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Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:03 pm
by Sol
will post it here as well...

sol (ID 5057): That is, die over turn change, it can go down briefly.
2013-07-22 17:02:08
sol (ID 5057): if you hit 1 LF you will DIE.
2013-07-22 17:01:58
sol (ID 5057): ok, there marks the point where WE ARE ALL infected. Sierena has killed off two people, which means everyone must be infected now.

Unless someone purges and heals themselves Sierena will start killing off more when they are down to 1 lf.

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:09 pm
by Sol
Mathlord wrote:For the record, logging in from another ip solves the problem of being stuck out of the tournament...just means I can't log onto my multi (even though it's out of the tourny) for the rest of the night...
Multi should be ok now.

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:17 pm
by Caprila
It was a long train journey :)

Noticing an empty alcove along the corrdior, she backed into it, taking a moment to rest. It had been a long day so far, and promised to be a longer night. Not one inch of her body remained unscathed, she ached in ways she'd forgotten she could. In many ways, she was beginning to regret signing up to this tournament.

She'd barely scratched the surface in understanding the way ascended battle now took place. But in this tournament, all the rules had been turned on their heads. The tournament overseer had assured her everything would be explained in the datapad, but after several readings, it remained little more than a list of unrelated numbers to her. The ship, was something she never could have anticipated. That initial room, finding it filled with both friends and enemies alike had been disconcerting. Even the discovery they could no longer harm each other, hadn't stopped the infighting and suspicion. Within minutes of the start, everyone had gone their own way, determined that they'd be the one to figure this tournament out alone.

Caprila, had unfortunately done the same. She'd tried to keep out of direct combat, to avoid and study what was happening, in a hope to better understand it. This ship was old, and it had countless reduntant ducts, corridors and rooms no longer seeming to be in use.

Nothing stopped her hearing the screams.

The tournament overseer had warned them, that ascended beings such as themselves, wouldn't be the only ones onboard. She'd spotted some of them, moving through the corridors, slinking from one shadow to the next. She knew her power was weak in this place, and largely tried to avoid them. The few times she'd tried to siphon their power, it had ended badly, with her running for her life.

It was during one of those moments, breath heaving as she crouched behind a locked door, she had turned, and met another ascended being. He didn't look familiar to her, and her first instinct made her reach for the sword she no longer carried. He crouched, panting from a run of his own behind another locked door. Perhaps it was this mirroring that amused him, but he grinned at her, draining the hostility from the moment. They moved through the ship, trying to assess how many of them were left. After the initial rush, this man had explained to her they needed to work in teams, to try and eliminate these 'other creatures'. Alone, they could easily be picked off, either by the infection that burned through them, or by the creatures here. Together, they could support and protect one another. Once they started looking for signs, it became easy to meet up with others. After such a harrowing first day, most were all to happy to group up.

Sat in one of the dimly lit storage rooms, they shared experiences. The flickering ground lights provided an eerie backdrop to these, although tales of the 'Butcher' needed no embellishments.

The most powerful of all the creatures that hunted them, the Butcher towered above all. Those that had seen him, saw a towering creature from hell, built of rippling black muscle. Its huge fists smashed through walls and skulls alike, and their weapons had no affect on it's tough hide. It seemed to have but one weakness. It's large frame prevented it from following them into the tiny air ducts, and as long as one kept silent, and kept moving, you could live to fight another day. Anyone that had tried their luck against him so far, had fallen to him.

There was much indecision between the last survivors. The plague burned through them, and they knew that with time, they'd only become weaker. Some had been saved by the sharing of their lifeforce, but they couldn't keep it up forever. Some thought the butcher would fall if enough of them struck him simultaneously, others wanted to elimiate the smaller creatures first; some wanted only to evade and survive.

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:55 pm
by Sol
Very nice ;)

Seems like we only have the sovs, brothers and butcher left :P

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:25 pm
by Clockwork
I assume everybody is meant to die in this, because looking at the attack logs for people hitting the butcher, we have nothing that can kill him.

I've not yet found an airlock I can blast him out of, that's for sure :P

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:32 pm
by Sol
Clockwork wrote:I assume everybody is meant to die in this, because looking at the attack logs for people hitting the butcher, we have nothing that can kill him.

I've not yet found an airlock I can blast him out of, that's for sure :P
Ya, I have said that everywhere multiple times :P, you can't win, you can just stay alive a little longer.

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:55 pm
by SVaRuN
We can, however, give them all, some of that human resistance.

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:30 pm
by Sol
Well so far you haven't done too bad, ~ 3 days in and about half are dead...I would probably give a good few days worth of farming dmu from that. Maybe not so much for theses suiciders :P

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:54 am
by SVaRuN
The guys outside are able to farm 20-30Q of DMU per turn and mostly those are people who were in this tournament at some point. :)

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:02 pm
by Z E R O
Someone killed the last sovereign? :(

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:29 pm
by Clockwork
yes, sadly they got bored..

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:01 pm
by SVaRuN
as did the Butcher who has broken his "rule" of not attacking those who are active every so while...

Rules of engagment have changed and we have to act until there is time

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:19 pm
by Sol
SVaRuN wrote:as did the Butcher who has broken his "rule" of not attacking those who are active every so while...

Rules of engagment have changed and we have to act until there is time
Sign that he will start his rampage soon. Everyone is infected, no point keeping them alive :P

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:35 pm
by Sanguis Sicarius

Re: Tournament 11: Plague!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:42 pm
by Sol
SVaRuN wrote:as did the Butcher who has broken his "rule" of not attacking those who are active every so while...

Rules of engagment have changed and we have to act until there is time
Mind you, 'active' is arbitrary. Could be 48 hrs, 24, 1, 2,3 anything really.