Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Another %name%mo! Yay! (no my name is not punge, but close :wink: )
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Oh god im gona have to do this.


My name is Ben, I was born in Middlesbrough (England) and now live in a small village near Dover, which is the completely other end of the country from where I was born but that doesnt matter. I live with my mum, dad, little anoying squirm of a brother of 12 years, cute little sister of 4 years and Gracie the hamster.

Then theres me, I don't spend a lot of time with my family, I tend to get wound up by them very easily, but my parents can be ok on occasion. Im 17. I don't work since I gave up my crappy paper round. I am going into my last year of school and then I am going to go to uni (I am determined). I love freedom, and thats the main reason I can't wait to drive, first I need a job so I can afford lessons, test, and then a car, insurance ect.

I am a laid back kind of person, I don't tend to socialise with people that I am not familiar with, but I enjoy hanging out with my friends a lot. I play golf, football and tennis and enjoy many other outdoor activities.

Ingame im a very laid back guy, but im not very lazy, I raid my arse off in my spare time. Im going to break the 75m mark soon.

So, overall, sgw is my main pass time, still early in my life and im not sure what career path I am going to take.

Probably missing a massive chunk of info but theres a bit about me.
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Pungemo wrote:Another %name%mo! Yay! (no my name is not punge, but close :wink: )

Actually, my nickname came from Rush Hour 2. Long story short, Chris Tucker sounded as if he was saying "Je'Mo" when he was saying "Je' mon Lee" (for everyone who hasn't seen the movie, he was actually saying 'Come on Lee' but thats not how me pronounced it). So my name started as Je'Mo, then 2 F's were added because people had no idea what the hell we were talking about (we were stupid freshmen at the time).

For anyone that cares, thats how my name came to be (pungy :lol: ).
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Hey my name is Rachel i've been playing SGW for a year, i sold my account and got a new one now.

Im a Model for Vixen :D, im 19 and i live and was born in USA, CA, OAKLAND..... I have a little sister 9 years old and a big brother whos 24...
Im a laid back person who likes to party and hung out with my girls... when in high school i played soccer, im about to be in college soon :D All so im studying law.

I dont really have many friends in this game due to i was a lone wolf, but im open now LOL
If u wana talk

My game play style I DONT NO LOL
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Well its interesting to read about everyone's lives. Nice reads, to be perfectly honest with you tho I didn't read everyone's fully, just skimmed over the ones I don't know.. Sorry :(

Anywho my name is Jamie Sheehan :) I use my real name in this game cos well I'm too lazy to come up with a new name. Some may say I'm not creative, to those people they have been massed :-D

Anyway, I am 23 years old, I am 6"2 in height, and I live on my own in Cork City centre in Ireland. I'm currently dating Veronika who is from Slovakia and is 25. Been seeing her since Jan of this year, she spends most of her free time with me in my apartment or me in hers. She just got the internet there so its great.. :D

I have 2 jobs one full time 9-5 job :( and a better job which unfotunately is only part time, working for a radio station. The 9-5 job is working for, so when you lose your book and you ring up Customer Care I'm the guy on the other end of the phone who doesn't care that you lost your book. My other job as I said is working as a DJ on a local commerical (yes I get paid for it) radio station... No freebies anymore :D

Ok lets see what else I do.. My interests include, hanging out with my mates, anything to do with computers. Back in the day I was the foremost expert to do with anything for a computer. Like whenever the computers in the school broke they called me to fix it before anyone else. Same in my village. All 5 people who had one that was. (This was when the internet started) I am addicted to the internet. I don't know how nerdy this actually makes me but I am happiest when I am sitting on the internet. I can be doing anything and I mean anything but I would 9 times out of 10 prefer to be on the internet. If I am away from it for a certain period of time I go mad with boredom. I pay for a television service I don't use (have had it for over a year now turned on the TV like maybe 5 times ever) just becuase they provide the fastest internet service. I also like Go-Karting, Running, Playing Soccer, Hurling, talking to my mates.

