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Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:01 pm
by Kikaz
Tetris was the one that went public with it, after they got banned. lol

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:26 pm
by dark lord tacoma
ive been told by Tetrismonkey

SS did not leak information to the general public. Fact. Earendil only leaked after his account was deleted. Fact. The deletion of SS, Earendil and myself was due to me suposivly "inciting a riot". That is false. I PM

I PM'ed the staff and ASKED them to walk out with me to make a point to Admin Jason about the unfairness of SS and Earendils ban. Once those PMs were sent out, I began sending PMs to active users to inform them of Z and his corruption. Which BTW, I did not specificly say he did anything, but merly the evidence that supported it. They made up there own mind and a few sent back PMs saying he was

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:37 pm
by Remedy™
Juliette wrote:After the boss rejects your 'complaint' and you go public with it, the boss has a great case. ;)

Jim wrote:
Sniperblackout wrote:Comparing this game to how the FBI would work is a bit of a stretch... I understand the point you're trying to make though.

However, if someone at your work place is doing something against policies and when you bring it up to your boss, they fire you... That boss will be looking at a lawsuit he can't possibly win. So, not exactly how it works in the workplace either.


Jim agreeing with somebody over Senpai. I'm not sure if its me or Senpai that has gone mad.

Not exactly. This is similar to a situation where you have a legitimate case and your boss turns it down. So, you move to fellow employees asking them to stand up, showing that what's happening is wrong and the boss needs to know. If you fired that employee, you'd still be looking at a lawsuit. One you're likely to lose.

Edit: I'd also like to include that I never said he was fired. I only used the analogy of someone in that situation. Stepping down as say... a manager or something would fit better.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:07 pm
by semper
Godda do everything ourselves.. don't we.... *mumbles*


Comparing it to the FBI using the word 'like' is not saying the same as, but saying alike. The point is to highlight a situation wherein 'classified' information meant for a specific pay grade would be leaked by party A, which were then caught thus resulting in party A being punished. In no way would any sane person ever actually consider this and leaking national security issues as one and the same, now lets leave our 'focus on a blatantly ridiculous thing' hats at the door? mmmmk? Thanks...

Secondly, you go and abuse any of your powers or authority at work (in this specific case it was access to above the general receivers pay grade information being given away) and see how you're punished. In the UK it's called gross mis-conduct and it is one of two, three things you can be summarily dismissed for without warning. No, SS and Eary did not get fired from their position as admins, they got fired from their positions of privileged within the community.

Thirdly, you're missing the point (what a surprise.. :roll: ). So they did not leak info to the public whilst they were admins. They resigned their role, THEN used information they had to try and create a smear campaign with the blue mods (THIS IS FACT) calling for rebellion in one case and I have that from the horses mouth! So no! You don't get to do these things without being punished! That's what Earendil did to me when I did it, that is what SS silently sat by and let him, Zera and Bazsy do to me when they did what they did to me and that's what happened to them. THEN they went and continued to spread it, which Jason was more than aware of so they got deleted, it happened in a very short amount of time so it looks like they were deleted first and never banned but I saw screen shots of the ban message.

The point.. my oh so dear community is that this is what y'all wanted. Every one of you that endorsed the last three years of this abysmal administration from Deni being a GM and higher, to continually sitting by with the likes of Jack, Zeratul and Earnedil at the helm. Every time one of you skipped by to apply for being a mod you back up this attitude of ruthless punishment without ANY reproach and now it's happened to your closer friends, now you sit there a **Filtered** and moan about it. :smt042

What did they do wrong? They peed off the man with the power. Is that not a good enough reason Eary? SS? It was good enough for them to punish others and make decisions from a biased standpoint and now it's been brought down on the entire forum team and community like a ton of bricks, it's because of them you have mods like Haz running around. They became exactly what they wanted to stop in Zeratul, people with power who abused it. So no, i've not gone mad... once again i'm trying to explain to you all at the conclusion the lesson your poor choices should have taught you to begin with before we reached this point of it being too late to change anything.

SS is ultimately not to blame for half of what went on but changing colours and being stubborn is a different kettle of fish to undermining the owner of the game.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:52 pm
by Empy
Semper wrote:They resigned their role, THEN used information they had to try and create a smear campaign with the blue mods (THIS IS FACT) calling for rebellion in one case and I have that from the horses mouth! So no! You don't get to do these things without being punished!
I don't know what your definition of a smear campaign is, but I don't agree that they tried to create one. They also did not in any terms, ever, call for a rebellion. Tetrismonkey did, and we're not talking about him.

