arbitrary and cannot be proven but just stated :)

You're right that it would be arbitrary, defining when life begins is going to be a philosophical discussion, but atleast this argument is based somewhat on medical science rather than just being purely philosophical. The argument that life begins at birth when the infant takes it's first breath might have worked a hundred years ago, but it doesn't really fly these days. The argument that the bible supports this belief is just a sign of ignorance regarding the bible. It ignores the fact that Adam, up until God breaths life into him, is nothing more than clay. Once God breaths 'the breath of life' into him, he then became flesh and blood.

6But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

If you want to argue it any other way, it's going to require quite a stretch. You will have to assume that the clay instantly turns to flesh, that the heart begins to beat and the man starts to breath before God imparts 'the breath of life' thus giving him a soul.

The body requires oxygenated blood, without oxygen the body will die. So Adam had to have been breathing before God gave him a soul by breathing into his nostrils. But at anyrate, for this to be the case, it would require divine intervention at every birth. Certainly not a stretch if you believe in God. Maybe it is the case, maybe this is why gingers don't have souls.

In fact, I like this argument. I'm going to say that life begins at birth because it is at that point that God gives the infant a soul. Gingers do not have souls because God hates gingers and can not be bothered giving them one when they are born. :-D

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:30 am
deni wrote:I was pointing out, why the definition of life is not easily to be shrugged off as retarded. You might agree with it or not. I personally do not, as I think life begins earlier (yet not as early as conception or nidation) as stated in my post above.

You point out, that babies can be sustainable before birth, if being taken artificially out of the womb. No matter how a baby comes into this world - artifically or naturally - the moment that it is taken out of the womb IS called birth. Until it is born it depends on the mother in every way. Until the 23rd gestation week is completed, no machine can substitute the womb. :)

I hate playing with semantics but Birth can mean a few things depending on the context, technically 'The Birth of a baby' means it's emergence from the mother, naturally, induced or via Z-Section, but Birth is also used to describe the start of something, and to 'Give Birth' usually refers natural birth.

On technological machines being no substitute for the biological machine which is the womb.... well to a degree they can be, hence the use of incubators for temperature control, respirators to assist with breathing if lungs are underdeveloped, being tube fed, drugs to assist immune deficiencies and even blood pumps in extreme cases. Of course technology can do everything.... YET, at the moment it has limits but it can take over at earlier and earlier stages as the tech advances.

I think your right about the 23 weeks, of course that varies on growth and development, but remember thats 4 months early !!! Imagine what will be achievable in the future, will mothers eventually get the option of transferring babies to artificial wombs after 1 or 2 months ??? And if so will the definition of life be changed ??? Could you really abort a baby when these options arrive in the future, will the people of the future look back on abortions in this era as barbaric ?

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:30 pm
by Zeratul
technology that can do some of the tasks necessary for a fetus to survive exists. technology that can do all of them properly at the same time, is still theoretical. It is a good concept, but just that... A concept...

It is quite possible that one of the earliest uses of such technology post-development would be for some nation/group to use to grow the "ideal" army.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:10 am
by [KMA]Avenger
As far as abortion is concerned, where do we draw the line? what i mean is, it's ALWAYS the thin end of the wedge. the argument for pro-abortionists goes something like this "well, we can kill a foetus up to X amount of days, we should NOW be able to kill babies up to 3 years of age". see this link for details: viewtopic.php?f=167&t=190552

But nobody wants to face the cold hard fact that abortion IS murder...PERIOD! the cold reality is that once you allow abortion there is no limit to what people further down the road will demand. I'm a farther of 3 and was present at all 3 of my sons births, i wouldn't trade those memories for ANY amount of wealth...not for the whole universe!!! having a child is a blessing beyond anything people who do not have children-can imagine.

I say this as a farther...if you don't have children you should not be allowed to have an opinion on abortion...sorry if that upsets any of you but i'm sick of people throwing this topic around like it's a frisbee, a topic worthy of everybody's input regardless if they have experience in what they are talking abourt or not.

This link is NOT for the faint of heart. the cold hard reality of abortion coming to a country near you: ... olicy.html

FYI, the author of the article-Paul Joseph Watson-is married to a Chinese woman.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:40 am
by Angnoch
Ok the article is an almost laughable matter considering just how angry she is, I mean really there is no need for such venom a properly worded argument where a person keeps their cool is far more likely to be taken seriously than a rant about the unfairness of the world.

The being said I am not entirely against abortions until a certain point, as i have no scientific data to prove when a mass of cells officially comes to life I would use the sadly simplified version of if there is a heartbeat it is alive. I believe strongly that a woman has just as much right to choose what happens to the unborn child as a man, it takes two to tango, and the responsibility is not on just one of the parents.

A 1v1 question where something as important as bringing another life into this world is obviously a weak point, but as no one else truly has a say in the matter it is what is necessary. Seeing as we cannot value one person over another as that is not a valid legal stance we are going to have to deal with an over flawed population struggling to do what they do best which is argue.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:35 am
by Psyko
New news on the abortion front. Arizona passes 3 new bills, including one which determines gestational age. ... _ref=false

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:44 pm
by Jack
Shouldn't that be up to 2 weeks before conception? Either way, it sounds stupid.

Re: 10 Reasons The World Thinks The US Is Crazy Re: Abortion

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:28 pm
deni wrote:
Dovahkiin wrote:Your stance is that life begins when a child takes it's first breath? Really? That is just plain retarded.

Calling someone's argument retarded is ... well, retarded.

The definition that life starts at birth is not to be easily shrugged off, no matter how retarded YOU think it is. After all, if you expect that a non-parasitic life form should be sustainable by their own, then life begins at birth as birth is the moment when a human should be able to perform all life necessary bodily functions on their own. It is a legit definition in my opinion (although I do not agree with it personally).

I do not know when life begins nor do I think there can be conclusive 'proof' - it is a definition and as every definition it just needs to be stated and not proven.

Considering that over a third of the zygotes do not manage to nidate and over 25% of the remaining zygotes who managed to nidate are flushed away in the first days/weeks after nidation, I would consider the definition that life starts at fertilizations a non viable one. If we consider that life starts in the moment of fertilization, then it would mean that statistically every fertile woman who had unprotected sex is a murderer - even if she never knew about the pregnancy - as many unnnoticed abortions in the first weeks of gestation occur due to women doing physical exercise, lack of progesterone (easily treatable), increase caffeine comsumption etc. With the exception of chromosomic factors that might trigger an abortion in the first weeks of gestation, almost all other factors are behaviour-based making - if the definition that life starts at the moment of fertilization is accepted - almost every fertile woman a murderer.

The high risk of abortion ends after the first trimester - about this time a pregnancy becomes more stable, the hormone storm in the woman's body calms down and the brain and neural pathways of the fetus begin to develop. I prefer the definition that life starts at this point - I could try to justify my positition with the fact that the neural cortex is built in the second trimester and the existence of it makes us the sentient beings we are, but as I said before, every definition is arbitrary and cannot be proven but just stated :)

i would call that involentary man slaughter at best (though i dont think an unknowing mom doing a bit of excercise should be to blame