Every year on jan 1st I reset the talk time and texts in my phone. On a yearly basis I have somewhere in the region of 800-1000 hours of talk time, and 12-13,000 text messages. I have SOME billing issues :) But since I got skype my phone bills have dropped a lot :D Before I got my day job I would often stay up till 6 or 7am talking on the net to mates around the world. Yep I love to talk :)

My Family

Right well my Mum raised me on her own. She will be 40 next month. I have one brother and 4 sisters. I do not speak to my Dad or 2 of my sisters. My mum had me when she was 16 years old and I lived in a small house in a Village called Clashmore for 18 years. I moved to Dublin to go to college and went working in a radio Station. At that time I had met a girl who I dated for 3 years and she subsequently became pregnant. On August 23rd 2004 she lost the baby. A little girl who we named Emma. I currently don't speak to that girl as well things broke down pretty fast afterwards. It was in August 2005 when I hit the lowest point in my life that I found SGW and used it as an escape from reality. For over a year it kept me very occupied, and further fuelled my addiction to the internet.

My Brother Andrew is 20 years old, he will be 21 in Feb next year. He is dating his girlfriend Tracey now for 3 and a half years and next thursday he will be putting on a tuxedo to go to her graduation from school dance :D :D I can't wait to see him in a tux haha..

My sister Niamh (pronounced Nieve as many people can't pronounce it) is 18 years old, she just finished school and passed all her exams. She is heading off to college in september to become one of the most hated people in the world. Yep that's right a teacher :D

And my youngest Sister, Sophie who is 15. She is a pain in the ass. But still she is my sister and I suppose I love her.

I have many cousins and other relatives who I am very close to as well. I don't get to see them as much as I would like to becuase i am always working and they all live around an hour and a half away. So no time to see them as I usually get home at 7pm from work and go to the other job at 10pm.

On October 4th I will fly for the first time since 1989. I am crapping my pants thinking about it, becuase for some strange reason I always dream I will be killed over land in a plane crash. They aren't nightmares or anything its just a dream where I'm on a plane and the plane goes down and kills everyone on board, as well as a few hundred people on the ground. Don't know why I have such dreams but have at least one a month. :? Maybe it's a sign LOL lets just say if your flying from Dublin to Slovakia in October or back again don't haha.. And erm go out to the ocean haha.

I had a cancer scare last year, but got the all clear.. So all is cool :)

I do have a blog page: and everyone is welcome to visit it. leave a note or a message or something. To be perfectly honest I spend very little time on it so yeah.

My Friends

Well SGW has made me a TON of friends. To name them all out I would be here till Monday.. But to name a good few

Brian Davidson The soundest guy I know, Scott, Chris a star, Tanya who came all the way to ireland to see me, Jenny, who I hope I will meet when I'm in Slovakia for a week :) , Luke, Matt, Martyn (Wolf go on ya legend), Nathan, Alex, Dan Crossy, Pete, Lee another legend, Jack, Rhett, Jason, Christina, Jaime (my SGW love), Ivan, Martin, Andy the alco :D, Pat, David, Craig, Dibby, Danny, Mel, Dean, Adam, Ricky, James, Richie, Mark, Juan, Bill, Steven, Steve another legend, Phil, Jason (the admin), Sean, Michael, Cindy and her son, Sue, Brian from Austin, Luc (RIP), Justin, Lewis, Jake, Michelle, KJ, Geoff, REK, Grant, Mike, Dan (wes), Laura, Kevin, hammy, Andrew, Michel, Wesley, yoshi, Bryan, Zesh, Strider, Thomas, Motte, Ballah, Jase, Matthew Hunt, Rob, Keenan, Sheedy, Jason (BO), Damo, Josh, Jeff, Gus, Dante, Pepe, Borris, Jesse who i havent seen in awhile, Neel, Henry, Brandon, CJ, and hundreds of others who I know I have forgotten :( Sorry but these are from memory :(

Anyway, hope ya all know me a little better...

Peace out

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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

hi my name is steve and im male incase you didn't get it from the name
im from london, England
i am the 5th child of 6 and in a year will be the 5th to graduate from uni ( so not sure where my photo will go - sister says near the floor :D)
im 21 and as you've now guessed im at uni
i am training to become a primary school teacher thats children aged 5 to 11 incase you were wondering
my friends would say im always there when needed but i tend to turn most things into a joke ( maybe to much)
i got into online gaming a year ago when i moved into my house in my second year at uni - played Dawn of War a lot
i somehow came across this game in google when i was looking for something for the show
so have been playing now since march 2007 i think
i am single - which in my view is the best way to be at uni :lol:
playing style - well i mainly focus on trading and build my account up through that - working on helping my officers to now - just put one into G&R - had to give him half a mil which is a lot for me since i only have 8.5 mil :) but i think its wroth it
i brought over several of my friends from DOW who are all my officers at the monent - 2 i know in real life - one being my brother
thats about it i think
one day i will learn the tricks to being good at war and all but i tend to like the peaceful approach - so please don't mass me :)

nice to read all your inputs so far
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Well it's time for my story I guess 8)

My name is Luka (Luke = how u'd say it in english) and am 13 years old (turning 14 in october), VERY lazy guy...This is my last school year, after that I'll go in High School...