Semper wrote:THEN they went and continued to spread it, which Jason was more than aware of so they got deleted, it happened in a very short amount of time so it looks like they were deleted first and never banned but I saw screen shots of the ban message.
They did not continue to spread it. They never spread it in the first place. If you think this is the case then you're free to present evidence, of which I know none exists.

Semper wrote:What did they do wrong? They peed off the man with the power. Is that not a good enough reason Eary? SS? It was good enough for them to punish others and make decisions from a biased standpoint and now it's been brought down on the entire forum team and community like a ton of bricks, it's because of them you have mods like Haz running around. They became exactly what they wanted to stop in Zeratul, people with power who abused it. So no, i've not gone mad... once again i'm trying to explain to you all at the conclusion the lesson your poor choices should have taught you to begin with before we reached this point of it being too late to change anything.
How did they ever abuse their power, or make decisions from a biased standpoint?

You make many bold claims about them, but I see you do not provide any proof that your claims can actually be substantiated. It seems to me you are simply echoing what Jason has falsely claimed about them.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:54 pm
by Loki™
Everyone still on the staff sucks. End of story.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:46 pm
by Bromas
Loki™ wrote:Everyone still on the staff sucks. End of story.

Well screw you too.

Personally, reinstating SS would be a good idea, I do not know that much, but I would if I was in J's shoes. However, I do not feel that SS would want to take the position anymore

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:49 pm
by dark lord tacoma
Bromas wrote:
Loki™ wrote:Everyone still on the staff sucks. End of story.

Well screw you too.

Personally, reinstating SS would be a good idea, I do not know that much, but I would if I was in J's shoes. However, I do not feel that SS would want to take the position anymore

he doesnt want a position he left the team of his own accord,
but he should get his account and forum account back and a apolagy from jason for over reacting

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:07 am
by Jack
Forum wrote:The forum has become exclusionary, bullying and has resulted in large chunks of the game community not wanting to come here. I do not want the official game forum to be for some group and its friends.

You're right, there is bullying. But it's not from the mods, it's from your chosen few. Those you protect. They bully and threaten people in game, anyone that says anything they don't like, they immediately take it in game.

The mod team, however, does not do this. Almost all of us have, at one time or another, defended someone or lots of someones we do not like. We have supported mod applicants that we have considered enemies because we believed they might do a good job and decided to give them a chance. You of course will not see this, since you only listen to a select few, you do not read the mod forums and you don't actively engage with the mods.

According to your logic, I wouldn't have supported Tetris for mod, nor Clarkey, nor EvilEvi(I don't know him). Yet, I have supported every last one. I have also defended Clarkey and Tet at times.

Semper wrote:Wah wah, my ego was bruised so now I have a bone to pick. Wah wah.

Would you like some French cheese with that whine? The only person actively trying to smear anyone here, Semper, is you. Truth is, your ego got bruised when you were fired. Let it go. Your FBI analogy doesn't hold muster, if someone is violating policy you have an obligation to take it up the chain, if that proves fruitless, you have an obligation to take it public. So unless you believe that they had an obligation to take their grievances public, then I wouldn't use that analogy if I were you. ;)

Juliette wrote:Image


Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:15 pm
by semper
Semper wrote:Wah wah, my ego was bruised so now I have a bone to pick. Wah wah.

Would you like some French cheese with that whine? The only person actively trying to smear anyone here, Semper, is you. Truth is, your ego got bruised when you were fired. Let it go. Your FBI analogy doesn't hold muster, if someone is violating policy you have an obligation to take it up the chain, if that proves fruitless, you have an obligation to take it public. So unless you believe that they had an obligation to take their grievances public, then I wouldn't use that analogy if I were you. ;)

Juliette wrote:Image


My ego was not bruised so much as in my own personal opinion I was betrayed by people I thought were friends, people who stood by and let people who were not so friendly strip me of things they had asked me to be, which in turn made me bitter about the entire forum team. So it's not a bruised ego, it's wounded trust that has festered and turned to hatred. At the end of the day I am still human and can be hurt by other people no matter how mean, condescending and ruthless I can be. No man is bullet proof... it's nice to see however that the 'idea' of Semper, the egocentric monster still holds some strength.

You have an obligation to take it to the public? That's some awfully faulty logic there Jackypoo. Such things are personal preferences. In your so very odd opinion it would impose obligation, in mine it would not, in Jason's it would not and i'm sure in the eyes of the US government it would not either and in the case of the example and this situation that is what matters. So yes, yes it does hold muster.

