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Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:15 pm
by Ra
In his quarters Ra dons his personal armor of his own design using advanced materials to weave a powerful mesh that can repel most weapons, a breastplate, bracers, and shinguards. He then slides his hand into a modified hand device and smirks as it shimmers with power and straps on an ancient broadsword to his hip.

Outside the palace Ra walks towards the stargate and waves his hand instantly dialing Brocov's world. And turns to his First Prime...

Ra - "I want the warship finished when I return as well as the army fully mobilized."

First Prime - "It will be done my Lord."

Ra then steps through the gate and emerges. Upon his appearance two guards raise their weapons but before they can fire Ra mearly waves his hand the weapons fall to thousands of pieces. He then continues until he reaches the palace of Brocov.

Ra - "Brocov, greetings my good friend. How goes it? I hope you did not find my First Prime too iritating? Do not worry however, I will send no troops to this planet again unless you permit me to. However I would very much like to stay for the completion of my vessals. Agreeable?"

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:40 pm
by Osi
The Emmissary returned to Ostia after failing to incite galactic war. He dialed the neutral meeting place and reported to Osiris.

Em-"He acceoted your demands my benevolent one"

Osiris-"All of them? How could he I demanded the return of my entire empire?!"

Em-"I do not no My lor...."

Osiris-"Silence, You've failed me once...and for the last time"

Next to the messenger two Pharoh guards activated their staff weapons and the communication line went dead. Osiris spun around in wrath and returned to the meeting room.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:12 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
..."Brocov, greetings my good friend. How goes it? I hope you did not find my First Prime too iritating? Do not worry however, I will send no troops to this planet again unless you permit me to. However I would very much like to stay for the completion of my vessals. Agreeable?" Ra asks Brocov.

"...Ra" Brocov says quietly in an evil voice as he sits slouched to one side on his throne with his forehead resting in his right palm. "I knew you would come.." he proclaims with a smirk.

Brocov gets up from his throne and straightens his clothes, making himself seem more presentable. "I accept, welcome - please make yourself at home" he says.

As Brocov approaches Ra, it finally occurs to him that Ra is not in his usual attire. "What is this? You look as though your going to war.." Brocov asks sarcastically with a slightly cocked head.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:27 pm
by AncientAnubis
Anubis knew he would never be able to trust Ra. Not even responding, he cut off Ra's ability to contact him through their ascended beings. Anubis' armies were growing, 6500 strong, and had conquered two new planets. The advanced armor was working better than expected. He could now send smaller units of Jaffa to fight and win. Satisfied with what he had done for his Jaffa, Anubis' attention turned to his new mothership. Naquadriah powered, with Ancient shields, and Goa'uld weaponry enhanced beyond what any Ha'tak had ever seen. "3000 years have passed. Ra as been the Supreme System Lord long enough. It's my turn now."

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:56 pm
by Tridentkilla

P- i see all construction is finished
F- yes my lord... and we have another 2000 jaffa ready to serve putting the total at 4000.
P- good, and the Shipyard
F- is finished and your flagship is starting construction

* as Posiedon was not as rich as the other lords his mothership would be much more modest*

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:04 pm
by Lord_Grant
OOC: My staff weapons i would wish to be sortof my own unique item. I am not adding anything to my Jaffa's armor as everyone else seems to be.
WOuld that be okay for me to about be the only one to use these beter Staff's?
With teh exception of course of others elite personal gaurds and teh like,.
Lord Grant walked to the window and looked out over his realm. He was mulling over some things in his mind.
He was sliently watching the other Goaulds building thier armies with his ash'raks.
All were opposite his own plan. All were concentrating on building better armor for their Jaffa. And he had found that not always the case generlly the better armor harbored average jaffa.
His own approach was to better train his Jaffa. A larger percentage of his Jaffa were his Elite Gaurds than any other Goauld.
Also he had concentrated on improving offensive weaponry.
His improved staff weapons were almost 50% more effective than a standard Staff weapon. But they were costly to make and were only issued to his Wolf Gaurds.
He believed that higher trained Jaffa were better. And his bigger staff eapons could punch through improved armor. True the wielders were mroe vulnerable than a enemy but he thought it a fair tradeoff.
As he watched a contingent of his Jaffa marched by.
He chuckled. His army of 4,500 Jaffa ,and 2,000 Wolf Gaurds were easily a match for Jaffa almsot twice thier size. Soon he would see them in major action.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:49 pm
by Tridentkilla
AS Grant Reviews his troops Trident's emissary shifts his postion.