I have a girlfriend who's 1 year and 2 days junger than me...I love her very much so if u say anything about her that I don't like, I'll kick ur ass and destroy ur account, doesn't matter if I lose mine in the process...but I hope that there aren't any nerds arround here who'd say smth about my RL to annoy me...

I also have an older brother.

Anyway, I practise handball (it'll be now 5th season), and play electric guitar (am a bit lazy tho so I need to take more time for it)...I love snow boarding and wind surfing...any one who know's me, know's that I'm very jelous and don't exactly avoide fighting...I always help my friends.

I started this game on 16. February 2006. I've been in a few diffrent alliances (Sigma, The Rising Cosmos, Slovenian Alliance,...), then joined SLOvenia UNiTED some time in begining of summer. SLOvenia UNiTED falled apart (it was 3. created SU if I am not wrong) sometime in August, I then joined X Alliance along with most of SU former members. X Alliance falled apart a few days after creation so we all went diffrent ways, but we still were good friends and had connections.

I've then planed new SLOvenia UNiTED (Slovenian Command & Slovenian Troops), along with my brother (Lord Varga), Xale, Seba696 and Ignac. We were organising, inviting our old members and friends to join us. Slovenian Troops, traning alliance, was created on 1th of February. We then got ourselfs in a war against Forgotten Serenity (I'll not go in detailes). Then after the war, we've been rebuilding, still inviting friends, establishing alliance structure, repairing forums (our forums broke down about a day before we were forced in a war by FS),...On 1th of January, a few hours after New Year, we created Slovenian Command, our elite alliance. We then had some minor wars. In spring (I don't remember which month tho), we joined in CIA vs CoP war and had a lot of fun in it. We also grew a lot and got a chance for payback...After this big war, we were connected among ourselfs even tighter.

I love wars and massings, but I'm peacefully type. If you let me be, I'll let you be, if you have a problem with me, I have a problem with you. If you threaten my alliance or friends, well like I said, I love massings. But I don't start smth without provocation or that my foe took the first move.

That about sums it up about my playing of main server.

I also play Quantum Gate Wars.

I'm quite a bully there :lol: I've spent most of my time in Quantum, in wars. I've had about 8 wars me versus whole alliance and I did quite well I think...I massed a lot of ppl so I know some still hold a grudge on me...but I don't care...

I joined Omega there, but was kicked out (well not exactly true, but I don't know how to express myself) cause my playing style was like "build mass build mass, get in war with alliance, ask questions later" and they wanted long term playing (build up, mass in last few minutes of the era) which I found boring...I had a solo war against first Eternal Knights, then Elite Guard and afterwards against Pheonix Alliance (hope I spelled it right). I held a grudge towards EG (some of them which were in EG long time ago, know why), but after I decided to end the war with them, I got a lot of friends from EG which I now protect and always stand by their side (MasterTKD and his family, killtacular). After becoming an ally with Killtacular, we went in war against Pheonix Alliance (was fun eh, killt? :-D ). I still managed to be #40 a few hours before era end, even tho I was almost whole era in war.s...then I got massed by PA and finished era arround #500 :-D Good ol' times...this was happening in Era 8 if I remember correctly...
Last era (era 9) I decided I'll play for rank (yea :shock: :? ). I've joined in Kikaz's alliance called Owned. to help them out. After Kikaz left the game due to RL problems, I quitted Owned. and joined Dirty Dozen. I ended era #7th and brought a nice amount of power to DD. This era, era 10, I do not play because I was in total a little over a month on seaside with no net connection, and missing the first 1/3 of quantum is crucial...BUT I'll be back next era with a mix of massing style and playing for rank style :)

I also played Chaos Gate Wars and had my alliance called The Gate Network...we had a few wars, one of them was like 7 alliances versus us :-D oh yea, fun :-D I've then retired from chaos before era ended, do not play this era and I dubt I'll ever play chaos again as next school year (starts in 2 weeks), there'll be a lot of presure on me...same in high school so there's no time for chaos...

