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Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:09 am
by PIP33

I'm new on forum and quite new to the game. 3 days now.

I am Tauri ofcourse. Who should i attack? Can i attack anyone (Tauri,Asgard,Replicators,Goa'uld) or i shouldn't attack other tauri?

Whats with the alpha sites? What do i do with them? I noticed i can deposit some naq there,but it is limited. Do they have any other purpose?

I'm still learning how all works,but i think i learned most of the things i need to know but still not everything.

I just entered in alliance with some dude i know,but i don't know what do i gain with the alliance. So...?

And...what do i get from officers and commanders and i noticed some % to give to officers. % of what? % of my winings in battles or what? Do i get anything of my officers? Can i use their turns? Can i use their away teams? What do i gain if i have officers?

Oh...and how do i gain ratings? By attacking guys with better rating than mine or by geting more officers,or by having more

I almost forgot!
I have X302 Craft for everyone of my offensive away team and some P90s. When i attack someone it says all of my away guys are attacking with X302 Craft but my P90 are still getting damaged. WHY?
Do they attack with both or what? I don't get it,how can someone in X302 Craft fights with P90. Hmmmmmmmm...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:07 am
by Wolf359
You will find that once most players have a sizeable amount of x302s, they no longer bother with any of the other weapons - there is no point - not even in defence against sabs.

You can attack anyone you wish - but be careful of thos epeople associated with big alliances.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:17 am
by PIP33
I figured that it wouldnt be smart to attack someone in alliance,so i didn't. Only people that looked like they dont play anymore. People that have couple milions naq,lots of turns and none or very few defensive teams.

Oh...and...whats the diference betven NID and standard teams? Training NID team is much more expensive but are they that much better? Witch should i perfer or. witch should i train more?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:22 am
by Wolf359
If you have just started then i would concentrate on increasing your unit production (more untrained troops = more naq) and covert level.

NID do significantly increase your attack strength (provided you have enough X302s for them to man) and it is worth getting them when you can afford them - but you have to have standard trained troops to train them from.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:32 am
by PIP33
I have unit production of around 100/day next covert costs around 2milions and more than enuf x302s,so that souldn't be a problem.

Well...i started 2 days ago and i'm in seriuos need of turns. hehehe

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:09 am
by Wolf359
PIP33 wrote:I have unit production of around 100/day next covert costs around 2milions and more than enuf x302s,so that souldn't be a problem.

Well...i started 2 days ago and i'm in seriuos need of turns. hehehe

Like I said - you shouldn't be using a lot of turns at such an early stage - you shouldn't be training troops up - but using them to generate more naq to increase your UP. Once you have a decent UP and are generating a fair amount of naq you can then train troops and start using turns to attack - remember that your troops are kileld when you attack and it costs untrained troops and naq to replace them - if you have only been playing for 2 days then you are certainly not in a position to fund this adequately.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:15 am
by PIP33 doesen't seem to matter any more,since i can't connect to . It worked just fine,but yesterday just stoped and i cant connect. I'm getting motherf****** message "The page cannot be found". I can't opem my recruiting page or any other page except this forum. Grrrrrrrr....

WHat should i do? I tried to install firefox but its the same thing. I just cant open the page. ;o((

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:36 pm
by PIP33 it works again. QL!

I have a Q now.
How do i dismiss one of my officers?
I can't find a dismiss button if ther is one.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:31 pm
by Wolf359
You need to click on the link entitled 'Officers' in your command page - you can dismiss from there.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:52 am
by buck
but for goodness sake, dont ever use the same IP if a friend comes round.....and if you do, dont msn me about it!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:32 am
by deadeye
i've been at this for a while, but never posted on this threat so...

hi everybody.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:41 am
by The Hamburglar
Yep, im new to this thing, kinda a bit lost, could use some sort of Mentor so if anybody is interested in acting sagely and imparting tit-bits of knowledge to my ignorant self then let me know.
Should we do some introduction stuff- well ok. My hobbies include collecting small animals for... recreational purposes, yea thats it, recreational purposes. I also enjoy a good sitdown, and i like to scream profanities at the pretty people on tv. Other than that i like a good pray, and maybe the odd kitkat as a treat.
Feel free to critique my post cos thats when you enter flavour country.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:03 am
by Necgros
heh, the last time i was on this site, I had only 5k naq, and now I have 2mill naq :!:

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:18 pm
by deadeye
The Hamburglar wrote:Yep, im new to this thing, kinda a bit lost, could use some sort of Mentor so if anybody is interested in acting sagely and imparting tit-bits of knowledge to my ignorant self then let me know.

Got to the newbie FAQ section, you should find a few pointers.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:15 am
by The Hamburglar
much obliged deadeye