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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:09 am
by Cole
Mango wrote:The game within the game within the game?

If you want to use a process of elimination I would know about 10 people who dont have the top Attack :P

lol most have not top attack :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:01 pm
by ????
no one wrote:there is no one in this game that can sabb juan no one

there is no one in this game that can mass juan no one

juan makes near or over 100billion per DAY any mass on him and he could rebulid pretty god damn fast

the highest strike in this game is'nt even 20% of juans defence and with the 30%chance of the ascended blessings he could double his defence for 3 out of 10 attacks

to get a strike to mass juan you would need 380billion thats just strike

500,000 weapons of the best kind and 500,000 super soilders

plus i just here he near doubled his defence so it could be 1mil weapons you would need

hes right though now JUAN maby even makes more than 100 bil a day its certain that hes NR 1 atleast that i know of lol

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:08 pm
by Ivanhoho
Adjudicator9292 wrote:
[™§£KHM£†] wrote:
no one wrote:
SGC_Replicators wrote:even if there hidden ppl with that type of strike capabilities.....who actually wants to go and mess with him?
highest stiker is either juans slave (yes thats his ingame name) or seeeker from CF elite

wrong :!:

that sounds mysterious...

there is someone who has a 29 bil offense.. seen it myself... he also has a pretty hefty covert as well.. so much that a player with lvl 23 covert and 200+k spies couldnt even view him.

if you would rreeeeaaallly like to know, i could put the link up

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:13 pm
by Ivanhoho
Apophis The Great wrote:
Vosk wrote:How did Jaun get so far ahead of everyone? Did he start playing a year before the rest of us? I can understand that a good player can easily progress in power at an astonishing rate, but why is it that there is absolutely no-one out there that approaches his power level?

Just curious.

Its or cheat or support/$$...
I think more on second he could had used turns in his advantage and got troops by quitting players or maybe used $$...I already saw few other players with over 10mil troops...

actually... and i dunno how juan might feel about me saying this.. but he only started amassing troops in early nov, i think. he had around 2 mil troops.. which still a bit, but nothing like what he has now.. he simply started buying troops from anyone and everyone who would sell.... also he doesnt spend real money on sgw.... everything he has bought in swg was with sgw goods.

in short.. to get where he is.... takes an incredible amount of direct involvement with the game and other players, constantly checking and making trades and contacts.