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Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:31 am
All the people who are against this, most of them would if they could, most just jump on the bandwagon because they can't do it, again with the exception of a few who may genuinely be against it.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:37 am
by High Empty
lol your just upset, can't get your pie, so your trying to take ours away lol.

Well it's simple really, Go do some more push ups, and quit main cause it must be an unfair game.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:46 am
by ~Phoenix~
Or maybe I should just get my wallet out like you did.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:10 pm
1st-PSI will apologies for the words will come out... SORRY
2nd- Most of you guys as my alliance mates in some point, so i do NOT want offend any1...

Well you wanna talk about Rates, OK, 7to1 its bad, shoude be 4to1, why? because i say so, i did the math.... BUT talk in Balace? WTH

Seriosly, you guys have the guts to come here and complain? thats cross server. sti, mojo. sis have acounts that can make a couple Trill cross serving, thats sucks for some. BUT COMOM i know peaple have JOBs that can Buy 50 Trill NAq per Day, shoude we get they fired? if he want spend his paycheck on the game????? what the f... GROW UP. they worked for it, they spend Millions of Units when thats was HUGE amounts, they earned, you don`t dare come here and complain, you was Rank 4? BIG DEAL, just show me how wrong you based you grow, because if i get raided today i will have a 500k up to back me up, so COMOM, you **Filtered**, don`t complain because they aren`t

SO I`M SAYING THIS, FOR ONCE, SGW main and ascension are linked, peaple that put all in ascension have same right to colect vantages in Main, as peaple choosed work only in main than do BIG ascensions to catch UP.


And Hen point of Cross server its completaly right, i make enouth Naq in chaos to make 1-2 Mill Mains units per Day/ after 3 months playing. and Thats because i choosed Put lower Rates, i coude easily charge 2 times that, BUT i put lower to Dominate the Market and i do, any1 that wants chaos Naq, will only find with me, because the other players don`t make enouth to worth sell at my rates...

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:20 pm
by High Empty
~Phoenix~ wrote:Or maybe I should just get my wallet out like you did.

lol yup i did. i opened it and it got filled. Since i've never spent a dime of my own money on this game, i do wonder how i report this to the tax man, but well i'm still wondering that since i try not to use any of the online money, except when i'm online.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:15 am
by High Empty
Well it's like this...

You don't want me to sell for low rates cause then anyone could catch upto all that work you did in ascensions but you don't want me to sell for high rates cause my main accounts gets too much of a boost, but you do want me to sell cause it's the only way in the world you can ever hope of gaining ground.

So all of you go read Catch 22. Then report back!

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:38 pm
by Hensenshi
~Phoenix~ wrote:Hen tahts wrong because theres only like 10guys that coudl make that much to sell without sucking in ascended.

I was speaking of the graph that Taure made.

As far as it being a loophole, admin knows very well that it's happening, he knows very well how much it's happening, and he says he's going to let it happen. Those of us who sacrificed resources in ascension are now making gains in main for our sacrifices in main. This is simply an argument of "I can't do it so no on should be able to".

Also note I merged this topic with the one in general.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:10 pm
by High Empty
Yeah i did notice that, .... pissed me off


It's a matter of plain and simple.


Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:06 pm
by Norbe
PLEASE take the time to read this through carefully. Here are my personal thoughts about why DMU sales are common, why the rates are how they are (without mentioning the ascension argument), and more importantly what affects DMU trades will have long term.

Okay, before I begin I should stess that I think if people want to sell DMU, they should be allowed to do it. If people want to buy it, thats cool, why not.

As long as everyone knows and understands the risks, its all cool. So what if i wanna get a few more fleets in ascended.. it'd take me weeks and weeks there if i didnt have a way to help.

The problem is that the rates ARE ridiculous. We all know how unbalanced the ascended server is, and moan about it all you want, but its a fact.

Here is the essense of the problem. Two players, player A is a weak player in ascended, but has a resonable army in main. Player B is strong in ascended, and also has a resonable army in main.

Just for arguments sake, here are rough stats for the players in both servers..

Player A
Main: 20 mil army, UP of 50k - rough income 1.5 bil/turn.
Ascended: 100k planets, UP of 3k/day - rough income 5 mil/turn.

Player B
Main: 30 mil army, UP of 30k - rough income 2 bil/turn.
Ascended: 100 million planets, UP of 2 MILLION/day - rough income 50 BIL/turn.

Player A wants 50 billion DMU to boost his fleet count, and raise his ascended UP. For player A to naturally generate that much would take 10,000 turns, which is about 8 months.

Player B is not much more powerful in main, but a lot more so in ascended. So what takes 8 months for Player A to get, Player B gets every 30 minutes. He agrees to sell one turns income for main resources to help out player A, but they need to decide a price.

For Player A the resources are more valuable in ascended than they are in main, for Player B they are much less so. If the price was for example 1naq:1dmu, then player A is really really really happy. It takes him 34 game turns in main to make 50 billion, and he has got 8 months of work in ascended from it. For player B, it would have taken him 25 game turns in main to get the 50 bil. He makes it from one turn in ascended. Good deal for all???

