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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:32 am
by Lord Yojimbo
our politicians are indeed greedy but the true cause of the irish economic collapse mate was the greed of the construction industry and its forcing up of house and commercial property which caused a property bubble which collapsed and because of that the banks were left with alot of toxic assets....he failed utterly to address the point in terms of the irish economy

the irish economy is sound for the most part ill have you know - look at our export figures over the last ten to fiftheen years...however we failed to regulate the property and banking sectors becuase of the greed - not because of a shabby irish economy mate

we irish had every right to enter the euro...we were the highest performing economy in europe for a long time and for good reason however the EU and the irish government failed to regulate the banks and the property market and that is what hit us...every other facet of our economy was growing and is still growing

your comrade in the video has a good point tho in terms of interferrence in demostic policy regards an election - the Eu has no mandate there and as such should have kept out of it. That and Angula Merkels comments preceding the bailout only helped to undermine our soverign bond % yeilds...i will agree that the EU made an utter balls of it but im still not ready to scrap the idea as of yet

The EU needs:
- an overhall in how communication of policy is presented publically (they have made a balls of it)
- an election by the public of commisioners and MEPs as well as commission president and EU president
- an INDEPENDENT oversight commitee on an EU level to present each treaty to all the citizens in an objective and informative matter
- and each country must ratify each treaty by referendum
- also chop as much of the beaurocratic layer out of brussels as possible

i dont think the Eu should be disbanded but it does need a big reformation and slimming down....i do understand your fears of the dilution of soverienty and i can relate especially with that medelling German Chouncillor but i cannot deny the good the EU has done and the bad it has brought upon us - I am not ready to give up just yet though....we need to find the balance

Cheers for the videos :D

Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:02 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Just so you don't think i am don't hear you, i do...

In theory an organisation such as the EU is a great idea (you could say the same for communism, everybody equal and all that jazz, but in reality its not practical). being able to live where i want with minimal restrictions and such things sounds good on paper but you only have to look at the UK and the influx we have had over the past 20 years and the abuse of the system by immigrants which has encouraged British citizens to do the same, just 1 example in a LONG list of many downsides for us Brits.

Its a great idea to have nation states as partners all working towards a common goal. if i came to you and said "i have an idea for an organisation called the EU and this is what it will be all about", you would be mad to say its not a good idea but look at what's happened to all the member states since joining, the results speak for themselves and anything i say wont compare to the devastation we can see with our own eyes-the EU has caused countless millions....By the same token, ANY attempt at world Govt will be no better than the EU.

You say the EU needs reform, i SERIOUSLY doubt the EU could be reformed, or even made to work...UNLESS the people NOT the bureaucrats have the say in how it should be run...what chance is there of that?!