My friends which must be mentioned:
Whole other SLOvenia UNiTED (Slovenian Command and Slovenian Troops [sorry guys but it'd be too much to write 32 names here)
Zarakai Kenpachi
General Ace
Alisurfer (retired)
Lord Mato
High Empty
Evil Empress Robe
Grizzly (thanks for teaching me how to play quantum)
Zaphor (u helped me a lot m8)

That's mostly it, I have over 250 contacts on msn from SGW, but cannot write everyone down...

and sorry for the long post :lol:

Neimenljivi a.k.a. Jack Oneil a.k.a. The Chosen One
Haz wrote:It took a bit of time, but the investigation has now been completed.
S1eepy will be banned for scripting, for the remainder of this era.
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

good day
My name is duke a.k.a. lord elektro im 27 and i live in Canada
I work in a warehouse doing shipping and receiving type work
I also make my own electro house/electronica type music
and play guitar jamin thrash/power metal with some buds for a hobby
Im a big fan of stargate and well most sci fi for that matter
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Re: Do you know who I am really?

My name is Mike and I live in Los Angelese County , USA.
Im 15 yrs old.
Ive been playing SGW since the april of year of launch
I work at an italian restaurant and do random other things...
I have a mom, a dad, a bro, and a sister
I speak English.
playing style is just stat builder and take naq from low ranks when i need it.
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

I ll start slow,

My name is Mark, and i m an alcoholic.

Thats about as much as i m willing to admit to myself at this point, maybe more in the future :D
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

blahh wrote:I ll start slow,

My name is Mark, and i m an alcoholic.

Thats about as much as i m willing to admit to myself at this point, maybe more in the future :D

well im a drunk, alcoholics attend meetings....
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

well, my name is erick

i live in kansas USA

i was born to a middle class mexican family in aug 1st 91

so i just turned 16

currently a junior at HS

i found this game in a wierd/funny way

i got suspened from school for a long time.... lets just say, everyone calls me terrorist now :shock:

well, i was at home doing nothing while everyone was at school/work, and already being a stragate fan, i decided google star gate games, well i eventually found this one and i was hooked. started playing feb of 2005 i think :?

i currently have no gf as i broke up with my most recent one cause she was emotional unstable

trying to play my cards right and hook up with this person made in heaven*sigh*

my hobbies include


american football

watching street races(im not a strong driver :oops: )

egging houses

growing plants(nothing illegal)

and not to mention SGW

i guess that does it for me

for now....
RobinInDaHood wrote:When a mosquito bites you on the arm, you might look down and say "Ouch!". For a moment the mosquito has the satisfaction of knowing he was successful, he was the man, and this was his time in the spotlight. Then he gets squashed.

Same situation here. ;)
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

bump, interesting topic. Tell mE MoreZ!!
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Hello, my name is Matt
I am an alcoholic, have been for some time
I am 20 years old, just turned 20 on Saturday
I attend Porterville College, it's a community college located in Central California
US Citizen
Of Japanese-American Ancestry, I am shisei generation or the fourth generation Japanese in my family line
I have been playing this game since early June 2008,
Currently single, and like it that for now, I've had some real bad relationships, have always been a big fan of Stargate, it's much better than Star Trek, but not better than Star Wars, sorry, I am one of the biggest Star Wars fans there is
I am a middle child, two older brothers and two younger sisters
I like music, lots and lots of music, mainly indie label bands, with some classics, like the Eagles, The Beatles, and the Who, alternative rock like the Foo Fighters, blink-182 and Everclear.
I love...lamp :P
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Re: Do you know who I am really? Please do not judge anyone

Excellent idea mate.

killtacular wrote:a wife that also plays this game hehe Im bigger than her but she is meaner. Dont **Filtered** her off.

I happen to know his wife - no meaner than mine ;) (except mine is a lawyer/attorney - and hates this game)

My name is Eric. I have been married for 15 year (oh, forgot to mention I am 40 yrs old). We have two boys (boys rule - had to say that) 10 and 5 yrs old. We have at least 4 computers running - so everyone is happy in my house :)

Been playing for about 2 and half years. I like the trading/relations side of the game more then the arguing on the forums. I also like helping the newer player learn the game.
SlimD - sniffing around the forums
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