Smear campaign? Please... if you consider this a smear campaign you have no idea what a campaign is.

C'mon Jack... these arguments are so pathetic I struggled to find the care to reply. I did purely to make the point that you might have my colour, you might like to try and be me with your 'arguments' and 'evilness' but you'll never, ever be me, better than me, or even half as good, kid.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:25 pm
by Jack
Semper wrote:My ego was not bruised so much as in my own personal opinion I was betrayed by people I thought were friends, people who stood by and let people who were not so friendly strip me of things they had asked me to be, which in turn made me bitter about the entire forum team. So it's not a bruised ego, it's wounded trust that has festered and turned to hatred. At the end of the day I am still human and can be hurt by other people no matter how mean, condescending and ruthless I can be. No man is bullet proof... it's nice to see however that the 'idea' of Semper, the egocentric monster still holds some strength.

So you admit to holding a grudge. Proves my point, thanks!

Semper wrote:You have an obligation to take it to the public? That's some awfully faulty logic there Jackypoo. Such things are personal preferences. In your so very odd opinion it would impose obligation, in mine it would not, in Jason's it would not and i'm sure in the eyes of the US government it would not either and in the case of the example and this situation that is what matters. So yes, yes it does hold muster.

I didn't say we had any obligations, I said those in official government positions are obligated to blow the whistle on policy violators, that they are obligated to take their issues up the chain until they are resolved. If you are an FBI agent, you take it to your lead agent. If your lead agent covers it up, you take it to their lead agent/deputy director/whatever, if they ignore it you take it to the director, if they ignore it you keep going up until you reach the ultimate boss of the FBI, the people.

There is a massive difference between what I said, which specifically included a line about how your analogy is wrong unless your saying we are obligated to take these matters public. and what you claim I said.

Semper wrote:Smear campaign? Please... if you consider this a smear campaign you have no idea what a campaign is.

I never used the word campaign. :-"

Semper wrote:C'mon Jack... these arguments are so pathetic I struggled to find the care to reply. I did purely to make the point that you might have my colour, you might like to try and be me with your 'arguments' and 'evilness' but you'll never, ever be me, better than me, or even half as good, kid.

More proof of your over inflated ego. It's actually kind of cute, really. You think you are the bees knees, the greatest thing since sliced bread. Guess what, you're not. It's actually circles right back to my earlier statement about how your pride has been wounded, so you feel the need to lash out. You see, you thought you'd make the greatest supermod ever, but ultimately you got fired. This wounded your pride, anything that wounds a person's pride is something that person is going to view as an insult. You have already admitted that you feel insulted.

To be honest, I have no desire to be you, to be like your or to be 'as good as you.' Actually, it would seem as though you see something in me to be admired, you are attempting to elevate yourself by living in my shadow. You compare yourself to me a lot, but always claim you are so much better. You try to stand on my shoulders, but in the end all you're doing is living in my shadow.

However, I have no need to enter an ego battle with you. I know my accomplishments, I am happy with them. I do not need external validation or worship. Of course it is pleasant when it does occur, after all I am fairly egotistical. It's just not something I require.

And with all that stated, I do respect you Semper, I just don't worship you nor look upto you.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:34 am
by Clarkey
Wow, makes my "incident" seem like a splash in the ocean.

This time last year I would have laughed if admin deleted Tetrismonkey's forum account, but no, it's not funny. Why delete his account along with all his posts? Why delete Earendil and SS along with him? Would a permaban not have sufficed for them all?

I don't care what caused all this, I really don't. But, the only reason Forum has to go to the lengths of deleting an entire account is to show everyone the power that he has and the sort of bully he is. Believe me, I did the same thing. If he wanted to shut them up then he would have just permabanned them.

I believe Forum has finally ignited the match that will eventually burn this community down. And all I can say is thank you for finally burning any reasons for my presence here. I bid you all farewell.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:11 am
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
I heard some rumor that Admin Jason was going to try and recover a year-old version of SuperSaiyan's posts... any progress on this? ](*,)

as for the rest of the petty squabbling here:

yea, that's exactly what SuperSaiyan would have wanted if he still cared.

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:50 am
by BenjaminMS
*shoots Dubby for necroing*

He already has done so...
And SS left permanently (well, permanently is relative with this game seeing as how much people return after some time)

Re: Please reinstate SuperSaiyan

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:54 am
by Empy
BenjaminMS wrote:He already has done so...
No he hasn't