Well no actually. Why not? because player B could gain an even bigger advantage. As I said the resources are more valuable to Player A, and player B knows this. Player B knows that he can get a much better price for his goods, and in doing so it'll also stop Player A from being able to afford enough DMU to build an ascended account that rivals his own. So he charges 5naq:1dmu. Instead of it taking player A most of a day to get the naq he needs to trade, it takes him six days, still better than 8 months though. This price is better for Player B, because for his one turns income in ascended, he gets five days worth of main income.

In either case, both players still gain what they want out of the trade, but what is the true cost of the trades to the other players in the game? If all the prices were 1:1, then the smaller players grow stronger on ascended, and the bigger players dont end up being the biggest people ever on main... But at 5:1, its completely different. The smaller players can't afford to get the ascended resources in any quantity, ensuring the bigger players are never challenged. Whereas the bigger ascended players get bigger and bigger in main, until they are unchallenged there too...

So this goes out to those "bigger fish" in ascended. The ones who have the opportunity to allow the servers to balance out. Do you really want to dominate and never be challenged? Or would you like to have a bit of fun once in a while, have a war in which you could lose if you hesitate, or if you make a wrong move.

If you choose to dominate, then we really should all just give up the game and go work on our real lives. Cause there is no fun for the future. Not for the rest of us, and I doubt there will be much fun for you either.


P.S. I think this is my longest ever post... :shock:

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:00 pm
by Hensenshi
norbe wrote:The problem is that the rates ARE ridiculous. We all know how unbalanced the ascended server is, and moan about it all you want, but its a fact.

You failed to play, so we became strong. You think you're going to get a pot load of DMU for nothing in main? You didn't play, we did. You screwed up, we did right. We're getting our justice. Prices will come down as more people buy. More people buy, more people grow, the more they need, the less their willing to play.

norbe wrote:Player B
Main: 30 mil army, UP of 30k - rough income 2 bil/turn.
Ascended: 100 million planets, UP of 2 MILLION/day - rough income 50 BIL/turn.

Well I fit right into that mold, and I can tell you there's only 9 people ahead of me, and one near me, so you'll find 11 people who can make that kind of DMU. And it's not 50bill a turn, if only it was though. It's more like 15bill.

norbe wrote:Well no actually. Why not? because player B could gain an even bigger advantage. As I said the resources are more valuable to Player A, and player B knows this. Player B knows that he can get a much better price for his goods, and in doing so it'll also stop Player A from being able to afford enough DMU to build an ascended account that rivals his own. So he charges 5naq:1dmu. Instead of it taking player A most of a day to get the naq he needs to trade, it takes him six days, still better than 8 months though. This price is better for Player B, because for his one turns income in ascended, he gets five days worth of main income.

I can tell you that it comes from sacrificing main resources. Everyone says that I've made up for it, yea I sort of have, but not in proportion. I lost half of my army one ascension. That's massive. Think of those of us who did spend the resources are now reaping the benefits. Can you blame us?

norbe wrote:So this goes out to those "bigger fish" in ascended. The ones who have the opportunity to allow the servers to balance out. Do you really want to dominate and never be challenged? Or would you like to have a bit of fun once in a while, have a war in which you could lose if you hesitate, or if you make a wrong move.

We tried ever so hard to make the server balanced. What happened? People called us stupid for playing it. Now that people want to play, we're still balancing the server. Selling DMU gives others the chance to play. It's like a pendulum. For so long, it's been going up, so high, so much weight. Well because of that, it's got a farther swing to come back down to even. The prices will become more "reasonable" over time as more people get to the point they can get into the market.

norbe wrote:If you choose to dominate, then we really should all just give up the game and go work on our real lives. Cause there is no fun for the future. Not for the rest of us, and I doubt there will be much fun for you either.


P.S. I think this is my longest ever post... :shock:

We already dominate, we're giving you the chance right now, that's what selling DMU is doing.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:45 am
by [SGC_ReplicĂ…tors]
ummm quick question what was the purpose of the super wep then?

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:59 am
Purpose of the super weapon was to destroy enemy's but, we dont really have any worthy enough so we use it on ourselfs

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:29 am
by Norbe
Hey Henenshi - thanks for reading and replying.

Hensenshi wrote:You failed to play, so we became strong. You think you're going to get a pot load of DMU for nothing in main?

Okay, this is a good point. I havn't played ascended for years like you have. I can't dispute that. But then again I havn't played main for years either...

Henenshi wrote:Well I fit right into that mold, and I can tell you there's only 9 people ahead of me, and one near me, so you'll find 11 people who can make that kind of DMU. And it's not 50bill a turn, if only it was though. It's more like 15bill.

Okay, my randomly guessed figures were a little inaccurate, but its still a lot more than i'll make in the near, or even not so near future!

Henenshi wrote:I can tell you that it comes from sacrificing main resources. Everyone says that I've made up for it, yea I sort of have, but not in proportion. I lost half of my army one ascension. That's massive. Think of those of us who did spend the resources are now reaping the benefits. Can you blame us?

