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Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:02 pm
by JediMasterX
yes the phantom force power is definetly not a good idea. So is the force power to walk through solid objects. I say lets just stick to the basics. Use Jedi and Darkside powers when appropiate/realistic. Jedi's should not be using Dark Side powers unless they plan to fall to the Dark Side.

Also Zera, got a question. Is your character and his invaision fleet a separate faction of the Sith that are separated from the Sith Order on Korriban?

Ok, we'll set this RP shortly after the the Madalorian Wars, a few years after. That'll help use further down the road. I'll edit it into the first post.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:06 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
Zeratul wrote:one problem with having it set before the mandolarian wars, is that technology such as tractor beams and interdiction fields, which has been used in the RP, did not exist...

but putting it shortly after those wars, would still keep it in the time where lots of sith existed, and allow for such technology...

yes, force sight should be available to those that are blind... but the definition semper gave, of showing alignment, should go... those that can see, do not need really it...

interdiction technology of a sort has been shown in the mandalorian wars era. it's outdated by the time of the GCW era, but it exists.

now, as to force sight, Alignment is most often COMPLETELY OBVIOUS to anyone who cares about alignment, ie, most Jedi. the exceptions are people trained specifically to hide their presence in the force either with concealment of force ability, or even harder, one's actual alignment.

so, frankly, i disagree with that point. seeing someone's alignment against partially trained force users shouldn't be disallowed because it "unbalances" things. it's a "natural ability" just the same as force push, speed, and leap.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:09 pm
by Zeratul
yes, most of times, it is obvious... but when its not, there shouldnt be some sort of power that ruins the ability to hide it...

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:16 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
Zeratul wrote:yes, most of times, it is obvious... but when its not, there shouldnt be some sort of power that ruins the ability to hide it...

the power doesn't ruin the ability to hide it. else Sidious/Veregere/Kreia would've been found out. but they weren't, even to skilled users of force sight including a miraluka(specifically Kreia, who demonstrated the most difficult form, hiding alignment without hiding force powers)

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:25 pm
by Zeratul

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:04 pm
by JediMasterX
Zera, you missed my question a few posts up ^^^ ;)

Also my next post I'm gonna have to RP the Sith on Korriban. Can't let them be a push over. I mean they are the Sith Order. Should be some Masters there and even a Dark Lord. Not to mention numerous apprentices, nights, and troopers :D

I'll make it fun. Promise :)

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:07 pm
by Magni
So, have we decided when this RP takes place yet? :lol:

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:10 pm
by Ra
Isn't any ever going to come to tatooine..I'll have to start crying and killing tusken raiders soon.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:14 pm
by JediMasterX
Magni wrote:So, have we decided when this RP takes place yet? :lol:

shortly after the Mandalorian Wars.

And Ra: Bleeding Blue is on his way to Tatooine. If I was you just keep looing for that last Sith Apprentice.

Or go buy a new gun :P

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:17 pm
by bleedingblue
lol, im on my way ;)

sadly, i had a very good, but short, little piece written up which i accidentally did not save and went to go submit it, my interwebz went on the fritz, so all was lost :(

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:50 pm
by Ra
JediMasterX wrote:
Magni wrote:So, have we decided when this RP takes place yet? :lol:

shortly after the Mandalorian Wars.

And Ra: Bleeding Blue is on his way to Tatooine. If I was you just keep looing for that last Sith Apprentice.

Or go buy a new gun :P

Someone had to be something besides a jedi. :smt022

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:29 pm
by JediMasterX
Sun God Ra wrote:
JediMasterX wrote:
Magni wrote:So, have we decided when this RP takes place yet? :lol:

shortly after the Mandalorian Wars.

And Ra: Bleeding Blue is on his way to Tatooine. If I was you just keep looing for that last Sith Apprentice.

Or go buy a new gun :P

Someone had to be something besides a jedi. :smt022

lol, me and my charcter and prolly SS's charcter won't be going to Tatooinee for a few posts. You're a bounty hunter. Go take out some competition. Or maybe even get a small force together. Ideas are endless ;)

I wanna make this a long and deep RP. It's gonne be fun.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:08 pm
by Zeratul
you are right jedimasterx, we did miss that question (as well as the rest of that post)...

The idea we have is that the sith are numerous still, but not really united...
Darth Perfidious' goal is to unify them through force...

So yes, it is somewhat of a different faction, but it is one that has taken over several other sith worlds already... hence the large fleet and such...
the thought is that while all the sith share similar beliefs, there are many subfactions...
Darth Perfidious is slowly chopping away those factions and putting them under his own... and in natural sith style, he is of course taking the command for himself...

Had our goal been that of the pure conqueror, we would have used orbital bombardment...

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:27 am
by Magni
Zeratul wrote:The idea we have is that the sith are numerous still, but not really united...

Hmm...except that a new Sith empire was established right after the end of the Mandalorian War. What I thought we were doing was starting the Sith Civil War...

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:44 am
by Zeratul
Psi Kiya Trist wrote:also, as to the comments of "wiki usage", i can easily use another source that is NOT so "easily edited" but i was mainly using it to "post a link to prove it" on ideas i already knew. the lightsaber generating heat was mentioned in a young jedi knights book i read when Tenel Ka was deciding what to build her lightsaber out of(she mentioned she could build it out of wood since it generated no heat).

while wiki is easily edited, it is very rare for details therein to be 100 % wrong... that wookieepedia wiki is among the better out there...
we've seen wiki sabotage, and it is nearly amazing how quickly it is rectified... and that was on regular wikipedia... considering the worship-like view many have of star wars, its quite likely to be even quicker...

the amount of sourcing used on wookieepedia is quite high, so sabotage is harder there...
any sabotage tends to be obvious, as the saboteurs are attention-seekers...
if information is incorrect, it is generally from the editor having faulty data... and with the huge number of people editing wikis, they are usually corrected quickly...
there's a reason wikipedia is still (for the most part) trusted as a credible source, even on university level...

as long as one takes everything with a pinch of salt and use common sense, using wiki is no danger...

we at least, do not mind being corrected if we get some detail wrong, and we believe everyone else here dont mind either...

we liked some details on the site you linked psi, but it is much harder to use than wookieepedia... but using both cant hurt...

the details that are easy to mess up, are usually the ones that wont matter to this RP... whether some space ship is 15.6 meters wide or 16 meters wide doesnt matter... what does matter is if it has capacity for 2 or 10 persons... anything else, can be attributed to it being modified...