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Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:25 pm
by WhiteyDude
[17:24:34] <+Juggalo> who is the n00b?
[17:24:39] <~Xavier> me
[17:24:46] <+Juggalo> oh ok



Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:31 pm
by WhiteyDude
[17:28:18] <%Kasket> how do you get a nun pregnant
[17:28:43] * Whitey sets mode: +b *!*
[17:28:44] * Kasket was kicked by Whitey (this ISNT #how-to-get-a-nun-pregnant [kicks:3124] [permban])

I then joined #how-to-get-a-nun-pregnant...

[17:28:46] * Whitey joined #how-to-get-a-nun-pregnant
[17:29:04] * Whitey changes topic to 'LMAO - i cant belive you joined (Xavier will join here)'
[17:30:07] * Xavier ( joined #how-to-get-a-nun-pregnant
[17:30:13] <@Whitey> lmao
[17:30:13] <Xavier> :)
[17:30:14] <@Whitey> i knew it



Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:45 pm
by ~Phoenix~
A very funny one that happened today :)

<Gala> A joke ! How do you make Gatedialer shut up? close the iris !
<Gatedialer> lmao
<Gatedialer> the iris dosn't make me shut up
<Gatedialer> the iris does not block radio waves
<Gala> good thing u talk bullsh*t then

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:07 pm
by Gatedialer
Gala wrote:A very funny one that happened today :)

<Gala> A joke ! How do you make Gatedialer shut up? close the iris !
<Gatedialer> lmao
<Gatedialer> the iris dosn't make me shut up
<Gatedialer> the iris does not block radio waves
<Gala> good thing u talk bullsh*t then

:D :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:47 pm
by BombedDeer
I have a feeling the good days will end, I've been kicked for a couple of days becuase I said crap, I mean Psi told me too, who am I to disobey an admin?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:55 pm
by Kirklandkie
WhiteyDude wrote:[11:09:32] <+Admire_The_Whitey> all hail whitey
[11:09:39] <+Admire_The_Whitey> admire the whitey!!!
[11:09:42] <Admire_the_Pants> All wear pants!
[11:09:51] <+Admire_The_Whitey> and whitey
[11:09:52] <Admire_the_Dee> all nade pants!
[11:09:55] <+Admire_The_Whitey> and whitey
[11:10:00] <+Admire_The_Whitey> with whitey
[11:10:03] <+Admire_The_Whitey> lol
[11:10:16] * Admire_The_Whitey is now known as Whiteys_Assistant
[11:10:20] <+Whiteys_Assistant> all hail him
[11:10:40] <Admire_the_Dee> whitey's_First_Prime?
[11:10:48] <+Whiteys_Assistant> yes!!!
[11:10:57] <~Whitey> oh dear
[11:11:25] <Admire_the_Dee> well whitey, i leave you to the mess i started
[11:11:51] * Admire_the_Pants is now known as Whiteys_Plumber
[11:11:57] <~Whitey> o_O
[11:11:59] <Whiteys_Plumber> Whitey craps too much.
[11:12:03] <~Whitey> ...
[11:12:05] <+Whiteys_Assistant> lol
[11:12:11] * Whitey sets mode: +b *Whitey*!*@*
[11:12:14] * Whitey sets mode: -v Whiteys_Assistant

All muted.... weirdos :P.

EDIT: I just realised Psi posted this...this ones the full version :P


hey i was "whiteys_assistant" yay i've been recognised!! now un-bann me


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:36 am
by Im so pretty..o so pretty
LOL, one day, my quotes shall be in this fourm *cough*Xavier*cough*


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:49 pm
by Xavier
After an incredible lay off, the quotes have returned. :D

<Lindstorm> I'm not etl
<Nuto_vixen> LMAO
<Gala> lol
<Nuto_vixen> really?
<Nuto_vixen> can you pretend for a while
<Nuto_vixen> ?

<kirk> ok cool
<kirk> i have a newbie officer
<kirk> i bet you are jelious

* StarGate768 has joined #StarGateWars
<Agapooka> hello
<Agapooka> Are YOU from Lichtenstein?
<Agapooka> Yes, that's right, I'm talking to YOU StarGate768

* Esker has quit IRC (Quit: Good Night Dee :) The rest of you, pffffft....... well Xavier, you're cool. But the rest of you pfffffft... well I guess foreigner isn't that bad. But the rest of you pfffffft....)
<Dianalyn> <3 Esker
<Dianalyn> <3

<+Balding> we kill borg dead. No borg allowed
<Simon> come on, i just loved how aerodynamic their ships were
<Balding> Aerodynamic? They are cubes
<Simon> and their comedy nights rocked

* EtL has joined #StarGateWars
<Nuto_vixen> LMAO
<Nuto_vixen> speak of the devil
<EtL> u mean GOD right!
<Nuto_vixen> no, Jake is god
<RepliJake> hey*
<Nuto_vixen> you're too late etl
* EtL is now known as TrueGod

<Kasket> uu
<Kasket> WTH is uu
<Kasket> uu= a measument smaller than MM

<Kasket> my bologna has a second name its
<Kasket> m
<Kasket> a
<Kasket> y
<Kasket> e
<Kasket> r
<Kasket> cause oscar myer has a way
<Kasket> with
<Kasket> B-o-l-o-g-n-a
* Kasket was kicked by Whitey (...I can't even begin to think of a kick message to compare to your idiocity [kicks:3125] [2 second ban])