OoC Grant read some of the posts, he arrived a page ago

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:11 pm
by Osi
OOC- as did mine

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:29 am
by Lord_Grant
OOC: Sorry. I saw tridents and was gonna type it up but mom wanted the computer RIGHT NOW>
As for Osiris... I sitlll dont se the post. As earlier i still dont see where RA accepted my treay (HE says Grant is welocme in these halls anytime he wishes. But i didnt know if he accepted).
I will assume that youyr emissary was here requesting a treaty.
Grant looks at the2 emissaries. Finally he speaks "To teh Emissary from Posidean i accept teh offer of a treaty..... As for teh one from Osiris" Grant turns and looks at him "I believe that you are allying yourself with one... um... Anubis i think the name is.... And he is a staunch enemy of my own ally RA ,and his allies. Therefore i respectfully decline the offer."
The emissary begins to leave when Grant stops him "For now.........."
He looks back and Grant motions with a "Away" type of motion and 2 Gaurds escort him to the gate.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:07 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
Lord_Grant wrote:OOC: Sorry. I saw tridents and was gonna type it up but mom wanted the computer RIGHT NOW>
As for Osiris... I sitlll dont se the post. As earlier i still dont see where RA accepted my treay (HE says Grant is welocme in these halls anytime he wishes. But i didnt know if he accepted).
I will assume that youyr emissary was here requesting a treaty.
Grant looks at the2 emissaries. Finally he speaks "To teh Emissary from Posidean i accept teh offer of a treaty..... As for teh one from Osiris" Grant turns and looks at him "I believe that you are allying yourself with one... um... Anubis i think the name is.... And he is a staunch enemy of my own ally RA ,and his allies. Therefore i respectfully decline the offer."
The emissary begins to leave when Grant stops him "For now.........."
He looks back and Grant motions with a "Away" type of motion and 2 Gaurds escort him to the gate.

OOC - ooooo, very nice grant :D

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:42 pm
by Ra
On the homeworld of Ra Thebes Talvok hurries down the hall to a special chamber which allows him to speak with the great god over massive distances...

Talvok - "My is completed."

Ra - "Excellent power it up as soon as you possibly can"

Ra walks out of his room provided by brocov and go's to find the keeper of the house...

Ra - "Brocov, how long until the vessals are complete? Iam at the moment considering a large military advance on a certain enemy and these ships would be of great aid. My yearly donation to you would be greatly increased..."

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:11 pm
by Lord_Grant
Grant looks out from his palace window. Without turning he speaks to his first prime "Ready 500 Wolf Gaurds ,and 2000 Jaffa for march"
"M'lord? Where ?" He asks.
"Do not question me..... Just have them ready... I will lead them myself.."
The Jaffa bows ,and moves out the throne room.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:17 pm
by Ra
Ra appears before Grant...

Ra - "Good day, I hope I did not surprise you. But if one is ascended I dont see the problem with using that power, but to more important buisness. I come to ask for you support in a military campaign. I would ask that you have your mothership completed quickly and you mobilize your army. If you do this, I will share the fruits of the campaign. I await your response, if you are interested send your troops and available vessals to my homeworld where Iam mobilizing."

Ra then speaks to Poseidon...

Ra - "Greetings, Iam soon going to war. I ask you bring your armies and any ship you can spare to my home world. If you join me in my campaign i promise fruits of the success.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:31 pm
by Tridentkilla
The gate activeates on Ra's Homeworld and 3000 troops exit... the Jaffa on Luminara have been busy they bolster the current number of Jaffa here making the Expeditionary force of 4000 jaffa while 2000 sit at home awaiting an enemy

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:04 pm
by Lord_Grant
Grant Nodds.
He exits the palace. He meets his First Prime "M'lord. 500 Wolf Gaurds ,and 2000 Jaffa have been formed."
"Good. Add 500 More Wolf Gaurds. How are my fleet coming?"
"Well m'lord. Your mothership is 95% complete. Only a few minor installments needing put in. And your al'kesh,gliders ,and other Ha'taks are nearing completion as well"
"Good" Grant replied."Send word to Rai'nee. She will hold my orders before my leave. Then dial RA's planet and join me" The Jaffa bows and leaves.
500 more WOlf Gaurds tromped to teh gathering ground.
Grant then dials RA's planet.
RA's stargate activates. The jaffa defending although at first apprehensive calm when Grant steps through the gate.
1000 Wolf gaurds ,and 2000 Jaffa march through and take up positions alongside teh other Jaffa of the massive army.