No, I can't blame you at all. You've done incredibly well to get yourself into that position. It took a lot of time, and i'm sure a heck load of effort. But, it doesnt matter if I try to do the same, it wont make any difference. Because you have played both main and ascended much longer than people like I have, you have a huge advantage. Don't get me wrong you deserve it, but the difference is that if I put the effort into main now, then I can grow and eventually get to a point where I could challenge you. In ascended, the same can't be said. If I was to put in the exact same amount of time and effort you have into my ascended account now, you'd still be too far ahead for me to even comprehend.

Henenshi wrote:We tried ever so hard to make the server balanced. What happened? People called us stupid for playing it. Now that people want to play, we're still balancing the server. Selling DMU gives others the chance to play. It's like a pendulum. For so long, it's been going up, so high, so much weight. Well because of that, it's got a farther swing to come back down to even. The prices will become more "reasonable" over time as more people get to the point they can get into the market.

We already dominate, we're giving you the chance right now, that's what selling DMU is doing.

Yes, thats all true. You do dominate in ascended. You dominate from high above anyone else. My point, is that while you are strong in main too - you don't dominate there, yet. If you sell a lot of the resources you are making on ascended, for those high prices (in main terms), then your main accounts will get much bigger and stronger much quicker. You say that you deserve it because thats what you invested in the ascended account in the first place, but you and I both know that you've already got most of that back. Its easy to grow in main, its hard to do so in ascended. Over time if enough of these trades are done, you will dominate in main also.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do the trades, nor am I saying that they are bad in any way. From your perspective its amazingly good. From mine, I save time in ascended for main resources I can get without anywhere near as much trouble.

I hear people all the time saying "ascended is a lost cause, blah blah blah". Maybe thats true, maybe it isn't. I dont know, and frankly I dont really care. I'll play it if i want to play it, no matter what anyone says. The point that I am trying to make is exactly the same that you guy keep telling us - the two servers are linked.

In the past you have done an amazing job to get where you are in ascended. Congratulations for it, but that was the past. Now that you are there, it is you guys that, in a big way, will shape the future of both main+ascended. I just wondered what you want that future to be like...


Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:42 am
by kali
i think there should be a market section for that 2 and as long as ppl are buying its ql

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:46 am
by Raven
norbe wrote:Hey Henenshi - thanks for reading and replying.

Hensenshi wrote:You failed to play, so we became strong. You think you're going to get a pot load of DMU for nothing in main?

Okay, this is a good point. I havn't played ascended for years like you have. I can't dispute that. But then again I havn't played main for years either...

Henenshi wrote:Well I fit right into that mold, and I can tell you there's only 9 people ahead of me, and one near me, so you'll find 11 people who can make that kind of DMU. And it's not 50bill a turn, if only it was though. It's more like 15bill.

Okay, my randomly guessed figures were a little inaccurate, but its still a lot more than i'll make in the near, or even not so near future!

Henenshi wrote:I can tell you that it comes from sacrificing main resources. Everyone says that I've made up for it, yea I sort of have, but not in proportion. I lost half of my army one ascension. That's massive. Think of those of us who did spend the resources are now reaping the benefits. Can you blame us?

No, I can't blame you at all. You've done incredibly well to get yourself into that position. It took a lot of time, and i'm sure a heck load of effort. But, it doesnt matter if I try to do the same, it wont make any difference. Because you have played both main and ascended much longer than people like I have, you have a huge advantage. Don't get me wrong you deserve it, but the difference is that if I put the effort into main now, then I can grow and eventually get to a point where I could challenge you. In ascended, the same can't be said. If I was to put in the exact same amount of time and effort you have into my ascended account now, you'd still be too far ahead for me to even comprehend.

Henenshi wrote:We tried ever so hard to make the server balanced. What happened? People called us stupid for playing it. Now that people want to play, we're still balancing the server. Selling DMU gives others the chance to play. It's like a pendulum. For so long, it's been going up, so high, so much weight. Well because of that, it's got a farther swing to come back down to even. The prices will become more "reasonable" over time as more people get to the point they can get into the market.

We already dominate, we're giving you the chance right now, that's what selling DMU is doing.

Yes, thats all true. You do dominate in ascended. You dominate from high above anyone else. My point, is that while you are strong in main too - you don't dominate there, yet. If you sell a lot of the resources you are making on ascended, for those high prices (in main terms), then your main accounts will get much bigger and stronger much quicker. You say that you deserve it because thats what you invested in the ascended account in the first place, but you and I both know that you've already got most of that back. Its easy to grow in main, its hard to do so in ascended. Over time if enough of these trades are done, you will dominate in main also.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do the trades, nor am I saying that they are bad in any way. From your perspective its amazingly good. From mine, I save time in ascended for main resources I can get without anywhere near as much trouble.

I hear people all the time saying "ascended is a lost cause, blah blah blah". Maybe thats true, maybe it isn't. I dont know, and frankly I dont really care. I'll play it if i want to play it, no matter what anyone says. The point that I am trying to make is exactly the same that you guy keep telling us - the two servers are linked.

In the past you have done an amazing job to get where you are in ascended. Congratulations for it, but that was the past. Now that you are there, it is you guys that, in a big way, will shape the future of both main+ascended. I just wondered what you want that future to be like...


Very nice post my compliments :)