<Atticus> wats the text command for kicking?
<Xavier> its /quit nick reason
<Xavier> :)
* Atticus has quit IRC (Quit: Simon haha u get no HOP!)
* StarGate533 has joined #StarGateWars
* StarGate533 is now known as Atticus
<Atticus> screw u prod!
<Atticus> lol
<Xavier> rofl
<Atticus> :s
<Atticus> dammit

<Gala> there once was a guy called jake, that stood on rake, it sprung in his air, mucked up his hear, and knocked him into a lake
<Gala> read that !
<Gala> thats well funny
<Gala> jus made that up from scratch :d

<NobodyImportant> hahaha
<NobodyImportant> Xavier has MPD
<GenLucky> Nothing wrong with that so long as he don't start answering his own questions
<NobodyImportant> hahahaha
* NobodyImportant has been kicked by Xavier (Therefore it doesn't matter right?)

<Habib> how do i join

<Dianalyns_unborn_Baby> oOo, xavy's back
* Habib gives Dianalyn an abortion and Dianalyns_unborn_Baby diesss

<prod> anyone know of ways to get quick money
<Gala> sell your arm
<Gala> on e-bay
<Gala> or a kidney :)
<prod> how much are they worth
<Gala> 50 quid
<prod> thats not a lot :(
<Gala> 50 grand
<Gala> people wuld by it ya kno
<Gala> if ya put ur arm on e-bay people will bid
<Xavier> ill bid :D
<Gala> some guy put a kidney there and doctors bid on it or somin

<Gala> Q: What is the difference between a dog and a fox?
<Gala> A: About five drinks.
<@prod> lol
<Gala> i think the people who wrote these drunk jokes wer drunk when they did it

* Gatedialer is away, sleep time :/ me no want to go to sleep (pager: Off/logging: On) If you need to tell me something URGENT query me and type your message. It will be reviewed later. :)
* Xavier is away, murdering Gatedialer in his sleep time (pager: non existent/logging: On) If you need to stab Gatedialer then please wait your turn unless it is URGENT.

<Xavier> everyone was a noobie once except nfsnobody

<prod> is it strange that im having cravings for some alphabetty spaghetti/spaghetti hoops?
<Xavier> yes.
<Xavier> !addquote <prod> is it strange that im having cravings for some alphabetty spaghetti/spaghetti hoops?
<Guest5652> LOL
<prod> i thought so too
<Guest5652> prod..
* Guest5652 is now known as Habib
<prod> haha theres no quote bot noob!!!!
<Xavier> but there is a log ;)
<Habib> Ahhh

There are so many more saved...
but I really can't be bothered formatting so many at once...

At least Habib should be happy now! :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:01 pm
by Nuto vixen
Good selection there Xavier :)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:03 pm
by PrOdiGy
xavier you are a sad little man.........a sad little ginger man

whitey, your turn

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:04 pm
by Im so pretty..o so pretty
lmao Nice selection you got there Xavier..I esspecially like it where it has my name ;)

But you forgot this one!!

<+Habib> twould be cool
<+Habib> haha
<~Xavier> mmm twould
<+Habib> lol
<+Habib> it would..
<~Xavier> i know ..
<~Xavier> what twould means...
<~Xavier> im stupid but not THAT stupid


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:04 pm
by Dianalyn
Hilarious! <3 ya Xavier! Good work! MORE!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:10 am
by WhiteyDude
[17:59:26] * TheSoupNazi ( joined the channel
[17:59:31] * George ( joined the channel
[17:59:41] <George> Excuse me... I didn't get any bread
[17:59:43] <TheSoupNazi> $1 Extra
[17:59:47] <George> But... The guy before me got it for free...
[17:59:50] <TheSoupNazi> You want Bread?
[17:59:54] <George> Yes please if I coul...
[17:59:59] * TheSoupNazi snatches Soup
[18:00:02] <TheSoupNazi> No Soup for you!
[18:00:03] <TheSoupNazi> You come back.. 1 year!
[18:00:10] * Parts: TheSoupNazi (
[18:00:12] * Parts: George (

I got bored and though I'd make some clones :D.


Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:11 am
by Psi Kiya Trist
yeah, that is kind've funny...

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:14 am
by WhiteyDude
[18:11:12] <~Xavier> Ok guys, be the first to repeat without spaces for a prize: The Pen Is Blue.
[18:11:35] <+LichKing> TehPenlsBlue
[18:11:46] <+Habib> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:01] <~nfsnobody> thepenisblue
[18:12:07] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:18] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:18] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:18] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:19] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:20] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:20] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:20] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:20] <~nfsnobody> ThePenIsBlue
[18:12:23] <+Habib> SPAM
[18:12:24] <+Habib> and eggs
[18:12:25] <~nfsnobody> wheres my damn prize?
[18:12:27] <+LichKing> hey whrz is my prize
[18:12:32] <+Habib> I said it first
[18:12:35] <~nfsnobody> pfft
[18:12:38] <~nfsnobody> no you didnt Habib
[18:12:40] <+LichKing> i was first
[18:12:42] <%GenLucky> Xavier said the prize was a wet kiss
[18:12:47] <%GenLucky> from himself
[18:12:47] <~Xavier> ..........
[18:12:48] <~nfsnobody> ahh
[18:12:49] <~nfsnobody> Habib won
[18:12:50] <~nfsnobody> Habib won
[18:12:50] <~nfsnobody> Habib won
