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Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:45 am
by semper
so have you tried smoking, taking heroine and being a woman for a day? You can be individual, but there is listening to wisdom, and there is avoiding the herd. I Know that more then anyone else I know, and my friends would support me on that. So try not the get them mixed up.

I listened to my elders, I learnt a hell of a lot off my elders..all of which have been 100% right. They told me never to trust anyone. I made that fatal mistake many times, and every time every person I have ever trusted has broken that trust.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:12 am
by Cole
It's a game not real life, even if we can make money off tihs game (which isn't subject anywayz).
So it doesn't matter if some people want to keep race wars alive, they still go for fun, we can't stop them to do so..

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:10 am
by semper
Earendil wrote:
Semper wrote:I listened to my elders, I learnt a hell of a lot off my elders..all of which have been 100% right. They told me never to trust anyone. I made that fatal mistake many times, and every time every person I have ever trusted has broken that trust.

No, i have never tried any of thoes, I have actually tried almost nothing of the ''ill' nature' But still, people do try things against others advice, I listen to some advice that i know will help me, but this is a game, so of course i will take it less seriously, to many people take games to the extreme and that just ruins the fun of it.

people went down that path two years ago upon the release of SS.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:55 pm
by Osi
Untiy has been attempted many times. It's against our nature and has always failed.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:33 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
I, Myself... wrote:do not come here and ask that which will never-ever happen, and even worse, pretend our justifications for disgust of this idea is completely unfounded...

Are my words truly that meaningless and so soon forgotten?..

Earendil wrote:I listen to some advice that i know will help me

Why would you say such a thing and dismiss our objections in the same breath?

Come here to have fun, but don't act as though we have no reason to be hostile towards this ideology. I once supported such thinking and trusted in players on two separate occasions and when both the ideology and the people failed in their resolve, it just made everyone in the goa'uld community look incompetent. So you could say for all our good will and intentions of uniting our race, it was doomed because no one really believed in that or that it could ever happen.

Excuse me for not wanting to look incompetent for a third time...

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:37 pm
by Ra
Tetrismonkey wrote:
Sun God Ra wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:Im more than happy to get this thread back on track if Prophet of Truth and Ra actually have something intellegant to write.

But never mind them.


My my, how the mighty have fallen. You're insulting our intelligence now? Isn't that fighting a bit below the belt? Honestly, I thought you were on that shiny high horse of yours.

Ra, what has made you so arrogant? I have a shiny high horse? Im quite sure you need to take a look in the mirror. I truly want this thread to not keep going this direction and would erge you to stop with this change in the subject. If you need to continue to "hijack" my thread, then again I shall report it to a mod.

@Semper- Actually Semper im one of those people that stand to do the right thing, I have morals and choose to act on that. If I see someone commiting a wrong doing, then it should be changed. Why must you attack at me personaly? Why cant you be a "man" and actually find something useful to post in a thread that has nothing to do with you and have added nothing but hostility to it? Grow up a little Semper and be a little more responsible.

Shoot, I knew I forgot to do something. Were you missing this font? I'll try not to make that mistake again, wouldn't want you becoming unnerved. I in turn urge you to accept we're Goa'ulds and we're pretty arrogant. Unless of course, you aren't a true System Lord.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:52 pm
by AncientAnubis
Goa'ulds don't whine about their thread being hijacked, they take it into their own hands and "negotiate."

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:23 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
AncientAnubis wrote:Goa'ulds don't whine about their thread being hijacked, they take it into their own hands and "negotiate."

Ah yes 'agressive negotiations' another classicly-goa'uld diplomatic meassure.

I'd have to agree with Ra and AA, not very goa'uldly behavior in the least bit.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:21 pm
by Osi
English is obviously a language you grasp well, so I would advise spell check so that your arguements look a little more structured. Oh and if the goa'uld are gods and they all unite then the worship is divived. If you want to have unity go join the humans or replicators in extinction.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:06 pm
by Tridentkilla
Osi, prehaps you are becoming extinct. without a weak target for your plans to continously fail against, you are no longer as well known as you once were. im sure that at some point in time you were a decent player with a decent account, but no all you are, is a Troublemaker, with numerous less than farmable accounts. I suppose you will not fall into history quietly, your like the Vacuum tube osi, you still exist, but your ignored in favor of Newer, smaller, cheap, microchips. to the new players you are noone, prehaps to the older generations you may have been someone to watch for fun. your petty insults, and continous babbling make you look like the nut on the corner in NYC with the sign that says "THE END IS NEAR". prehaps you shoudl just fade away, as it would be more honorable than your current method of Death.

on and back on topic, i agree Tetris, but the thing is with no organization, the attempt is futile... and the strategy thing, *points at Osi* that is his method, and we have seen in the past how woefully ineffective they are. now, to get the ask done, you need some one who can satisfy their comrades, someone who can find the balance between Bloodthursty anc cowardly. even Rylan couldnt do this, but it is possible. on a final note, tetris, i say you go right ahead and subjigate the Tauri, why should i expend my forces when you are so eager to do the job. you are a potential enemy, everyone is a potential enemy, and when someone is at war they are weak, and vulnerable, and alas the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and sadly other goa'uld pose a bigger threat to goa'uld than the tauri. we all watch and wait for a moment of weakness in which to strike, as that is the foundation of strategy...

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:27 pm
by AncientAnubis
You know when I still had an account worth anything, I would've already slapped around someone in this thread. I remember one time when I was the mod massing an Asgard not 2 minutes after he came into the Goa'uld forum and made snide remarks about me. That was how I used to do it anyway...

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:39 pm
by goodie
AncientAnubis wrote:You know when I still had an account worth anything, I would've already slapped around someone in this thread. I remember one time when I was the mod massing an Asgard not 2 minutes after he came into the Goa'uld forum and made snide remarks about me. That was how I used to do it anyway...

And i would of slapped you back twice as hard. Your point?


Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:45 am
by Nicholai Brocov
goodie wrote:
AncientAnubis wrote:You know when I still had an account worth anything, I would've already slapped around someone in this thread. I remember one time when I was the mod massing an Asgard not 2 minutes after he came into the Goa'uld forum and made snide remarks about me. That was how I used to do it anyway...

And i would of slapped you back twice as hard. Your point?


Let him reminisce goodie.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:45 am
by goodie
Nicholai Brocov wrote:
goodie wrote:
AncientAnubis wrote:You know when I still had an account worth anything, I would've already slapped around someone in this thread. I remember one time when I was the mod massing an Asgard not 2 minutes after he came into the Goa'uld forum and made snide remarks about me. That was how I used to do it anyway...

And i would of slapped you back twice as hard. Your point?


Let him reminisce goodie.

Why? you all want to ruin my fun, so why shouldn't i turn around and do the same?


Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:10 am
by Nicholai Brocov
Again you are mistaken goodie. You claimed once already that there was some arrogance in stating how long we've been around and you turn around and rub how long you been here in every one's face.

Now you are saying essentially this topic is a personal assault on your ability to have fun, as if there was some personal vendetta against you. But you are the only one now turning this into a personal vendetta against anyone that has nothing good to say about this topic or the ideology behind it.

You need to find a real reason to start posting here other than trying to talk smack all day and being the hypocrite that you are...